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ôn tập câu hỏi đuôi QUESTION TAGS conditional sentences

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I. Định nghĩa: Câu hỏi đuôi là dạng một câu hỏi ngắn, chỉ gồm 2 từ, nằm đằng sau một câu trần thuật.
Vị trí: Câu hỏi đuôi được thêm vào sau một mệnh đề là câu khẳng định hoặc phủ định, hai vế được ngăn cách nhau
bằng dấu phẩy.
Chức năng: Câu hỏi đuôi được sử dụng khi người nói muốn xác minh xem thơng tin là đúng hay không hoặc khi muốn
người nghe hồi đáp về câu trần thuật đó.
Ngữ điệu: Nếu người hỏi xuống giọng ở câu hỏi đi thì tức là người nói thực sự không muốn hỏi, mà muốn người
nghe xác nhận điều mình nói.
Nếu người hỏi lên giọng ở câu hỏi đi thì tức là người nói muốn hỏi thêm thơng tin từ người nghe.
Buy me a paper, will you? You aren’t Mai, are you?
Van is tired, isn’t Van? Sai vì: ở câu hỏi đuôi luôn dùng ĐTNXCN Van - she Van is tired, isn’t she?
Let’s V, shall we? (Let’s = Let us) lời mời
Let us go, will you? Xin phép
II. Cấu trúc câu hỏi đuôi - Tag Question
S + V + O, trợ động từ + đại từ?
Công thức chung:
Trong đo:
Đại tư: Lấy chủ ngữ ở câu đầu đổi thành đại từ.
Trợ động tư: Phụ thuộc vào động từ ở câu trước.
Nếu câu trần thuật là thể khẳng định, thì câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là thể phủ định và ngược lại.
Ví dụ: Your mother likes reading newspaper, doesn’t she? (contracted form – viết tắt)
Your father doesn’t like reading newspaper, does he?
Chú ý: Trong câu hỏi đuôi chúng ta luôn luôn dùng các đại từ chủ ngữ (I, he, it, they,..) để đặt câu hỏi.
Nếu là câu hỏi đuôi phủ định chúng ta dùng hình thức tỉnh lược giữa “not” với “to be” hoặc với trợ động từ
(isn’t, don’t, doesn’t, haven’t, didn’t, can’t, won’t,…)
Ví dụ: Tom was at home, wasn’t he?
Khơng nói: wasn’t Tom? hay was not Tom?was not he?
01. S must V, needn’t….?/ mustn’t…..? (must – suy luận/ suy đoán – động từ chính)
02. Let’s V, shall we? Let O V, will you? Let me V, may I?

03. I think S V, - lấy mệnh đề sau? S1 think S2 V, lấy mệnh đề trước?
04. this/that – it; these/those-they; there – there; one – one/you
05. Mệnh đề danh từ/ ngữ danh từ - it
06. Đại từ bất định chỉ người (one/body) – they
07. Đại từ bất định chỉ vật (thing) - it
08. neither, none, no one, nobody, nothing, scarcely, barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom (negative)
09. V, won’t you? V, can’t you? Don’t V, will you?
Exercise : Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence:
1. No one is better cook than his mother, ______?
A. is she
B. isn’t she
C. are they
D. aren’t they
2. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, _______?
A. are they
B. are there
C. aren’t they
D. aren’t there
3. He seldom goes to the library, ______?
A. doesn’t he
B. is he
C. does he
D. isn’t he
4. Let’s go for a long walk, ______?
A. will we
B. shall we
C .don’t you
D. do you
5. The film is good, _______________?
A. is it

B. are they
C. isn’t it
D. aren’t they
6. You are going to the party, ____________?
A. is you
B. are you
C. aren’t you
D. were you
7. He can speak English, _________________ ?
A. can he
B. can’t he
C. can’t him
D. could he


8. You don’t know him,__________________ ?
A. do you
B. don’t you
C. are you
D. aren’t you
9. Lan speaks Chinese very well, __________?
A. does she
B. doesn’t she C. is she
D. was she
10. John has worked hard, _________________?
A. does he
B. did he
C. has he

D. hasn’t he
11. They invited him to the party, ___________?
A. do they
B. don’t they
C. did they
D. didn’t they
12. They are leaving here tomorrow________?
A. do they
B. are they
C. aren’t they
D. did they
13. I’m a bit late, ______?
A. am not I
B. aren’t you
C. are you
D. aren’t I
14. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ______?
A. have they
B. haven’t they
C. has he
D. hasn’t he
15. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ______?
A. do they
B. does it
C. is it
D. isn’t it
16. Harry was working in Bristol then, ______?
A. was Harry
B. wasn’t he
C. was he

D. didn’t he
17. You’ll be home before midnight, ______?
A. will you
B .won’t you
C. are you
D. won’t you be
18. David is bringing some wine, ______?
A. is he
B. isn’t he
C. is David
D. isn’t David
19. Don’t leave anything behind, ______?
A. do you
B. don’t you
C. will you
D. shall we
20. Your grandfather was a millionaire, ______?
A. was he
B. is he
C. wasn’t he
D. isn’t he
21. After working so hard he didn't deserve to fail the exam, ______?
A. doesn't he
B. did he
C. won't he
D. is he
22. You haven’t seen him this morning, ___?
A. had you
B. have you
C. is it

D. will you
23. There’s nothing we can do to help the boys, ____________________ ?
A. wasn’t there B. isn’t there
C. was there
D. is there
24. Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday, __________________ ?
A. does he
B. didn’t he
C. not he
D. didn’t she
25. They are studying pronunciation with Mr. Brown, _____?
A. are they
B. aren’t they
C. do they
D. don’t they
26. Many young people want to work for a humanitarian organization, _________ ?
A. doesn’t it
B. does it
C. didn’t they
D. don’t they
27. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ______?
A. have they
B. haven’t they
C. has he
D. hasn’t he
28. We had to abandon any further attempt at negotiation, ______?
A. are we
B. don’t they
C. didn’t we
D. hadn’t we

29. A gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax, ______?
A. will you
B. are you
C. is it
D. won’t it
30. We aim to help the less able in society to lead an independent life, ______?
A. are they
B. don’t we
C. didn’t we
D. do we
31. They finished the year six places above their local rivals, ______?
A. would they
B. don’t they
C. didn’t they
D. do they
32. We did not receive any news during his long absence, ______?
A. do we
B. don’t we
C. didn’t we
D. did we
33. Training is absolutely essential in this business, ______?
A. is it
B. is there
C. isn’t it
D. will there
34. Don't delay for longer than absolutely necessary, ______?


A. will you
B. can you
C. did you
D. do you
35. The students return in October for the beginning of the new academic year, ______?
A. are they
B. will they
C. don’t they
D. didn’t they
36. I am unable to accept your kind invitation, ______?
A. aren’t you
B. aren’t I
C. will you
D. am I


- Câu điều kiên loại 0
- Câu điều kiên loại 1
- Câu điều kiên loại 2
- Câu điều kiên loại 3


1. Câu điều kiện loại 0
- Câu điều kiện loại 0 diễn tả sự việc chắc, hiển nhiên xảy ra

If S + V(o, s/es), S + V(o, s/es)
Eg: If you heat water to 1000C, it boils
2. Câu điều kiện loại 1
- Câu điều kiện loại 1 diễn ta sự việc sẽ xảy ra hoặc có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
If S + V(o, s/es), S + will/can/may/must/ have to/ should + Vinf.
If S + V(o, s/es), Vinf. (please)
Eg: If I become a doctor, I will/can/may take care of the sick
3. Câu điều kiện loại 2
- Câu điều kiện loại 2 diễn tả sự việc khơng có thật hoặc khơng có khả năng xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
If S+ Ved/were, S+ would/could/might + Vinf.
Eg: If I were a millionaire, I would move to America.
4. Câu điều kiện loại 3
- Câu điều kiện loại 3 diễn tả sự việc đã không xảy ra ở quá khứ
If S+ had+ PII, S+ would/could/might + have+ PII
Eg: If the weather had been nice yesterday, we could have gone to Quat Lam resort
even if
only if
Whether or not in case (that) in the event that
providing/ provided (that)
1. Phân biệt when và if
- Dùng when khi chúng ta chắc chắc sự việc sẽ xảy ra
Ex: When I'm in Paris, I'll visit you.
(It’s sure that I'm going to Paris.)
- Dùng if khi chúng ta không chắc chắn sự việc sẽ xảy ra
Ex: If I'm in Paris, I'll visit you.

(It is not sure that I'm going to Paris.)
Chú ý: Chúng ta có thể sử dụng cả when và if khi chúng ta nói về những sự việc sẽ hiển nhiên xảy ra
If you freeze water, it expands.
When you freeze water, it expands
2. unless = if …not
Note: mệnh đề ngay sau unless không được ở dạng phủ định.
Ex 1: I’ll ask you for help if I can’t solve the problem
-> Unless I can solve the problem, I’ll ask you for help
Ex 2: I will be in all day unless the office phones
3. Whether or not
Eg. I’m going to go swimming whether or not it’s cold/ whether it’s cold or not.
Sử dụng whether or not để diễn tả điều kiên “cho dù thế nào chăng nữa” thì kết quả vân không thay đổi.
4. Suppose/Supposing. (giả sư) = if
Eg. Supposing it rains, what will you do?
5. Provided (that)/ Providing (that): (miễn là) =if


Eg. I’ll accept your invitation provided you go with me.
6. Assuming: =if
Eg. Assuming we have good weather, we shall be there by dusk.
7. As long as = if
Eg. If she doesn’t come, .......... = As long as she doesn’t come, ................
8. On condition that: (vơi điêu kiên là) =if
Eg. I shall go on codition that you go with me.
9. Even if = even though: (ngay cả nếu)
Dùng để chỉ sự tương phản hoăc nhấn mạnh
Eg. You must go tomorrow even if you aren’t ready.
10. Otherwise = Or ( Or else) = “If this doesn’t happen / didn’t happen / hadn’t happened”: (nếu không)

Eg. We must be back before midnight; otherwise we’ll be locked out.
= We must be back before midnight or we’ll be locked out.
Otherwise dùng để diễn tả y trai vơi sư thât  If we are not back by midnight we’ll be locked out.
Note: otherwise là từ chuyển ý; or (else) là liên từ
11. But for /Without: Nếu khơng vì
But for/without + N/ Nphrase, main clause of Type 2 or Type 3
= If it were not for + N/ Nphrase, main clause of Type 2
= If it hadn’t been for + N/ Nphrase, main clause of Type 3:
Cũng có thể dùng:
If it were not for the fact that + S + V, main clause of Type 2
If it hadn’t been for the fact that + S + V, main clause of Type 3
Eg1. You help me, so I can speak English very well.
 But for your help, I couldn’t speak English well.
= If it weren’t for your help, I couldn’t speak English well.
= If it weren’t for the fact that you help me, I couldn’t speak English well.
Eg2: You helped us, so we weren’t in trouble.
 If you hadn’t helped us, we would have been in trouble
= But for your help, we would have been in trouble.
= If it hadn’t been for your help, we would have been in trouble.
= If it hadn’t been for the fact that you helped us, we would have been in trouble.
12. In case: phòng khi
I’ll take the umbrella with me in case it rains.
- Không dùng đông từ khuyết thiếu sau In case
Có thể dùng should/ had better/ must/ ought to ở mênh đề chính.
Eg. You’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.
In case of smt
( Nếu sau In case of là danh từ đếm được số ít, khơng dùng mạo từ a, an)
Eg. In case of accident, what would you do without her?
= If there is an accident, what would you do without her?

In the event = In case
In the event of = In case of
In case (that) + clause = in the event (that) + clause
In case of + N/ Nphrase = In the event of + N/ Nphrase
IF + S + V ……. ---------> SHOULD + S + V ……….
- If you hear the fire alarm, leave the building at once.
--> Should you hear the fire alarm, leave the building at once.


- If anybody phones me, please tell them I’m busy.
--> Should anybody phone me, please tell them I’m busy.
IF + S + WERE ………………….. ----------------> WERE + S ………………..
- If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. --> Were I you, I wouldn’t do that.
IF + S + V-ed/ V2………………… ---------------> WERE + S + TO + V ……………
- If he worked more slowly, he wouldn’t make many mistakes.
--> Were he to work more slowly, he wouldn’t make many mistakes.
IF + S + HAD + PII ( V-ed/V3) ……………………… -------------------> HAD + S + PII ………….
-If they had realized the danger, they would have done it differently.
--> Had they realized the danger, they would have done it differently.
Note: Đối với cả ba loại câu điều kiện, nếu mệnh đề IF là phủ định thì ta đặt NOT sau chủ ngữ.
- If you don’t believe what I said, ask your mother. --> Should you not believe what I said, ask your mother.
- If she were not shy, she would have a good time at the party.

--> Were she not shy, she would have a good time at the party.
- If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it. --> Had I not seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it.
1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc
- Xác định loại câu điều kiện
- Chia động từ theo cấu trúc của loại câu đó
Eg 1: What you (do) if you won the lottery -> What would you do
Eg 2: Nam (work) harder, he (pass) the final exam last year
= had worked
= would have passed
2. Viết lại câu
- Nếu câu gốc ở thì hiện tại thì viết lại câu ở câu điều kiện loại 2 và thêm hoặc bớt not ở cả hai vế
Eg: We don’t go out very often because we are busy
-> If we were not busy, we would go out very often
- Nếu câu gốc ở thì quá khứ thì viết lại câu ở câu điều kiện loại 3 và thêm hoặc bớt not ở cả hai vế
Eg: I failed the exam because I was lazy
-> If I hadn’t been lazy, I wouldn’t have failed the exam
- Nếu bản thân câu gốc đã là câu điều kiện (có unless (trừ khi…nếu khơng), or = otherwise (bằng không) hoặc without
(nếu không) = if not …) thì vẫn giữ nguyên loại CĐK ở câu gốc (chỉ chuyển đổi từ lien từ này sang lien từ khác, không
thay đổi loại câu điều kiện.
Eg 1: These plants will die unless you water them regularly
You water these plants regularly or they will die
These plants will die without watering them regularly

If you don’t water these plants regularly, they will die

If you water these plants regularly, they will not die
Eg 2: The weather is cold today, so we can’t go swimming

Unless the weather were cold today, we could go swimming

(If the weather were not cold today, we could go swimming)
Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. ____ have enough apples, she’ll make an apple pie this afternoon.
A. Should she
B. If she
C. Will she
D. Unless she
2. If you don’t know how to spell a word, you ____ look it up in the dictionary.
A. must
B. will
C. should
D. ought
3. If the sun ____, we ____ for a walk.
A. shines / will go
B. shone / will go
C. shone / would go
D. had shone / would go
4. The campfire ____ if it ____ last night.




A. wouldn’t be cancelled / hadn’t rained
B. wouldn’t have been cancelled / hadn’t rained
C. would have been cancelled / hadn’t rained
D. will be cancelled / rains
But for our parents, we ____ successful in life.
A. will never be B. would never be
C. wouldn’t have
D. would have never been
If I ____ my wallet at home this morning, I ____ money for lunch now.
A. leave / will have
B. didn’t leave / would have
C. hadn’t left / would have
D. hadn’t left / would have had

If we ____ the plans carefully, we would not have had so many serious mistakes.
A. study
B. had studied
C. studied
D. were studying
I will never talk to you again ____ you apologize me ____ your being rude.
A. if / for
B. unless / for
C. or / of
D. whether / or
____ you work harder, you will be sacked.
A. Whether
B. If
C. However
D. Unless
I think you should stop smoking.
A. If I am you, I will stop smoking.
B. If I were you, I will stop smoking.
C. If I were you, I would stop smoking.
D. If I had been you, I would stop smoking.
If you take the ice out of the fridge, it ____.
A. vaporizes
B. melts
C. heats
D. disappears
Unless we ____ more snow, we can’t go skiing.
A. will have
B. have
C. have had
D. had

You’ll fail the exam ____ you start revising.
A. if
B. until
C. when
D. unless
Unless you wash the car, you ____ not drive it at the weekend.
A. would
B. could
C. have to
D. may
If Peter ____ his car before the drive, he ____ the problem of out of petrol.
A. checked / will not get
B. had checked / would not have got
C. checks / will not have got
D. would be checking / will not have got
Most people you meet will be polite to you ____.
A. if you are polite to them
B. if you will be polite to them
C. unless you are polite to them
D. if you were polite to them
If you do so, it ____ the matter worse.
A. makes only B. would only make
C. will only make
D. had only made
Hurry up ____ you will miss the bus and be late for school.
A. if
B. and
C. or
D. as
You will get a good seat if you _____ first.

A. come
B. came
C. have come
D. will come
If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she ____ injured.
A. has been
B. would has been
C. would be
D. would have been
If I ____ the rain yesterday, I ____ ill.
A. had not caught / would have been
B. had not caught / would not have been
C. have not caught / were not
D. have not caught / would have been
What ____ if there ____ a serious nuclear accident.
A. will happen / was
B. happens / were
C. would happen / were
D. would happen / had been
If I hadn't stayed up so late last night, I ____ so tired this morning.
A. don't feel
B. felt
C. didn't feel
D. wouldn't have felt
I ____ in terrible trouble right now if you hadn't helped me.
A. am
B. will be
C. would be
D. would have been
If I had a computer, I ____ the assignment last night.

A. finished
B. have finished C. would have finished D. had finished
If you ____ harder, you'd have passed the exam.


A. had studied
B. have studied C. studied
D. study
27. If you had lots of money, what ____?
A. do you do
B. will you do
C. would you do D. have you done
28. I'd ____ out with you if I weren't so tired.
A. go
B. went
C. had gone
D. will go
29. I'm sure your parents would have been happier if you ____ harder before that important exam.
A. work
B. worked
C. have worked D. had worked
30. Tom ____ so careless if he'd known what would happen.
A. would have been
B. wouldn't have been C. would be
D. wouldn't be
31. If she ____ on time, I would have been surprised.
A. arrived
B. have arrived C. had arrived

D. would arrive
32. We wouldn't ____ the bus if we'd left home earlier.
A. have missed B. had missed
C. will miss
D. would miss
33. If John had studied more, he ____ better marks.
A. gets
B. will get
C. would get
D. would have got
34. If he had tried harder, he might ____.
A. succeed
B. have succeeded
C. be success
D. will succeed
35. If you had saved some money, you ____ so hard up now.
A. aren't
B. won't
C. wouldn't be
D. wouldn't have been
36. Why didn't you tell me? If you ____ me, I would have helped.
A. tell
B. told
C. have told
D. had told
37. If he ____ the money, he wouldn't be in prison now.
A. hadn't stolen B. didn't steal
C. had stolen
D. stole
38. If Tim ____ so fast, his car wouldn't have crashed into a tree.

A. didn't drive
B. hadn't driven C. haven't driven
D. drives
39. What a bad luck! If Nam ____ over, he would have won the race.
A. doesn't fall
B. didn't fall
C. hasn't fallen D. hadn't fallen
40. If you ____ me last week, I would have been able to come.
A. invited
B. had invited
C. would invite
D. would have invited
41. I'm sure your letter hasn't arrived yet. If it had come, I'm sure I ____ it.
A. will notice
B. noticed
C. would have noticed D. would notice
42. Why didn't you phone? If I had known you were coming, I ____ you at the airport.
A. would have met
B. would meet C. met
D. had met
43. It's a pity you missed the party. If you ____, you would have met my teacher from Australia.
A. came
B. have come
C. come
D. had come
44. I wouldn't have resat the exam if I ____ harder.
A. study
B. studied
C. had studied
D. would have studied

45. If Jane ____, I wouldn't have been able to move the table.
A. didn't help
B. hadn't helped
C. hasn't helped D. wouldn't help
46. Unless you ____ me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed.
A. had told
B. hadn't told
C. told
D. didn't tell
47. “If I ____ and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper
question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes."
Albert Einstein
A. have an hour to solve a problem
B. had an hour solving a problem
C. had had an hour to solve a problem
D. had an hour to solve a problem
48. If he had spent his youth learning anything, he ____ himself for his lack of knowledge now.
A. will not blame
B. would not blame
C. would not have blamed
D. would blame
49. If he ____ this homework to do, he would have gone out with his friends.
A. had not
B. didn't have
C. had had
D. hadn't had
50. Were my grandfather alive, he ____ learning something new. He was really a studious.
A. will be
B. would be
C. would have been

D. will have been
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


1. Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they ____ their student cards.
A. don’t produce
B. didn’t produce
C. produced
D. hadn’t produced
2. Without your help, I ____ the technical problem with my computer the other day.
A. wouldn’t solve
B. couldn’t have solved C. could solve
D. can’t solve
3. If Martin were here now, he ____ us to solve this difficult problem.
A. would help
B. helps
C. will help
D. has helped
4. If he didn’t have to work today, he ____ his children to the zoo.
A. will take
B. takes
C. would take
D. has taken
5. If you didn’t have to leave today, I ____ you around the city.
A. have shown
B. showed
C. will show
D. would show

6. If our teacher were here now, he ____ us with this difficult exercise.
A. has helped
B. helps
C. will help
D. would help
7. If he were younger, he ____ a professional running competition now.
A. will join
B. had joined
C. would have joined
D. would join
8. If you watch this film, you ____ about the cultures of Southeast Asian countries.
A. learned
B. were learning C. will learn
D. would learn
9. If he were better qualified, he ____ get the job.
A. will
B. can
C. may
D. could
10. If life ____ predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.
A. is
B. would be
C. were
D. had been
11. That sounds like a good offer. I ____ it if I ____ you.
A. would accept - were
B. accepted - would be
C. accept - will be
D. will accept - were
12. If he improved his IT skills, he ____ a job.

A. will easily get
B. would easily get
C. will easily have got
D. would easily have got
13. If it had not rained last night, the roads in the city ____ so slippery now.
A. must not be
B. would not be
C. could not have been
D. would not have been
14. ____ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.
A. Had you arrived
B. If you arrived
C. Were you arrived
D. If you hadn’t arrived
15. If it ____ their encouragement, he could have given it up.
A. hadn’t been for
B. wouldn’t have been for
C. had been for D. hadn’t been
16. But for his kind support, I ____.
A. would not have succeeded
B. did not succeed
C. had not succeeded
D. would succeed
17. - Jean: “Why didn’t you tell me about the plans for the merge?” - Jack: “I would have told you ____.”
A. if you asked me to
B. had you asked me to
C. you had asked to me
D. you were asking me
18. We ____ on the beach now if we hadn't missed the plane.
A. will lie

B. could be lying C. will be lying
D. might have lain
19. ____ anyone call, just say I'll be back in the office at four o'clock.
A. If
B. Were
C. Should
D. Unless
20. ____ me twice my current salary, I wouldn't work for them.
A. If they paid
B. Weren’t they paid
C. Were they not to pay
D. Had they not paid
21. If we ________, the work would have been completed, I’m sure.
A. hadn’t been disturbed
B. weren’t disturbed
C. didn’t disturb
D. hadn’t disturbed
22. The palace is so heavy and massive that no redecoration can make it look like a little gracious villa. Even if we
____ it pink, which, of course, is out of the question.
A. would paint
B. had painted
C. were to paint D. paint


23. Well, you see, if I ____ up in a neighborhood where drink problems were endemic, I might find these jokes really
A. wouldn’t be brought B. weren’t brought
C. didn’t bring

D. hadn’t been brought
24. If, as Mark says, the landlord ____ so surprised seeing the group, he must have forgotten the arrangement.
A. has been
B. was
C. would have been
D. had been
25. I’m glad I managed to talk Sandra out of buying a dog. If I ________, we would now be looking for a pet-friendly
A. hadn’t
B. did
C. didn’t
D. wouldn’t
26. ____ she to call you immediately, what would you do?
A. Does
B. If
C. Unless
D. Were
27. If Karol Wojtyia ____ elected Pope, there wouldn’t be so many Poles visiting Rome every year now.
A. wasn’t to be B. weren’t
C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t have been
28. Who will pay for the coach if almost two fifths of the passengers ____ a free ride?
A. will receive B. are to be given
C. were to give D. would receive
29. Don’t tell me I acted too quickly. I’m sure nobody in my place ____ a minute longer.
A. would have to wait
B. would wait
C. would be able to wait
D. would have waited
30. The company’s situation is hopeless and I can’t see what the new president might do to improve it; even if he
____ a genius, which he is not.

A. were
B. is to be
C. will be
D. would be
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
1. I didn't have an umbrella with me, so I got wet.
A. Since I got wet, I didn't have an umbrella with me.
B. My umbrella helped me to get wet.
C. I wouldn’t have got wet if I had had an umbrella with me. D. I got wet, so I didn't have an umbrella.
2. Unless you leave me alone, I'll call the police.
A. I'll call the police because you leave me alone. B. I'll call the police if you don't leave me alone.
C. If you leave me alone, I'll call the police.
D. You leave me alone, so I'll call the police.
3. If you hadn't told me about the changes in the timetable, I wouldn't have noticed.
A. You hadn't told me about the changes in the timetable, so I didn't notice.
B. Unless you had told me about the changes in the timetable, I wouldn't have noticed.
C. If you had told me about the changes in the timetable, I would have noticed.
D. Unless you tell me about the changes in the timetable, I won't notice.
4. If I had known the reason why she was absent from class, I would have told you.
A. I knew the reason why she was absent from class, but I didn't tell you.
B. Unless I knew the reason why she was absent from class, I wouldn't tell you.
C. I didn't know the reason why she was absent from class, so I didn't tell.
D. Although I knew the reason why she was absent from class, I didn't tell you.
5. But for your carelessness, you could have been a partner in the firm.
A. If it hadn't been your carelessness, you could have been a partner in the firm.
B. Your carelessness was only thing to prevent being a partner in the firm.
C. It was your carelessness that made you impossible to be a partner in the firm
D. You could have been a partner in the firm, but you were so careless.
6. Without skillful surgery, he would not have survived the operation.

A. With skillful surgery, he would have survived the operation.
B. Had it not been for skillful surgery, he would have survived the operation.
C. But for skillful surgery, he would not have survived the operation.
D. He wouldn't have survived the operation if he hadn't skillful surgery.
7. We could not handle the situation without you.
A. You didn't help us handle the situation.
B. If you had not helped us, we could not have handled the situation.
C. If you did not help us, we could not handle the situation.


D. We will handle the situation if you help.
8. Unless you have tickets you can't come in.
A. You can't come in provided that you have tickets.
B. You can come in provided that you have tickets.
C. If you didn't have tickets, you couldn't come in.
D. Unless you don't have tickets, you can come in.
9. He stepped on the mine, and it exploded.
A. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it doesn’t explode.
B. If he doesn’t step on the mine, it won’t explode.
C. If he didn’t step on the mine, it wouldn’t explode.
D. If he hadn’t stepped on the mine, it wouldn’t have exploded.
10. It may rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn’t because I don’t want the match to be cancelled.
A. If it rains, the match is cancelled.
B. If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
C. If it rained, the match would be cancelled.
D. If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled.
11. Unfortunately, I don’t know philosophy, so I can’t answer your question.
A. If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.

B. If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
C. If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
D. If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.
12. We survived that accident because we were wearing our seat belts.
A. But for our seat belts, we would have survived that accident.
B. Had we not been wearing our seat belts, we wouldn't have survived that accident.
C. Without our seat belts, we could have survived that accident.
D. If we weren't wearing our seat belts, we couldn't have survived that accident.
13. They were late for the meeting because of the heavy snow.
A. If it snowed heavily, they would be late for the meeting.
B. Had it not snowed heavily, they would have been late for the meeting.
C. But for the heavy snow, they wouldn't have been late for the meeting.
D. If it didn't snow heavily, they wouldn't be late for the meeting.
14. He was successful in his career thanks to his parents' support.
A. Had it not been for his parents' support, he wouldn't be successful in his career.
B. If his parents hadn't supported him, he wouldn't have been successful in his career.
C. But for his parents' support, he wouldn't be successful in his career.
D. Without his parents' support, he would have been successful in his career.
15. They cancelled all the sporting events because of the heavy rain.
A. Without the heavy rain, they wouldn't cancel all the sporting events.
B. If it hadn't rained heavily, they would have cancelled all the sporting events.
C. If it didn't rain heavily, they wouldn't cancel all the sporting events.
D. Had it not rained heavily, they wouldn't have cancelled all the sporting events.
16. Without my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.
A. Had my tutor not helped me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.
B. If my tutor didn’t help me, I couldn’t make such a good speech.
C. If it hadn’t been for my tutor’s help, I couldn’t have made such a good speech.
D. If my tutor hadn’t helped me, I could have made such a good speech.
D. If he takes his father’s advice, he will not be out of work now.
17. I didn't speak to Anita because I didn't see her.

A. If I saw Anita, I would speak to her.
B. If I had seen Anita, I would have spoken to her.
C. Although I spoke to Anita, I didn't see her.
D. I saw Anita so that I could speak to her.
18. Unless I had seen him doing it, I wouldn't have accused him.












A. I could accuse him because I saw him doing it.

B. I didn't see him doing it, so I couldn't accuse him.
C. I accused him, but I didn't see him doing it.
D. He was accused though I didn't see him doing it.
If you had arrived, you would have had the chance of meeting the chairman.
A. You hadn't arrived so you hadn't had the chance of meeting the chairman.
B. You didn't have the chance of meeting the chairman because you didn't arrive.
C. If you arrived, you would the chance of meeting the chairman.
D. You don't arrive so you don't have the chance of meeting the chairman.
Get in touch with me as soon as possible if you change your mind about the trip.
A. Should you change your mind about the trip, contact me as soon as possible.
B. If you changed your mind about the trip, get in touch with me as soon as possible.
C. You would call me whether you changed your mind about the trip.
D. Having changed your mind about the trip, you should get in touch with me soon.
If it hadn't been for the goalkeeper, our team would have lost.
A. Our team didn't lose the game thanks to the goalkeeper.
B. Our team lost the match because of the goalkeeper.
C. Without the goalkeeper, our team could have won.
D. If the goalkeeper didn't play well, our team would have lost.
I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't wait for you.
A. If I had known you were coming, I would wait for you.
B. I would have waited for you if I knew you were coming.
C. Had I known you were coming, I would have waited for you.
D. If you had known you had been coming, I would have waited for you.
My friends rang me at the office because they didn't know that I was away.
A. If my friends rang me at the office, they knew that I was away.
B. My friends didn't ring me because they knew that I was away.
C. Had my friends known that I was away, they wouldn't have rung me at the office.
D. Were my friends not to ring me, they knew that I was away.
Please let me know if you wish to keep the books any longer.
A. If you should wish to keep the books any longer, please let me know.

B. Should you wish to keep the books any longer, please let me know.
C. Should you wish keep the books any longer, please let me know.
D. Wish you to keep the books any longer, please let me know.
It's my opinion that you should take more exercises.
A. If I were you, you would take more exercises.
B. If I were you, I would take more exercises.
C. Had I been you, I would take more exercises.
D. If I were you, I will take more exercises.
Had the advertisement for our product been better, more people would have bought it.
A. Not many people bought our product because it was so bad.
B. Our product was of better quality so that more people would buy it.
C. Fewer people bought our product due to its bad quality.
D. Since our advertisement for our product was so bad, fewer people bought it.
If it hadn't been for his carelessness, we would have finished the work.
A. He was careless because he hadn't finished the work.
B. If he was careful, we would finish the work.
C. If he had been more careful, we would have completed the work.
D. Because he wasn't careless, we didn't finish the work.
This conference wouldn't have been possible without your organization.
A. Had you not organized this conference, it wouldn't be possible.
B. Your organization made it possible for this conference to take place.
C. But for your organization, this conference would have been possible.


D. If you didn't organize, this conference wouldn't have taken place.
29. She is so busy that she can't come to the party.
A. If she were not so busy, she must come to the party.
B. If she were not so busy, she need to come to the party.

C. If she were not so busy, she could come to the party.
D. If she were not so busy, she should come to the party.
EX 4:
1.Jenifer rejected the job offer. She now regrets it.
A. Jenifer regrets not having rejected the job offer. B. If only Jenifer didn’t reject the job offer.
C. Jenifer wishes she hadn’t rejected the job offer.D. Jenifer regrets to reject the job offer.
2. The girl didn’t make any friends at her new school. She regrets that
A. Having many friends, the girl felt lonely.
B. Deprived of friends, the girl felt lonely.
C. She regrets making friends at her new school
D. If only she had made many friends at her new school.
3. She didn’t take her doctor’s advice. It is a pity
A, She wishes she took her doctor’s advice
B. If only she had taken her doctor’s advice
C. She wishes she takes her doctor’s advice
D. If only she would take her doctor’s advice
4. My father didn’t go to the football match. He regretted that.
A. My father regretted to go to the football match B. My father regretted not going to the football match
C. If only my father went to the football match
D. If only my father had gone to the football match
5. Our team lost the game yesterday. What a pity!
A. We regretted to lost the game yesterday
B. We regretted not losing the game yesterday
C. If only our team didn’t lose the game yesterday D. If only our team hadn’t lost the game yesterday
6. My friends didn’t take part in the game.They regretted that
A. My friends regretted to take part in the game B. My friends regretted taking part in the game
C.If only my friends took part in the game
D. If only my friends had taken part in the game
7. He didn’t write his letter of application earlier. He regretted that

A. He regretted to write his letter of application earlier B. He regretted writing his letter of application earlier
C.If only he had written letter of application earlier
D. He wishes he hadn’t written letter of application earlier
8. I made so much noise yesterday and that annoyed people. I regretted that
A. If only I made so much noise yesterday
B. I wish I hadn’t made so much noise yesterday
C.I regretted making so much noise yesterday D.I regretted to make so much noise yesterday
9. I rejected the offer to work for IBM. What a pity!
A.I regret not rejected the offer to work for IBM
B.I regret to reject the offer to work for IBM
C.If only I didn’t reject the offer to work for IBM
D.I wish I hadn’t rejected the offer to work for IBM
10.Nam didn’t take a gap year. He regretted that.
A. Nam regretted taking a gap year
B. Nam regretted having taken a gap year
C. If only Nam had taken a gap year
D. I wish Nam hadn’t taken a gap year
11.Hoa dumped rubbish into the river. She regretted that
A. Hoa regretted not having dumped rubbish into the river B. Hoa regretted not dumping rubbish into the river
C. Hoa wishes she had dumped rubbish into the river D. If only she hadn’t dumped rubbish into the river
12.My brother didn’t pass the final exam. What a pity!
A. My brother regretted passing the final exam
B. My brother regretted having passed the final exam
C.If only my brother had passed the final exam
D. My brother wish he passed the exam
13.Her father ate a lot of fast food. He regretted that
A. Her father regretted not eating a lot of fast food
B. Her father regretted not having eaten a lot of fast food
C. Her father wishes he didn’t eat a lot of fast food
D. Her father wishes he hadn’t eaten a lot of fast food

14.I didn’t participate in the green movement last year. What a pity!
A. I regretted having participated in the green movement last year
B. I regretted to participate in the green movement last year
C. I wish I participated in the green movement last year
D. If only I had participated in the green movement last year


15.Her mom chose to become a housewife. She regretted that
A. If only her mom hadn’t chosen to become a housewife
B. Her mom regretted not choosing to become a housewife
C. Her mom regretted not to choose to become a housewife
D. Her mom wishes she had chosen to become a housewife
16.He had an argument with his girlfriend. He regretted that
A. He regretted having an argument with his girlfriend
B. He regretted to have an argument with his girlfriend
C. If only he didn’t have an argument with his girlfriend
D. He wishes he hadn’t had an argument with his girlfriend
______ THE END______

