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Phòng GD & ĐT Đak Đoa
MATRIX OF TEST 4 - ENGLISH 6 - Period 81
School year: 2016-2017
Time: 45 minutes
Question levels

0.25 X 18= 4,5







- Listen and decide the
statements are true (T) or
False(F) ( dream house)
- Sounds:/ æ/ vs /ɑ/

-first, second
- Vocabulary (Unit10-11)
- present / future tense
- prepositions
- conjunction
- type 1

Reading 1
Reading 2

Listening 1

Listening 2
Writing 1
Writing 2

40 x 0.25=
10 marks

Test items

App Hiapp




- Reading about recycling




- Answer the questions (house
in the future)
- Listen about recycling






- Do as directed
- Reorder the words to make











40% 20% 10%



ANSWER KEYS FOR TEST 4- English 6, thí điểm
School year: 2016-2017 .…..
Assignment A
A (0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
PART 1: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.F
PART 2: 1.natural
2. sell
3. cycling
4. less
B(0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C5.B 6.A 7C 8A 9B 10C
C. (0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
1. environment 2. recycle 3. reduce 4. soil 5.
trash 6. protect
7. we will live in amazing new houses.
8. No, we won’t.
9. Robots will help us do the housework.
10. They might use energy from air, water or
plants .
D. (0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
1. …will save water.
2. won’t be
3. If we don’t protect the environment, we will
destroy ourselves
4. I haven’t cried for eight years
.5. 5. We might visit Japan in the future.
6. People will protect the environment If they stop
cut down trees.

7. My brother walks to school everyday because
he wants to keep the air unpolluted..
8. You should put the food in a reusable box
instead plastic bags.
9. We might have a robot to cook our meals and
do the housework.
10. There will be a big swimming pool in my
house so I can swim everyday.

Assignment B
A (0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
PART 1: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T
PART 2: 1.natural
2. sell
3. cycling
4. less
B(0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7B 8C 9B 10A
C. (0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
1. environment 2. recycle 3. reduce 4. soil
5. trash 6. protect
7. we will live in amazing new houses.
8. No, we won’t.
9. Robots will help us do the housework.
10. They might use energy from air, water or
plants .
D. (0,25 x 10 = 2,5ms)
1 I haven’t cried for eight years
2. We might visit Japan in the future

3 People will protect the environment If they
stop cut down trees
4. …will save water.
5. won’t be
6. If we don’t protect the environment, we
will destroy ourselves.
7. We might have a robot to cook our meals
and do the housework.
8. There will be a big swimming pool in my
house so I can swim everyday.
9. My brother walks to school everyday
because he wants to keep the air unpolluted..
10. You should put the food in a reusable box
instead plastic bags.

Full name: ………………..……………
Monday, April 17th 2017
Class 61
Đề A
Time: 45 minutes
Teacher’s remark

A. LISTEN: (2,5m)
Part 1: Listen to the story. Then decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1..…..Linda’s dream home is a big villa near the coast with a great view of the sea.

2..…..Her home has a swimming pool, and it has a pond too.
3….....Her dream house will be a noisy one.
4…....Nick’s dream house is an apartment in the city.
5……His house has a super cable TV so he can watch films from other countries.
6..…..He needs a yard or a garden. In front of the house he wants it to have a nice park view.
Part 2: Listen to the conversation. Then fill in the missing words.
Nick: Yes, I do. It’s better than a plastic one because it's made of (1)……………… materials. If we
all use this kind of bag, we’ll help the environment.
Mi: I see. I’ll buy a bag for my mum. Where can I buy it?
N i c k : They (2)…………….. a lot of these bags at the check-out.
Mi: Thanks. Are they expensive?
Nick: Not at all. By the way, you’re also 'green'. You’re (3)………………….
Mi: You’re right. If more people cycle, there will be (4)……………….. air pollution. Right?
Part 1. Choose the word with the different stress syllable.
1. A. pollute
B. invite
C. survey
D. reduce
Part 2. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
2. A. dance
B. glass
C. afternoon
D. fat
Part 3. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences
3. We should turn ............... the lights when going out of the room.
A. on
B. off
C. up
D. down

4. If the Earth …...warmer, the sea level ……
A. are/ will rise
B. is/ will be rise
C. is/will rise
D. are/ rise)
5. If we plant more trees in the schoolyard, the school will become a place.
A. darker
B. greener
C. dirtier
D. more polluted
6. If he _________free time, he will go swimming
A has
B. had
C. will have
D. is having
7. The ........................causes many more floods.
A.air pollution
B. water pollution C. deforestation
D. noise pollution
8. We’ll take a walk instead……….riding a bicycle.
C. for
9. We will have a …………….. to take care of our health.
A. home robot
B. doctor robot C. teaching robot
D. worker robot
10. In the future , I will live ………………….because I like swimming.
A. in the mountain B. on the Moon C. on the ocean

D. under the ground
C. READ (2,5ms)
Part 1: Complete the passage with the words given in the box








The (1)
is seriously polluted today. To protect the environment, we should(2)
the plastic bags, bottles and cans. We should put the garbage in a certain place or in the recycling
bins. Remember save and(3)
paper so that we can avoid cutting a lot of trees in the forest.
That means we can reduce the (4)
pollution. It would be better if we go to work or school
by bike or walk, we can save energy and keep the air cleaner. Or we can reuse and recycle things. And
we should not throw (5)
into the rivers and lakes to keep the water not polluted. Do these
things we will (6)

.the environment and we will live healthier life.
Part 2 .Read the text carefully and answer the questions
In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind to make
electricity. We won’t have cookers, dishwashers or washing machines. We will have robots to cook our
dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children, and to feed our cats and
We won’t use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the Internet, send and
receive e-mails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed.
We won’t have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music, take pictures and tell
time. Our cars might not use gas. They might use energy from air, water or plants.
1/ Where will we live in the future?
2/ Will we need dishwashers and washing machines?
3/ Who will help us do the housework?
4/ What kind of energy might our cars use?
D. WRITE (2,5ms)
Part 1: Do as directed
1. If we have a shower instead of a bath, we ............................................... (Complete the sentence )
 …………………………………………………………....……………………….
2. If we plant more trees, the air (not be) …………….. so polluted.( use correct form of verb)
3. Unless we protect the environment, we will destroy ourselves.
4. I last cried eight years ago.
I have...........................................................................................................................
5. We will probably visit Japan in the future.
 We might ..................................................................................................................................
Combine each pair of sentence below to make a conditional sentence-type 1:

6. People want to protect the environment. They stop cut down trees.
 …………………………………………………………....……………………….
Part 2: Using the words given to complete each sentence.
7. brother/walks/the/to/my/everyday/air/school/keep/to/unpolluted/wants/because/he/./
8. reusable box/a/in/should/the/food/you/of/bags/plastic/instead/put/./
9. might/ We/to/the housework/do/cook/have /a robot/and/ meals/ our/./
10. be/will/big/so/there/swimming pool/swim/morning/ every/a/can/I/ my house/ in/./
Full name: ………………..……………

Monday, April 17th 2017

Class 61

Đề B

Time: 45 minutes

Teacher’s remark

A. LISTEN: (2,5m)
Part 1: Listen to the story. Then decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1..…..Linda’s dream home is a big house near the coast with a great view of the sea.
2..…..Her home has a swimming pool, and it has a garden too.

3….....Her dream house will be a quiet one.
4…....Nick’s dream house is an apartment in the city.
5……His house has a super cable TV so he can watch films from other countries.
6..…..He doesn’t need a yard or a garden. In front of the house he wants it to have a nice park
Part 2: Listen to the conversation. Then fill in the missing words.
Nick: Yes, I do. It’s better than a plastic one because it's made of (1)……………… materials. If we
all use this kind of bag, we’ll help the environment.
Mi: I see. I’ll buy a bag for my mum. Where can I buy it?
N i c k : They (2)…………….. a lot of these bags at the check-out.
Mi: Thanks. Are they expensive?
Nick: Not at all. By the way, you’re also 'green'. You’re (3)………………….
Mi: You’re right. If more people cycle, there will be (4)……………….. air pollution. Right?
Part 1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. dance
B. glass
C. afternoon
D. fat
Part 2. Choose the word with the different stress syllable.
2. A. pollute
B. invite
C. survey
D. reduce
Part 3. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences
3. The ........................causes many more floods.
A.air pollution
B. water pollution C. deforestation
D. noise pollution
4. We’ll take a walk instead……….riding a bicycle.

C. for
5. We will have a …………….. to take care of our health.
A. home robot
B. doctor robot C. teaching robot
D. worker robot
6. In the future , I will live ………………….because I like swimming.
A. in the mountain B. on the Moon C. on the ocean
D. under the ground
7. We should turn ............... the lights when going out of the room.
A. on
B. off
C. up
D. down
8. If the Earth …...warmer, the sea level ……
A. are/ will rise
B. is/ will be rise
C. is/will rise
D. are/ rise)
9. If we plant more trees in the schoolyard, the school will become a place.
A. darker
B. greener
C. dirtier
D. more polluted
10. If he _________free time, he will go swimming
A has
B. had
C. will have

D. is having
C. READ (2,5ms)
Part 1: Complete the passage with the words given in the box








The (1)
is seriously polluted today. To protect the environment, we should(2)
the plastic bags, bottles and cans. We should put the garbage in a certain place or in the recycling
bins. Remember save and(3)
paper so that we can avoid cutting a lot of trees in the forest.
That means we can reduce the (4)
pollution. It would be better if we go to work or school
by bike or walk, we can save energy and keep the air cleaner. Or we can reuse and recycle things. And
we should not throw (5)
into the rivers and lakes to keep the water not polluted. Do these
things we will (6)

.the environment and we will live healthier life.
Part 2 .Read the text carefully and answer the questions
In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind to make
electricity. We won’t have cookers, dishwashers or washing machines. We will have robots to cook our
dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children, and to feed our cats and
We won’t use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the Internet, send and
receive e-mails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed.
We won’t have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music, take pictures and tell
time. Our cars might not use gas. They might use energy from air, water or plants.
1/ Where will we live in the future?
2/ Will we need dishwashers and washing machines?
3/ Who will help us do the housework?
4/ What kind of energy might our cars use?
D. WRITE (2,5ms)
Part 1: Do as directed
1. I last cried eight years ago.
I have...................................................................................................................................
2. We will probably visit Japan in the future.
 We might .............................................................................................................................
Combine each pair of sentences below to make a conditional sentence-type 1:
3. People want to protect the environment. They stop cut down trees.
 …………………………………………………………....……………………….
4. If we have a shower instead of a bath, we ............................................... (Complete the sentence )
 …………………………………………………………....……………………….
5. If we plant more trees, the air (not be) …………….. so polluted.( use correct form of verb)

6. Unless we protect the environment, we will destroy ourselves.
Part 2: Using the words given to complete each sentence.
7. might/ We/to/the housework/do/cook/have /a robot/and/ meals/ our/./
8. be/will/big/so/there/swimming pool/swim/morning/ every/a/can/I/ my house/ in/./
9. brother/walks/the/to/my/everyday/air/school/keep/to/unpolluted/wants/because/he/./
10. reusable box/a/in/should/the/food/you/of/bags/plastic/instead/put/./
