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Impacts of digital influencers on the vietnamese consumers purchase intention of cosmetic products

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CODE: 8430101.01

Assoc. Prof. Dr. PHAM THI LIEN

Hanoi, 2021

Conducting Master thesis in VJU devotes a huge of my time and effort. Therefore, it could
not be finished if I do not have the encouragement of people around me.
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thankfulness to my great supervisor Prof. Inoue
Tohru and Assoc. Prof. Pham Thi Lien for supporting and providing me plenty of valuable
recommendation for Master Thesis.
Secondly, I also would like to say thank you for my lecturers from both Vietnam and Japan
side, my classmate at MBA04, my schoolmate at VJU and my dear program assistant – Ms.
Nguyen Thi Huong. Thank all of you for encouraging and helping me during VJU learning
period. The 2-year journey of VJU will be a memorable experience I have never forgotten
in my life. I wish to all of you always have health and success.
Finally, I am grateful for my family who always beside me even in a tough time. I will
never complete my Master thesis if do not have the support of my family.
Dang Minh Anh

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................ i
LIST OF FIGURES ..............................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Research motivation ................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Practical necessary............................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Theoretical necessary .......................................................................................... 3
1.2 Research objectives .................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Research question ....................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Research scope ........................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Research structure ...................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................. 6
2.1 Review of related definition ....................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Social media and influencer marketing ............................................................... 6
2.1.2 Digital influencers ............................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Definition and segment of cosmetic product ....................................................... 8
2.1.4 Consumer buying process and Purchase intention ............................................ 10
2.2 Review of relevant theoretical models ..................................................................... 12
2.3 Hypothesis development and conceptual model ...................................................... 15
2.3.1 Expertise ............................................................................................................ 16
2.3.2 Attractiveness .................................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Trustworthiness ................................................................................................. 18
2.3.4 Likeability .......................................................................................................... 19
2.3.5 Product fit .......................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 3: DATA AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 22
3.1 Research process ...................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Sample design ........................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Measurement scale ................................................................................................... 23
3.4 Data analysis methodology....................................................................................... 26
3.4.1 Descriptive analysis ........................................................................................... 26
3.4.2 Inferential analysis............................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS RESULTS ............................................................................... 30
4.1 Descriptive statistics ................................................................................................. 30
4.2 Scale measurement of constructs.............................................................................. 35
4.2.1 Reliability test .................................................................................................... 35
4.2.2 Validity test ....................................................................................................... 37
4.3 Analysis and hypothesis testing................................................................................ 39

4.3.1 Regression analysis for whole sample............................................................... 39
4.3.2 Hypothesis testing for whole sample ................................................................. 44

4.3.3 Demographic differences in evaluating independent variables ......................... 45
4.3.4 Regression analysis for each product groups .................................................... 50
4.3.5 Hypothesis testing for each product group ........................................................ 65
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION ......................................................... 67
5.1 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 67
5.2 Implication ................................................................................................................ 72
5.2.1 Theoretical implications .................................................................................... 72
5.2.2 Practical implications ........................................................................................ 73
5.3 Conclusion and limitation......................................................................................... 76
References .......................................................................................................................... 78
Appedix 1: QUESTIONNAIRE ......................................................................................... 85
Apendix 2: DATA RESULTS ............................................................................................ 92

Table 3.1. Likert 5-point scale ............................................................................................ 24
Table 3. 2. Measurement scale development ..................................................................... 24
Table 4. 1. Cronbach's alpha summary ............................................................................... 35
Table 4. 2. Exploratory factor analysis results of independent variables ........................... 37
Table 4. 3. Rotated components matrix .............................................................................. 37
Table 4.4. Exploratory factor analysis results of dependent variables ............................... 38
Table 4. 5. Rotated components for dependent variable .................................................... 39
Table 4. 6. Pearson correlation ........................................................................................... 39
Table 4.7. Variance inflation factor results ........................................................................ 41
Table 4.8. Summary of regression analysis ........................................................................ 42
Table 4.9. Summary of regression analysis (second time) ................................................. 43
Table 4.10. Hypothesis testing results for whole sample ................................................... 44
Table 4.11. T-test analysis among independent variables .................................................. 45
Table 4.12. Anova analysis among age in independent variables ...................................... 45
Table 4.13. Anova analysis among living areas in independent variables ......................... 47

Table 4.14. Anova analysis among product segment in independent variables ................. 49
Table 4.15. Summary regression analysis for Cleanser product ........................................ 50
Table 4.16. Summary regression analysis for Makeup remover product........................... 51
Table 4.17. Summary regression analysis for Facial oil or serum product ........................ 53
Table 4.18. Summary regression analysis for Moisturizer product ................................... 55
Table 4.19. Summary regression analysis for Toner product............................................. 56
Table 4.20. Summary regression analysis for Sunscreen product ...................................... 58
Table 4.21. Summary regression analysis for Facial mask product ................................... 59
Table 4.22. Summary regression analysis for Peeling product .......................................... 60
Table 4.23. Summary regression analysis for Spot corrector product ............................... 62
Table 4.24. Summary regression analysis for Anti-aging cream ....................................... 63


Figure 2. 1. Source credibility model (Ohanian, 1990) ..................................................... 13
Figure 2.2. Conceptual model (by authors) ........................................................................ 15
Figure 4. 1. Age .................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 4. 2. Occupation ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4. 3. Income ............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 4. 4. Product segment .............................................................................................. 33
Figure 4. 5. Product type .................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4.6. Regression Standardized Residual ................................................................... 41


Social media is more increasingly used in the worldwide. In a globalization process,

influencers marketing would be considered as one of the most popular marketing methods
in the world. Since the companies have a harder time reaching out to their customers, digital
influencers have been used as an appropriate solution to influence the purchase intention of
them. The digital influencer has a role as a communicator who influences the purchase
intention of the followers. In cosmetics industry in Vietnam, there are plenty of beauty
influencers who uses their impact to suggest cosmetic products to their followers such as
Trinh Pham, Changmakeup, Quach Anh, etc. This research aims to study purchase intention
of consumers who have been enacted by social media influencers in cosmetic industry in
Vietnam by testing the effect of digital influencers through expertise, attractiveness,
trustworthiness, likeability, and product fit. The results testing shows that expertise does
not affect to purchase intention while attractiveness, trustworthiness, likeability and product
fit have a significant impact to intention to buy. Moreover, the difference among
demographic information including gender, ages, living areas and product segment are
checked. This study also provides the examination about hypothesis testing for each kind
of product, including Cleanser, Makeup remover, Facial oil or Serum, Moisturizer, Toner,
Sunscreen, Facial mask, Peeling, Spot corrector and Anti-aging cream.

Keyword: digital influencers, purchase intention, cosmetics, Vietnam


1.1 Research motivation
1.1.1 Practical necessary
Nowadays, social media content has been used by various brands for approaching nearby
the consumers. Following to Clement (2020), in 2020, an estimated 3.6 billion people were
using social media worldwide, a number projected to increase to almost 4.41 billion in
2025. Besides, the average time per day spent on social media varies greatly by country.
Moreover, GlobalWeb Index's special study surveying Internet users in 17 countries in
Covid-19 lockdown found that nearly half of users spent more time on social media,

compared to about half of people (Telecommunication of Information and Communication
Newspaper, 2020). This user indicated that they used more social media than before the
social distancing. Therefore, with the increasing users accumulating, trading in social media
is potential activities which determine the success of each company.
Celebrities who are known as a public person by the recognition of a group of people has
the large contribution in social media content (Schlecht, 2003). Using a celebrity in social
media is more likely to positively affect consumers’ brand attitudes and purchase intention
(Schlecht, 2003). In Vietnam, following to the Advertising Vietnam (2019), influencer have
been become as the brand’s favorite new sources for attracting customers buying products,
particularly micro influencers. Micro influencer blossomed with a large number, close-touser characteristics, high authenticity, although the reach was not high but had good
influence. Besides, CafeF (2020) stated that global brands' budgets for Branded Contents
(content created by influencers that mention / use a product / service) increased from $ 3.6
billion in 2016 to $ 13.7 billion in 2020 and is forecast to more than double (25 billion
USD) by 2025, opening great opportunities for influencer marketing. Therefore, the
Vietnamese market is also not out of this wave with the influencer marketing budget 2020

increasing to 35% compared to 2016. Businesses use many influencers in many different
areas, operating on multiple channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
The Vietnamese cosmetics market is growing fast and highly competitive with trend of
online purchase. According to Statista (2020), the market value of Vietnam cosmetic
industry at $2.35billion while Revenue of skincare product which is the highest spending
product in Vietnam at 8.3tn VND. Furthermore, the trend of buying cosmetics online from
retailers is increasing with total website visits of the whole cosmetics retailers skyrocketed
to 10.63% from Q2/2020 – Q3/2020 (Brandvietnam, 2020). Moreover, according to market
research site Vinacresearch (2020), Vietnam's cosmetic market will reach 2.3 billion USD
by the end of 2018. This is an extremely potential market when the Vietnamese middle
class in 2020 is expected to reach 33 million people. Besides, according to this page,
according to the Insight Handbook (2019) report of Kantar Worldpanel, the most popular

product in the Vietnamese cosmetic market is skincare with the average spending on skin
care products is increasing. Following to the same report, the average spending on skin care
products like makeup remover increased 1.5 times, moisturizer by 1.2 times and sunscreen
by 1.8 times. From those data about current situation of cosmetic market, there is a need to
enhance communication way to attract customers in order to raise competitive advantage
of firm.
Current, according to Vietnam cosmetic market report in 2020, Majority of the cosmetics
information source of Vietnamese customers are online leading by Facebook, Website,
YouTube. Digital influencer as a key online channel which effectively communicates to
customers in social media platform in cosmetics industry. According to report of Celebrity
Intelligence (2018), Digital influencers have overtaken celebrities and are now the number
one choice of talent and play a crucial role in shaping opinions and purchasing decisions of
consumers. This kind of influencers also are the major opinion to shaping beauty trends,
models and products. Moreover, using digital influencers enable cosmetic suppliers
received a success in sales activities. The report of Celebrity Intelligence (2018) shows that
spending $1.3 for digital influencers to review, PR, advertise cosmetic products, brands get

the average profit $11.8. Therefore, thanks to the effectiveness of digital influencers, using
celebrities on social networks to advertise, PR for cosmetics is enhancing in Vietnam
(Tomorrow Marketer, 2020). The trend of using beauty bloggers in Vietnam to increase
brand awareness and sell products is also rapidly popular.
In Vietnam, although using digital influencers in marketing is an effective and emerging
form of information transmission between businesses and consumers, there are not many
analytical studies on this object to optimize the use of digital influencers. Therefore, in this
research paper, the author aims to study the effect of digital influencers for purchase
intention in the technological era in cosmetics industry.
1.1.2 Theoretical necessary
In the past, numerous researches were done on celebrity and the influence of celebrity on

purchase intentions. The characteristics of celebrity founded by Ohanian (1990) including
expertise, attractiveness and trustworthiness was investigated by Chaovalit (2014); Fern,
Boon, Ling, & Huat, (2015); Park & Lin (2020). However, not much research on digital
influencer which is emerged and popular kind of celebrity nowadays. In fact, under the
explosion of the era of science and technology 4.0, the influence of digital influencers has
grown stronger and better than the traditional celebrity, bringing the company revenue and
spreading the brand coverage (Le, 2021).
Since digital influencers is a new model of celebrity in the era of technology 4.0, there are
are not much research related to the impact of digital influencer to purchase intention.
Group authors Ambarwati and his colleage in 2019 published a journal about this issues,
however, the content only focused on the effect electronic word of mouth (eWOM) to
Wardah cosmetics purchase intention and did not mentioned about the characteristics of
digital influencers to the purchase intention. Meanwhile, other group scholar - Handayani,
Evelina, Sylvina & Lestari (2019) also researched about this topic but the authors just
concentrated on the the content of digital influencer in order to engage followers. In
contrast, Torres, Augusto, & Matos (2019) studied about impact to purchase intention,

however, group author just cares about the attractiveness of digital influencer and
congruence between the digital influencer and brand and did not mention about the fit
between the celebrity and the product.
Therefore, this research will fill the gap by researching the effect of characteristics of digital
influencers including expertise, attractiveness, trustworthiness, likeability and also adding
effect of product fit in order to provide the another perspectives to this topic in particular
with cosmetics product in Vietnam.
1.2 Research objectives
In this study, I concentrate on the following specific objectives as below:
– To research the effect of digital influencers on the customers’ purchase intention in
cosmetics industry.

– To propose the solution for firms to attract potential customers by using digital
1.3 Research question
– What are the characteristics of digital influencer influencing to the buying intention
of customers?
– Which is the most characteristic effect to purchase intention?
1.4 Research scope
Conducting in Vietnam, this research focuses on Vietnamese people who are potential to
buy cosmetic product through the recommendation of digital influencers. About the
cosmetic product, in order to deeply understand the purchase intention of customers of one
specific kind of product, the author narrows down the kinds of products that is facial skin
care product which is popular in Vietnam and have a growing the average spending year
by year. The research has been conducted in the period from Oct 2020 to May 2021.


1.5 Research structure
This research including 5 chapters.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter introduces the practical and theoretical motivation of research, identifies the
research objectives, research questions and research scope.
Chapter 2: Literature review
This chapter provides conceptual definition and fundamental theory about terminology of
this topic. Moreover, this part also introduces the hypothesis and explains the model in this
research based on the previous study and research gap.
Chapter 3: Data and Methodology
This chapter describes the process of research, the way to design sample, questionnaires
and method to collect data.
Chapter 4: Data analysis

This chapter focuses on analyzing the reliability and validity of data collected, regression
and identifying the results of tesing hypothesis, providing which hypothesis is supported or
not supported.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and discussion
This chapter summary the content of this research and also provide some implication from
the findings of research. Moreover, this section also presents some limitations of this study
in order to add recommendation for futher study in the future.



2.1 Review of related definition
2.1.1 Social media and influencer marketing
Social media is the widely used term refer to the Internet-based networks from which users
can communicate and selectively view themselves (Carr & Hayes, 2014). However, Boyd
& Ellison (2008) defined social media as websites that enable users to create profiles and
connect with one another meanwhile group authors Kietzmann et al. (2011) identified this
term as the web-based programs that provide functions for designing, distributing,
communicating, and grouping. However, Manning (2014) stated that social media relates
to new forms of media that involve interactive participation. With a virtual platform, social
media has been easy to reach a group of potential users in the technological era 4.0.
According to Tankovska (2021), top 3 of social media platforms worldwide are popularly
used that is Facebook (2.7 billion active users), Youtube (2.9 billion active users) and
WhatsApp (2 billion active users). That means, with the large number of users, social media
on the consumer behavior rapidly effect more on the consumers’ normal course of life.
The author Brown & Hayes in 2008 defined influencer marketing that is “A third-party who
significantly shapes the customer’s purchasing decision, but may ever be accountable for
it”. Besides, this author also claimed that influencer marketing is identified as a marketing

technique that leverages the power of key individuals or opinion leaders to increase brand
recognition and purchase decisions among consumers. That is using influencer marketing
could boost the total revenue of company by the effect of influencer to customer’s buying
decision. According to Carter (2016), influencer marketing has defined as a rapidly
increasing industry that attempts to promote goods or raise brand awareness through
content shared by influential social media users. At the moment, influencer marketing is
one of most powerful forms of marketing for product or services.


In terms of the author Hall (2015), the intrinsic attributes of the influencer are critical in
convincing brands and advertisers to follow them closely. One benefit is that advertisers
can choose less expensive influencers instead of paying exorbitant fees to sign one or more
well-known celebrity endorsers. Furthermore, social media influencers have typically
developed themselves by focusing in particular fields. This suggests that when influencers
partner with brands that relate to their personal areas of expertise, customers are more likely
to support or trust their opinions (Hall K. , 2016). That means, despite influencer marketing
is a popular strategy for gaining the attractiveness of customer and enhancement of brand
awareness, it also depend on the influencers who is used for advertisement and PR.
Therefore, choosing an appropriate celebrity is genuinely crucial for the development of
the brand and product.
2.1.2 Digital influencers
There are many researchers disclose the definition of digital influencers. In the age of social
media, the interpretation of digital influencers has been changing day by day. The scholar
Morris (2009) claimed that the digital influence has defined as the capability to effect,
adjust conception and behavior via social media community. Thus, digital influencers who
bring their monumental influence through social networking achieve not only entrustment
from their online friends, and viewers but also the online reputation on brands or products
to these followers. Thank to social media communication based, the people who as the

influence could facilitate to approach to their participants.
According to Duffy (2015), digital influencers is brand communicators to their followers
in case launching brand for a firm which is normally compensate them through free
products, the promise of exposure and a small benefit in cash. Besides, this kind of
influencer attempt to boost on the process of influencers by expecting them to enhance the
viewers to choose the products for free (Rocamora, 2018). In addition, Enke and Borchers
(2019) stated that digital influencers act as the third-party people that use their large relevant
relationships with amenity to manipulate the organizational stakeholders by their
interaction, individual physical look, and content via social media. Thus, digital influencers

as the person who convey the media message of company, bring the attractiveness of this
brand and product to customers through technology platform such as Youtube, Facebook
or Instagram.
The researchers Wielki (2020) disclosed the distinguished categories of digital influencers
on his paper which comprise of seven types of digital influencers depending on the number
of followers. For people having impact to the other, each influencer would be differently
viral which creates their reputation and domination to their fans, and also determine their
income in case working with brands. Those are from the top to the bottom of followers,
beginning with social celebrities (over 5 million fans), mega influencers (1 million to 5
million people), top influencers (with over 500 thousand followers), macro influencers who
have the number of fans from 100-500 thousand, the middle level influencers (from 20
thousand to 100 thousand viewers), micro influencers who has less than 20 thousand and
lastly, nano influencers (1 thousand to 10 thousand participants). With each different
specific organizational objective, the kind of digital influencers would adopt which
approach the name of company and product toward target customers.
Digital influencers, who create the same influence as other traditional media channels in
current year, could bring plenty of success for the company in current year in Vietnam
(Brandsvietnam, 2019). Thus, brands tend to reach young consumers in Vietnam, if

knowing how to adapt to an influencer marketing platform, will especially gain a source of
benefit. This research put an attention to found out the effect of digital influencers in
cosmetic industry to the Vietnamese consumers’ intention to buy, especially in skin care
2.1.3 Definition and segment of cosmetic product
In make-up market, the kind of cosmetic product would be diversity with many kinds of
texture, color and appearance. Cosmetic product has been defined as “articles intended to
be applied to the human body by being rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed for cleansing,
promoting attractiveness, beautifying, or altering the appearance” (The Federal Food,

1940). Besides, following to Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament
and of the Council (2009), cosmetics as the tools in order to wash, perfume and promote
the personal look. Moreover, beauty product could protect, correct the body from the hard
condition. Many people believe that cosmetic which is magical product would enhance their
appearance including face, eyes, and lips (Cellania, 2014). Besides, according to author
Benson (2018), cosmetic product would be considered as the tool which boost their own
confidence and express their thought to others.
Lopaciuk and Loboda (2013) pointed out that the cosmetic industry divided into 5 types,
including skincare, haircare, make-up, fragrance and toiletries. For each types of product,
there is different kind of features. According to this author, skincare is defined as one kind
of product which maintain the healthy and attractive of the skin. For example, cleaser,
sunscreens, toner, make-up remover, and moisturizers. In constrast, haircare is the product
which maintain the hair performance with clean and atractiveness, such as shampoo,
conditioner. With makeup product, representative with foundation, lipsticks, mascara, this
product has been defined as the product which improve the consumer’s apprearance.
Besides, toiletries is the product that takes care body like toothpaste while fragrance is as
the liquid that made from flowers and used to the skin. In Vietnam, according to Kantar
Worldpane (2019), the largest segment of the Vietnamese cosmetics market is skincare.

Therefore, in this paper, the author tends to choose facial skincare product as the main
objective because the research for this kind of product is rare and its features is popularity
in Vietnam.
Prior to distinguishing the different kind of cosmetics, it is crucial to define the different
prices which identity the level of cosmetics. In this multi-billion-dollar industry, there are
two segment of product which define by a range of price, including drug-store and highend (Lopaciuk & Loboda, 2013). However, these segments could be supplementary divided
into drugstore low-priced (priced under 300,000VND), high-end mid-priced (from 300,000
to 1,000,000VND), and luxury high-priced (over 1,000,000 VND) (Mai, 2014). Some
brand representatives for drugstore low-priced is Maybelline, Loreal, Nivea, Wet n Wild

(from US-UK); Black Rough, Innisfree, Etude House, Missha (from Korea), and Naturie,
Shisedo, Hada Labo (from Japan). Some products with mid-range price are M.A.C, Vichy,
Yves Rocher, Clinique (from US-UK); The Body Shop, Laneige (from Korea). Finally, the
representative product of high-end luxury price are Chanel, Lancome, Estee Lauder (from
US-UK); Ski-II, Shu Uemura (from Japan) and Su:m, Ohui, Sulwhasoo (from Korea).
Not only for the different price but also the distinctive features of each cosmetics define it
as a drug-store or high-end product. Despite its costly, distinguishing each kind also
identified by their unique formula and pigmentation for its texture, the great appearance of
packaging. For the vast market of low-end product, this kind of make-up product is
affordable with sufficient quality of features (Buttaccio, 2017). Moreover, this product
relies greater on cheaper synthetic ingredients therefore the application witnesses the
deflation of experience (Spa, 2020). However, the high-end product which product has the
extensive in greater quality ingredients, create more satisfaction of customers in pigment,
natural raw material and outweigh performance over drugstore.
2.1.4 Consumer buying process and Purchase intention
There are five stage model of the consumer buying process, including “need recognition,
information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post-purchase
behavior” (Kotler & Keller, 2008). The buying process starts with need recognition stage.

When a consumer detects a concern or desire that is caused by internal or external stimulus,
this is known as identification of a problem. In this case, practitioners must collect input
from a variety of customers to determine the conditions that lead to a specific need. They
will then devise campaign tactics that draw the attention of consumers. The next stage of
buying process is information search. Following to Kotler & Keller (2008), Although
consumers receive the greatest amount of information about a product from manufacturers,
this information is mostly dominated by the manufacturer. Therefore, consumers tend to
believe in personal or experiential sources, as well as official sources and these sources are
frequently the most effective source of information. These sources can come from family,
friends, colleagues, and celebrities. Among celebrities, digital influencers are now an

important and effective source of information, helping consumers access products closer.
Consumers receive the greatest amount of information about a product from manufacturers
which is mostly dominated by the producers. Therefore, consumers tend to believe in
personal or experiential sources, as well as official sources and these sources are frequently
the most effective source of information. These sources can come from family, friends,
colleagues, and celebrities. Among celebrities, digital influencers are now an important and
effective source of information, helping consumers access products closer. The third stage
of buying process is evaluation of alternatives. Consumers tend to segment the market for
a product according to attributes and benefits that are important to different consumer
groups. In the evaluation of alternatives, belief is an extremely important factor in consumer
purchase intention. A belief is a description feeling concerning something that a person has.
With belief in the product as well as in the product recommendation of digital influencers,
consumers can then consider buying the product or not. Stage four of buying process is
purchase decision. The step between evaluation of alternatives and purchase decision is
purchase intention. After evaluating and classifying substitute products and the benefits that
each feature brings, consumers consider the intention to buy the product. Then, from the
intention to buy the product, the consumer considers more attitudes of others and

unanticipated situational factors to decide to buy the product. The final stage is postpurchase behavior. In term of the theory of Koller and Keller (2008), following the
transaction, the buyer might feel dissonance as a result of seeing such unsettling features or
reading positive things from other products, and will be on the lookout for evidence that
backs up his or her choice. Therefore, marketing communications should include values
and assessments that support the customer's decision and make them feel positive about the
Purchase intention is a important step in consumer buying process. Purchase intention has
defined as a type of decision-making that investigates why a buyer will purchase a specific
brand (Shah, et al., 2012). Meanwhile, Spears & Singh (2014) stated that purchase
intentions are a person's deliberate decision to make an attempt to buy a brand. Moreover,

purchase intention are relevant for business because it can be used to forecast potential
revenue (Morwitz, et al., 2006). In contrast, Atkin & Block (1983) revealed that in
comparison with non-celebrity endorsement, the effect of influencers generated more
favorable attitude toward advertisement and higher on buying intention. In Vietnam,
although the appearance of digital influencers in Vietnam is very popular these days
(Brandsvietnam, 2019), there are not many research papers on the intention to use this type
of marketing in measuring the purchase intention of Vietnamese people for cosmetic
products. Therefore, through this research paper, the author wants to lay the foundation for
the concept of this object and provide a objective view in the Vietnamese context.
Moreover, according to Cravenho (2015), a digital influencer is a person who has acquired
a certain reputation among the target audience and can convince them to use the products
or services they are advocating for. This proves that the characteristics of digital influencers
are an extremely important factor determining the success of purchase intention. There are
numerous studies show that the influencer positive effect on customer intention to buy.
Chaovalit (2014) investigated about the effect celebrity to purchase intention in term of
cosmetics product. The results show that the characteristics of celebrity could effect to
purchase intention in term of this specific product line. Meanwhile, Pornpitakpan (2008)

studied on the credibilty perception of influencer in term of the development of technology.
In this research, purchase intention through the effect of public figure who recommended
product could create effects to increase purchase intention. Not only the characteristics of
digital influencers could effect to buying intention, the fit between digital influencer could
enhance the impact. According to Khan, Memon, & Kumar in 2019, the purchase intention
is boosted by those factors that significant impact and support to brand to enhance
customers’ visualization.
2.2 Review of relevant theoretical models
In the globalization process, the impact of influencers, particularly digital influencers play
a crucial role for the company which want to attract potential customers. Accompanying
with the development of technology, the researchers continuously have investigated and

studied many theories clarifying and anticipating the behavior of customers. There are
many effective theories and models to test the consumer habitual basing on effect of public
figure such as Source credibility model.
Source credibility model

Figure 2. 1. Source credibility model (Ohanian, 1990)
Based on Ohanian (1990), source credibility theory illustrated that human tends to be
persuaded by other reliable people. In this model, there are three components including:
expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness. Expertise has been defined as the degree of
acquiring the perceptions, knowledge, skills (Hovland, et al., 1953). When consumers know
that the influencers have high level of expertise, they tend to believe on the quality of
products (Amos, et al., 2008). Trustworthiness refers to the dignity, belief, and faith which
are belonged to the celebrity (Friedman, et al., 1976). When consumers think that this
source is reliable, they are more likely to rely on this kind of products which foster the
purchase intention of cosmetic products (Hovland & Weiss, 1951). However, the authors
Wei and Lu (2013) have defined trustworthiness as the confidence of the public audiences

towards the information who has the reliable manner. As the expertise and trustworthiness,
attractiveness also directly influencers the effectiveness of company’s massage to social

(McGuire, 1969). The scholar Wei & Lu (2013) also found that attractiveness become a
means to enhance the consumers by appearance, the similarity and the likeability of
The scholar Karlins and her colleague (1970) showed that “the more credible of a source,
the more persuasive the source is likely to be” with the cognitive response theory which
emphasizes the roles of the message’s ideas for determining influence. Continuing with
Karlins & Herbert (1970) messages, this theory pointed out that the individual who has a
optimistic predisposition of message issues and lacks of credibility could be more inspiring
than greater credibility source (Aaker & Myers, 1987). In contrast, Hannon & Coney (1982)
illustrated that if the person with negative predisposition, they could be less of credible
source with high credible source since it brings a negative individual message which
enables to accept the message minds. Besides, the construct of source credibility and these
factor for evaluating and choosing celebrity is important which depend on the attitudes and
behavioral intention. Source credibility model is subjective, therefore, with the different
preferences, the degree for existing contract among each person would be demonstrated
(Berscheid, et al., 1971). The author Ohanian (1990), after extensive tests and review,
showing three components of source credibility model as attractiveness, expertise and
trustworthiness. This factor seems like the criteria for selecting an influencer to the brand
or products.
The reason choosing model Source credibility model as the theoretical framework
The following models above are showing the behavioral consumers from various aspects.
The question is which model could be applied to investigate the effect of digital influencers
toward customer purchasing intention of cosmetic product in Vietnam. Customers, who
using technology platform, prefers using the products from the suggestion of influencers in
diversity range of price, from low-end to high-end cosmetics. Base on the reputation of

influencers, the followers with their trust, is willing to choose the products which attract
them from the reliable people. The source credibility model is used plenty to measure the


impact of celebrities on buying intent, and this model was tested before to estimate the
effect of celebrity to purchase intention. Because of the objectives of this paper tends to
study about characteristics of influencers, the source credibility model would be
appropriately proposed as the model of author’s research.
2.3 Hypothesis development and conceptual model
The research model applies three constructs of Source credibility model, including
expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness. Moreover, because the author tends to test an
adding characteristic of digital influencers, the harmony between product and influencers
and also the quality that customers perceived, the role of Likeability, Product Fit would be
integrated in this model.

Figure 2.2. Conceptual model (by authors)
Here is the construct of definition:
No. Contruct






The degree of acquiring the perceptions, knowledge, skills
(Hovland, et al., 1953)
A means to enhance the consumers by appearance, the similarity
and the likeability of someone. (Wei & Lu, 2013)

No. Contruct





Product fit

The dignity, belief, and faith which are belonged to the celebrity
(Friedman, et al., 1976).
“Affection for the source as a result of the source’s physical
appearance and behavior” (Erdogan, 1999)
The congruency between the reviewer and reviewed product
(Kamins, 1990)

2.3.1 Expertise
Expertise is defined as the degree of acquiring the perceptions, knowledge, skills (Hovland

et al., 1953). Since the characteristics of cosmetics which relates to health care, expertise is
a characteristic of a digital influencer that importance to effect to purchase behavior of
customers. In Vietnam, the existence of a large number of fake products causes insecurity
for consumers (Bao Quang Binh, 2017). Therefore, consumers are very careful when
considering the recommendation of people around to buy cosmetics, especially celebrities.
For that reason, Expertise is one of the celebrity's decisive factors for consumers to trust in
reviewing a product and then buying it.
The previous research showed that expertise had a significant meaning for identifying the
impact of influencer for purchase intention. The scholar Gupta, et al. (2015) discovered the
significant relationship between expertise with purchase intention. The usage of advertising
celebrity endorsements nowadays takes a huge role for the development of the company.
With Indian respondents who use public figure for the enforcement of purchase intention,
the brand could ensure its status in customers’ mind.
However, Wiedmann & Mettenheim (2019) examined the success of influencers for online
influencer events basing on luxury fashion brand. Factor expertise as the key role for

determining the brand satisfaction, brand image and brand trust and from that, the impact
to purchase intention could clarify more by these factors.
In term of the research in Journal of International consumer marketing in 2008, the
researcher Pornpitakpan (2008) discovered the celebrity credibility dimension which
comprised of expertise on intention to buy of Singapore undergraduate respondents. This
paper used four Asian celebrities in order to enable viewers easier to imagine and stimulus.
Expertise factor effect significant to purchase intention, which explain the effect of these
celebrities in entertainers for promoting products.
Therefore, this research hypothesizes that:
Hypothesis 1: Expertise (EX) of digital influencers positively influences the purchase
2.3.2 Attractiveness

The scholar Wei & Lu (2013) has defined attractiveness become a means to enhance the
consumers by appearance, the similarity and the likeability of someone. Physical
attractiveness is a very important digital influencer to reach an audience. Through this
feature of digital influencers, the audience can be attracted, and then intend to buy cosmetic
In the past, there are some previous researches investigated the impact of attractiveness on
intention to purchase. The scholar Widyanto & Agusti (2020) claimed that the beauty
influencer plays an important role in purchase intention of generation Z. The effect of
attractiveness is significant to purchase intention of generation Z in cosmetics brand in
Indonesia. The generation Z is a new generation which has plenty of space for research.
The result of this paper illustrated the potential users of new human generation in cosmetic
product in a developing country as Indonesia.
Besides, the researcher Pornpitakpan (2008) said that his research results of attractiveness
factor of celebrities have significant impact on purchase intention. In this technology era
