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Choose the best answer:
1. The____________why I volunteer is that I want to meet new people and make friends.
A. benefit

B. opportunity

C. experience

D. reason

2. As a young person, he is really_______________about his future career.
A. concerned

B. concern

C. concerning

D. concerns

C. lucky

D. narrow-minded

3. He is__________to be handicapped the whole life.
A. fortunate

B. unfortunate

4. Young people nowadays are____________of their duties to make our community better.
A. aware

B. concerned

C. excited

D. interested

5. After a summer do volunteering in a mountainous area, I____________many practical skills such as surviving, first aid
and teamwork.
A. lived

B. donated

C. advertised

D. gained

6. Doing volunteering is____________________. It makes the world a better place.
A. meaningless

B. hopeless

C. boring

D. meaningful

Fill in each gap with one suitable word:





1. He is a global volunteer. He travels a lot and has chance to____________________with a lot of people.
2. AIESEC is a_____________________organization. It is set up to make young people closer to community.
3. The Green Party is completely________________________to protecting environment.
4. A way to contribute to________________________is learning hard.
5. Doing volunteering is a good____________________________for young people to gain experience.
Besides learning hard at school, high school students also should do volunteering in their free time. It can create good
characters including sympathy, responsibility and patience. Taking part in volunteer activities is also a way of relaxing
for high school students after tiring academic lessons such as Mathematics, Literature and Language. For example, when
teaching sports to younger students, the volunteers obviously join with them. When holding a party for orphans,
volunteers can sing and dance with them. Moreover, high school students will have more opportunities to learn practical
skills to prepare for future. When joining community activities, they meet more people and are faced with more situations.
This helps them gain such skills as teamwork, communication and socialization.
1. Which characters can be created when high school students do volunteering?
2. According to the passage, what is NOT the benefit of joining volunteering?
A. A way of relaxing

B. Creation of good characters

C. Learning practical skills

D. Teaching sports to younger students

3. The word they refers to__________.
A. high school students

B. community activities

C. situations

D. opportunities

C. join

D. make

4. The phrase taking part in means____________.
A. gain

B. travel

Verb tenses:
1. Where_____________________(you/ go) two days ago?


I________________(be) at home.

2. When they_______________________(watch) TV, the electricity____________________(go) out.

3. At this time last night, we____________________(play) cards.
4. At 10 pm yesterday, I_____________________(read) book while my sister_____________________(draw) a picture.
5. My friend – Ali usually___________________(go) to orphange and__________________(teach) English for children.
6. While he_____________________(walk) in the forest, he___________________(meet) a woodcutter.
1. Are you______________(excited/ exciting) about our upcoming trip?
2. The movie was______________(bored/ boring). We couldn’t watch it until ending.
3. I am___________(surprised/ surprising) by your appearance.
4. He is___________(concerned/ concerning) about community. He often joins volunteering activities.
5. Love, Rosie! is an___________(interesting/ interested) book. I love it.
6. He is a_________(careful/ careless) driver. It is safe to go with him.
7. It is________(hopeful/ hopeless) to win. The score is 20 – 3 now and there is only 1 minute left. We should stop

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