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Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc

KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I - NĂM HỌC 2012 – 2013
Môn thi : Tiếng Anh lớp 9
Thời gian : 45 phút
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced different from the rest: (0.5pt)
1. A. trip

B. river

C. shrine

D. city

2. A. enjoyed

B. invited

C. mended

D. lasted

II. Pick out the word that has the main stressed syllable different from that of the other: (0.5pt)
1. A. banyan

B. bamboo

C. enjoyable

D. arrive

2. A. foreign

B. dictionary

C. practice

D. available

III. Complete this dialogue with the letter A, B, C or D: (1pt) 0.25/1
Paola: Hey, Lan! Have you finished your exam?

Yes, I have

Paola: (1) ……………………………………?

Well, they were quite hard.

Paola: Did you pass?
Lan :

I‘m not sure. (2) ………………………….

Paola: What questions did she ask you?

First, she asked me what my name was, and where (3) ………………………….

Paola: They were easy for you, weren’t they?

… then she asked me why I was learning English, and if (4) ……………………

Paola: Oh, I see.
A. I spoke any other languages
B. The examiner didn’t tell me
C. Were the questions difficult
D. I came from.
IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D in the following sentences: (2pts) 0.25/1
1. The excited children are looking forward to ………….. to the foreign teacher.
A. Speak

B. spoke

C. spoken

d. speaking

C. How often

D. How far

C. on

D. before

2. ………….. does it take to get there? – About an hour
A. How

b. How long

3. I haven’t heard any news of Peter ………….. 1999.
A. in

B. since

4. After two hours traveling by bus, they ………….. a quiet town by the beach.
A. arrived

B. got

C. went

D. reached

5. E-mail can be sent and received at any time of the day, …………..?
A. can they

B. can it

C. can’t it

D. can’t they

6. After school, she works ………….. in a supermarket in the afternoon.
A. full-time

B. time-full

C. part-time

D. time-part

7. When he was at your age, he ………….. walked 5 kilometers to school every morning.
A. use to

B. used to

C. be used to

D. used

8. No one can ………….. the advantages of using computers. They help us do our work quickly and effectively.
A. refuse
B. deny
C. agree
D. think
V. Read this passage and choose the correct answer a, b or d (2pts) 0.25/1
Foreign languages are necessary (1) ……………….. nowadays.
There are many reasons why we begin to study a foreign language. One of them is to be able (2) ……………….. with
other people who use this language. We may be planning to travel in one or two countries where the language is (3)
……………….. .

If we know the language of a foreign country, we can (4) ……………….. to its people and understand what they
are saying to us.
Knowing foreign languages helps people of different countries to develop (5) ……………….. friendship and
understanding. It is also very (6) ……………….. to read foreign literature in the original. We can also read foreign
newspapers and magazines and to understand films (7) ……………….. foreign languages without any help.
Learning foreign languages is (8) ……………….. in all the secondary and higher schools in our country.
1. A. for

B. on

C. at

D. about

2. A. to communicate

B. communicate

C. communicated

D. communicating

3. A. speak

B. spoke

C. spoken

D. speaking

4. A. talked

B. talking

C. talk

D. to talk

5. A. his

B. their

C. her

D. our

6. A. interested

B. interesting

C. interest

D. interests

7. A. on

B. at

C. in

D. by

8. A. compel

B. compulsion

C. compulsory

D. compulsorily

VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in parentheses. (1pt) 0.2/1
1. He is now studying in the U.S.A as an ………………….. student.


2. This school has excellent …………………..


3. If you want to ………………….. your English, we can help you.


4. Please phone this number for more ………………….. .


5. Their friendliness makes a deep ……………... on tourists.


VII. Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. (1pt) 0.2/1
1. We (arrive) ………………….. in Rome at 10 o’clock yesterday morning. (2) We (stay) ………………….. in a
hotel not far from the city center.
3. We…………… (already see) …………………..Big Ben and (4) tomorrow we (go) ………………….. on a
sightseeing tour around London.
5. A new cloth shop (just, open) ………………………… near my aunt’s house.
VIII. Finish the second sentence without changing the meaning of the first. (2pts) 0.4/1
1. I can’t go with you to the countryside.
_ I wish ………………………………………………………………
2. “I will leave for Ba’s home village this month,” he said to Daisy.
_ He said ……………………………………………………………..
3. Uncle Lam has raised a lot of chickens and ducks on the farm.
_ A lot of chickens …………………………………………………..
4. I began to study English 5 years ago.
_ I have ………………………………………………………………
5. Did people make jeans 200 years ago?
_ ………….. jeans ……………………………………………………

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