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Buổi 2 : Phrasal verbs
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- get more practice and know how to use phrasal verbs
-develop four skills
II- Language content:
1. Structure:
- Complex sentences
2. Vocabulary:
Vocabularies of Unit 1
III- Teaching method:
- Communicative approach
IV- Teaching aids
- Textbook, pictures and advanced books
V- Teaching steps:
Warm up
-Ask Ss to remind some of phrasal verbs

Động từ kép là động từ được cấu tạo bởi một động từ T-Whole
(a verb) với một tiểu từ ( a particle) hay một giới từ ( a class
preposition) hay cả hai ( tiểu từ + giới từ ) : give up,
turn on, look after, get along with…
Động từ kép được chia ra làm hai loại:
1. Động từ kép có thể phân cách ( separable phrasal
verbs) give up, turn on, try on, put on …

a. Túc từ là danh từ : có thể đứng trước hoặc sau
tiểu từ.
 S – V + tiểu từ + túc từ
Ex: You should turn off the lights before leaving
home. Ex: He’s trying on a jacket.
 S – V + túc từ + tiểu từ
Ex: He’s trying a jacket on.
Ex: He gave smoking up
b. Túc từ là đại từ nhân xưng (personal pronoun) Individual
luôn luôn đứng giữa động từ và tiểu từ.
Ex: The light is on. Turn it off.
Ex: Here’re the shoes. Try them on.
2. Động từ không thể phân cách ( unseparable


phrasal verbs): túc từ luôn luôn đứng sau giới từ.
Ex: You should look after your old parents.
Ex: He looks forward to his brother’s letter
1. set up: khởi nghiệp, xaây dựng sự nghiệp
2. bring out: xuất bản, phát hành
3. look through: đọc
4. keep up with: bắt kịp với
5. run out of: hết
6. pass down: chuyển giao
7. close down: đóng cửa, dừng (kinh doanh)

8. get on with: thân thiết với
9. turn down: phản đối, từ chối
10. set off: khởi hành
11. pass down: chuyển giao
12. turn up: xuất hiện, đến
13. work out: kết thúc
14. take over: đảm đương, đảm nhận
15: find out: tìm thơng tin
- Ask students to do some exercises.
- Call some studnets to write down the board.
- Correct.
EX1: Choose the best answer
1. Could you ______ a moment while I see if Peter is
in his office?
A. Get on well
B . get on
C. hold on (chờ)
D. stand on
2. Extension 286? I’ll ______ .
A. Put you through
B. get you through
C. come you through
D. break into you
Put you through (Nối điện thoại cho ai).
3. For me, the film didn’t ______ all the enthusiastic
publicity it received.
A. Come up
B. live up
C. turn up to
D. live up to

live up to : Xứng đáng với
4. Jack and Linda ______ last week. They just weren’t
happy together.
A. Broke up (tan vỡ)
B. broke into



C. finished off
D. ended up
5. I’m ______ Tom’s address. Do you know it?
A. Looking on
B. finding out
C. looking for
D. getting for
6. I can ______ with most things but I can’t stand
noisy children.
A. Put aside
B. put on
C. put up
D. put off
put up with sb/sth = to endure sb/sth : chịu đựng
7. If we don’t do something now, the birds are going
to ______ soon.
A. Die of

B. die with
C. die out (chết sạch)
D. die on
8. If you really want to lose weight, you need to
______ eating desserts.
A. Give away
B. give up
C. put off
D. take off
9. I had to ______ her request for a loan. Her credit
was just not good enough
A. Turn on
B. turn off
C. turn down(từ chối)
D. turn into
10. I need to_______ from work and take a holiday.
A. Go away
B. get away
C. relax on
D. run on
Get away from sth: thoát khỏi
11. It ______ to be a beatiful night tonight!
A. Turned into
B. turned out
C. turned on
D. turned off
Turn out : hóa ra, thành ra
12. I want you to _______ every bad word you’ve said
about my brother.
A. Take back

B. say again
C. take off
D. give off
Take back one’s words: rút lại lời nói
13. When I was turning out my cupboard I ______ this
photograph of my uncle
A. Came over
B. came round
C. came across
D. came into
Come across sb/sth: tình cờ gặp
14. He ______ in German, but moved to the US at the

age of 18.
A. Brought to
B. grew up (lớn lên)
C. turned off
D. went to
15. He ______ the club on recommendation from his
friend Jack.
A. Got in
B. got on
C. got by
D. got into
Get into a club, team, school: gia nhập, nhập học
16. He _______ unleaded gas and left on his journey.
A. Poured on
B. filled up with (đổ đầy)
C. filled up

D. poured with
17. He spent the entire night thinking and in the end
_______ a brilliant idea.
A. Received with
B. got up
C. came up with (đề xuất)
D. came out
18. We’re not ready yet, we are going to have to
______ the meeting until next week.
A. Take off
B. put off (hoãn lại)
C. take on
D. go off
19. Let’s _______ the grammar one more time before
the test.
A. Go through
B. come over
C. go on
D. go over
Go over: xem lại, ôn lại
20. Look Jack, I’ve _______ your bad behavior long
A. Put up
B. put through
C. put up with
D. get on well
21. Make sure to _______ pick-pockets when you go
to the market.
A. Watch out for
B. come along

C. take to
D. look at
Look/ watch out for sth/sb : coi chừng
22. My sister _______ my cats while I was away on
A. Looked after
B. looked for
C. looked at
D. looked on
23. Our flight was delayed, but we finally _______
shortly after midnight.
A. Took off (cất cánh)
B. took on

C. took up
D. put off
24. Our school _______ for the summer holidays on
the 10th of July.
A. Breaks up
B. breaks down
C. breaks off
D. breaks in
breaks off: tạm ngừng hoạt động
25. She promised to _______ her cigarette smoking to
five a day.
A. Cut down (cắt giảm) B. give up
C. give away
D. cut up
EX2: Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the

- Pair work
list above to complete these sentences.
wake up - stand up - look after - sit down - give up ring up - get on
1. The children ……………. at eight o`clock to have
2. “ ……!” he said. `This is not the time for sleeping!`
3. After the crash, my legs hurt: it was very difficult to
4. “ ……in that chair, please,” said the doctor.
5. The bus was moving too fast and I couldn`t …… it.
6. Mr and Mrs Smith are going to …… the children
for an hour.
7. I`m going to …… smoking tomorrow.
8. I`m going to …… the station and ask about the
Key : 1. get up 2. Wake up! 3. stand up 4. Sit down
5. get on 6. look after 7. give up 8. ring up
EX3: Complete each of the following sentences
using the correct form of a phrasal verbs in the
keep up
Close down
come back
deal with
get up
look through
pass down
Set off
turn down
live on

1. My sister is an early bird. She ……… at 7 o’clock
every day of the week.
2. We’ll ……………… for Tay Ho village at 9
Group work
o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock.
3. When I was a student, I……………. small


allowances from my parents
4. The government must now …………………….
The preservation of traditional craft village.
5. The banks have ……………………… a lot of
branches in villages over the last few years.
6. Many foreign tourist decided to …………… to Viet
Nam for another holiday.
7. They offered her a trip to Europe but she ………. it
8. He has …………… the report and found nothing
9. Phong walk too fast and it’s really hard to ………
10. These traditional stories have been…………..
from parents to children over many generation.
Put the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1.I usually (go) …………………. fishing on work
2.My brother used to ( go )……………… to work by

motorbike. Now he cycles.
3.How about (see) ……………. a movie on Sunday
evening ?
4.Nam didn’t use (play) ……………………. football
in the afternoon. Now he often does it.
5.Nam (learn) …………………………….. English
for 8 years.
7.Ba (visit)………………….. to Ha Long Bay this
summer vacation.
8. I like ( work) ……………………….. as a volunteer
for that orphanage.
9. Mai’s mother is clever . She usually (make)
………………..………..lovely things.
10.You (buy) ………………………………..a new
bike yesterday?.
11. Last night we (go) ……………………….……to
Lan’s birthday party.
12. We (work)……………………………….…..in the
garden yesterday morning.

13.Would you mind ( open ) …………….. the
windows ?

14.Do you mind if I ( take) ……… a photo with you ?
15.Would you mind if I (open)…………… the door ?

- Guide pupils to do exercises in their workbook
- Learn the theory by heart.


Buổi 3 +4 : Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- get more practice and know how to use comparison of adj and adv
-develop four skills
II- Language content:
Comparison of adj and adv
Vocabularies of Unit 2
III- Teaching method:
- Communicative approach
IV- Teaching aids
- Textbook, pictures and advanced books
V- Teaching steps:
-Ask Ss to give some adjectives and adverbs which

Warm up
they have known
Eg: nice , tall , big……
Presentation 1. So sánh bằng với tính từ và trạng từ:
CS1 + V + as + adj/adv + as + S2 + auxiliary V
2. So sánh hơn với tính từ và trạng từ.
* So sánh hơn với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn:
S1 + S-adj + er/ S-adv- er + than + S2 + Axiliary V
* So sánh hơn với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài:
Cấu trúc:
S1 + more + L-adj/ L-adv + than + S2 + Axiliary V
3. So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ và trạng từ.
+ So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ

Cấu trúc:
S + V + the + S-adj-est/ S-adv-est
+ So sánh hơn nhất đối với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài:
Cấu trúc:
S + V + the + most + L-adj/ L-adv
4. Cấu trúc so sánh “….càng ngày càng …”
* Đối với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn
S-adj-er/ S-adv-er and S-adj-er/ S-adv-er
eg- My sister is taller and taller.

* Đối với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài
More and more + L-adj/ L-adv
eg- The film is more and more interesting.
5. Cấu trúc so sánh “càng …. càng…”
* Đối với tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn:
The + S-adj-er/ S-adv-er + S + V, the + S-adj-er/ Sadv-er + S + V
eg- The cooler it is, the better I feel.
* Đối với tính từ dài và trạng từ dài
The + more + L-adj/ L-adv + S + V, the + more + Ladj/ L-adv + S + V
eg- The more carefully he studies, the more
confident he feels.
Số lần (half/ twice/ three times/…) + many/much/ adj/
adv+ as + O/ N/ Pronoun
eg- She works twice as hard as me. (Cô ấy làm việc
chăm chỉ gấp 2 lần tôi.)

- Ask students to do some exercises.
- Call some studnets to write down the board.
- Correct.
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/best).
2. Pat’s car is (faster/fastest) than Dan’s.
3. John is (less/least) athletic of all the men.
4. Does Fred feel (weller/better) today than he did
5. My cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two.
6. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/best).



II. Which is correct or both of them? Underline the
correct answer(s).
1. My older/elder sister is a TV producer.
2. I’m surprised Mary is only 25. I thought she was
3. Jane’s younger sister is still at school. Her
older/elder sister is a nurse.
- Pair work
4. Is she younger than you? – No, she is older/elder
than me.
5. I must ring home today and find out if there’s any
further/father news about my grandmother and her
III. Complete the following sentences with the
appropriate form of the words in brackets.
1. Learning to speak a language is often much (easy)
…………………. than learning to write it.
2. This hotel must be (expensive)…… …………than
the small one next door.
3. He is certainly (unusual)… ………person I have
ever met.
4. His latest film is (interesting)…… ……….than his
previous ones.

5. What is (difficult)… … thing you have ever done?
6. Losing your credit card is (bad)……… …than
losing your money.
7. Bringing up children is one of (hard)…… …..jobs
in the world.
8. When I saw her, she looked much (thin)………
………than I remembered her.
9. He is (clever) ……………………. student in my
10. She can’t stay (long) …………………….than 30
IV. Complete the sentences below, using the
suitable comparison form of the adjectives from

the box. One of these adjectives is used twice.


1. This exercise is too easy – Can’t we try a _______

2. England is too cold in spring – Let’s go to Spain
where is ____________________.
3. She comes top in all exams – She must be
______________ girl in the class.
4. The temperature in July reaches 44 degrees – it’s
Group work
______________________ month of the year.
5. Let’s buy this video – it doesn’t cost too much – it’s
______________________ the other one.
6. When I passed my driving test, it was the
_________________________ day of my life.
7. Lying down in bed is ________________ sitting on
a hard chair.
8. I could hardly keep awake – it was
_____________________ film I’ve ever seen.
9. She’s ______________________________ person
I know – She is always winning prizes in lotteries.
10. I can’t do this test – can you give me a ___ one?
V. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown.
1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees, but
today it is only six degrees.
 Today it’s
2. I expected my friends arrived at about 4p.m. In fact
they arrived at 2:30.
 My friends
3. Jane cooks better than her sister.
 Jane’s sister


4. Tom is the best football player in this team.
 Nobody in this team
5. Nothing is faster than the speed of light.
Group work
 The speed of light
6. Jack is younger than he looks.
 Jack isn’t
7. I didn’t spend as much money as you do.
 You
8. I have never met anyone as interesting as he is.
 He is
9. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
 Her new house
10. No one in my class is taller than Peter.
 Peter
11. The black dress is more expensive than the white
 The white dress
12. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
 Mary
13. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
 The Nile
14. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the
 No mountain
15. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty
 She is

VI. Rewrite the following sentences using the
words given
1. I am 8 years old. My brother is 16 years old.
2. This car is as expensive as that one. (PRICE)
3. The earth is the same shape as the moon. (ROUND)
4. My hair is as long as yours. (LENGTH)
5. This cup of coffee isn't as strong as the other cup.

6. She isn't the same weight as last month. (HEAVY)

- Guide pupils to do exercises in their workbook
- Learn the theory by heart.


*Adjustment :............................................................................................................


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