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Nghiên cứu năng lực lãnh đạo của nhà quản lý cấp cao tại các khách sạn 3 5 sao trên địa bàn hà nội TT TIENG ANH

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Major: Commercial Business
Code: 934.01.21


Hanoi, 2021

The dissertation is completed at Thuongmai University

Scientific supervisors:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Nguyen Hong


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Thai

Reviewer 1:
Reviewer 2:
Reviewer 3:

Dissertation will be defended in front of the dissertation
Committee at Academy level, at Thuongmai University on
Ho Tung Mau Street – Cau Giay – Hanoi
At…… hour…..…date .…. month…... year..…..

The dissertation can be found at:
- Vietnam National Library
- Library of Thuongmai University







Hoang Thi Thu Trang (2015), Human resources of Vietnamese Hotels –
Challenges Integration, Vietnam Trade and Industry Magazine, No. 6,
May, 2015, pages 59
Hoang Thi Thu Trang (2017), The Forth Industrial Revolution:
Opportunities and challenges posing for 4 and 5-star rated hotels in
Vietnam, International Conference for Young Researchers in Economic

and Business (ICYREB)
Hoang Thi Thu Trang (2017), Human Resource management for small and
medium – sized hotels in Hanoi in the present context, International
Conference on Emerging Chanllenges: Strategic Intergration (ICECH)
Hoang Thi Thu Trang (2019), Literature Review and proposal of the
competency model with CEO of 4-5 star hotel, National conference “Enterprise
human resource management in the context of International integration
and Industry 4.0”
Hoang Thi Thu Trang (2020), Identification of assessment criteria leadership
competency of hotel CEO, National Conference “Improving the quality of tourism
human resources in the context of Industry 4.0”
Hoang Thi Thu Trang (2020), Leadership competency of 5 star hotel
CEO in Hanoi, International Conference for Young Researchers in
Economic and Business (ICYREB)


1. Rationale of the thesis
Theoretically, leadership is demonstrated through a process in which an
individual influences others to work together to accomplish a goal in the most
effective way. Leadership is considered as one of the key factors to ensure the
survival and development of enterprises in the context of an increasingly
complex, unpredictable and fiercely competitive business environment (Bennis et
al. Goldsmith, 2003.) Challenges from the internal and external environment
require senior managers to be professional and effective in performing assigned
tasks. Numerous studies in the hotel industry show that leadership is one of the
most important competencies of hotel managers (Sandwith, 1993; Tas và cộng
sự, 1996; Gilbert và Guerrier, 1997; Nelson và Dopson, 2001). Particularly,

leadership is considered as the ability to turn ideas into effective actions
(Sandwith, 1993). Therefore, the requirement of improving leadership skill is
generally and continuously a must for senior managers to fulfill their own
leadership tasks.
Moreover, studies on the leadership competency of senior managers at
enterprises in general and at hotels in particular have been of interest to
researchers globally. The leadership competency of senior managers at
enterprises has been researched and pointed out as: studies determining
leadership competency through leadership qualities, leadership knowledge or
leadership behaviors or studies assessed through a combination of these three
components. In the hotels specifically, researching on leadership competency is to
assess the leadership competency mainly in terms of competency (general and
professional competencies) or partially identifying with leadership competencies
of hotel managers. Therefore, it has formed a certain researching gaps on the
leadership competency of senior managers at hotels, including a gap in
determining leadership competency based on the characteristics, personal
psychological attributes (internal) and the formation of leadership behaviors
(external) of the senior management in accordance with the specific requirements
to carry out leading activities from the thesis’ method of approach.
In fact, the hotel industry is a fast-growing industry. Although COVID-19
epidemic has temporarily affected its growth rate, the trend of more and more
hotels is no sign for going down in the near future. It requires a huge amount of
human resources, especially senior management personnel for medium and largesized hotels.
With such a huge demand of human resources, there is a shortage in
managerial resources in the hotel labor market, especially senior managers,
world-widely in general and Hanoi in particular. In the context of the pandemic, a
large number of skilled workers are forced to change their jobs due to lacking of
work. Therefore, when the tourism industry reopens and vaccine passports are
circulated, it is forecast that the shortage of human resources, especially highlevel human resources, will become more serious.


In this economic and business context, senior hotel managers are facing
great challenges in enhancing their capabilities, including leadership skill. Some
4-5 star hotels in Hanoi have already established a professional personnel
evaluation standardization. However, many other 3-5 star hotels have not built a
model for evaluating their human resources including senior managers to
determine their capacability and take measures to improve competency of the
hotel managers at all levels, especially top managers. This creates certain gaps in
the leadership competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi.
Based on the theory and practices mentioned-above, the author has selected
the topic of "Research on leadership competency of senior managers at 3-5 star
hotels in Hanoi" as thesis’ orientation.
2. Purpose:
The research purpose of the thesis is to find solutions and recommendations to
improve the leadership competency of senior managers in 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi.
3. Thesis’ research questions:
1. Which elements are included in the research framework for leadership
competency of senior managers in 3-5 star hotels?
2. Checking the constituent elements the leadership competency of senior
managers in 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi?
3. Describe and evaluate the difference of the factors constituting leadership
competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi according to the
selected control variables?
4. What are the successes and limitations on the elements constituting the
leadership competency of senior managers in 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi?
5. What are the appropriate solutions to improve the leadership competency
of senior managers in 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi recently?
4. The object and the scope of research

- The object of research of the thesis is the leadership competency of senior
managers at 3-5 star hotels.
- Scope of research:
+ Regarding content: The thesis approaches the leadership competency of
senior managers based on Transformation Theory and uses the Be-Know-Do
model of Campbell and Dardis (2004) tested in Vietnam by Tran Thi Phuong
Hien (2014). The thesis does not consider the influence of personal characteristics
of senior managers (demographics, work characteristics, ...) on the factors
constituting leadership competency of senior managers at the hotel. The thesis
also does not conduct research on the influence of environmental factors on the
leadership competency of senior managers at the hotel.
+ Regarding the geography: The thesis studies the leadership competency
of senior managers at hotels in Hanoi that are classified and ranked from 3-5 stars
according to hotel rating standards TCVN: 4391-2015.
+ Regarding the time: The thesis collects secondary data related to the
research problem in the period 2015-2020. The suggestions on improving the


leadership competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi mentioned
in the thesis will be valid until 2025.
5. Contribution of the thesis:
The thesis can make contribution in the following aspects:
Firstly, the thesis has contributing to the theoretical system of the
leadership competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels. The new point of
the theoretical framework of the thesis is that based on the BKD model that has
been studied in Vietnam, the PhD student has added and changed the components
of the elements constituting leadership competency to suit senior managers. at 3-5
star hotels through research review. Specifically, the thesis has proposed to add

03 new components to be included in the research model of senior hotel
management competency, including: 01 component of leadership qualities adaptability, 01 component of leadership knowledge - hotel expertise and 01
component of action leadership – strategic direction for the hotel. The new
theoretical framework on leadership competency of senior managers through
empirical research is assessed to be suitable for the hotel industry.
Secondly, A new contribution to practice is that the thesis has tested the model of
factors constituting leadership competency of senior managers at hotels and assessing
the difference in factors constituting leadership competency of senior managers at
hotels. hotels in Hanoi. The thesis does not consider the regression correlation of
leadership competency of senior managers with business performance of enterprises
like previous studies. Specifically: to generally evaluate the situation of the hotel senior
management team; to identify a revised research framework on the leadership
competency of senior managers; to compare and clarify the differences among factors
constituting leadership competency of senior managers based upon star rating, types of
management (chain/independent), the way that senior managers self-assess and through
lower-level managers and their employees’ evaluation. The author also makes some
conclusions about the advantages and limitations of leadership competency of senior
managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi; accordingly, to identify the current situation of
leadership competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi.
The thesis has proposed four group solutions to improve leadership
competency for senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi, including solutions
aimed at senior managers at 3-5 star hotels themselves and for hotels to build up
their human resources for senior management.
6. Thesis structure
The main content of the thesis is structured into 4 chapters:
Chapter 1: Overview of research and theoretical basis on the leadership
competency of hotel senior managers
Chapter 2: Researching methods of the thesis
Chapter 3: The current situation of leadership competency of senior
managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi

Chapter 4: Solutions and recommendations to improve the leadership
competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi


1.1 Overview of research works related to leadership competency of hotel
senior managers
1.1.1. Overview of research on hotels’ human resources
Research related to hotel human resource competency generally involves issues
such as: competencies required for hotel graduates (Baum (1990), Christou and Eaton
(2000), Shariff and Abidin (2015)); competencies required for hotel staff (Hsu and
Gregory (1995), Baum (2008), Bharwani and Jauhari (2013)) or studies on the
competence of middle managers in hotels (Sui (1998), Brophy and Kiely (2002)),
studies on human resource development for senior management in the hotel and
tourism sectors (Nguyen Thi Thuy Huong, 2020 and Tran Duc Hai, 2020),…
1.1.2. Overview of research on the competency of senior
In addition to the studies mentioned above, there have been models of the
overall competency of the managers. Known interationally and also in Vietnam,
the model recognized in competency derermination is the ASK manager’
competence based on this model as Pham Cong Doan et al. (2021), Le Quan and
Pham Quoc Khanh (2012), Tran Kieu Trang (2012),…
1.1.3 Research overview on the competency of hotel senior management
The research publication by Buergermeister (1983) first brought attention
to the required skills and competencies to succeed in the hospitality industry.
Subsequent studies have reflected the changing roles of hotel managers and

emphasized the growing importance of strategic and corporate management skills
(Gilbert & Guerrier, 1997; Raybould & Wilkins, 2006) and reduce the importance
of operational and technical skills (TAS et al., 1996). Researches on senior
managers’ competencies have focused a lot on determining the competency of
hotel general managers.
1.1.4 Overview of research on leadership competency of
managers and hotel senior managers Research overview on leadership competency of managers
When it comes to leadership competency, we can first refer to a series of works
by Bass et al. during the past 30 years since the 1970s. Studies on leadership often
follow four approaches. In which, there are three approaches to each element: studies
determining leadership competency through leadership qualities (Stogdill, 1974;
Marlove, 1986; Kirpatrick and Locker, 1991; Smith and Fori, 1998; Northousen, 2004;
Zaccaro et al., 2013, Crânciun et al., 2015,…); leadership competency expressed
through leadership knowledge (Kanugo and Misra, 1992; Connelly et al., 2000;
Mumford et al., 2000; Zaccaro 2001,…); leadership competency is demonstrated
through leadership behavior (Kouzes and Posner (1993), Avolio and Reichard (2005),
McCayley (2006), Sathe (2017). One angle is to synthesize elements according to


models such as: Be-Know-Do (BKD) of Campbell and Dardis (2004); Tran Thi Van
Hoa (2011), Tran Thi Thanh Huyen et al (2020) based on the ASK model; Dang Ngoc
Su (2011); Tran Thi Phuong Hien (2014) and Le Van Thuan (2019) study the BKD
model in Vietnam. The BKD model studied in Vietnam is the most basic basis for
researchers to choose their research framework. The studies of Bass and Zaccaro give
NCS the clearest views on the expression of the qualitative components of high-level
NQL in the research framework. Overview of research on leadership competency of hotel senior managers

A number of studies have pointed out that the leadership competency aspects of
the hotel senior managers include: Strategic orientation, initiatives promotion,
determination, comprehensive development, opportunity seizing and flexibility.
(Chung-Herrera et al., 2003). Researchs have suggested that leadership is also related to
cognitive skills as strategic thinking and openness to new ideas as well as selfmanagement skills as changeability and consistency (Jeou-Shyan et al., 2011).
Some other researchers, when approaching leadership capabiltity, think that it
includes many factors such as: strategic orientation, leadership ability, appropriate
management styles (Kay and Russette, 2000; Kriegl, 2000; Kay and Moncarz, 2007;
Siu, 1998; Brophy and Kiely, 2002; Brownell, 2008) and includes other elements such
as team development, teamwork, and team collaboration (Siu, 1998; Agut et al., 2003;
Brophy and Kiely, 2002; Connolly and McGing, 2006).
Whislt the other studies provide with leadership competency models such as
studies of Naree Weerakit (2007), Tavitiyaman et al. (2014), Shum et al. (2018),
Nguyen Le Vinh et al., 2021)… It comprises of a group of capabilities or divides into
general competency and expertise competency. These studies are the basic basis for
the researcher to select and change the elements constituting the leadership
competency of senior hotel managers.
1.1.5 Research gap
Research gaps: Firstly, there have not been in-depth studies on the
leadership competency model from the perspective of the leading function of
senior hotel managers; Secondly, the studies have not shown clearly the
difference between leadership competency in general and leadership competency
of senior hotel managers; Thirdly, it is not clearly differed between leadership
competency of managers at different levels in the hotel; Forthly, there are no
studies that use a combination of factors constituting the characteristics of senior
managers (regarding qualities, knowledge and actions) to evaluate the leadership
competency; Fifth, there have been no studies on the leadership competency of
senior hotel managers, specifically at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi.
1.2 General overview of leadership competency of hotel
senior managers

1.2.1 Concept and characteristics of hotel human
resources The concept of hotel human resources


Hotel human resources are the resources of all employees working at the
hotel in a coordinating relationship with each person's own resources to carry out
the production and provide hotel services to meet the needs of customers. Characteristics of human resources in the hotel
Hotel workers have characteristics such as: mainly service workers; their
working skills is difficult to be replaced by automation and mechanization; labor
in the hotel as well as in the tourism industry is highly volatile during the tourist
seasons; be diversified and highly specialized; the structure of age and gender of
hotel employees is also characterized (average age is young, female workers
account for a large proportion.)
With such characteristics, it is required that senior managers understand the
personnel’ psychology and characteristics of different departments and their own
departments to take appropriate actions, motivate their employees, help improve
the working productivity and make a difference in hotel services.
1.2.2 The concept and the role of senior managers in 3-5
star hotels The concept of senior manager of 3-5 star hotels
Enterprise managers are people with managerial titles following by the law
and regulations, they play the role of coordinating and maintaining the
organization's operations and are responsible for the business results.
Senior managers of 3-5 star hotels are among members of the hotel's
executive board, with the highest responsibility for the operation of entire hotel or
a large department of the hotel. The role of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels
Firstly, in the hierarchy in the hotel's management team, senior managers
are amongst the most responsible for operating the hotel.
Secondly, senior managers are the decision-makers, leaders, administrators
and communicators of the hotels.
Thirdly, regarding leader and management roles, senior managers keep
both an administrative role and an orientation role in the hotels.
1.2.3 Concepts of competency and leadership competency
of hotel senior managers Concept of Competency
Competency is combined by one’s individual psychological characteristics
that are suitable for specific requirements of a given activity to ensure that
activity is done in a highly-effective way. Concept of leadership competency of hotel senior managers
The leadership competency of a senior manager of a 3-5 star hotel is a
combination of his/her qualities, knowledge and leader actions that he/she needs to be
capable of building up, implementing project missions, having strategic vision for the
hotel, having a good orientation to lead and motivate the hotel’s employees.
1.2.4 Theories of leadership


There have such a numerous theories of leadership that have emerged from
the early years of the twentieth century until now, specifically as: Great-Man
Theory, Trait Theory, Contigency Theories (Situational), Style and Behavior
Theory, Process Leadership Theory, Transactional Theory, and Tranformational
Theory. Based on the specialization of the hotel industry, the research framework
on leadership competency of hotel senior managers is based on tranformational
theory. This theory emphasizes in changes and roles of leaders in building visions

and leading the organization. Leaders have to create changes and make
continuous progress in the organization (Bass, 1990).
1.3 Research framework on leadership competency of hotel senior managers
1.3.1 Basis for proposed research framework Research framework
The research framework on leadership competency of hotel senior
managers is built on the followings:
- The Be - Know - Do (BKD) model of Campbell and Dardis (2004) and
the appropriateness of this model in assessing leadership competency;
- Verified research results on the use of BKD model in assessing leadership
competency of senior management personnel in Vietnam;
- The characteristics of products and business activities of the hotel
industry, the level of influence of senior managers on employees;
- The results of qualitative research of the author, elements forming
leadership competency resulted from qualitative researchs include: adaptive
qualities, hotel expertise and strategic orientation actions for hotels.
From the above-mentioned, the research framework consists of 3
components with elements presented in the followings. Research hypothesis
H1: There is a difference in the leadership competency components (BE, K, DO)
of senior managers at 3-star, 4-star, 5-star hotels in Hanoi.
H2: There is a difference in the leadership competency components (BE, K, DO)
of senior managers at chain-managed hotels and independently operated hotels
rated 3-5 stars in Hanoi area
H3: There is a difference in the leadership competency components (BE, K, DO)
of senior managers at 3, 4, 5 star hotels in Hanoi as assessed by senior
management. and through reviews of other subjects
1.3.2 Leadership quality (BE)
Leadership quality of senior managers are specific personal characteristics
necessary for senior managers to attract, influence, etc. to make employees listen

and follow. The quality includes: flexibility, dare to take responsibility,
sensitivity, creativity and adaptability.
1.3.3 Leadership knowledge (KNOW)
Leadership knowledge is the knowledge accumulated through the training
and self-training process of senior managers to help them perform their leading


functions well. The knowledge includes: knowing the leading activities,
professional knowledge of the hotel.
1.3.4 Leadership actions (DO)
The leadership actions of the hotel senior managers are the behaviors in the
process of leading their hotels. They include: creating a shared vision, developing
employees, setting example for their employees, passing on enthusiasm to the
employees and creating strategic orientations for the hotel.
2.1 Research process of the thesis
To achieve my research goal, the author has carried out a
research process consisting of the following steps (Figure 2.1).
Indentify the research object
Step 1: Literature Review

Define research purpose and questions
tep 2: Determine the theoretical framework and research hypothesis

Step 3: Qualitative Research –
Khung lý thuyết sử dụng
Interview with experts for the 1st and 2nd

định trong nghiên cứu và một số vấn đề trong nghiên cứu

Test the
and describe the actual status of the elements constituting
4: Quantitative
- Sociological

Research Report

Figure 2.1: Research process of the thesis
Source: Sum-up by the PhD candidate
2.2 Data sources
2.2.1 Qualitative research
1st expert interview: The purpose of the interview is to check the suitability of the
research framework, to identify the constituent elements and scale the leadership
capabiltiy of 3-5 star senior managers. Time of interview: Feb - Mar/2020
2nd interview: The purpose of the interview is to clarify some issues of the
current status of leadership competency of senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in


Hanoi and seek advice on solutions to improve the leadership competency of
senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi. Time of interview: December 2020.
2.2.2 Quantitative research
The objective of this method is to test the reliability of the scale used in the
research, to group and confirm the elements included in the research framework,
to test the research hypothesis and to assess the current status of leadership
competency of senior managers of 3-5 stars in Hanoi. To achieve this objective,
the author has taken the following steps: Steps to collect survey data
(1) Survey design
The survey form is made upon the first research overview and the 1 st expert
interview. The survey form includes 2 main parts:
Part 1: Survey on the elements constituting leadership competency of
senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi. In which, leadership quality have 16
observed variables; leadership knowledge have 06 observed variables; and
leadership actions have 16 observed variables.
Part 2: Information section includes questions related to the hotel's
characteristics and the respondents' characteristics.
(2) Trial survey
The purpose of the trial survey is to complete the survey.
(3) Official survey
When completing the adjustment of the survey form, the author conducts
an official survey.
The sampling method is convenient random sampling.
- Sample size: 201 observations.
- Survey period: Surveys are distributed and collected in the period from
the end of March to July 2020.
- Survey form: The selected survey method is a direct survey through the
author's collaborators (interns at hotels, travel agencies) and from the author
delivering the survey sheet.

* Structure of surveyed 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
The total number of hotels surveyed is thirty 3 -5 star hotels out of sixtynine hotels in Hanoi. Of which, 26.67% are 5-star hotels, 30% are 4-star hotels
and 43.33% are 3-star hotels (Figure 2.2).
Figure 2.2. Structure of surveyed 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
Source: Sum-up by the PhD candidate


* Surveyed objects and their characteristics:
Survey two groups: Sample 1: Senior managers (67 persons); Sample 2:
Middle and junior managers, employees (134 persons)
(4) Processing and analyzing data
*Data processing
The collected data will be aggregated into an Excel file and filtered to
ensure the reliability and accuracy.
* Data analyzing Steps to analyze survey data
- Testing the theoretical framework and research hypothesis by using SPSS 22
software to test the reliability of the scale, analyzing the EFA exploratory factor - to
assess the suitability of the research model. Using testing tools to test the research
hypothesis according to the control variables used.
- Descriptive analysis to assess the current status of the factors constituting
leadership capacity of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi



3.1 General overview of the hotel business and the status of senior
management personnel at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
3.1.1 Overview of hotel business in Hanoi
The accommodation business in Hanoi has made great contributions and
impacts to Hanoi's tourism industry. In terms of structure, the number of
accommodation business units has developed in line with the city's tourism
development. The business indicators regarding room capacity, revenue from tourism,
etc are quite good. In 2020, under the serious impact of the COVID-19 epidemic,
many hotels faced great difficulties in business due to temporary closure or the
authority’s restriction of several business activities. In the first 6 months of 2021,
while the epidemic situation is still complicated and not thoroughly controlled, 3-5
star hotels have converted quite well: many hotels have registered to be paidquarantine places, or added more new business methods to maintain their operation
although the capacity and revenue are not high.
3.1.2 The status of senior management personnel at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
The general status of senior management personnel at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
is defined as:
Firstly, foreigners hold the position of accountable managers for a large
proportion at 4-5 star hotels in Hanoi;
Secondly, senior managers who hold Bachelor and Master degree account for
a very large proportion;
Thirdly, the shortage of qualified domestic staff at large-scale hotels still exists;
Forthly, the professional level of senior management of 3-star hotels is not
Fifthly, expat senior managers have more advantages in practical experiences
in hotel management and operation and also be more well-trained than Vietnamese
senior managers;
Sixth, there are not many senior managers whose major is senior
management, mainly in 4-5 star hotels.
3.2 Results of analysis of the current status of leadership competency of
senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi

3.2.1 Check the reliability and factors included in the research framework on
leadership competency of senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
Step 1: Assess the reliability of the scale
Reliability of the scale of leadership quality - BE: This scale includes 16
observed variables (BE1 to BE16). The results showed that the Cronbach's Alpha
coefficient of leadership quality is 0,853 (greater than 0,6), and all observed
variables have a total correlation (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) from 0,349
or greater than 0,3. Thus, the scale ensures reliability.


Reliability of the scale of leadership knowledge - KNOW: The scale includes 6
observed variables which are included in the analysis. After analyzing, the Cronbach's
Alpha coefficient of leadership qualities is 0,779 (greater than 0,6) and all observed
variables have a total correlation (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) of 0,469 or greater
than 0,3. It can be concluded that the scale is reliable.
Reliability of the scale of leadership actions - DO: The scale includes 16
observed variables which are included in the analysis. After analyzing, the Cronbach's
Alpha coefficient of leadership quality is 0,897 (greater than 0,6) and all observed
variables have a total correlation (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) of 0,499 or
greater than 0,3. It can be concluded that the scale is reliable.
Step 2: Analyzing the exploratory factor EFA. The results of step 2 are shown in
Figure 3.1.
Leadership quality
Daring to take responsibility

Research on leadership competency of senior managers at 3-5 st
Leadership knowledge
Knowing about the leading activities
Professional knowledge about the hotel

Leadership actions
Strategic orientation for the hotel

variables: star rating of the hotel; management form of the hotel; object o
Creating aControl
shared vision
Setting example for the employees
Develop and transmit enthusiasm to employees

Figure 3.1: A revised research framework on leadership competency of
senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi


3.2.2 Analysis of the current status of leadership
competency of senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in
Hanoi Leadership quality
- In terms of leadership qualities of senior managers of hotels by star rating,
there is a difference in the composition of leadership qualities of the 3-star hotel
group compared to the 4 – 5 star group.
Figure 3.2. General assessment of the qualities of senior managers
at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi

Source: By the PhD candidate’s researching
A detailed look in the leadership qualities of senior managers by star rating
shows that: Although the quality of senior management personnel at 3-star hotels
is still rated in a good scale, it is not really commensurate with the requirements
of hotel management. The most low-rated aspects are the flexibility and
adaptability of these senior managers (only about 3.6/5 points); The qualities of
senior managers of 4-5 star hotels are all rated on a good scale of 4.0 or higher,
except for the sensitivity quality of senior managers of 5-star hotels (3.9 points).
There is not much difference in leadership qualities of senior managers at 4-5 star
hotels in Hanoi.
- Referring the leadership qualities of senior managers based on the
assessed object: the average value in the assessment of senior managers of 4-5
star hotels and their subordinates is closer. There is a significant difference in
leadership qualities as self - assessed by the senior managers of the 3-star hotel
and assessed by their subordinates and staff.
- Referring the leadership qualities of senior managers at hotels in the form of
management, senior managers in hotel chains are rated much higher than senior
managers in independent hotels in Vietnam regarding all leadership qualities. The
biggest difference is flexibility (BE1-BE4) and adaptability (BE11-BE13). Leadership knowledge
Senior managers of 4-5 star hotels are assessed to have relatively good
professional knowledge and leadership knowledge, the lowest score is 3.94 on the
ability to create jobs and find suitable co-workers to do the jobs well through
encouragement. A large number of senior managers at 4-5 star hotels are
foreigners, well trained, have strong knowledge of hotel management and have a
deeper knowledge of leadership than Vietnamese’s managers.
There is not a big difference in the assessment of hotel expertise between
senior managers and their subordinates. Particularly, in terms of knowing about


leadership activities, the point assessed by subordinates is significantly lower
than that assessed by senior managers themselves.
Senior managers in independent hotels are assessed to have much weaker
leadership knowledge than those in hotel chains. Leadership actions
Strategic orientation for the hotel and setting example for the employees
are two actions that are considered outstanding by senior management personnel
of 5-star hotels in Hanoi. Senior managers of 4-star hotels are better able to create
a shared vision than senior managers of 5-star hotels.
The leadership actions of managers of 3-star hotel is not really good. The
rating for senior managers assigning works to their lower-level employees to
complete their tasks is the highest (3.81/5 points). The weakest point is that they
do not often share the factors that affect the achievement of the hotel's goals
(3.53/5 points).
Strategically oriented actions for the hotel, senior managers and their
subordinate staff have quite close ratings, reaching a good level of nearly 4
points. Setting example to the lower-level employees is the biggest difference
between the assessment of senior managers and of others: managers self-assessed
at an average of 4.2/5 points while lower-level managers and employees only
rated 3.8/5 points.
Strengths in leadership actions of senior hotel managers in chain
management are strategic orientation for the hotel and the role model for their
subordinates. Incorporating with more criteria on hotel class, the leadership
actions of the senior management personnel of 3-star hotels in chain and in
independent operation are very differentiated, especially there is a gap in the
assessment of senior managers with lower-level managers and employees.
Overall assessment of leadership actions at 3-star hotels operating independently
from subordinates is at average rating (3.32/5 points). They rated the lowest about

the sharing of factors affecting the hotel's goal implementation (3.07/5 points),
and the ability to adjust strategies of senior managers (3.15/5 points). Compare the differences in the factors constituting the leadership
competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
Conclusion of hypothesis H1: There is a statistically significant difference
between the factors constituting leadership competency of senior managers at 3star, 4-star and 5-star hotels in Hanoi.
Conclusion of hypothesis H2: There is a statistically significant difference
in the leadership competency components (BE, K, DO) of senior managers at
chain-managed hotels and independent hotels of 3-5 star rating in Hanoi.


Conclusion of hypothesis H3: There is a statistically significant difference
in the leadership competency (BE, K, DO) of senior managers at 3-, 4-, and 5star hotels in Hanoi which is self-assessed by senior management and by others.
3.3 General assessment on leadership competency of
senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
3.3.1 Successes and reasons
From the information on the current status of leadership competency of
senior managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi, it can be seen that the successes are
as follows:
- The education level of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi is quite good.
- The leadership competency of senior managers is assessed quite good,
especially the leadership competency of senior managers of 4 – 5 star hotels and
chain-managed hotels.
- Each element constituting the leadership competency of senior managers
at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi has outstanding points and meets the requirements of
current hotel management.
- The important leadership quality needed for senior managers at 3-5 star
hotels in Hanoi are identified as: flexibility, sensitivity, daring to take

responsibility, adaptability and creativity. The strong characteristics in leadership
quality of senior managers include:
+ Daring to take responsibility and flexibility are the most highly assessed
in the leadership quality.
+ The leadership quality of senior managers in 4-5 star hotels are all wellassessed. Senior managers are fairly accurate in assessing their own quality in
relation to their lower-level employees.
+ Senior managers in the hotels operating in chain model are assessed to be
flexible in hotel operation and management.
- The strengths regarding Leadership knowledge of senior managers of 3-5
star hotels in Hanoi are as followings:
+ Senior managers of 4-5 star hotels are assessed to have relatively good
professional knowledge and knowing about leadership activities. Senior
managers of 5 star hotel is highly assessed for their professional knowledge.
+ The senior managers of 3-5 star hotels operating in chain model have
very good professional and leadership knowledge. They confidently have the
knowledge to perform their leadership functions.
- Leadership actions of senior managers at 4-5 star hotels are rated
relatively well.
These advantages stem from the following reasons:
- Hanoi has a strong attraction of domestic and international human
resources. It makes Hanoi's HR quality higher than other provinces. Hotels in


Hanoi have access to high-quality human resources, including those who play the
role of senior managers in 3-5 star hotels.
- The State's policy system related to human resource development in the
tourism industry has been promulgated and has greatly supported the current
human resource development.

- The hospitality and accommodation industry is considered nascent but also
has a certain period time in operation. The organizational system of state management
of tourism’s human resource development has been gradually formed.
- The People's Committee of Hanoi supports the development of tourism
institutions/colleges and professional associations in the area to implement the
policy of strengthening human resources in tourism based on social needs,
including human resources at the management level of hotels.
- The hotel's senior management is a group of human resources classified as
high-quality in Hanoi. Therefore, the development of this team (including quality
- competencies and quantity) is always the top concern of the People's Committee
of Hanoi.
- Some hotels (especially some 4-5 star hotels) have taken the initiatives in
training, creating resources and improving the competency of senior managers for
themselves in both short- and long-term development strategies.
- Some senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi themselves have
realized the importance of leadership competency in the current context.
3.3.2 Limitations and causes
Besides mentioned-above successes, the leadership competency of senior
managers of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi still has the following limitations:
- The leadership competency of senior managers of independent 3-star
hotels in Hanoi is rated the lowest among senior managers.
- The leadership quality of senior managers at some 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
are not commensurate with the requirements and expectation of their employees.
Among the elements of leadership quality, sensitivity is the quality that helps
hotel managers "capture people's hearts" and run the business more effectively. It
is especially important for managers in a highly communicative environment
such as the hotel industry. However, the hotel's senior managers only met the
basic expectation which is not highly assessed by lower-level managers and staff.
+ The quality of senior managers at 3-star hotels which is the most lowrated includes flexibility and adaptability. In independent 3-star hotels, lowerlevel managers and staff think that senior managers only achieve an average
level. They lack flexibility and adaptability in leading the hotel.

- Regarding leadership knowledge, some senior managers do not have
enough knowledge to have the ability to manage the hotel.


- Leadership actions of senior managers in 3-star hotels are not assessed as
good. The senior management of the 3-star hotel is not yet interested in creating a
shared vision with the subordinates. The weakest point is that they do not often
share information that affects the goal achievement of the hotel. The leadership
actions of senior managers at independent 3-star hotels are rated as average. They
have not truly met the requirements of hotel leaders in the current context.
The above limitation comes from the following reasons:
Firstly, the phenomenon of competing for human resources among hotels is
quite common. Normally when a big hotel goes into operation, they often have a
policy to attract talents, skilled employees by offering higher salary. As such,
high-quality personnel of the hotels with a smaller scale are often in danger of
Secondly, the current status of vocational and tourism education in Hanoi
still have many shortcomings and there still lays a large gap between the size,
quality, profession and the real human resources’ need of enterprises.
Thirdly, many hotels have not had adequate perception about the
importance of high-quality human resources so that their investment fund has not
been properly allocated to develop the high-level management personnel.
Fourthly, due to the shortage of management personnel, a large proportion
of senior managers are expats. Although they are well-trained and highly
professional, cultural differences make it one of the definite barriers in their hotel
Fifth, some hotels (especially independent 3-star hotels) do not conduct the
evaluation of the senior managers.

Sixth, some senior managers working in hotels (especially independent 3star hotels) themselves have not been properly aware of their leading role in the
hotel’s management and operation and also their own leadership competency.


4.1 Hotel development trends and requirements for
improving senior managers’ leadership competency in 35 star hotels in Hanoi
4.1.1 Development trends of the hotel industry in Hanoi
Based on the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy to 2030, the Tourism
Development Action Program for the 2021-2025 period, the general trends in Hanoi’s
tourism make the hotel industry have certain changes as follows:
In terms of products, hotels continue to create new products to better meet
the customers’ needs. There is a transformation in creating products with the
support of technology such as smart rooms, online seminars,... Currently, digital
transformation in service industry is an inevitable trend.
Regarding the customers, due to the impact of COVID-19 (especially when
its effects coming to an end has not been defined), the priority market is domestic
Regarding the type and structure of hotels rated by the star class, the trend
of expanding of 3-5 star hotels which increased in the previous years could be
slowed down by the influence of COVID-19, but it will soon rise up again in the
near future. High-end hotels may be acquired and restructured by foreign
investors. And also coming into the market are boutique hotels that meet the
needs of personalization, touching the customers’ emotion.
4.1.2 Competency requirements for senior managers of 3-5
star hotels in Hanoi

Based on the Strategy for Development of Vietnam's Tourism Industry to
2030 and the Plan No. 191 dated September 30, 2020 on the implementation of
the Strategy for Vietnam's Tourism Development to 2030 in Ha Noi City.
Interior,, the requirements of building up the leadership competency of senior
managers are specified as followings:
Firstly, it is necessary to form Hanoi’s human resources for tourism, first and
formost are the senior hotel managers who always have to master new knowledge.
Secondly, it is necessary to equip these senior managers with professional
knowledge, ability to promote and motivate their teams to meet the diverse
requirements of customers along with the development of science and high
technology in 4.0 revolution.


Thirdly, it is to train hotels’ senior managers how to make tourism more
dynamic, flexible and diverse.
Forthly, it is to improve self-leadership and leadership competency and
skills to train their staff to meet and improve the customer satisfaction in services’
Fifth, senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi must be the core to make
a beautiful image of their own and of the entire human resources of Hanoi’s
Sixth, senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi have to be necessarily
high - quality human resources.
4.2 Solutions to improve the leadership competency of
senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
4.2.1 Solutions for senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in
Upon the importance of each constituent element, the author offers

solutions for senior managers for hotels in Hanoi (mainly focusing on 3-star
hotels operating independently) as follows: Using self-assessment tools to improve the qualities of senior managers
- Help managers realize their own qualities through self-assessment tools of
personal competency and qualities;
- Enhance their qualities with leadership training courses. One of the
courses that is quite suitable for senior hotel managers, recommended by the
author is the leadership course of "Agile People", a community of flexible people,
started from June 2019 in Sweden ( /> Self-improvement and self-training of senior managers
To enhance the leadership knowledge, hotel senior managers have to:
- Visit, survey and study about hotels in Vietnam as well as worldwide.
- Join groups, seminars to share experiences in hotel management and
operation to collect information and improve vision;
- Search for information on the mass media, books on the subjects of
leadership and operational management of reputable hotels;
- Participate in training courses for professional hotel managers or hotel leaders. Improve the leadership actions for senior managers
For 3-star hotels, it is necessary to define basic standards and minimum response
levels for each leadership actionto ensure the values that impact hotel staff.


Firstly, motivating employees. This action is determined to include two
main groups of actions: boosting enthusiasm of employees and employee
development. COVID-19 has made a lot of changes in the morale of employees.
Concerns about job stability, income and health status affects considerably on
managers and employees’ mentality. Especially 3-star, medium-sized hotels who
do not have enough business activities to exploit, the influence of the business
enviroment is much harder. Senior managers must be more flexible in motivating

their employees and lower-level managers.
Secondly, setting example for subordinates. Senior hotel managers have to
clearly understand the values and the business principles of the hotel which to
instruct their subordinates to act and behave accordingly (For example: principles
of communicating with customers, colleagues, etc.)
Thirdly, building a shared vision. To be able to share the vision, senior
managers have to thouroughly perceive the vision of the hotel; then using their
sympathy, enthusiasm and effective communication skills to entice subordinates
to share the views and show them the effects of together sharing views and
visions. This ability can be divided as envisioning the future of the hotel and
sharing those visions with subordinates. If it is done well, both senior managers
and their employees will have the same goal of striving and have a better
connection with the hotel, minimizing job hopping.
Last but not least, the utmost way for senior hotel managers to improve
their leadership competency is to determine to continuously study to keep up
with the rapidly changing business environment. Moreover, with their
determination, they can create a huge spillover effect to their entire hotel staff.
Investing in human resources always pays off in the long run. Therefore, senior
managers themselves have to focus on self - training. Only when senior managers
have the ability to manage the hotel and well organize their work, the hotel can
attract, recruit and develop competent people.
4.2.2 Using multidimensional assessment method to
improve the awareness of senior managers about
It is necessary to evaluate the leadership capablity of senior managers in a
multidimensional way (Kaplan and Palus, 1994). The greatest benefit of
multidimensional assessment is that the information is more comprehensive and
objective (Mohrman and Lawler, 1992). The results also have higher reliability
than the one-way assessment (Wohlers, Hall and London, 1993).


However, there are three factors affecting the results. Senior managers must
have a desire to be evaluated by their subordinates; Senior managers must see the
assessment as an opportunity to improve their own capabilities; and they need to
have confidence to overcome changes and difficulties after the assessment.
In summary, it is appropriate to use the multidimensional assessment
method in raising awareness, thereby improving the leadership competency of
senior managers of independent 3-star hotels and other hotels in need. Within
the scope of the thesis, the researcher proposes the factors to be included in the
assessment according to Table 4.1. For 3-star hotels with limited resources,
senior managers can flexibly adjust to take effective and resource-saving steps
for the hotel.
Table 4.1. Suggestions on factors to evaluate the leadership competency of
senior hotel managers
- Creative
- Knowledge of leading
- Strategic orientation for the














Professional knowledge


Creatng a shared vision

of the hotel


Motivating employees

Social knowledge (if

(training; passing on


enthusiasm; empowering;

Knowledge of

appropriate compensations


and benefits, ...)

(if needed)


Setting example for

Source: By the PhD candidate’s researching
4.2.3 Recruiting senior managers for 3-5 star hotels from

domestic and foreign labor market
Hotels should use two channels to attract candidates for high-level working
positions such as: Personal relationship and recruitment channel through
"headhunting - professional personnel recruitment" services.
Focusing on the recruitment process of senior hotel managers is to
prioritize managers suitable for the vacant recruited positions. Many hotels only
focus on professional competency when recruiting senior managers, but
disregarding the overall competency (especially leadership). A must-have of a
senior manager is leadership competency; while the professional competency can


be supplemented by experts or the senior managers can be trained and provide
themselves with this over a certain period of time. In the meantime, the ability to
think, have a clear vision, gather and lead others often takes a lot of time to be
built up.
4.2.4 Creating a pool of senior managers for the hotels from internal resource
of 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi
Practice shows that the shortage of personnel in the labor market for hotel
industry is happening, especially for senior personnel. Therefore, to build the
future high-level management team from the internal resource is the key for
hotels to succeed. To create on-site resources, hotels should learn and implement
the following programs: Learn from "Young leadership program, leadership
seeds"; Use the promotion line for a clear career path; Succession scheme - also a
widely-used tool in detecting and training the next potential leaders.
4.3 Recommendations
On the government’s support, in order to create high-quality human
resources, the author recommends continue to encourage tourism training under a
specific mechanism (including a major in Hotel Management.)

For Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, the author recommends
the followings to create a premise and supporting tool to improve the hotel's
senior management competency:
- Develop guidelines for the development of high-level management in
tourism industry, specifically in the hotel sector, in terms of scale, quality and
- Construct or strengthen the training of high-level management for tourism
businesses, including 3-5 star hotels in Hanoi.
- Open short-term and long-term intensive training courses based on the
needs to improve leadership competency of senior managers at 3-5 star hotels in
Hanoi and other provinces in Vietnam.
- Adjust the professional standards, develop a more specific set of
professional standards for each group of hotels upon star class, up-to-date the
standards to be closer to the international standards being applied to the
international hotel groups located in Vietnam.
For Hanoi’s Department of Tourism, one of the important solutions is to
increase awareness of the authority about enhancing the abilities of senior hotel
managers through the following activities:
