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Name: …………………………………….
Class: …………………………………….

Subject: English 6
Time: 45 minutes
( Chương trình thí điểm )
Code of paper

Question I: Listen to the following conversation and fill the missing words (1.0 point)
A: Excuse me. Where is the supermarket ?
B: Go to the end of this street. It’s on your (1)………………………..…..
A: And where is the lower secondary school ?
B: It’s in Le Duan Street. Take the second (2)…………………..….. and it’s on your
A. Great! Where can I have some coffee ?
B: “Quynh” Café in Tran Quang Dieu Street is a good one.
A: How can I get there ?
B: First (3)………………………..….. left, then turn right. Go Straight. It’s on your
A: How about art gallery ?
B: First take the third left. Then (4)………………… to the end of Le Loi Street, and
on your right.
Question II: Circle the letter preceding the word that has the underlined part
pronounced differently from the rest. ( 1.0 point )
1.A. advice
B. price

C. nice
D. police
2.A. expensive
B. express
C. exciting
D. excellent
3.A. hand
B. fat
C. orange
D. black
4.A. nose
B. color
C. mother
D. Monday
Question III: Circle the odd one out. ( 1.0 point )
1. A. park
B. temple
C. memorial
D. doctor
2. A. teaching
B. morning
C. working
D. reading
3. A. weather
B. interesting
C. beautiful
D. expensive
4. A. on
B. of
C. at

D. the
Question IV: Choose the best answer.( 1.5 points )
1. There is a park in front …………………….…. the hotel.
A. of
B. on
C. to
D. at
2. Hoi An is so …………………………………………………. .
A. boring
B. historic
C. terrible
D. modern
3. The town has many motorbikes. It’s very ………………………..…. .
A. quiet
B. happy
C. exciting
D. noisy
4. Excuse me ! ……………………….…. there a post office near here ?

A. Is
B. Are
C. Do
D. Does
5. My head hurts. I need to take some …………………………... .
A. backpacks
B. compasses
C. painkillers
D. plasters
6. Ayres Rock is in ………………………………………... .

A. Viet Nam
B. Australia
C. Brazil
D. Great Britain
Question V: Give the correct form of the following verbs: ( 1.0 point)
1. You must ( get )…………………….………… up early .
2. Look ! The children (play)………………….. football in the schoolyard.
3. I often (go) ……………… to school by bike in the morning.
4.Nam usually ( study) ………………… English on Monday and Friday.
Question VI: Fill the blanks with the appropriate forms of the adjectives in brackets:
( 1,5points)
1. Travelling by taxi is …………………….………..…………….than by bus. (expensive)
2. The Sahara is the world’s ………………….………..………………desert. (hot)
3. This building is ………………………………..………… than that one (tall)
4. She’s not very happy. Her exam results are …………………………..than her sister.
5. This is the ……………….………………….……. film I have ever seen (bad)
6. Loan is the ………………………..……………………. student in our class. (intelligent)
Question VII: Read the e-mail and answer the following questions.( 2.0 points)
Dear Phong,
I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you earlier because I was very busy. Now, we’re staying in a
small hotel near a shopping area in District 10. Near my hotel, there’s a cinema, a bank, a
supermarket and some cafés. There are some big shops at the end of the street. It is also very
noisy here because there’s always a lot of traffic, day and night.
In my hometown, I live in a quieter street. There are some small shops, a school and a market
in my neighborhood but there isn’t a park and a cinema. The streets are narrower but they are
cleaner and there isn’t so much traffic. The air is much fresher, too. And every house has a
backyard and a front yard.

1. Where is Minh staying now?
2. Why is it very noisy around his hotel?
3. What are there in his neighborhood?
4. Is there a cinema in his neighborhood?

Question VIII: Reorder the words to make the meaningful sentences.( 1.0 point )
1. modern / This / is / that / more / hotel / than / one.
=> …………………………………………………………………..…………………
2. on / Take / turning / the / left / the / second.

=> …………………………………………………………………..
3. a / square / there / near / house / Is / your ?
=> ………………………………………………………………..
4. do / at / must / You/ homework / home / your.
=> …………………………………………………………………..…………………………..
