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(Đề thi gồm: 04 trang)

Mơn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐÊ SỐ 195
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: The students in the nursing department are________ female.
A. restrictively
B. spontaneously
C. predominantly
D. arbitrarily
Question 2: The doctor prescribed tablets to help________ the pain.
A. lighten
B. relieve
C. calm
D. rid
Question 3: The film didn't really________ our expectations, unfortunately.
A. fall short of
B. put in for
C. come up to
D. meet with
Question 4: Sociologists believe that these factors will________ lead to over-population.
A. vigorously
B. sullenly
C. vehementlyD. ultimately

Question 5: He said it would never work, that all our efforts had been________.
A. convertible
B. distracted
C. vacant
D. futile
Question 6: The woman accused of shoplifting was found not guilty and was________.
A. interned
B. excused
C. liberated
D. acquitted
Question 7: Because John didn't take good care of himself, it was________ that he would get sick.
A. inevitable
B. conclusive
C. invariable
D. notorious
Question 8: While________ to help Tim with his maths, I got impatient because he wouldn't pay
attention to what I was saying.
A. I try
B. trying
C. having tried
D. I am trying
Question 9: Look, I________ it all back. I should never have spoken like that.
A. take
B. put
C. call
D. give
Question 10: Do stop banging that drum. Billy. You're being rafher________.
A. tiresome
B. nuisance
C. wearying

D. disturbing
Question 11. Mr. Pike, ________ is our boss ,has just come back from Paris.
A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. that
Question 12: The police are concentrating on arresting drug________ rather than casual users.
A. entrepreneurs
B. merchants
C. agents
D. traffickers
Question 13: Different people never read a book in________ same way.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Question 14: Pay more attention________ picture and you can find out who is the robber.
A. to
B. for
C. at
D. on
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 15: A. inevitable
B. innocent
C. insecticide
D. innovate
Question 16: A. irrelevant
B. irritable
C. irreparable

D. irrational
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 17: A. paid
B. maid
C. laid
D. said
Question 18: A. thousand
B. around
C. souvenir
D. lounge
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it
necessary to (19)________ business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some tips are certainly in
order. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook
a few simple meals while you are away. They will be (20)________ happier and probably they will
enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end,

they will be much better for your digestions. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in
(21)________ and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better service. And
almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs a
businesswoman: this starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully
packed. Take the folding case inside your suitcase, it will (22)________ in extremely handy for dirty
clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And make
sure that you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate. Obviously,
experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by careful planning
(23)________ right from the start you can really have a good trip.
Question 19: A. take

B. do
C. build
D. make
Question 20: A. so
B. quite
C. more
D. much
Question 21: A. quest
B. addition
C. advance
D. fact
Question 22: A. show
B. come
C. take
D. turn
Question 23: A. so that
B. on
C. all
D. with
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 24: ~ A: “Do you think it’s important to set goals?”
~ B: “______________”
A. Yes, they have to defeat the Uzbekistan team to win the cup.
B. Certainly, the goal-keeper thinks so.
C. Of course. The more goals they score, the more money they will be awarded.
D. Sure. It is a necessary step to do in order to succeed in doing something.
Question 25: ~ A: This movie is boring and too violent.”
~ B: “______________”
A. Good idea. Shall we be off.”

B. I agree. Why don’t we leave?”
C. I hope so. Let’s go.”
D. So much the better.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions..
A person who enjoys exploring caves is called a spelunker. Spelunking, or speleology, is the
study of caves.
The daring spelunker must face bottomless pits, scale steep rock walls, and crawl through
spaces too small to stand up in. He must cope with darkness, unchanging temperatures, and mud,
mud, mud.
Like mountain climbing, spelunking is carried on in groups, with the einphasis on
teamwork and safety.
A spelunker, if he is a scientist in search of accurate information, must have special skill and
endurance as he must get himself in and out of narrow crevices, carrying with him a good deal of
scientific equipment.
There is much to learn from the exploring of caves. Fossils of prehistoric animals and
plants are often found in caves. Anthropologists studying the origins of man have found bones and
wall drawings to increase their knowledge of man's early history.
There are many kinds of caves, all of them interesting to the speleologist. Waves pounding
on cliffs have hollowed out sea caves. Hot lava flowing down the sides of volcanoes has left lava
caves. The melting and freezing of glaciers and icebergs has formed ice caves. The speleollogist
has a wide, exciting, and dangerous field to study.
Question 26: This article as a whole tells us about_________.
A. cave dwellers.
B. different kinds of caves.
C. mountain climbing.
D. the science of exploring caves.
Question 27: Which of the following is not mentioned as the agent that makes caves?
A. winds

B. glaciers and icebergs
C. volcanoes
D. the sea
Question 28: The phrasal verb “cope with” in the passage is closest in meaning to_________.
A. deal with a difficult situation
B. bring light to a place
C. undergo a situation
D. get used to a new situation
Question 29: Which sentence is NOT true?
A. Exploring caves can be difficult and dangerous.

B. Spelunking is something a person must do all by himself.
C. The spelunker's findings are often of interest to the anthropologist.
D. Like the mountain climber, the spelunker must know the techniques of climbing rocks.
Question 30: A spelunker must first be_________.
A. an anthropologist B. a historian
C. brave and strong D. a scientist
Question 31: The word “hollowed out” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. roared noisily
B. gave big noise
C. fully covered
D. made empty space
Question 32: While not directly stated, it may be inferred from the article that_________.
A. spelunking is only for scientists.
B. all caves are made by water.
C. spelunking is a dangerous sport.
D. alt anthropologists are spelunkers.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.

Question 33: Studying the science of logic is one way to cultivate one's reason skills.
A. reason
B. science
C. Studying
D. way to
Question 34: Globes and maps have always been important throughout history, but never as more
so than today.
A. as more
B. thanC. but D. have always been
Question 35: Before becoming successful, Charles Kettering, former vice president of General
Motors, was so poor that he has to use the hayloft'of a barn as a laboratory.
A. so poor
B. successful
C. as
D. has to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 36: Her mind was overcome by the green-eyed monster.
A. sympathy
B. fear of ghost
C. jealousy
D. environmentalist
Question 37: There are 256 people on the books at the cement works.
A. to be employed B. on the payroll
C. to be sacked
D. in registration
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 38: Jean has been the subject of much malicious gossip in the village.
A. leisurely

B. spiteful
C. free
D. sympathetic
Question 39: The old man did not notice it had begun to rain. He was so engrossed in feeding the
A. fully attentive to B. sick of
C. occupied with
D. immersed in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 40: No one has opened this box for a hundred years.
A. This box hasn't been opened for a hundred years.
B. This box wasn't opened a hundred years ago.
C. This box was opened hundred years ago.
D. This box has been opened for a hundred years.
Question 41: It's a long time since we last went to the cinema.
A. We haven't been to the cinema for a long time.
B. We have been to the cinema for a long time.
C. We don't go to the cinema as we used to.
D. We wish we went to the cinema now.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 42: More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling. The price of gasoline is
continuing to rise.
A. The price of gasoline is continuing to rise; however, more students at the college are
biking, walking, or carpooling because

B. More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling despite the price of
gasoline is continuing to rise.

C. More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling because the price of
gasoline is continuing to rise.
D. More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling although the price of
gasoline is continuing to rise.
Question 43: He is so gullible. He believes anything.
A. Because he believes anything, he is gullible. B. He is so gullible that he believes anything.
C. He is too gullible to believe anything. D. Although he is so gullible, he believes anything.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
The story of coffee drinking is one of the greatest and most fascinating in history. Millions
of coffee drinkers worldwide cannot imagine life without a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning.
Coffee is a natural stimulant which makes us feel more awake, alert and ready to concentrate.
The qualities of mocca, as coffee was once known, were first discovered in Ethiopia more
than one thousand years ago. However, it was not Africans but Turks and Arabs who actively
encouraged coffee drinking. The habit of coffee drinking quickly spread throughout the Arab
world, where coffee won a reputation as the wine of Islam.
Coffee was first grown in Yemen. It was popular with Turks who served the drink to
visiting Italian merchants. In 1615 traders from Venice brought coffee to Europe, where it was
originally sold as a medicine.
By the end of the sixteenth century coffee was drunk in major European cities from Paris to
London. Now, around the world there are different methods of preparing coffee, for example, in
Turkey coffee is traditionally boiled three times while Italians are the inventors of espresso and
We drink coffee because of its aroma, taste and stimulating effect. However, extensive
consumption of coffee may be harmful to our health, for instance, it may increase one's blood
pressure or make one's heart beat irregularly. Fortunately, new brands of coffee have been
appearing on the market recently. As they do not contain substances harmful to health, many
people will not have to give up their coffee-drinking habits.
Question 44: Coffee was discovered________.

A. in Africa.
B. in Europe.
C. in Yemen
D. in Asia.
Question 45: Coffee was first grown________.
A. in Yemen.
B. in Italy.
C. in Turkey.
D. in Africa.
Question 46: Coffee drinking was popularized by________.
A. the Italians.
B. the Turks.
C. the Ethiopians.
D. the Africans.
Question 47: New brands of coffee________.
A. may influence our concentration ability. B. are as harmful as the original mocca.
C. are less harmful than regular coffee.
D. make people give up their coffee-drinking
Question 48: By the end of the sixteenth century people drank coffee________.
A. in northern Europe.
B. around the world
C. in the most important European cities. D. in Paris and London only.
Question 49: In Europe, coffee was popular as________.
A. a natural stimulant. B. the wine of Islam.
C. a soft drink.
D. a medicine.
Question 50: The word “for instance” in paragraph 5 can best be replaced by________.
A. ready for use
B. for example

C. use right away
D. for all users
______THE END________

(Đề thi gồm: 04 trang)

Mơn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐÊ SỐ 195
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: The students in the nursing department are________ female.
A. restrictively
B. spontaneously
C. predominantly
D. arbitrarily
Question 2: The doctor prescribed tablets to help________ the pain.
A. lighten
B. relieve
C. calm
D. rid
Question 3: The film didn't really________ our expectations, unfortunately.
A. fall short of
B. put in for

C. come up to
D. meet with
Question 4: Sociologists believe that these factors will________ lead to over-population.
A. vigorously
B. sullenly
C. vehementlyD. ultimately
Question 5: He said it would never work, that all our efforts had been________.
A. convertible
B. distracted
C. vacant
D. futile
Question 6: The woman accused of shoplifting was found not guilty and was________.
A. interned
B. excused
C. liberated
D. acquitted
Question 7: Because John didn't take good care of himself, it was________ that he would get sick.
A. inevitable
B. conclusive
C. invariable
D. notorious
Question 8: While________ to help Tim with his maths, I got impatient because he wouldn't pay
attention to what I was saying.
A. I try
B. trying
C. having tried
D. I am trying
Question 9: Look, I________ it all back. I should never have spoken like that.
A. take
B. put

C. call
D. give
Question 10: Do stop banging that drum. Billy. You're being rafher________.
A. tiresome
B. nuisance
C. wearying
D. disturbing
Question 11. Mr. Pike, ________ is our boss ,has just come back from Paris.
A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. that
Question 12: The police are concentrating on arresting drug________ rather than casual users.
A. entrepreneurs
B. merchants
C. agents
D. traffickers
Question 13: Different people never read a book in________ same way.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Question 14: Pay more attention________ picture and you can find out who is the robber.
A. to
B. for
C. at
D. on
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 15: A. inevitable

B. innocent
C. insecticide
D. innovate
Question 16: A. irrelevant
B. irritable
C. irreparable
D. irrational
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 17: A. paid
B. maid
C. laid
D. said
Question 18: A. thousand
B. around
C. souvenir
D. lounge
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it
necessary to (19)________ business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some tips are certainly in
order. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook
a few simple meals while you are away. They will be (20)________ happier and probably they will
enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end,

they will be much better for your digestions. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in
(21)________ and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better service. And
almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs a
businesswoman: this starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully

packed. Take the folding case inside your suitcase, it will (22)________ in extremely handy for dirty
clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And make
sure that you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate. Obviously,
experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by careful planning
(23)________ right from the start you can really have a good trip.
Question 19: A. take
B. do
C. build
D. make
Question 20: A. so
B. quite
C. more
D. much
Question 21: A. quest
B. addition
C. advance
D. fact
Question 22: A. show
B. come
C. take
D. turn
Question 23: A. so that
B. on
C. all
D. with
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 24: ~ A: “Do you think it’s important to set goals?”
~ B: “______________”
A. Yes, they have to defeat the Uzbekistan team to win the cup.

B. Certainly, the goal-keeper thinks so.
C. Of course. The more goals they score, the more money they will be awarded.
D. Sure. It is a necessary step to do in order to succeed in doing something.
Question 25: ~ A: This movie is boring and too violent.”
~ B: “______________”
A. Good idea. Shall we be off.”
B. I agree. Why don’t we leave?”
C. I hope so. Let’s go.”
D. So much the better.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions..
A person who enjoys exploring caves is called a spelunker. Spelunking, or speleology, is the
study of caves.
The daring spelunker must face bottomless pits, scale steep rock walls, and crawl through
spaces too small to stand up in. He must cope with darkness, unchanging temperatures, and mud,
mud, mud.
Like mountain climbing, spelunking is carried on in groups, with the einphasis on
teamwork and safety.
A spelunker, if he is a scientist in search of accurate information, must have special skill and
endurance as he must get himself in and out of narrow crevices, carrying with him a good deal of
scientific equipment.
There is much to learn from the exploring of caves. Fossils of prehistoric animals and
plants are often found in caves. Anthropologists studying the origins of man have found bones and
wall drawings to increase their knowledge of man's early history.
There are many kinds of caves, all of them interesting to the speleologist. Waves pounding
on cliffs have hollowed out sea caves. Hot lava flowing down the sides of volcanoes has left lava
caves. The melting and freezing of glaciers and icebergs has formed ice caves. The speleollogist
has a wide, exciting, and dangerous field to study.
Question 26: This article as a whole tells us about_________.

A. cave dwellers.
B. different kinds of caves.
C. mountain climbing.
D. the science of exploring caves.
Question 27: Which of the following is not mentioned as the agent that makes caves?
A. winds
B. glaciers and icebergs
C. volcanoes
D. the sea
Question 28: The phrasal verb “cope with” in the passage is closest in meaning to_________.
A. deal with a difficult situation
B. bring light to a place
C. undergo a situation
D. get used to a new situation
Question 29: Which sentence is NOT true?
A. Exploring caves can be difficult and dangerous.

B. Spelunking is something a person must do all by himself.
C. The spelunker's findings are often of interest to the anthropologist.
D. Like the mountain climber, the spelunker must know the techniques of climbing rocks.
Question 30: A spelunker must first be_________.
A. an anthropologist B. a historian
C. brave and strong D. a scientist
Question 31: The word “hollowed out” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. roared noisily
B. gave big noise
C. fully covered
D. made empty space
Question 32: While not directly stated, it may be inferred from the article that_________.

A. spelunking is only for scientists.
B. all caves are made by water.
C. spelunking is a dangerous sport.
D. alt anthropologists are spelunkers.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 33: Studying the science of logic is one way to cultivate one's reason skills.
A. reason
B. science
C. Studying
D. way to
Question 34: Globes and maps have always been important throughout history, but never as more
so than today.
A. as more
B. thanC. but D. have always been
Question 35: Before becoming successful, Charles Kettering, former vice president of General
Motors, was so poor that he has to use the hayloft'of a barn as a laboratory.
A. so poor
B. successful
C. as
D. has to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 36: Her mind was overcome by the green-eyed monster.
A. sympathy
B. fear of ghost
C. jealousy
D. environmentalist
Question 37: There are 256 people on the books at the cement works.
A. to be employed B. on the payroll

C. to be sacked
D. in registration
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 38: Jean has been the subject of much malicious gossip in the village.
A. leisurely
B. spiteful
C. free
D. sympathetic
Question 39: The old man did not notice it had begun to rain. He was so engrossed in feeding the
A. fully attentive to B. sick of
C. occupied with
D. immersed in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 40: No one has opened this box for a hundred years.
A. This box hasn't been opened for a hundred years.
B. This box wasn't opened a hundred years ago.
C. This box was opened hundred years ago.
D. This box has been opened for a hundred years.
Question 41: It's a long time since we last went to the cinema.
A. We haven't been to the cinema for a long time.
B. We have been to the cinema for a long time.
C. We don't go to the cinema as we used to.
D. We wish we went to the cinema now.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 42: More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling. The price of gasoline is
continuing to rise.

A. The price of gasoline is continuing to rise; however, more students at the college are
biking, walking, or carpooling because

B. More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling despite the price of
gasoline is continuing to rise.
C. More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling because the price of
gasoline is continuing to rise.
D. More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling although the price of
gasoline is continuing to rise.
Question 43: He is so gullible. He believes anything.
A. Because he believes anything, he is gullible. B. He is so gullible that he believes anything.
C. He is too gullible to believe anything. D. Although he is so gullible, he believes anything.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
The story of coffee drinking is one of the greatest and most fascinating in history. Millions
of coffee drinkers worldwide cannot imagine life without a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning.
Coffee is a natural stimulant which makes us feel more awake, alert and ready to concentrate.
The qualities of mocca, as coffee was once known, were first discovered in Ethiopia more
than one thousand years ago. However, it was not Africans but Turks and Arabs who actively
encouraged coffee drinking. The habit of coffee drinking quickly spread throughout the Arab
world, where coffee won a reputation as the wine of Islam.
Coffee was first grown in Yemen. It was popular with Turks who served the drink to
visiting Italian merchants. In 1615 traders from Venice brought coffee to Europe, where it was
originally sold as a medicine.
By the end of the sixteenth century coffee was drunk in major European cities from Paris to
London. Now, around the world there are different methods of preparing coffee, for example, in
Turkey coffee is traditionally boiled three times while Italians are the inventors of espresso and

We drink coffee because of its aroma, taste and stimulating effect. However, extensive
consumption of coffee may be harmful to our health, for instance, it may increase one's blood
pressure or make one's heart beat irregularly. Fortunately, new brands of coffee have been
appearing on the market recently. As they do not contain substances harmful to health, many
people will not have to give up their coffee-drinking habits.
Question 44: Coffee was discovered________.
A. in Africa.
B. in Europe.
C. in Yemen
D. in Asia.
Question 45: Coffee was first grown________.
A. in Yemen.
B. in Italy.
C. in Turkey.
D. in Africa.
Question 46: Coffee drinking was popularized by________.
A. the Italians.
B. the Turks.
C. the Ethiopians.
D. the Africans.
Question 47: New brands of coffee________.
A. may influence our concentration ability. B. are as harmful as the original mocca.
C. are less harmful than regular coffee.
D. make people give up their coffee-drinking
Question 48: By the end of the sixteenth century people drank coffee________.
A. in northern Europe.
B. around the world
C. in the most important European cities. D. in Paris and London only.
Question 49: In Europe, coffee was popular as________.

A. a natural stimulant. B. the wine of Islam.
C. a soft drink.
D. a medicine.
Question 50: The word “for instance” in paragraph 5 can best be replaced by________.
A. ready for use
B. for example
C. use right away
D. for all users
______THE END________

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