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I. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the list below.
1. The committee includes.........from industry.
2. His name was.........on the silver cup.
3. These plants..........in a damp climate.
4. The building is part of our national............
5. He was the most distinguished..........in his field.
6. Share prices........after news of poor trading figures.
7. Over the centuries, melting snow had........valleys in the landscape.
8. The accounts were........(as) correct by the finance department
9. Your account and hers do not.......
10. Give each picture a number........to its position on the page.
II. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. His........impressed her.
2. I did not get the impression that they were unhappy about the........
3. Few businesses are flourishing in the present........climate.
4. The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic........for a united Europe.

5. His work involved helping hyperactive children to use their energy in a.......way.
6. You are all........to leave.
7. ........is strictly forbidden in the museum.
8. The sitting room needs.........
9. Venice was once a city of rich........
10. Two white marble pillars stood on either side of the.........
III. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been done for you.
0. A. Are you interested in geography lessons?
B. She's got a degree in geography.
C. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
1. A. We are here to........a service for the public.
B. The report was not expected to........any answers.
C. She has three children to........for.
2. A. Headaches may be a........of stress.
B. There is no........of John anywhere.
C. The gloomy weather shows no........ of improving.
3. A. Your name has been........from the list.
B. He.......those files from the computer.
C. She.......the word 'it' and inserted 'them'.
4. A. Snow was falling on the mountain.........
B. The wind was blowing in the........of the tree.
C. He's at the........of his profession.
5. A. I got all the answers.........
B. He was driving on the........side of the road.

C. Sorry, I must have dialled the........number.
6. A. Three people were killed and five........in the crash.
B. She........herself during training.
C. That incident seriously........the company's reputation.
7. A. Thousands of commuters were........for over an hour.
B. He........telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.
C. You........again! Please call us today!
8. A. She's lost.........with her son.
B. I finally made........with in Paris.
C. The organization put me in.................with other people in a similar position.
IV. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of one of the adjectives or adverbs in the list below.
beautiful long important slowly frightened peaceful easy big comfortable
1. English is........to learn.......Russian.
2. My feet are size 42; they are........yours.

3. Simon drives........his friend Paul.
4. Our discussion was far........you think.
5. My armchair is a bit........yours.
6. Living in the country is........living in town.
7. My cousin is much........that film star.
8. Adel's letter is........Ahmed's.
V. Complete the sentences using one of + superlative as shown.
0. It's a very nice room. It's one of the nicest rooms in the hotel.
1. It's a very cheap restaurant. It's........in town.
2. He's a very rich man. He's........in the world.
3. It was a very happy day. It was........in my life.
4. It's a very old castle. It's........in Britain.
5. She's a very intelligent student. She.......in our school.
6. She's a very good singer. She's.......in Vietnam.

7. It's a very valuable painting. It's........in the gallery.
8. It was a very bad experience. It was........in my life.
VI. Put the word in brackets of each sentence in the right form. One example has been done for you.
0. Today the weather is (hot)...hotter...than it was yesterday.
1. She is the (pretty).............in my family.
2. Travelling by motorbike is (dangerous)...........than going on foot.
3. Which is (useful)........, iron or steel?
4. In my opinion, Autumn is the (nice)........season of the year.
5. Are you (happy)........today than yesterday?
6. Are cats (quick)…......than dogs?
7. Nam is the (active)........student in my class.
8. It is (interesting)........to stay at home than to go out in cold weather.
VII. Choose the right word in brackets for each sentence by underlining it.
0. Tarn is (tall/ taller) than Nam.
1. Hoa is (high / the highest) of the three students.
2. Are you (more interested / interested) in science than in literature?
3. Thong is (the cleverest / cleverest) in my class.
4. What month is (shorter / the shortest) in the year?
5. What is the (most long / longest) road in your city?
6. My father is the (the most intelligent / most intelligent) in my family.
7. Is Lan (more beautiful / the most beautiful) than Hoa?
8. Lan is (as / so) beautiful as Hoa, I think.
9. Do you take the (same / different) class at school?
10. Her class is (the same / different) from mine.
VIII. Read the text and answer if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F)?
Brazil is the largest country in South America and, the fifth largest in area in the world. There are many wellknown cities in Brazil. Sao Paulo is the largest city in the country, and Rio de Janeiro, with its beautiful
beaches, is the most famous. Rio is an exciting place. There is no doubt about it. Brasilia, which was built out
of nothing and is located in the interior, is the capital.
The Amazon is the biggest river, not only in Brazil but in the whole1 world. It flows from Peruvian

mountains to the Atlantic Ocean.
Brazil, unlike most of Latin America, was colonized by Portuguese, but the people of Brazil come from
many lands. There are settlers from Japan and from Arabia. Brazil is a multicultural nation. It will be an
important country in the future.
1. Brazil is the largest country in America.
2. Brazil is the fifth largest in area in the world.
3. Rio de Janeiro is the largest city in the country.
4. Sao Paulo is the capital of Brazil.
5. The Amazon flows from Peru mountains to the Atlantic Ocean.
6. Brazil, different from Latin America, was colonized by Portuguese.
7. Brazil is a multicultural nation.
8. There are settlers from Japan and from Australia.

IX. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.
0. The green ruler is shorter than the red one.
 The green ruler is not as long as the red one.
1. I am not as tali as my mother.
My mother........................................
2. My sister is more beautiful than I.
I am...................................................
3. My school and hers are not the same.

My school...........................................
4. Is your sister prettier than you?
Are you...............................................
5. Tam Vy is the tallest student in his class.
No one.................................................
6. Are you the quickest in your family?
Is any one............................................
7. Life in my city is not different from life here.
Life in my city.....................................
8. Chinh Truong is intelligent. Tam Vy is more intelligent than Chinh Truong, but Bao Thoa is even more
intelligent than Tam Vy.
Bao Thoa is.................................................
X. Write sentences using the words given.
1. It / long / time / that / I / not / see / her.
2. It / so / late / that / nothing / be done.
3. We / help / laugh /him.
4. I / will / drop / you / team/ if / not /train / harder.
5. Like / women / she / love / tea-party / gossip.
6. I / see / plane / crash / hill / burst / flames.
7. high time / someone / tell / him / stop / behave / child.
8. Turn / oven / so that / meat / not bum.
9. If / house / be burned / we / claim / compensation.

10. I / will never / tell / secret / woman.
XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the
word given.
1. He's the best player our team has ever had.
Our team..................................good player.
2. Nobody in my family drives as badly as he does.
He's.................................my family.
3. That's the most hurtful thing anybody has ever said to me.
Nobody has.....................................thing to me.
4. I've never lived in such a big town before.
It's the..................lived in such a big town
5. I haven't tasted such good coffee for ages.
This is.................................tasted for ages.
6. None of the other books is as interesting as this one.
This book...........................................................one.
7. Rachael is the most generous person I know.
I don't know....................................Rachael.
8. That's the cheapest dish on the menu.
None of the other dishes…................
XII. Write sentences using the words given.

1. nurse / kind enough / help him / walk.
2. His dream / become / doctor / may / true.
3. We / told / whom / meet / station.
4. They warn / us / not sleep / mosquito nets.
5. We / suggest / travel / train / see more / country.
6. He / rather spend / holidays / a farm / seaside.
7. student / only play / piano / also play / football.
8. He / not talk / loudly / I.

9. My brother / not drive / carefully / I.
10. He / understand / lesson / more quicly / the rest / his class.
1. We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them........us.
A. impressed
B. delighted
C. encouraged
D. enlivened
2. She...........the impression of being very busy.
A. put

B. wore
C. gave
D. got
3. The dove is.........of peace.
A. symbol
B. symbolic
C. figure
D. feature
4. The collection........327 paintings.
A. comprises
B. comprises of
C. contained of
D. composed of
5. They tried to get into the club but were refused........
A. enter
B. entrance
C. admit
D. admission
6. When I get home I like to.........on the sofa and listen to music.
A. collapse
B. fell
C. fall
D. come
7. The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had.........
A. leaked
B. dropped
C. dripped
D. fell
8. Viewing figures for the series have dropped.........
A. dramatic

B. quick
C. dramatically
D. quickly
9. Participants were.......according to age and sex.
A. columned
B. categorized
C. taken
D. distinguished
10. She was.......president of the students' union
A. made
B. created
C. became
D. grown
11. "Do you know that beautiful lady over there?"
"Yes, that's Wanida. She's.......in her group."
A. more beautiful than any girl
B. more beautiful than any other girl
C. so beautiful as other girl
D. beautiful more than another girl
12. He is the most.......man I have ever known.
A. deep - religion
B. deeply - religion
C. deep - religious
D. deeply - religious
13. "I think I failed the test." ~ "In my opinion, the.......was the most unreasonable."
A. examination third question
B. question third of the examination
C. third examination question
D. examination of the third question
14. "Have you read his new book?" ~ "Yes. It's.......interesting than his first four books."

A. the most
B. very much
C. much more
D. the more
15. "What do you think of his presence here?" ~ "The longer, he stays,.......I dislike him."
A. the most
B. the very more
C. much more
D. the more
16. "Was it a good seminar?" ~ "Yes,.......were exchanged among the participants."
A. much more ideas
B. many more ideas
C. much number of ideas
D. many number of ideas
17. The body of a fish is quite different from.......a land animal.
A. such
B. one of
C. that of
D. those of
18. "I can understand everything Betty says." ~ "But her brother speaks.......she does."
A. better than
B. clearer than
C. more clear than
D. as good as
19. You have got a scholarship; you are luckier........
A. as I
B. than me
C. than I
D. as me
20. "Will your sister be present at the meeting?" ~ "She will,.......she still has a cold."

A. because
B. whether
C. while
D. although
The End

I. representatives 2. engraved 3. flourish 4. heritage 5. scholar 6. collapsed 7. carved
8. certified 9. correspond 10. corresponding
1. sincerity 2. situation 3. economic 4. significance 5. constructive
6. forbidden 7. Photography 8. decorating 9. merchants 10. entrance
1. provide 2. sign 3. deleted 4. top 5. wrong 6. injured 7. delayed 8. contact
1. easier, than 2. bigger than 3. more slowly than 4. more important than 5. more comfortable than
6. more peaceful than 7. more beautiful than 8. longer than
1. one of the cheapest restaurants
2. one of the richest men
3. one of the happiest days
4. one of the oldest castles
5. one of the most intelligent students
6. one of the best singers
7. one of the most valuable things
8. one of the worst experiences
1. prettiest 2. more dangerous 3. more useful 4. nicest 5. happier 6. quicker 7. most active 8. more interesting

1. the highest 2. more interested 3. the cleverest 4. shortest 5. longest 6. most intelligent
7. more beautiful 8. as 9. same 10. different
1. F. Brazil is the largest country in South America
2. T. Brazil is the fifth largest in area in the world.
3. F. Sao Paulo is the largest city in the country.
4. T. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil.
5. T. The Amazon Hows from Peru mountains to the Atlantic Ocean.
6. T. Brazil, different from Latin America, was colonized by Portuguese.
7. T. Brazil, is a multicultural nation.
8. F. There are settlers from Japan and from Arabia.
1. My mother is taller than I.
2. I am not so (as) beautiful as my sister.
3. My school is different from hers.
4. Are you not so (as) pretty as your sister?
5. No one is taller than Tam Vy in his class.
6. Is any one in your family quicker than you?
7. Life in my city is the same as life here.
8. Bao Thoa is the most intelligent.
1. It is such a long time that I haven't seen her.
2. It is so late that nothing can be done.
3. We can't help laughing at him.
4. I will drop you out of the team if you don't train harder.
5. Like any other women, she loves tea-parties and gossips.
6. I saw a plane crash / crashing into a/the hill and burst into flames.
7. It's high time someone told him to stop behaving like a child.
8. Turn down the oven so that the meat will not bum.

9. If our / the house is burned, we'll claim for compensation.
10. I will never tell a secret to a / any woman.
1. has never had such a
2. the worst driver in
3. ever said such a hurtful
4. first time I've (ever)
5. the best coffee I've
6. is the most interesting

7. a more generous person than / anyone more generous than
8. is as cheap as that
1. The nurse is kind enough to help him (to) walk.
2. His dream to become a doctor may become true.
3. We were told whom to meet at the station.
4. They warned us not to sleep without mosquito nets.
5. We suggested travelling by train to see more of the country.
6. He would rather spend holidays on a farm by the seaside.
7. The student not only plays the piano but also plays football.
8. He does not talk as/so loudly as I do.
9. My brother does not drive as/so carefully as I do.
10. He understands/understood the lesson more quickly than the rest of his class.
1. A (impressed) 2. C (gave) 3. A (symbol) 4. A (comprises) 5. D (admission)
6. A (collapse) 7. A (leaked) 8. C (dramatically) 9. B (categorized) 10. A (made)
11. B 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. D
