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Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 91-92
Lesson 1 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can:
- ask and answer about the things people do to protect the environment.
- use the Simple Present tense.
Topic – Language
Resources and Teaching
Key Activities
things people do to
STUDENT’s BOOK p.94-95
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
protect the environment
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New words
Teaching Aids:
a. Write the words in the table. Some words can be used more than
use the Simple Present
CD2 track 71,72,73,74
once. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. (CD2-71)
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write the words in the table.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers with their

4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat.
b. With your partner, discuss which words below can go with “bag”
or “bottle”. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs look at the words in the box and decide which ones go with
“bag” or “bottle”.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
Listen and complete (CD2 – 72)
a. Two friends are talking about helping the environment. Listen
and write ‘Yes” or “No”.
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Play audio and have students listen and write “Yes” or “No”.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.
b. Circle the correct words. Listen again and check
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students circle the correct words.
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check.
Useful language
Listen then practice (CD2 - 73)
1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
3. Have students practice the useful language.

Unscramble the sentences
Demonstrate the activity using the example.
Have students unscramble the sentences.
Have students check their answers with a partner.

Check answer as a whole class.
Have pairs practice asking and answering.
Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus.
b. Model (CD2-74)
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation feature
c. Practice
Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a focus on the
Practice asking and answering
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have students ask and answer about the things in the pictures.
4. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Let’s Protect the Environment!
a. You’re doing the “Earth Day” survey for Teen World Magazine.
Work in fours. Talk about how to protect the environment and fill in
the survey with your own information. Then, ask three friends to
complete the survey.
1. Demonstrate the activity by asking one student the first two questions.
2. Divide the class into groups of four.
3. Have students ask and answer about how to protect the environment and
complete the survey.
b. Talk about what you and your classmates can do at school to
protect the environment. Share with the class.

1. Have groups think about what they can do at school to protect the
2. Have some groups share their ideas with the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 91-92
Lesson 1 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can:

- ask and answer about the things people do to protect the environment.
- use the Simple Present tense.
Topic – Language
Resources and Teaching
Key Activities
New Words
things people do to
WORKBOOK p.92-93
a. Write the words under the pictures.
protect the environment
1. Have students look at the pictures.

2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students write the words under the pictures.
4. Divide the class into pairs and have students check answers with their
use the Simple Present
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Fill in the blanks using the words in Exercises a.
1. Have students read the sentences.
2. Have students look at the blanks in the sentences.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students fill in the blanks using the words in Exercises a.
5. Divide the class into pairs and have students check their answers.
6. Check answers as a whole class
a. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. Some words can be
used more than once.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students fill in the blanks using the words in the box.
3. Have students check their answers with a partner.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Circle the mistakes. Write the correct words on the lines.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students circle the mistakes.
3. Have students correct words on the lines.
4. Have students check their answers with partners.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
c. Unscramble the sentences.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.

2. Have students unscramble the sentences.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
What do you do to protect the environment? Give your own ideas.
1 Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write things they do to protect the environment.
3. Have some students demonstrate their writing in front of the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 93-94
Lesson 2 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can:
- make arrangements for a trip.
- use Wh-questions.
Topic – Language
Resources and Teaching
Key Activities
arrangements for a trip
STUDENT’s BOOK p.96-97
1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
Teaching Aids:
New words

use Wh-questions
CD2-Track 75,76, 77, 78
a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen
and repeat. (CD2-76)
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write the words under the pictures.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers with their
4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat.
b. With your partner, look at the activities in New Words. Have you
done any of these or any other outdoor activities? Share with the
1. Have pairs ask and answer the activities in New Words or outdoor
activities they have done.
2. Have some pairs share with the class.
a. Three friends are making arrangements for a trip. Listen and
write “True” or “False” (CD2 -77)
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Play audio and have students listen and write “True” or “False”.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.
b. Fill in the blanks. Listen again and check.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students fill in the blanks.
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check.
Useful language
Listen then practice (CD2-78)
1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
3. Have students practice the useful language.

Unscramble the questions
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.


Have students unscramble the questions.
Have students check their answers with a partner.
Check answers as a whole class.
Have students practice saying the sentences.
Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
a. Isolate
Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus.
b. Model (CD2-79)
1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature.
2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation feature.
c. Practice
Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a focus on the
Practice the conversation
1. Have students look at the conversation.
2. Divide the class into pairs and have them practice the conversation.
3. Swap roles and repeat.

4. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
Making Arrangements for a Class Trip
a. You’re talking to your friend about places you’d like to go on a
class trip. Work in pairs. Students B, turn to page 111, File 17.
Student A, you want to go to Maple Falls Caves. Answer Student B’s
questions. Swap roles and repeat. Complete the table with
information about Greenwood Canyon.
1. Demonstrate the activity by asking one student the first two questions.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have student A stay on the page and student B look at page 111, File 17.
4. Have pairs ask and answer to complete the table.
5. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
b. With your partner, choose which place to visit and discuss
reasons why. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs discuss which place they’d like to visit and why.
2. Have some students share with the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 93-94
Lesson 2 - Objectives: - by the end of this lesson, students can:
- make arrangements for a trip.
- use Wh-questions.

Topic – Language
make arrangements for a

use Wh-questions

Resources and Teaching
WORKBOOK p.94-95

Key Activities
Look at the pictures and do the crossword puzzle.
1. Have students look at the crossword puzzle.
2. Have students look at the pictures.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students look at the pictures and do the crossword puzzle.
5. Have students check their answers with partners.
6. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Find the words in the table.
1. Have students look at the table.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students find the words in the table.
4. Have students check their answers with partners.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
c. Write the words in Exercise a to match with the correct
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write the words in Exercise a to match with the correct
3. Have students check their answers with partners.
4. Check answer as a whole class.

a. Underline the mistakes in the conversation. Write the correct
words on the lines.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students underline the mistakes in the conversation.
3. Have students write the correct words on the lines.
4. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Write the questions for the answers.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students write the questions for the answers.
3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
Look at the travel brochures and choose a place you’d like to go
with your friends on vacation. Write a paragraph about your choice
using the given information.
1. Have students look at the travel brochures.
2. Have students choose a place they’d like to go with their friends on
3. Demonstrate the activity.

4. Have students write a paragraph about their choice using the given
5. Have some students demonstrate their writing in front of the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 95-96
Lesson 3 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can:

- develop critical thinking skills and collaborative project work.
Topic – Language
Resources and Teaching
Key Activities
- critical thinking skills
Matt & Milly
- collaborative project
STUDENT’s BOOK p.98-99
1. Matt’s Scrapbook
a. In pairs, use the words from the photos and his notes to complete
Teaching Aids:
Officer Baker’s interview about Film Fear.
CD2 - Track 79, 80, 81
b. Now listen to the interview, and check your answers. (CD2-79)
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have students read the notes and look at the photos to find the correct
4. Have students fill in the blanks.
5. Play audio. Have students listen and check.
2. Conversation tip. (CD2- 80)
1. Have students look at the conversation tip.
2. Have students listen and repeat.
3. Have students practice with a partner.
4. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

3. Practice the interview.
1. Demonstrate the activity by holding up your book and pointing to the
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have Students A role-play Officer Baker and Student B role-play the
4. Have students retell the story of Film Fear.
5. Swap roles and repeat.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
4. Help Milly make a podcast! (CD2-Track 81)
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have students look at the pictures and use them to correct the mistakes.
4. Have students listen to the podcast.
5. Have Student A retell the story by holding up their book and pointing to

the pictures while Student B shows interest. Swap roles.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
5. Prepare for your own stories.
1. Divide the class into fours.
2. Have Pair 1 turn to page 113, File 21 and Pair 2 turn to page 104, File 2.
3. Have students practice the story with their partners.
4. Have students turn to the other pair and swap partners.
5. Have students tell their story to their new partner then swap roles.
6. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 95-96
Lesson 3 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can:

- develop critical thinking skills and collaborative project work.
Topic – Language
- critical thinking skills
- collaborative project

Resources and Teaching
WORKBOOK p.96-97

Key Activities
New Words
a. Read the clues and do the crossword puzzle.
1. Have students look at the crossword puzzle.
2. Draw students’ attention to the clues.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students read the clues and do the crossword puzzle.
5. Have students check their answers with partners.
6. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Break the code and write the answer.
1. Draw students’ attention to the code in the table.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students break the code and write the answer.
4. Have students check their answers with partners.
5. Check answer as a whole class.
a. Read the story Matt and Milly in Toy Trouble again. Fill in the
blanks using the words in the box.

1. Have students read the story Matt and Milly in Toy Trouble again.
2. Draw students’ attention to the blanks and the words in the box.
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students fill in the blanks using the words in the box.
5. Have students check their answers with partners.
6. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the story Matt and Milly in Backham’s Ball again. Circle

“True” or “False”.
1. Have students read the story Matt and Milly in Backham’s Ball again.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students circle “True” or “False”.
4. Have students check their answers with partners.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
c. Match 1-10 with A-J to make correct facts about the story Matt
and Milly in Film Fear.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students match 1-10 with A-J to make correct facts about the story
Matt and Milly in Film Fear.
3. Have students check their answers with partners.
4. Check answers as a whole class.
There are what happened in Matt and Milly in the Diamond
Necklace. Write a paragraph to
retell this story.
1. Have students look at the information about what happened in Matt and
Milly in the Diamond Necklace.
2. Demonstrate the activity.
3. Have students write a paragraph to retell this story.

4. Have some students demonstrate their writing in front of the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 97-98
Lesson 4 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can:
- solve math problems.
- use fractions and percentages.
Topic – Language
Resources and Teaching
Key Activities
solve math problems
STUDENT’s BOOK p.1001. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud.
2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box.
3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language.
New words
use fractions and
Teaching Aids:
a. Write the words under the pictures. Check with a partner. Listen
CD2 - Track 82, 83, 84, 85
and repeat. (CD2-82)
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students match the words with the phrases.

3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers with their

4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat.
b. With your partner, answer the questions using fractions. Practice
saying the answers. Share with the class.
1. Have pairs answer the questions using fractions.
2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board.
a. You will hear a talk about water usage. Listen and circle. (CD2
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and circle the correct answers.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.
b. Draw lines to complete the sentences. Listen and check. (CD2
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students draw lines to complete the sentences.
3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check.
Useful language
Listen then practice (CD2-85)
1. Have students look at the Useful Language box.
2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language.
3. Have students practice the useful language.
a. Read the article about water usage in the USA and circle the
correct answers.
1. Have students read the text individually.
2. Read the text as a whole class.

3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students circle the correct answers.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the article again and choose the best title. Fill in the blank.
1. Have students read the text again.
2. Have students choose the best title and fill in the blank.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
Solve the Math problems!
a. You’re playing a game in math class. Work in pairs. Take turns
asking and answering the questions below. You win points for every
correct answer! Only write the fractions for questions YOU answer.
b. Who’s the winner? Share with the class.
1. Demonstrate the activity by asking one student the first two questions.
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Have students take turns asking and answering about the numbers in the

4. Have students only write the fractions for questions they answer, not their
partner’s answers.
5. Have students record the points they get for every correct answer.
6. Check answer as a whole class to see who the winner is.
Use the table above. Write a paragraph about the amount of water
used in the house.
1. Have students look at the Speaking part as examples.
2. Have students write a paragraph about the amount of water used in the
house using fractions.
3. Have some students read their paragraphs in front of the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 97-98
Lesson 4 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can:
- solve math problems.
- use fractions and percentages.
Topic – Language
solve math problems
use fractions and

Resources and Teaching
WORKBOOK p.98-99

Key Activities
New Words
a. Complete the words. Match them with the pictures.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students complete the words.
3. Have students match the words with the pictures.
4. Have students check their answers with partners.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
b. Read the questions. Circle the correct answers.
1. Have students look at the questions.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.

3. Have students read the questions and circle the correct answers.
4. Have students check their answers with partners.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
a. Read the article and circle the correct answers.
1. Have students read the article.
2. Have students circle the correct answers.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
a. Look at the chart. Write the questions and the answers.

1. Have students look at the chart.
2. Demonstrate the activity.
3. Have students write the questions and the answers.
4. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.
b. Write a paragraph about water usage in the UK. Use the chart to
help you.
1. Have students look at the chart.
2. Demonstrate the activity.
3. Have students write a paragraph about water usage in the UK by using
the chart.
4. Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 99-100
Lesson 5 - Objectives: Review and Test practice
Topic – Language

Review all vocabulary

Review all structures

Resources and Teaching
STUDENT’s BOOK p.102103

Teaching Aids:
CD2 - Track 35

Key Activities
You will hear two students talking about a class trip. Listen and
complete questions 1-5. You will hear the conversation twice. (CD2 –
1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Play audio. Have students listen and complete questions 1-5.
3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class.
Read the paragraph about what people should do to protect the
environment. Choose the best words (A, B or C) for each space.
1. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
2. Have students read and choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
3. Check answers as a whole class.
Play the “Block Buster” game
1. Demonstrate playing the game.

2. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group has two teams with two
students in each team.
3. Have teams play rock, paper, scissors. The winning team goes first.

4. Have the winning team point to a block on the board where they wish to
put a mark. Then ask and answer using the prompts.
5. If correct, that team can put a mark on the block and the other team can’t
use that block. If incorrect, the next team takes their turn to choose a block.
6. Swap roles and repeat until the game is finished.
7. The winners are the team that creates a line of blocks from one side to the
other. Pair 1: From orange to orange. Pair 2: From blue to blue.
Write about why you think your class should go to Greenhaven
Caves on a trip. Write 25-35 words. List four things you need and
1. Have students look at the information.
2. Have students write a 25 to 35-word paragraph about why they should go
to Greenhaven Caves.
3. Have some students read out their lists.

Grade 6 – Theme 10: The Natural World
Period 99-100
Lesson 5 - Objectives: Review
Topic – Language
Review all vocabulary
Review all structures

Resources and Teaching
WORKBOOK p.100-101

Key Activities
Part 1
Read and write
Read the descriptions and write the words.
1. Have students read the clues.
2. Draw students’ attention to the number of letters for each word.
3. Have students look at the first letters for each one
4. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
5. Have students write the word for each clue.
6. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers.
7. Check answers as a whole class.
Part 2
Word search
1. Have students look at the word search.
2. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
3. Have students find the words in the word search.
4. Have students circle their findings.
5. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their findings.
6. Check answers as a whole class.
Part 3

Read and mark
Read the sentences and questions about sports and games. Choose the best

word (A, B or C) for each space. Mark A, B or C.
1. Have students read the sentences and questions.
2. Draw students’ attention to the blank and three choices A, B and C in each
3. Demonstrate the activity using the example.
4. Have students read and mark A, B or C.
5. Check answers as a whole class.
Part 4
You and your friends are going to go on a camping trip by the river
on Sunday. Write an email to Anna to ask her to join the trip.
1. Demonstrate the activity.
2. Have students write an email to Anna to ask her to join the camping trip
by the river on Sunday.
3. Have some students write their answers on the board.

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