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Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced
differently in each line.

1. A. prize

B. drill

C. brick

D. trim

2. A. bloom

B. gloop

C. flood

D. sloot

3. A, skull

B. dispute

C. study

D. disrupt

4. A. espresso

B. pedestrian

C. strength

D. respray

5. A. procession

B. companion

C. production

D. celebration

6. A. confusion

B. musician

C. ancestor

D. important


Give the correct form of the words given to complete the

1. Trà Giang is one of the most famous …………… of Viet Nam. Many people love her.

2. The …………… she gave last night was marvelous.(perform)
3. Water puppetry …………… in the villages of the Red River Delta.(origin)
4. I don’t like pop music because it is not as ……………. As rock and roll.(excite)
5. …………….. is the art or taking and processing photographs.(photograph)


Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it
means exactly the same as the sentences before it.

1. Cats cannot swim as well as dogs.


2. I get a lot of pleasure from reading cookery books.


3. Would you like to play a game of tennis now?


4. How much are those trainers?


5. Which costume do you like better. The Tay’s or the Pathen’s?




Put the verb in the correct form, present simple or present

1. A: What …………………………….. (you/do)?
B: I …………. (write) to my parents. I …………… (write) to them every weekend.
2. A: Look, it ……………… (snow).

B: It’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It ………………… (not snow)
in my country.
3. A: Oh, that’s Adrian. He’s new here.
B: Really? Where …………………….. (he/live)? ……………………… (you/know)?
A: Yes. He …………… (live) in Milan, but now he …………….. (stay) with his aunt on
Shirley Road.
4. A: What time …………………………. (you/usually/finish) work?
B: Normally I ……………….. (finish) work at 5 o’clock, but this week I ……………. (work)
until 6 to earn a bit more money.
5. A: How ……………………… (you/ travel) to work?
B: I haven’t got a car at the moment, so I ………….. (go) to work on the bus this week.
Usually I ……………. (drive) to work.
6. A: I think we’re going the wrong way.

B: I don’t think so. The sun …………….. (rise) in the east, remember. It’s behind u, so
we ……………….. (travel) west.
7. A: ……………………… (you/look) for someone?
B: Yes, I …………… (need) to speak to Neil. Is he in?
A: Yes, but I …………….. (think) he’s busy. He ……………. (talk) to the boss at the
8. A: I ……………. (want) a new computer. I ………………. (save) up to buy one.

B: But computers …………………. (cost) so lot money. What’s wrong with the one we’ve
A: It …………….. (get) out of date now.
9. A: Your new dress …………….. (look) very nice.
B: Thank you. The trouble is it ……………….. (not/fit) properly. I ……………… (not/
know) why I bought them, really.
10. A: What ……………………… (you/do)?
B: I ……………… (taste) the sauce. It ……………… (taste) too salty.


Supply the correct verb form.

1. Listen! I …………….. (think) someone ………………. (knock) at the door.
2. We ……………………. (not/know) why Sarah is upset, but she …………………..
(not/speak) to us for ages.
3. The earth ……………….. (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
4. Why ……………… (you/stare) at me? I suppose you …………………… (not/see) a woman
on a motorbike before!
5. How many times ……………………… (you/see) him since he went to Edinburg?
6. Trevor and Laura like Scabble. They ……………… (play) it most evenings.

7. The number of vehicles on the road ………………… (increase).
8. ‘’Sorry I’m late”. “That’s all right. I ……………………. (not/wait) long”.

9. Mrs. Green always …………… (go) to work by car, but this week she ……………… (travel)
by bus.
10. We ……………. (be) from French. We ……………… (be) there for 20 years.
11. These flowers are dying. You ……………………. (no/water) them for ages.
12. Mai ………………….. (lose) her keys, so she can’t get into the house.
13. I’m afraid I ………………...... (not/finish) typing those letters yet. I ……………... (deal)
with customer all morning.
14. A: What ………………………………… (your father/do)?
B: He …………… (be) an architect but he ……………………… (not/work) at the moment.
15. A: …………………………………… (you/ever/seen) a lion?
B: Yes, I …………… (see) it since I was a child.


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. I ……………. (have) this shirt for nearly four years.
2. Joanna …………….. (tidy) her desk, but now it’s in a mess again.
3. Mike …………………. (lose) his key. He can’t find it anywhere.
4. The last time I ……………… (go) to Brighton was in August.
5. I ………………… (finish) my homework. I ……………. (do) it before tea.

6. We ………………… (move) here in 1993. We ………………. (be) here a long time now.
7. Your car looks very clean. ……………………………. (you/wash) it?
8. Is this the first time you ………………..... (cook) pasta?

9. Of course I can ride a bike. But I …………………….. (not/ride) one for years.
10. And the race is over! And Micky Simpson ……………….. (win) in a record time.

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