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DE CUONG ON TAP ANH 8 CUOI HKI 20172018 Cac dang bai tap thuong gap

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I- Choose the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. camel
B. buffalo
C. cattle
D. paddy
2. A. lived
B. populated
C. harvested
D. loaded
3. A. wanted
B. washed
C. danced
D. watched
4. A. beds
B. dogs
C. posters
D. books
5. A. pictures
B. watches
C. buses
D. brushes
6. A. homework
B. mother
C. open
D. judo
7. A. stripe
8. A. honey
9.A. charity
10.A. generate
11.A. evidence

12.A. pagoda
13.A. check
14.A .brave
15. ethnic

B. string
B. donkey
B. sticky
B. celebrate
B. device
B. hamburger

C. spring
C. survey
C. minority
C. decorate
C. saucer
C. relax

D. trip
D. money
D. predict
D. describe
D. precious
D. gather

B. bracelet
C. present
D. princess
B. dairy

C. way
D. stay
B. spicy
C. crisp
D. display
II- Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. ancestor
B. curious
C. heritage
D. tradition
2. A. buffalo
B. recognise
C. convenient
D. cultural
3. A. harmful
B. slowly
C. cloudy
D. unique
4. A. worship
B. belong
C. enjoy
D. behave
5. A. foundation
B. location
C. organization
D. performance
6. A . peaceful
B. entertain
C. minorities
D. heritage

7. A. wonderful
B. mountain
C. relaxing
D. satisfied
8. A. popularity
B. animal
C. vegetable
D. beehive
9. A. medical
B. remote
C. mountain
D. generous
10. A. important
B. recognize
C. standard
D. culture
11A. ethnology
B. architect
C. improve
D. canal
12. A. worship
B. belong
C. enjoy
D. behave
13.A. alternate
B. entertain
C. symbolize
D. cultivate
14.A. heritage
B. museum

C. decorate
D. blackberry
15.A. minorities
B. populated
C. activity
D. experience
III_ Choose A, B, C, D for each gap in the following sentences.
1. There's a…………….in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve.
A. belief
B. legend
C. custom
D. tradition
2. You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you ...........than the red one.
A. good
B. well
C. better
D. the best
3. The ............ of Quan ho singing has been recognized as a world heritage.
A. preservation
B. procession
C. song
D. performance
4. Saint Giong was unable to talk, smile, or walk ......... he was three years old.
A. even though
B. because
C. while
D. if
5. It's a rule, so everyone ...............strictly follow it.
A. doesn't have to B. shouldn't
C. has to

D. should
6. The 54 ethnic peoples of Vietnam are............, but they live peacefully.
A. similar
B. unlike
C. diverse
D. like
7. I detest................so early in the morning.
A. get up
B. getting up
C. gets up
D. to get up

8. Both my brother and I help ........... our family's goats. We feed them on the pastures by the edge of the
A. herds
B. to herd
C. herding
D. to herding
9. Lang Lieu couldn't buy any special food...........he was very poor.
A. although
B. when
C. while
D. because
10. The girl was crying when a fairy...............
A. appears
B. was appearing
C. appeared
D. is appearing
11. At school, the teacher and students.............. follow the rules.

A. has to
B. have to
C. need to
D. haven't to
12. Children need a caring environment to develop............ mentally............. physically.
A. and - and
B. both - and
C. the - the
D. in - and
13. .......... you study harder, you won't be able to pass the examination.
A. Unless
B. Because
C. If
D. without
14. The buses were very .......... this morning. We can't go to the church with you in time.
A. crowd
B. crowded
C. full
D. busy
15. He ............. cross the street when the traffic light is green for pedestrians.
A. should
B. shouldn't
C. ought
D. oughtn't
16. You.................. use your mobile phone on the plane.
A. must
B. mustn't
C. don't have to
D. have to
17.Many ethnic groups have their own languages, and some even have …….. languages.

A. speaking
B. writing
C. written
D. spoken
18.The nomads move two or three times a year to look for new ……….. for their cattle.
A. land
B. houses
C. pastures
D. products
19.The Kinh have the largest number of people, ………..for about 80% of the population.
A. calculating
B. getting
C. accounting
D. making
20. An activity that we do for pleasure when we are not working.
A. hobby
B. leisure
C. relax
D. interest
21.The Thai villages ……..….. 40 to 50 houses, usually built side by side.
A. include
B. consist
C. comprise
D. get
22.Our family’s customs and traditions make us feel a sense of……………….
A. humor
B. loving
C. belonging
D. unique
23.The Xoe dance has more than 30 forms ………….. on the first six ancient forms.

A. depended
B. laid
C. created
D. based
24. In the past, men …………. wear Ao Dai, but today they………… wear it.
A. had to/ didn’t have to B. had to/ doesn’t have to C. had to/ don’t have to
D. had to/ had to
25.Thach Sanh was so……….that he could push back the troops with his magical guitar and rice pot.
A. kind
B. clever
C. hard-working
D. fast
26. Mai An Tiem was very …………to move to a deserted island.
A. brave
B. honest
C. kind
D. generous
27.When you want to express your disagreement politely, you say:
A. I am afraid I don’t agree.
B. No, I don’t like your idea.
C. No, I do not listen to you.
D. No, your idea is so bad.
28. Luu Binh was very……………….
to invite Duong Le to come and live with him.
A. selfish
B. kind
C. mean
D. brave
29. The toad was very ……………..because he tried to find way to the heaven to sue God.
A. brave

B. kind
C. generous
D. mean
30. The Peacock was well known to be a/an .....animal, so he just applied black colour to the Crow’s feathers.
A. hard-working
B. lazy
C. ugly
D. clever

IV- Give the correct form or tense of the words given to complete these sentences:
1. If she has free time, she (come)……………………. to see you.
2. When I was a small child I fancied (fly)…………………………….. kites in the field.
3.They (live)……………………………………….a nomadic life for six years.
4.Thien Nhan (win)………………………………..The Voice Kids 2014.
5.Their teacher (sing)…………………………………..an English song now.
6.We all adored ( do)……………………... aerobics when we were young.
7. years ago, we ( not have)………………..…. mobile phone.
8. The girl ( cry)………………….... when a fairy ( appear)………………………..
9. My mother says that I have to (be)………………… home by 9 pm sharp.
10. This festival (hold)…………………… to commemorate Saint Giong.
11. Tuan loves (listen)…………………. to music every day.
12……………… you ever (ride)……………………. a buffalo ?
13. The children used to (go)………………… a long way to school.
14. They hate (see)……………………… their son texting his friends all day.
V- There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake (A, B, C, or D
1. Vietnam is an multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups.

2. We speak English fluent now than last year.
3. We broke with tradition by make sponge cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival instead of moon cakes.
4. You has to take off your hats when you go to the pagoda.
5. I don't like this performance although it's too boring




6. I was play football when she called me.
7. Was you study Maths at 5 pm yesterday ?

8. In Australia, you mustn’t to comment on a person’s accent.
9. In my family, children has to get permission before leaving the dining table.
10. When I come, the whole family was having dinner around a big dining table.
11. Lang Lieu couldn’t bought any special food because he was very poor.
12. John used to going to school by bus, but now he goes by bike.

13. It has been a long time since I have visited New York.

14. A new school is going to build in my neighborhood.
15. The exercises were such difficult that no one could do them.

I- Put the words in brackets into the right forms to complete the sentences.
1. I'm so............................ about your trip. It's going to be amazing. (excite)
2. Ao dai is our ................................ dress. We wear it every Monday at school. (tradition)
3. After .......................... Food from the plate, you should put it into your bowl before eating. (take)
4. My close friend gave me a ......................... present on my birthday. I like it so much. (wonder)
5. There are many interesting things about the cultural groups of Vietnam at the museum of
………………………….... (ethnic)
6. The Mekong Delta is also famous for its ……………. floating markets and fruit orchards. (fascinate)
7. Vietnamese people are very ………………… .
8. To Huu’s …………… are interesting.
9. It is an ……………. program.
10. The garden is …………….with trees and flowers. (beauty)
II- Read the passage and choose the best option A,B,C,D to complete it.

The Rice- cooking Festival
The Rice- cooking(1) .......... was held in communal house yard about one kilometer a way from a (2)......There
were three(3)....... : water fetching, fire- making and rice-cooking. The festival(4)...... one day. In the waterfetching(5)......., one person from each team had (6)............. to the river to get the(7)............. In the fire-making
contest, two team members had to make fire in the (8)...... way. They tried to rub pieces of (9)............... together to
make the fire. Six people from each team(10)...... in the Rice- cooking Festival. They had to separate the rice from
the husk and then cook the rice.
1. A. holiday
B. contest
C. festival
D. competition
2. A. mountain
B. city
C. house
D. river
3. A. holidays
B. contests
C. festivals
D. competitions
4. A. takes
B. took
C. taking
D. take
5. A. contest
B. contests
C. test
D. tests
6. A. to run
B. run
C. ran
D. running

7. A. bamboo
B. rice
C. fire
D. water
8. A. strange
B. tradition
C. traditional
D. traditionally
9. A. bamboo
B. rice
C. fire
D. water
10. A. participate
B. participates
C. participating D. participated

III- Read the passage carefully and then answer the following questions.
I live in a village by Mekong River. Every day, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is three
kilometers away. After class, I often help my mother to collect water from the river and feed the chickens.
At the weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there is a TV. The adults watch
TV, but more often they talk about their farm work and exchange news. The children run around, playing
games and shouting merrily. Laughter is heard everywhere. My father sometimes takes me to the market
town nearby where he sells our home products like vegetables, fruits, eggs… He then buys me an ice
cream and lets me take a ride on the electric train in the town square. I love those trips. On starry nights,
we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the Milky Way. We dream of
far away places.
Answer the following questions.
1.What does he often do after class?

2. Does the boy like riding on the electric train in the town square?
3. What do the children do on starry nights?

4. Do you like to live in the countryside or in the city? Why?
I. Complete each sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one .
1. Cats cannot swim as well as dogs.
 Dogs can swim better than cats...............
2. Minh really loves to hang out with friends.
 Minh really enjoys hanging out with friends...................................
3. Playing beach games is very interesting.
 It is interesting to play beach games......................
4. He uses all his free time to look after his garden
 He spends his free time looking after his garden......................
5.Would you please change this T-shirt for me?
 Do you mind changing this T-shirt for me……………..?
6. A horse can run 80km/hr while a camel can run only 12km/hr.
 A horse can run faster than a camel…………………...
7. People have used the Internet all over the world.
The Internet has been used all over the world.
8. My house is smaller than your house.
 Your house is bigger than my house.……………
9. I love listening to music.
 I fancy listening to music.…. ……….
10. The girl worked hard. Her step mother wasn't happy .
 Although the girl worked hard, her step mother wasn't happy ............ .....

11. Tea is cheaper than coffee.
Coffee is more expensive than tea.……………….
12. Huong Tram performs the song “Em gai mua ” very beautifully.
 The song “Em gai mua” is performed very beautifully by Huong Tram.……………………
13.A fish swims faster than a duck.
A duckswims more slowly than a fish.……………….
14. I moved to Tinh Bien eighteen years ago.
 I have moved to Tinh Bien for eighteen years…………………
15. The tortoise was running. The hare was sleeping. (WHILE)
 The tortoise was running while the hare was sleeping. ..............
16. Do the test carefully or you may get a bad mark.
 If If you don’t do the the test carefully, you may get a bad mark...................

17.Tuan often went fishing when he lived in the country.
 Tuan used to go fishing when he lived in the country.…………………...
II- Use the suggested words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. We/ have/ dinner/ when/ telephone/ ring.
=> We are having dinner when telephone rang.
2. Internet/ change/ way/ we/ communicate.
=> The internet changes the way we communicate.
3. We/ spend/ two/ hour/ repair/ windows/ yesterday.
=> We spent two hour repairing windows yesterday.

4. He/ detest/ join/ social activities/ because/ he/ be/ introvert.
=> He detests joining social activities because he is introvert.
5. Hani people / live/ Lai Chau / Lao Cai.
=> Hani people live in Lai Chau and Lao Cai.
6. Hoa ethnic group / have/ the / colourful clothing.
=> Hoa ethnic group has the most colourful clothing.

7. Yesterday / beautiful day / so / my friend / I / go / picnic.
=>. Yesterday was beautiful day so my friend and I went on a picnic.
8. My mother / like / watch / folk music / news / VTV1 channel.
= My mother likes watching folk music and news on VTV1 channel.
9. Apsara dance/ a form/ Cambodian classical dance.
=> Apsara dance is a form of Cambodian classical dance.
10.It/ known/ Cambodian Royal Ballet.
=> It is known as Cambodian Royal Ballet.
11.The Apsara /performed/ a woman/ a traditional dress.
=> The Apsara is performed by a woman in a traditional dress.
12.The dance/ use/ gestures/ tell myths/ or religious stories.
=> The dance uses gestures to tell myths or religious stories.
13.It/ have/ a soft movement/ loudly traditional Khmer music/ during its performance.
=> It has a soft movement and loudly traditional Khmer music during its performance.
14.Apsara dance/ not require/ physical ability/ but/ it/ require/ smooth movement.
=> Apsara dance does not require physical ability, but it requires smooth movement.
