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Corporate event

Đề 1: Free talk about how to host an event
I am going to talk about how to host a team building event. Firstly, because it is
aimed at offering staff time to relax and networking opportunities, the participants
should include both managers and employees, especially newcomers. In addition, it
would be ideal for the event to be held in a place with much fresh and open air such
as a beach and moutain resort for about 3 days. And I suppose the event should be
outsourced to be more professional. More importantly, to make staff happier and
strengthen their relationship, it would be a great idea if there are some activities like
competing games, singing, dancing, telling jokes and gathering around a camp fire in
the event. After all, I do believe that an event would be successful if we have a careful
and detailed plan for it.
Đề 2: Free talk about a corporate event you attended
I am going to talk about a team building event I attended as a part-time
employee with … ,the company I worked for, in …. for … days. The participants
included both managers and employees (both full-time and part-time). The event was
outsourced (to ….- a famous event planner), so it was really professional. There were a
lot of fun and exciting activities like competing games, singing, dancing, telling jokes
and gathering around a camp fire in the event. All of such activities increased
networking opportunities for people in the company and strengthen their
relationship. I felt really happy and relaxed after the event. Up to now, it is the most
impressive and unforgettable corporate event I have ever attended.
Đề 3: Free talk about a corporate event you are going to attend

Next month, our company will be 15 years old, so the board of directors plans to hold a
company milestone event. The purpose of the event is expressing its gratitude to staff members who
have been with the company for 15 years of establishment and development. The company milestone

is going to be outsourced because it needs be professional and thoughtful. We plan to invite many

people including employees, managements, clients, customers and owners. In addition, journalists
will be indispensable guests to convey the information to help improve the company’s reputation. To
reinforce the grandeur of the event, we plan to hold the company milestone event in a luxurious
venue - the Hilton hotel. The event is going to be held in one day with a variety of activies such as
commemorative meeting, welcome show, outdoor buffet and exciting games. I do believe that we will
have a very successful and memorable company milestone event .

Corporate culture

V’s corporate culture is really unique and distinct, shown in various factors.
Firstly, its logo is impressive with golden lotus and the text “Vietnam airlines” on blue
background which represents elegance, perfection and quality. In addition, its dress
code is quite polite and elegant. …. to work. Besides, V has a quite memorable slogan
which contains just 2 words “reaching further”. With the missions of providing … and
increasing…., V has achieved key success in destination, environment, convenience
and reputation…..
Additionally, there are 3 elements that make V’s values. They are ……
Furthermore, V’s policies specially focus on quality and training. (Quality policy is to
concentrate on the services to meet customers’ expectations while training policy is to
provide opportunities for employees to get funded professional training).
What’s more, its cultural space event “…” which portrays VNamese identity also
contributes to V’ corporate culture.
In future, V desires to maintain … and become ….
In short, missions, visions …… make V’ special corporate culture.// I do hope that V
will complete its visions.// I do hope that I can work for V in the future.
Unit 3: Customer service

Đề 1: How to deal with a negative feedback
Sample 1

Negative reviews from customers are almost unavoidable for a company or
organization. And it is important to deal with them if a company or organization wants
to make good impression with both old and potential customers. There are 6 steps to
deal with the problem. Firstly, it is vital to decide if it is worth responding. It means
that the comments with bad words or from frequent complainers can be ignored.
Secondly, the problem needs researching. The third step is to show sympathy with
customers to ease their feeling. After that, it is essential to talk privately to the
reviewer as well as post a public message acknowledging the concern and outlining
actions taken. The final and the most difficult step is to learn from the problems and
make sure it will not happen again because it is easier said than done. In short,
negative reviews can be dealt with above steps.
Sample 2
It is important to deal with them if a company or organization wants to make good
impression with both old and potential customers. There are 6 steps to deal with the
problem. Firstly, it is vital to decide if it is worth responding. It means that the
comments with bad words or from frequent complainers can be ignored. Secondly,
the problem needs researching. The third step is to show sympathy with customers to
ease their feeling. After that, it is essential to talk privately to the reviewer as well as
post a public message acknowledging the concern and outlining actions taken. The
final step is to learn from the problems and make sure it will not happen again. Among
6 steps, the 1st one seems most difficult because wrong decision may lead to a waste of
time and efforts for every one. In short, negative reviews can be dealt with above steps.
Đề 2: Talk about the guarantee policy of a product you have bought
I am going to talk about the guarantee policy of an electronic device I have bought
called Apple Iphone 7S plus at FPT shop. The product is offered a limited warranty
which expires after 1 year// a 1-year limited warranty with 30-day return period. The

warranty only covers manufacturing defects but errors made by customers like misuse,
abuse, improper maintenance and accidents. In order to have my Apple warranted, I

need to keep original purchase receipt clean. In case it is lost or the warranty expires, I
will have it repaired at a reasonable rate. I feel satisfied with the guarantee policy of
FPT shop for my Iphone, so I will recommend the shop to my friends and relatives.
Unit 4: Write about a negotiating style
Sample 1
Principled is one of popular negotiating style. This type of interest-based bargaining is
aimed at a win-win agreement or meeting each party’s needs. This means the
negotiators should consider each other’s interests so that they can reach an agreement
both are happy with. Sometimes, both sides need to make some sacrifices to find an
agreeable outcome. For such objectives, principled negotiation brings a big advantage.
It can enable parties to create a long-term cooperation and make negotiators feel
comfortable during the negotiation. Besides, it can serve the negotiators’interests
while maintaining goodwill with the other party. However, this negotiating style does
not always work and it might expect longer and more careful preparation than
other types. Also, it may require negotiators to have more skill and experiences. In
short, principled negotiation is an effective negotiating style with some aspects that
negotiators must notice.
Sample 2:
Hard is one of popular negotiating styles. It is aimed at winning the negotiation at the
other party’s expense. This means the negotiator must have a strong bargaining
position to put pressure on the other party. This type of bargaining almost always
brings a “win” for the negotiator if they meet soft party because soft negotiator is
willing to make sacrifices to preserve the relationship of both sides. However, hard
negotiators also have to face some disadvantages. Because most people feel
uncomfortable interacting with someone who is “hard” on them, they can not always
reach an agreement. Especially, when both parties apply this approach, it can result in

lose-lose situations because of their unwillingness to compromise. For such reasons, a
good negotiator needs to consider the situation to use this tactic.

Sample 3
Soft is one of popular negotiating styles. It is aimed at reaching an agreement which
satisfy negotiating parties and helping them build long-term relationships. A soft
negotiater is often in a weak bargaining position instead of placing pressure on the
other party. For him/her, the other party is not an opponent. Therefore, he/she makes
gentle concessions and is willing to make sacrifices (or accept the deal at his/her
disadvantages) to avoid conflicts and preserve the relationship of both sides. This type
of bargaining can result in quick agreement. However, soft bargaining also presents
some disadvantages. The negotiator’s interests and objectives might not be achieved,
especially when the other party does not have a spirit of cooperation. For such reasons,
a good negotiator needs to consider the situation to use this tactic.
Unit 5: Banking
Đề 1: Write an email to your friend to give him/her advice on choosing the right bank
account for him/her.
Dear Lien,
I am writing to give you some advice on choosing the right bank account. In my
opinion, checking account is the most suitable for you because of some reasons.
Firstly, as a student, you need financial support from your family for tuition fee,
food, accommodation, transport and other living expenses on monthly basis. If you use
a checking account, your parents can easily send you money without giving it to an
intermediary. In addition, this type of bank account is convenient and easy to use. It
allows you to make most of financial transactions like paying bills or shopping online.
(Also, you can manage your deposits and withdrawal every day). Besides, opening a
checking acount is quite simple. The user just has to be over 18 and get a valid
identity card. Lastly, although fee and minimum balance are different among banks,
in general they are quite low, just about 4500VND - 10000VND for the former and

50000VND - 100000VND for the latter. Maybe in the future, you will need other types
of bank account, but at present, I believe checking account is the right choice for you.

With love,

Đề 2: Write/ talk about a bank account which is most suitable for you.
Checking account is the most suitable for me because of some reasons. Firstly, as a
student, I need financial support from my family for tuition fee, food, accommodation,
transport and other living expenses on monthly basis. With a checking account, my
parents can easily send me money without giving it to an intermediary. In
addition, this type of bank account is convenient and easy to use. It allows me to
make most of financial transactions like paying bills or shopping online just with a
phone connected to the internet. (Also, I can manage your deposits and withdrawal
every day). Besides, opening a checking acount is quite simple. The user just has to
be over 18 and get a valid identity card. Lastly, fee and minimum balance are quite
low despite depending on each bank’s policies, just about 4500VND - 10000VND for
the former and 50000VND - 100000VND for the latter. In short, maybe in the future, I
will need other types of bank account, but at present, I believe checking account is the
right choice for me.
Đề 3: Write/ talk about a bank card which is most suitable for you.
At present, as a poor student, I believe debit card whose main users are people with
unstable jobs or low income is the most suitable for me for some reasons. Firstly, its
monthly fee is very low inspite of depending on each bank’s policies. Secondly, it is
convenient and easy to use. I can use it to make purchases, make transactions and pay
bills without using cash. Especially, transactions are automatically updated and
recorded online, making it super handy to keep track of them. In addition, a debit card
is small, so I can carry it in my bag. In short, I think a debit card is the best choice for
me now.
Unit 6: Investment

Write about an investment option that you would like to invest with 3 billion VND.

If I had 3 billion VND, I would invest in real estate. In more detail, I would buy about
50 metres of land with a small house on it near Hanoi University of Industry. The
land should be about 15 metres far from the main road 32 and I would rent it out. I
believe I would get a lot of benefits from my investment. Firstly, I could earn steady
flow of cash in form of rental income. Secondly, the land’s value would definitely
increase in the long run, and I would have a long-term financial security. More
importantly, I would become my own boss when I could control over my
investment. Although it might cost me a big amount of money for repairs and
maintenance of the house for rent and take long time to get money back, I still believe
in my investment because the land could be sold easily at high price due to its
convenient location. (In other words, I think it would be my best choice because the
benefits outweighs the risks).
Describe a graph
The graph illustrates the changes in Vietnamese gasoline prices in 2017.
In general, as it can be seen from the graph, VN’s price of gasoline increased in the
In January, it stood at 0,78 USD/liter. After that, it fuctuated to April before there was a
steady fall of 0,05USD till July. The period from July to October witnessed a sharp rise
in the gasoline price to 0,8USD/liter. The price reached a peak at 0,82 in November.
Unit 7: Writing an email to your friend to give her/him some tips about how to
write a good CV for newly graduates

Dear ….,
I am writing to give you some instructions on how to write a good CV for new
graduates. Firstly, it should include some following elements in order: personal
information, personal statement, education, experience, skills and interests . In terms of
personal information, remember to use a professional email with your real name and

maybe some basic information about you. Because the personal statement creates a
strong first impression to the employers, it should be well-written and presents the
facts in most positive way. Besides, a good CV must be error-free, have an eyecatching layout, and be only about 2-page long at most. In addition, all the included
information like experience, skills and interests must be relevant to the job you are
applying for. Especially, formal language is a “must” for a CV. Words such as
“Awesome”, “Cool”, “Super”… must be avoided. (One more tip you should bear in
mind is that lies are a taboo in a CV.)
I do hope that with above tips, you can produce an effective and impressive CV.
With love,
Lưu ý 1: Nếu đề thi chỉ là nói/viết về tips to write a CV for new graduates thì câu mở
đầu và câu cuối như sau (chỉ thay các câu mực đỏ)
Mở đầu: …There are some tips to write a good CV (for new graduates).
Kết luận: In short, I believe that following above tips, new graduates will be
Lưu ý 2: Nếu đề khơng có for new graduates thì bỏ câu màu xanh có gạch chân
Unit 8: Write about your last job interview experience.
When I was in the second year, I had a part-time job as …. at …... To get the job, I had
an unforgetable interview which gives me a valuable experience. It is the manager of
the …. that directly interviewed me. He/she looked quite professional and serious, so I
felt extremely nervous and completely overwhelmed at first. I was asked a series of
questions about my personal information, education, experience, skills and future
plans. Despite a bit anxiety at the beginning, I think I left a good impression on the
interviewer because (beside my formal and polite appearance,) I kept my answers
short, simple and relevant to the job. Especially, (I think) my answer to the question
about my weaknesses is excellent. I mentioned my weak point softly and demonstated
that it was also my strong point. However, up to now, I still believe that my interview

could have been much better if I had dealt with questions about salary more wisely.
By that time, I just said the exact number for my expected salary. Were I in such a
situation again, I would try to negotiate about it instead of giving a direct answer so
that I could gain other benefits with higher salary. After the interview, I learnt that no
matter how serious and professional the interviewer looks, I should always be
confident and keep calm.
Talking about weaknesses

Template for a cover letter

Introduction: I am writing to apply for the position of … in response
to your advertisement on …. (your company’s website)

I have just graduated// am going to graduate with excellent
bachelor’s degree in …. from Hanoi University of Industry. (I
can speak and write English fluently// I am excellent at
computing. I am good at communication skills). I believe that
my qualifications, skills and experiences will make me a
valuable asset of your company.



during my university time, I worked for ….. My responsibilities
included (V-ing)…. The work enabled me to … (develop my

communication and interpersonal skills). It made me become …
(more creative and self-motivated).
You will find me a positive, motivated, and hard-working person
who is keen to learn and contribute. Given the opportunity, I
would apply myself with enthusiasm to all tasks, ensuring that I
get the job done accurately and efficiently.

I enclose a copy of my CV and hope we will have an opportunity to
discuss more.
Yours ….,





Write an email to your friend to give her some advice on how to have a good job

I am writing to give you some advice on how to have a good job interview. Firstly, you
should arrive at least 10 minutes early for the interview. In addition, it is important that

your dressing style be polite and formal. You can wear …and avoid (miniskirt/ T-shirt
and jeans). Also, during the interview, remember to stay calm and keep your answers
short, simple and relevant to job field you’re applying for. More importantly, because
failing to prepare is preparing to fail, you should practice answering anticipated
questions beforehand.
I do hope that you will have a successful job interview and get your dreamt job with
above tips.
With love,


Corporate culture
