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November 16, 2018
I. Fill in each blank of the sentences with one word from the box.
1. How do people ______ New Year in your country?
2. On the first days of Tet, people often visit relatives and friends to ______ New Year wishes.
3. Japanese usually ______ their houses with some small pine trees, which ______ constancy and longevity.
4. People believe that what they do on the first day of the year will ______ their luck during the whole year.
5. People usually make ______ for Tet severals weeks beforehand.
6. Tet is also the time for children to receive lucky money ______ in red envelopes.
7. Besides the ______ flowers for Tet such as peach flowers and apricot flowers, the kumquat trees are also
______ throughout the country.
8. Children are always ______ about the Tet holiday.
Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.
1. Children usually are given 'lucky money' _______ Tet.
2. Banh Chung, which is made _______ sticky rice, is one of Tet's special foods.
3. The New Year is celebrated _______ night _______ January 1.
4. There are usually a lot of party _______ New Year’s Eve.
5. Vietnamese people prepare _______ Tet several weeks beforehand.
6. We decorated our Christmas tree _______ a lot of colored and shiny little bells.
7. Many people go to the pagoda to pray _______ a happy year.
8. _______ the first days of Tet everyone tries to be nice and polite _______ others.

9. Lunar New Year usually falls sometime _______ 19 January and 20 February _______ the Western
10. Both children and adults take part _______ games and various forms of entertainment.
Complete these sentences with someone, something, anyone, anything, no one, nothing, everyone,
1. We arranged the meeting, but _______ came.
2. Janet Jones is _______ I rarely see these days.
3. She valued friendship more than _______ in the world.
4. I always get to work before _______ else.
5. While you are making dinner, I'll get on with _______ else.
6. _______ has changed. Everything is the same as it was.
7. I hope _______ will be comfortable here. We try to make each guest feel at home.
8. We don't think there's _______ wrong with her reading ability,
9. Hardly _______ turn up to the meeting.
10. I am not going to the party because I've got _______ to wear.
11. I thought I heard _______ knocking at the door.
12. _______ calls her Maggie, but her real name's Margaret.
13. The earthquake destroyed _______ within a 25-mile radius.
14. There was complete silence in the room. _______ said _______.
15. Sarah was upset about _______ and refused to talk to _______
IV. Choose the one word or phrase -a, b, c, or d- that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the
underlined part.
1. Family members who live apart try to get together ______ Tet.
a. in
b. at
c. on
d. during
2. Most towns put ______ a Christmas tree, a fir tree decorated with colored lights, shiny balls, tinsel and

a. on
b. in
c. with
d. up
3. On Christmas Eve children go to bed full ______ excitement.
a. of
b. with
c. up
d. in
4. Agrarian people depend on the lunar calendar to prepare for their crops.

a. gardeners
b. planters
c. farmers
d. highlanders
5. There is a ______ mood everywhere on New Year's Day.
a. popular
b. good
c. optimistic d. festive
6. In Britain and America, it is ______ for everybody to sing 'Auld Lang Syne' on New Year's Eve.
a. tradition
b. traditional c. traditionally
d. traditionalism
7. Children are always ______ about Tet holiday.
a. excited
b. interested c. keen
d. concerned
8. I shook hands and ______ a few words with the manager.
a. uttered

b. expressed c. exchanged d. converted
9. Jane is a very sociable girl. She likes parties and ______.
a. rituals
b. ceremonies c. traditions d. celebrations
10. Shopping malls are decorated for Christmas from September, ______ most people do not do their Christmas
shopping until December.
a. though
b. because
c. so
d. so that
V. Choose the one word or phrase -a, b, c, or d- that best completes the sentences.
11. The number of students who knew the answer to the last question on the exam ______ very low.
a. were
b. was
c. have been d. has been
12. ______ waiting to hear the results.
a. Everyone was b. All was
c. Everyone were d. All were
13. 'We need new curtains.' 'Okay, let's buy ______.
a. one
b. ones
c. some with flowers on
d. ones with flowers on
14. ______ the furniture ______ arrived yet.
a. None ... has b. None ... have c. None of ... has d. None of ... have
15. A number of students ______ in intensive language programs abroad nowadays.
a. participated
b. has participated
c. have participated
d. is participating

16. Every one of the boys and girls in the school ______ what to do if the fire alarm
a. knows - rings b. know - rings c. knows - will ring d. would know-rang
17. Some of these people are friends of mine and ______people from the office.
a. the rest is
b. the rest are c. rest is
d. rest are
18. Knowing several ______ helpful if you work for an intemational corporation.
a. languages are b. language is c. languages is d. language are
19. Three hours______ a long time to take on the homework.
a. seems
b. seem
c. seemed
d. has been
20. The Prime Minister, as well as several Cabinet Ministers, ______ in a tough financial policy.
a. is believing
b. don't believe
c. believe
d. believes
VI. Identify the one underlined word or phrase- A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence
to be correct.
21. No one in our office wants to drive to work because of there are always
traffic jams at rush hour.
22. The United States come top of the list of countries ranked by economic

23. About 60 per cent of the people questioned wants cars to be banned
from the town center.
24. There's hardly no sugar left, so we must get some when we go shopping.
25. If someone phones while I'm out, can you tell them I'll be back at 11.30?

VII. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word to complete the passage.
New Year's Day is the (31) _______ of the year expected to bring most joy to everyone in China. Most
people insist on doing (32) _______ right to prepare for the celebration. Good luck wishes (33) _______ on red
paper are hung on the wails and doors of the houses. Living room decorated (34) _______ a lot of flowers is
always full of laughter. Many families leaving every door and window (35) _______ at midnight
on New Year's Eve believe in letting the old year out and the New Year (36) _______. On New Year's Eve and
New Year's Day people (37) _______ together and eat feasts of delicious, traditional foods. Everywhere there
are a lot of children playing around in their brand new (38) _______. They are very happy to get some (39)
_______ money from adults. They also enjoy dragon or unicorn (40) _______.

clothes everything
written. get. Lucky
VIII. Read the passge carefully, then choose the correct answer.
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. For many Americans it is the
most important holiday apart from Christmas. Schools, offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving, and
many people make the whole weekend a vacation.
Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came
to North America. In 1620 the ship the Mayflowers arrived, bringing about 150 people who today are usually
called Pilgrims. They arrived at the beginning of a very hard winter and could not find enough to eat, so many
of them died. But in the following summer Native Americans showed them what foods were safe to eat, so that
they could save food for the next winter. They held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for
the fact that they had survived.
Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days.
The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North America. The
meal includes turkey, sweet potatoes (also called yams) and cranberries, which are made into a kind of sauce or
jelly. The turkey is filled with stuffing or dressing, and many families have their own special recipe. Dessert is
pumpkin made into a pie.
On Thanksgiving there are special television programs and sports events. In New York there is the Macy's
Thanksgiving Day Parade, when a long line of people wearing fancy costumes march through the streets with
large balloons in- the shape of imaginary characters. Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the Christmas
period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents.
41. In the United States, Thanksgiving is ______.
a. a religious celebration held by Christians only
b. celebrated as a public holiday .
c. more important than Christmas

d. apart from Christmas
42. According to the passage Pilgrims are ______.
a. people who travelled to America by ships
b. trips that religious people make to a holy place .
c. people who left their home and went to live in North America in the early 17th century;
d. Native Americans who live in North America.
43. All of the following statements are mentioned EXCEPT ______.
a. People celebrate Thanksgiving to thank God
b. People usually have traditional dinners on Thanksgiving
c. There are lots of entertainments on Thanksgiving
d. People go to churches for religious services on Thanksgiving.
44. On thanksgiving ______.
a. turkey, yams and pumpkin pies are served
b. people join in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
c. people wear coloured carnival masks matching through the streets
d. people go out to shop for Christmas presents

45. Which of the following is not true?
a. In the US, Thanksgiving is not a national holiday; it's a religious holiday.
b. Christmas comes Jess than a month after Thanksgiving.
c. Thanksgiving was originally celebrated by the first, Europeans in North America to thank God for their
d. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade are colourful and exciting.
IX. Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - that is closest in meaning to the printed one.
46. It never occurred to me to go by train.
a. I used to go by train.
b. I was used to going by train.
c. I never find it boring to go by train d. I never thought of going by train.
47. I should have studied last night, but I was too tired

a. I couldn't study last night because I was very tired.
b. I studied last night, so I was very tired.
c. I tried to study last night but I felt bored.
d. I didn't study last night because I felt very bored.
48. The doctor said, 'You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine.'
a. Jasmine's doctor insisted that she should rest for a few days.
b. The doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a short rest.
c. The doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days’ rest.
d. It is the doctor's recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly.
49. The sooner he stops smoking, the better he'll feel.
a. As soon as he feels better, he'll try to stop smoking.
b. When he stops smoking, he'll begin to feel better.
c. He feels so much better since he stopped smoking.
d. Though he feels better, he still smokes.
50. The coffee was not strong. It didn't keep us awake.
a. The coffee was very strong, but it couldn't keep us awake.
b. The coffee was so strong that we couldn't sleep.
c. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake.
d. We was kept awake because the coffee was strong.
X. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
From (31) _______ times people have celebrated the end of winter and the new life that spring brings. One
of the most important Christian festivals is Easter, (32) _______ Christians remember the death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ.
Easter, however, is not the (33) _______ spring festival. In Sweden, people celebrate the end of the winter
by making (34) _______ bonfires. Fire also plays an important part in the Hindu festival of Holi. In some
villages children are (35) _______ round bonfires by their mothers to protect them (36) _______ danger in the
coming year. Buddhists in Thailand soak (37) _______ in water when celebrating their New Year, which (38)
_______ in the middle of April. In Antigua in Guatemala they carpet the streets with flowers. Chinese spring
parades are (39) _______ colourful, but (40) _______ flowers they have large dragon puppets which dance in

the streets.
1. a. earliest
b. latest
c. previous
d. old
2. a. which
b. when
c. because
d. by then
3. a. single
b. one
c. only
d. lonely
4. a. giant
b. tremedous c. extreme
d. huge
5. a. gone
b. carried
c. brought
d. run
6. a. in
b. out of
c. against
d. from
7. a. through
b. one other c. each other d. mutually
8. a. falls
b. appears
c. happens
d. occurs

9. a. the same
b. as
c. not less
d. equally
10. a. instead of
b. on behalf of c. in spite of d. place of

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