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GCSE 133

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Mơn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐỀ SỐ 133
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. courage
B. homage
C. landscape
D. escape
Question 2. A. television
B. intervention
C. supervision
D. realization
Question 3. A. difficulty
B. discourtesy
C. permission
D. apologize
Question 4. A. necessary
B. marriage
C. confidence
D. expression
Question 5. A. difficult
B. domestic
C. delusion

D. dilemma
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 6. From 1985 to 1990, he writes ten novels and three plays.
A. writes
B. novels
C. From 1985 to
D. plays
Question 7. Many war battles for nation independence were fought in the North than in any other
regions. A. nation independence B. than
C. Many
D. fought
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the best option for each of the blanks.
Today, there are libraries in almost every town in the world. Even in areas (8)_______ there
are no libraries, there are often mobile libraries which take books from one village to (9)_______.
But in the days when books were copied by hand (10)_______ than printed, libraries were very rare.
The reason is simple: books took a very long time to produce, arid there were far fewer copies of
any given work around. The greatest library (11)_______ all, that in Alexandria, had 54,000 books.
In the ancient world, this number (12)_______ considered huge.
It was the first time that anyone had collected so many books from all around the world
(13)_______ one roof. There are many theories about why these books were lost. (14)_______ is that
the library accidentally burned down. Another is that one of the rulers of the city ordered the
books to be burned. They were taken to various places and it took six months to burn them.
(15)_______ happened, the collection there was priceless. Many of the library's treasures were lost
forever-some books were (16)_______ recovered. We cannot even know (17)_______ what the library
Question 8. A. where
Question 9. A. others
Question 10. A. much
Question 11. A. over

Question 12. A. was
Question 13. A. over
Question 14. A. One
Question 15. A. Whichever
Question 16. A. never
Question 17. A. really

B. who
B. the other
B. more
B. in
B. has been
B. under
B. All
B. Wherever
B. yet
B. detailedly

C. which
C. other
C. else
C. about
C. were
C. below
C. None
C. Whoever
C. already
C. exactly

D. the place

D. another
D. rather
D. of
D. is
D. in
D. A theory
D. Whatever
D. almost
D. normally

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct option to fill each blank.
Question 18. All the girls but one________ present yesterday.
A. are
B. was
C. is
D. were
Question 19. I don't hate classical music. On the________, I like it very much indeed!
A. opposite
B. alternative
C. contrary
D. contrast
Question 20. ________ it is getting dark, we will not wait for him any longer.
A. Since
B. While
C. Although
D. Unless
Question 21. The students sat quietly in the classroom, ________ to their teacher.

A. listened

B. listens
C. listen
D. listening
Question 22. ________ the people in our village buy meat everyday.
A. Not much of
B. Just a few
C. Not many of
D. Only some
Question 23. Boys and girls may behave________ in this situation.
A. differing
B. differently
C. difference
D. different
Question 24. If I________ wings, I________ take an airplane to fly home.
A. have / will have to
B. had / wouldn't have to
C. had / didn't have to
D. have / won't have to
Question 25. When he worked here, Simon________ mistakes.
A. made always B. was making always
C. always made
D. was always making
Question 26. Our class________ of twenty boys and ten girls.
A. is composed
B. contained
C. is consist
D. contains
Question 27. He had the sofa delivered, ________?
A. couldn't he
B. didn't he

C. shouldn't he
D. wasn't he
Question 28. Though she was very tired, she went on________.
A. work
B. worked
C. to work
D. working
Question 29. There's a law that says you________ throw trash on the street.
A. don't have to
B. couldn't
C. must not
D. might not
Question 30. Nobody is ready to go, ________?
A. isn't he
B. aren't they
C. are they
D. is he
Question 31. He can't stand________ in such poor conditions.
A. to be alive
B. living
C. to living
D. live
Question 32. Willie Cather, ________ a prominent American writer, grew up in Nebraska during the
early farming years.
A. it is she who became
B. became
C. she became
D. who became
Question 33. "Do the Smiths live next door to you?" ~ "No, but they________."
A. used to did

B. used to
C. used to wasD. used to do
Question 34. "Tell me when you're coming to London." ~ "Certainly. I'll_____ you before I set off."
A. sound
B. hit
C. strike
D. ring
Question 35. A new style of jeans________ in the USA.
A. has just been introduced
B. has just introduced
C. have just been introduced
D. were just introduced
Question 36. They have no________ for help.
A. expectancy
B. expectative
C. expectation
D. expect
Question 37. Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember________ it by the window and
now it has gone. A. to have left
B. leave
C. leaving
D. to leave
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best sentence built from the
given words or phrases.
Question 38. concert hall / so crowded/ saw / heard / nothing.
A. The concert hall was too crowded that we saw and heard nothing.
B. The concert hall was such crowded that we saw and heard nothing.
C. The concert hall was so crowded that we saw and heard nothing.
D. The concert hall was crowded enough so we saw and heard nothing.
Question 39. wait / him / since / 8 o'clock.

A. I have been waiting for him since 8 o'clock.
B. I have been waited for him since 8 o'clock.
C. It has been waited for him since 8 o'clock.
D. It has been being waited for him since 8 o'clock.
Question 40. look / forward / your reply.
A. It looks forward to receive your reply.
B. We are looking forward to receive your reply.
C. They are look forward to receiving your reply.
D. We look forward to receiving your reply.
Question 41. My friends / not interested / apply / that job.
A. My friend is not interested to apply to that job.

B. My friend does not intereste to apply to that job.
C. My friend is not interested to apply for that job.
D. My friend is not interested in applying for that job.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best answer to
each of the following questions.
People travel for lots of reasons. They make journeys to and from school or work every day;
visit friends and family; take day trips shopping or to football matches; go out for evening
entertainment such as the cinema; and they go away on business or study trips. So when does
travel become tourism? When people travel to and stay in a place which is not where they live. For
example there is recreational tourism if you want to relax and have fun, maybe at the beach.
There's cultural tourism: sightseeing or visiting museums to learn about history, art and people's
lifestyles. With adventure tourism you explore distant places or do extreme activities. Ecotourism
is about ethical and responsible trips to natural environments such as rainforests. Winter tourism
is usually holidays in resorts where there is snow and people go skiing or snowboarding. Sport
tourism is to play or watch different sporting events like the Olympics. Educational tourism is to
learn something, possibly a foreign language, abroad. Nowadays there is also health tourism to
look after your body and mind by visiting places like spa resorts; religious tourism to celebrate

religious events or visit important religious places such as Mecca for Muslims; and gap-year
tourism when young people go backpacking or do voluntary work between school and university.
Question 42. Ecotourism is ethical and responsible about__________.
A. the environment.
B. money.
C. shopping.
D. for economy
Question 43. You can take__________.
A. study and business trips.
B. day and evening trips.
C. theatre and cinema trips.
D. relax and fun trips.
Question 44. Tourism is travel__________.
A. in your home town.
B. only to other countries
C. to places where you don't live.
D. to countries across the world.
Question 45. People travel__________.
A. to go on holiday. B. for different reasons.
C. for adventure.
D. to get to work.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that has the same
meaning as the original one.
Question 46. Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people.
A. Some people are a complete mystery to alternative medicine.
B. Some people are completely mysterious with alternative medicine.
C. Some people are completely mystified by alternative medicine.
D. Alternative medicine is some people's complete mystery.
Question 47. We can say that the leisure industry will be the money spinner of the future.
A. The leisure industry will be said to be the money spinner of the future.

B. It can be said the leisure industry will be the money spinner of the future.
C. It can be said that the leisure industry will be the money spinner of the future.
D. The leisure industry can be said to be the money spinner of the future.
Question 48. Why don't we invite Marshalls to our barbecue on Sunday?
A. Will we invite Marshalls to our barbecue on Sunday?
B. Is Marshalls invited to our barbecue on Sunday?
C. I think to invite Marshalls to our barbecue on Sunday.
D. What about inviting Marshalls to our barbecue on Sunday?
Question 49. I've forgotten that commentator's name but he's very well-known.
A. The commentator whose name I've forgotten is very well-known.
B. The commentator's name that I've forgotten is very well-known.
C. The commentator that I've forgotten his name is very well-known.
D. The commentator that his name I've forgotten was very well-known.
Question 50. It was overeating that caused his heart attack.
A. Had he had overeating, he wouldn't have had a heart attack.

B. If it wasn't his overeating, he wouldn't have had a heart attack.
C. But for his overeating, he wouldn't have had a heart attack.
D. But for his overeating, he wouldn't have a heart attack.
__________THE END__________

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