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Language Unit 1

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Strong and weak forms of words in connected speech (Hình thức mạnh và yếu của từ trong lời nói)
Trong 1 câu, những loại từ sau sẽ được nhấn mạnh khi nói :
1. Content words (từ nội dung) : N, V, adj , adv
2. Negative auxiliaries (trợ từ phủ định)
3. Question words (từ để hỏi) : who, whose, when, where, why, what and house.
4. Demonstrative pronouns that do not precede nouns : this, that, these, those
5. Possessive pronouns (đại từ sở hữu) : mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.
Ex: I’ve just met a friend.
I. Modal verbs ( động từ khiếm khuyết)
1. Should and Ought to

Should and shouldn’t


Dùng “Should” và “Shouldn’t” để đưa ra ý kiến hoặc lời khuyên cho ai đó .

Ex : I think parents should spend more time talking with their teenage children.

“Ought to” and “ought not to” = “should” and “shouldn’t”

Ex: I think she ought to share the housework with her mother.
2. Must and Have to

Dùng “ Must” và “Have to” diễn đạt sự cần thiết hoặc bắt buộc phải làm điều gì .

Ex : You must get up earlier in the morning.
 Phân biệt giữa “MUST” và “HAVE TO”

Sự bắt buộc đến từ phía người nói ( là mong


muốn và cảm xúc của người nói)

ngồi ( nội quy, luật pháp, quy định

Ex : I really must stop smoking. I want to do.
- Must chỉ dùng ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

Khi diễn đạt ở quá khứ : had to
Mustn’t : không được phép ( cấm)

Ex : You mustn’t wear bare feet in this lab.

Sự bắt buộc do tình thê hoặc điều kiện bên

Ex: I have to stop smoking. Doctor’s order.


Don’t have to : không cần thiết

Ex : You don’t have to wash those glasses .

Exercise 1 : Choose one of the two bold words which best completes the sentences.
1. I think you should/ shouldn’t talk to your parents about it. I’m sure they will give you the best
2. I don’t think you ought/ought not to do your brother’s homework. He must do it himself.

3. You must/mustn’t finish your homework before you go out with your friends.
4. At our school, we have to /don’t have to wear uniforms. It is a rule.
5. You mustn’t/ don’t have to take photographs here. This is a restricted area.
6. It’s cold. You should/shouldn’t turn on the fan.
7. You ought not to/ought to do homework before you go out with your friends.
8. You should/shouldn’t eat plenty of fruit or vegetables every day in order to keep healthy.
9. You mustn’t / must eat in class.
10. You ought to/ ought not to drink a lot of water every day.
Exercise 2 : Complete the sentences with “ must” and “have to”. Use negative form if necessary.
1. I……………wash up after dinner, and my brother……..……….clean the floor. That’s the rule in my
2. You ………….argue with your father all the time. Try to listen to his advice.
3. You…………wear nice dress tonight. You can’t go to the concert in these old jeans.
4. I like Sunday because I…………..get up early.
5. Tomorrow is Mai’s birthday. I……………..buy a present for her.
6. If you feel better, you……………take medicine any more.
7. I……………….leave home at 6:00 because I have an appointment at 7:30.

8. We couldn’t find a better present so we……………..choose this one.
9. If You are under 18 years old, you………….ride a motorbike.
10. All students……………………wear uniform on Mondays.
Exercise 3 : Rewrite the sentences.
1. You are not allowed to use your mobile in the examination room
2. Cell phones are not allowed to use on Tokyo subways.
3. Every staff isn’t allowed to smoke or eat in the office.
Every staff……………………………………………………………………………………
4. You are not allowed to take photographs in the museum.
5. It is necessary for young people to plan their future career carefully.
Young people…………………………………………………………………………………
6. It is necessary for staffs leave by 6 P.M.
7. It’s necessary for you to finish your homework before going to bed.
8. It is not necessary for me to type my essay.
9. It isn’t necessary for you bring food and drink for lunch.
10. It is not necessary for Jack to call Ben today.
11. I’d advise you to tell the truth to your family.
12. I advise him to stop wasting money on lottery.
13. Teachers advise me to study English to get a good job.

14. If I were you, I would spend more time talking with my children.
You ..…………………………………………………………………………………………

15. If I were him, I wouldn’t buy this car.
16. They think that it is a good idea for me to do voluntary work.
They think that I………………………………………………………………………………….

17. It would be a good idea for you to share the housework with your mother.
18. It would be a good idea for Michelle to keep the journal on her daily activities.
19. It is a good idea for young children to receive lots of encouragement to follow family rules.
Young children……………………………………………………………………………………
20. It is a good idea to hold an informal family meeting to give family members a chance to suggest
better ways to share household chores.

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