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Mark the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.
1: ~ A: "............" ~ B: "I'm going to see a band, Planet X. Want to come?"
A. Are you free this weekend?
B. Which is your favourite band?
C. Why not coming over for some potluck?
D. What are you going to do this weekend?
2: ~ A: Phu Quang’s staging a liveshow next Sunday. Will you come? ~ B: ".........."
A. Great! Been looking forward to it a whole month.
B. No. He's gone away with another girl.
C. My taste is not for classical music.
D. Really? He is said to have divorced to Ngoc Anh, isn't he?
Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
3: Getting a good job doesn't interest him.
A. He is good at getting a good job.
B. He is only interested in getting a good job.
C. He isn't good at getting a good job.
D. He isn't interested in getting a good job.
4: Dad didn't intend to change his job.
A. Dad had intention to change his job.
B. Dad didn't have intention for change his job.
C. Dad didn't have any intend to change his job.
D. Dad didn't have intention of changing his job.
5: It has been a long time since they met.
A. They haven't met for a long time.
B. They didn't meet a long time ago.
C. They didn't meet for a long time.
D. They haven't met since a long time.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group.
6:A. position
B. resource

C. preserve
D. conserve
7:A. downpour
B. honour
C. vapour
D. odour
Mark the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
8: Whatever difficult he may encounter, he’ll try his best to overcome.
A. difficult
B. encounter
C. his best
D. overcome
9: The boy whom I told to on the phone last night is very interested in Physics.
A. whom
B. told to
C. on the phone
D. very interested
10: Both a term paper and a final exam is often required for a college class.
A. for
B. is
C. and
D. required
Mark the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
11: She thinks they look down on her because she didn't go to university.
A. look up to
B. look on to
C. look in on
D. look up for
12: He was imprisoned because he revealed secrets to the enemies.
A. betrayed

B. concealed
C. disowned
D. declared
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
13: They are now staying at a flat which is about.......from the safe sandy beach.
A. five-minute walk
B. five-minutes walk
C. walk for about five minutes
D. five minutes walking
14: The hut was.......into three connecting bedrooms; there was no corridor.
A. divided
B. separated
C. split
D. cut up
15: The factory has a........to choose young, qualified people for the job.
A. privilege
B. tendency
C. trend
D. preference
16: Peter is sometimes unsuccessful because he's not.......of other people's opinions.
A. tolerate
B. tolerable
C. tolerance
D. tolerant
17: This poem shows the wonderful.......of the poet.
A. sensation
B. sense
C. sensitiveness
D. sensibility

18: My father doesn’t like any kind of change. He’s very.......in his ways.
A. fixed
B. set
C. determined
D. established
19: His name was on the.......of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it.
A. tip
B. edge
C. end
D. point
20: After Mary......her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company.

A. will finish
B. finishes
C. is finishing
D. will have finished
21: When I came to his house, I didn't see him. He.........
A. may be out
B. might have been away
C. must be absent
D. can be away
22: My phone is out of order, which is a..........
A. trouble
B. harm
C. error
D. bother
23: Teenagers often have some physical changes during the ....... from childhood to adult life.
A. obstacle
B. way

C. transition
D. growth
24: There is always.......traffic in the city centre in the rush hour.
A. strong
B. big
C. heavy
D. full
25: The size and shape of a nail depends primarily on the function ....... intended.
A. which it is
B. for which it is
C. which it is for
D. for which is
Read the following passage and mark the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered
All of us have to work to ...(26)... a living ourselves and to help our family; however, we work not only for
material life but also for many other things. We are working to prove our ability. We feel self-confident and
proud because we are independent. ...(27)... who works is regarded as a useful member of society. We’re
working; that means we’re ...(28)... to our country. Working helps us train our minds because we always try our
best to do the job. The better we work, the more money we earn, and that ...(29)... us to work harder. Without
working, a man’s life will be empty, purposeless and ...(30)... and it’s easy for a jobless person to do wrongs.
26:A. earn
B. find
C. seek
D. search
27:A. No one
B. Anything
C. Everyone
D. Anyone
28:A. contributing
B. relating

C. helping
D. donating
29:A. encourages
B. lets
C. makes
D. persuades
30:A. regardless
B. useless
C. senseless
D. meaningless
Read the following passage and mark the the correct answer to each of the following questions.
There are more than 300,000 fast food restaurants in the US. Why is fast food so popular? Because it’s
convenient, predictable, and fast. Fast food has become a part of the busy American lifestyle. But, nutrition
experts point out, fast food is often high in calories, sodium, fat and cholesterol. This does not mean fast food is
bad. But it does mean you should fit fast food into a balanced, healthy diet. On the average, to maintain
desirable weight, men need about 2,700 calories per day and women need about 2,000 calories per day. It is not
well understood why some people can eat much more than others and still maintain a desirable weight.
However, one thing is certain - to lose weight, you must take in fewer calories than you burn. This means that
you must either choose foods with fewer calories, or you must increase your physical activity, preferably both.
Most Americans get more than 40 percent of their daily calories from fat. The American Heart Association
recommends limiting fat to less than 50-80 grams per day. Fast food meals can be high in calories, fat, sodium,
and cholesterol.
Lately, fast-food chains have noticed that consumers are more health-conscious, and as a result, many chains
are adding healthier choices to their menus.
31: What are fast food meals high in?
A. Water, fat and calories.
B. All are correct.
C. Fat and cholesterol
D. Salt, fat and cholesterol.

32: If you want to lose weight, what should you do?
A. Take in fewer calories than you spend.
B. It is not important what you eat, providing you eat
C. Eat food which contains less fat and consequently fewer calories.
D. Eat food which contains more fat and more calories.
33: Is it possible to eat well in a fast food restaurant?
A. Yes, but only if you choose low in fat and calories meals.
B. Yes, but you shouldn't eat in a fast food restaurant everyday.
C. Yes, if the menus have more choices.
D. No, all fast food meals contain too much fat and
34: Some people eat much more than others, but still don't put on weight, Why?

A. They need more calories than others.
B. They do not eat fast food meals.
C. We don't really know it.
D. They burn more calories than others.
35: What does the word “This” refer to?
A. choosing foods with fewer calories
B. losing weight
C. taking in fewer calories than you burn
D. increasing your physical activity
36: Why is fast food so popular in the US?
A. Because it is good for your health and it is fast. B. Because American do not like cooking.
C. Because American people are very busy and fast food is ready to take.
D. Because American way of life is on fashion.
37: The word “maintain” is closest in meaning to.......
A. keep safe

B. keep form
C. keep intact
D. keep fit
38: What is the main theme of this passage?
A. how people should use fast food
B. possible hazards of fast food to health
C. why Americans get more fast food.
D. when to use fast food for your health
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Captain John Paul Stapp, already a medical doctor, began his scientific career in the 1940s studying the
negative effects of high-altitude flight, issues absolutely critical to the future of aviation. How could men
survive these conditions? The problem of the bends, the deadly formation of bubbles in the bloodstream, proved
the toughest, but after 65 hours in the air, Stapp found an answer. If a pilot breathed pure oxygen for 30 minutes
prior to take-off, symptoms could be avoided entirely. This was an enormous breakthrough. The sky now truly
was the limit. The discovery pushed Stapp to the forefront of the Aero Med Lab and he abandoned his plans to
become a pediatrician, instead deciding to dedicate his life to research. The Lab's mandate, to study medical and
safety issues in aviation, was a perfect match for his talents. It was the premiere facility in the world for the new
science of biomechanics.
Stapp was assigned the Lab's most important research project: human deceleration. This was the study of the
human body's ability to withstand G forces, the force of gravity, when bailing out of an aircraft. In April 1947,
Stapp travelled to Los Angeles to view the 'human decelerator', a rocket sled designed to run along a special
track and then come to a halt with the aid of 45 sets of normal hydraulic brakes, which slowed it from 150 miles
per hour to half of that speed in one fifth of a second. When it did, G forces would be produced equivalent to
those experienced in an airplane crash. The sled was called the 'Gee Whiz'. Built out of welded tubes, it was
designed to withstand 100 Gs of force, way beyond the 18 Gs that accepted theory of the time thought
survivable. Early tests were conducted using a dummy, but Stapp soon insisted that conditions were right to use
himself as a human guinea pig.
Exercising a modicum of caution on the first ride in December 1947, Stapp used only one rocket. The Gee
Whiz barely reached 90 miles an hour, and the deceleration was only about 10 Gs. So Stapp began to increase

the number of rockets, and by August 1948, he had completed 16 runs, surviving not just 18 Gs but a bonejarring 35 Gs.
Battered though he was by the tests, Stapp was reluctant to allow anyone else to ride the Gee Whiz. He feared
that if certain people, especially test pilots, were used, their hotheadedness might produce a disaster. Volunteers
made some runs, but whenever a new approach was developed, Stapp was his own one and only choice as test
subject. There was one obvious benefit: Stapp could write extremely accurate physiological and psychological
reports concerning the effects of his experiments.
Yet while the Gee Whiz allowed Stapp to answer the existing deceleration questions, new ones emerged.
What could be done to help pilots ejecting from supersonic aircraft to survive? Stapp set out to find the answer
on a new sled called Sonic Wind No. 1, which could travel at 750 miles per hour, and withstand an astonishing
150 Gs. In January 1954, Stapp embarked on a series of runs leading to his 29th and final ride, which took him to
above the speed of sound, protected only by a helmet and visor. And when the sled stopped, in a mere 1.4
seconds, Stapp was subjected to more Gs than anyone had ever willingly endured. He wasn't just proving that
people could survive a high-speed ejection, he was establishing the parameters of human survivability to G
force: new biological boundaries were being set.
That successful run on 10 December 1954 provided Colonel Stapp with an opportunity he had longed for - to
promote the cause of automobile safety. Stapp had long realised that his research was just as applicable to cars

as it was to airplanes. At every opportunity, Stapp urged the car industry to examine his crash data, and to
design their cars with safety in mind. He lobbied hard for the installation of seat belts and improvements such as
collapsing steering wheels.
'I'm leading a crusade for the prevention of needless deaths,' he told Time magazine in 1955. Stapp's work in
aeronautics and automobiles continued right up until his death in 1999 at age 89. He had received numerous
awards and honours. But the best was the knowledge that his work had helped to save many lives, not just in
aviation, but on highways around the world.
39: What does the writer mean when he says 'The sky now truly was the limit' (line 6)?
A. All previous restrictions on flight had been removed.
B. Stapp had set an unbeatable scientific record.
C. A new design was needed for high-altitude planes.
D. Pilots could now be trained to fly at greater altitude.

40: What assessment of Stapp's skills does the writer make in the first paragraph?
A. He was a better scientist than his contemporaries.
B. He was ideally suited to employment at Aero Med Lab.
C. He was able to solve scientific problems at great speed.
D. He was able to prove a theory set out by others.
41: Why did Stapp usually insist on doing test runs on Gee Whiz himself?
A. He thought it was unethical to recruit people for a dangerous task.
B. He felt his powers of observation were superior to those of other people.
C. He had little faith in the overall safety of the equipment.
D. He was aware that some people were psychologically unsuited to the tests.
42: What was the significance of the experiments on Sonic Wind No. 1?
A. They proved that most people would survive high speeds.
B. They gradually improved deceleration times.
C. They broke all previous speed records.
D. They set new limits to human potential.
43: What was surprising about the construction of Gee Whiz?
A. It was not built of conventional materials.
B. It was initially designed to function without a passenger.
C. It could tolerate exceptionally high G forces.
D. It incorporated a revolutionary new kind of brakes.
34: In this text, the writer implies that Stapp's main motivation was......
A. a desire to minimise loss of life.
B. a spirit of adventure.
C. a wish to be remembered after his death.
D. a quest for expertise.
Mark the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
45: Hurricane Katrina will go down in the record books as the costliest storm ever faced by insurers.
A. decrease
B. be less violent
C. be remembered

D. be forgotten
46: We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.
A. repair the iron case B. replace the hardware
C. find solution to D. update with new softwares
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group.
47:A. perversity
B. supervisor
C. impudence
D. edible
48:A. sulphuric
B. applicant
C. interview
D. logical
Mark the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
49: Donald heard the bad news. He could not help weeping.
A. Donald could not allow himself to weep at the bad news,
B. Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news.
C. Donald could not help himself and so he wept.
D. Donald could not help himself because he was weeping.
50: He is always busy. He has little time to relax.
A. Busy as he is always, he has to relax little.
B. Because he is always busy, he has little time to relax.
C. Although he is always busy, he has little time to relax.

D. However busy he always is, he has little time to relax.

Mark the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the
following questions.

1:A. under
B. pressure
C. hurry
D. rush
2:A. joins
B. loves
C. cooks
D. spends
Mark the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
3: Neil Postman, an author of some great books, pointed out that reading teaches us to think in a logically
connected way, and cultivating a sustained attention span.
A. an author
B. pointed out
C. cultivating
D. teaches
4: The major goals of primary education is to achieve basic literacy and numeracy among all students.
A. is
B. to achieve
C. and
D. major goals
5: An university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees, including
Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
A. higher
B. which
C. an
D. including
Mark the correct answer to each of the following questions.
6: Mary will have finished all her work........
A. as soon as her boss returned
B. until her boss will return

C. by the time her boss returns
D. when her boss will return
7: The picnic.......because Peter has just had a traffic accident.
A. will cancel
B. will be cancelling
C. will be cancelled
D. will have cancelled
8: He asked me......the book I borrowed from the library.
A. if I found
B. whether I found
C. if I had found
D. whether I have found
9: He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. ......the food is …..he likes it.
A. The hotter - the more and more
B. The hotter - the more
C. The more and more hot - the more
D. The hottest - the most
10: Can you......what it would be like to live without books?
A. imagine
B. describe
C. understand
D. advise
11: Parts of the country are suffering water......after the unusually dry summer.
A. hunger
B. supply
C. shortage
D. thirst
12: A computer is a(n).......storage device which manages large collections of data.
A. electrical
B. electric

C. electronic
D. electricity
13: We had to.......the noise from the building site next door for three months.
A. put up with
B. look up to
C. stand up to
D. give up
14: John cannot.......a decision to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.
A. earn
B. do
C. make
D. work
15: With greatly increased workloads, everyone is.......pressure now.
A. above
B. upon
C. out of
D. under
16: The Eiffel Tower.......design was revolutionary at its time, is still a marvelous structure.
A. that
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
17: ...... . We have still got plenty of food.
A. May I go to the supermarket?
B. You should have bought some more to eat.
C. We must have bought some more food.
D. You needn't have gone to the supermarket.
18: It is time every student......harder for the coming exam.
A. work
B. works

C. should work
D. worked
19: During the week of the national tourism festival, we had visitors......from all over the country.
A. coming
B. came
C. to have come
D. come
Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
20: The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A. I have not been to the museum for a year.
B. A year ago, I often went to the museum.
C. My going to the museum lasted a year.
D. At last I went to the museum after a year.
21: It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
A. The man is believed to have been escaped in a stolen car.

B. The man is believed to be escaped in a stolen car.
C. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.
D. The man is believed to escape in a stolen car.
22: It was your assistance that enabled us to get achievement.
A. If you assisted us, we could not get achievement.
B. But for your assistance, we could not have got achievement.
C. Without your assistance, we could get achievement.
D. Your assistance discouraged us from get achievement.
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions.
What holidays are people from other countries celebrating this season? This month, millions will observe
special holidays. But many people around the world will be celebrating holidays you might never have heard of
during November and December.
In the Bahamas, Junkanoo is held on December 26 and January 1. The Bahamas are islands that make up a

nation in the Atlantic Ocean near Florida. Junkanoo begins before the sun comes up. That's when the Junkanoo
parade starts. Dancers in costumes take to the streets. People along the parade route are invited to join in with
the dancers. Junkanoo grew popular during the 16 th and 17th centuries. African slaves were given a special
holiday after Christmas. They were allowed to leave the fields and observe the holiday with their families. They
celebrated with African music, dance, and costumes. After the slaves were freed, people in the Bahamas
continued the Junkanoo tradition.
In Mexico, El Dia de Los Muertos ("Day of the Dead") isn't about ghosts. It is about remembering relatives
and life. On the Day of the Dead, family members gather in cemeteries. They decorate family members' graves
with colourful flowers. They tell stories about past relatives. They also have a picnic with lots of great food. On
this holiday, death is not seen as something to fear. Instead, it is seen as just another part of life. "Our relatives
wouldn't want us to cry," said Miguel, a Mexican boy. "So we are happy instead. " The Day of the Dead is held
on the first or second of November.
In Thailand, Loy Krathong is held during the full moon in November. Thailand is a country in Southeast
Asia. Before the festival, people make krathongs. A krathong is a small boat made of a banana leaf. Each
krathong contains a flower, a candle, and three incense sticks. Incense sticks produce a pleasant smell when
burned. During the festival, people light their candles and float their krathongs down rivers. Loy Krathong also
includes feasts and fireworks.
In several countries, the day after Christmas is a holiday. In those countries, that day is called Boxing Day.
The holiday began in Britaia. According to old stories, wealthy people gave boxes of gifts to servants on Boxing
Day. Other stories say that servants take boxes to work on the day after Christmas. Their bosses placed coins in
the boxes as special year-end gifts.
23: Based on the information in this section, what can you infer about when Loy Rrathong takes place?
A. Loy Krathong probably takes place at noon.
B. Loy Krathong probably takes place at night.
C. Loy Krathong probably takes place in the middle of the afternoon.
D. Loy Krathong probably takes place at dawn.
24: The word "their" in paragraph 5 refers to.......
A. wealthy people’s
B. servants’
C. gifts’

D. boxes’
25: What does the text list and describe?
A. The text lists and describes famous people in the history of Mexico.
B. The text lists and describes holidays around the world.
C. The text lists and describes events that took place in Britain during the 16th century.
D. The text lists and describes bodies of water in Thailand.
26: The "cemeteries" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to......
A. somewhere people have picnic
B. houses where people celebrate their holidays
C. places where people grow flowers
D. areas of ground in which dead bodies are buried
27: What is the main idea of the text?
A. The Day of the Dead and Loy Krathong are holidays celebrated in November.
B. Many people around the world celebrate different holidays.
C. Boxing Day is a holiday that began in Britain.

D. The Bahamas are islands that make up a nation in the Atlantic Ocean.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
28: We cut down many forests. The Earth becomes hot.
A. The more forests we cut down, the hotter the Earth becomes.
B. The more forests we cut down, the Earth becomes hotter.
C. The more we cut down forests, the Earth becomes hotter
D. The more we cut down forests, the hotter the Earth becomes.
29: The agreement ended the six-month negotiation. It was signed yesterday.
A. The agreement which ends the six-month negotiation was signed yesterday.
B. The agreement which was signed yesterday lasted six months.iopob
C. The negotiation which lasted six months was signed yesterday.
D. The agreement which was signed yesterday ended the six-month negotiation.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following
30: Mr. Edwin is talking to a hotel clerk at Home Again Hotel.
~ Hotel clerk: "Welcome to the Home Again Hotel, sir. How may I help you?" ~ Mr. Edwin: "..........."
A. Yes, I want to look for a room.
B. I would like a non-smoking room with a double
C. No, thanks. I had a reservation.
D. Sorry. I don’t want to stay there.
31: A customer is talking to a shop assistant about the sweater he has chosen.
~ Customer: "That's nice. Could I try it on?" ~ Shop assistant: "............"
A. Oh, sorry. We don’t have this room.
B. Yes, of course, but you must pay the bill first.
C. Certainly, the changing rooms are over there.
D. That’s right. You should try it before buying.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Some people think of 'traditional' gender roles as being like a 1950s TV sitcom] Dad puts ...(32)... his suit and
goes to the office, while Mum, in her apron, stays at home and ...(33)... housework. But for most of human
history, it has taken the efforts of both men and women, whether working in an office ...(34)... in the fields, to
look after the family. And that's the situation to which we now seem to be returning.
By 2050, women will make up 47% of the workforce in the United States, up from 30% in 1950. But some
experts are predicting that, at ...(35)... in the short term, the number of women in the workforce may actually
overtake the number of men. What's the reason? During the economic recession that began in 2008, many jobs
disappeared from industries traditionally dominated by male workers, such as manufacturing. Unless many
more manual manufacturing jobs ...(36)..., it maybe that women, who traditionally work in healthcare, education
and other service industries, will take the lead in the labour market.
(Adapted from )
32:A. out

B. off
C. up
D. on
33:A. takes
B. finishes
C. makes
D. does
34:A. or
B. and
C. but
D. as
35:A. last
B. least D all
C. first
36:A. appear
B. happen
C. return
D. become
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
37:A. depend
B. modern
C. derive
D. provide
38:A. habitat
B. different
C. industry
D. introduce
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part
in each of the following questions.

39: She decided to remain celibate and devote her life to helping the homeless and orphans.
A. separated
B. divorced
C. single
D. married
40: My parents always disapproved of my smoking. They even told me once it would stop me growing

A. objected to
B. supported
C. denied
D. refused
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
41: The 1908 Siberian meteorite explosion brought about considerable deletion of the northern hemisphere's
ozone layer.
A. was caused by
B. brought back
C. resulted in
D. was initiated by
42: Roget's Thesaurus, a collection of English words and phrases, was originally arranged by the ideas they
express rather than by alphabetical order.
A. restricted
B. unless
C. as well as
D. instead of
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions.
Some people assume that medieval castles served as homes for the wealthy and powerful. Although this is
true, it is not the whole truth. Castles were communities made up of the wealthy owners, nobles, religious

leaders, merchants, and farmers. The building itself was only a part of the castle. Thick walls extended around
the castle structure and the village that sat next to the castle.
Castles played an important role in feudalism. The word "castle" comes from a Latin word that means
fortress. A castle helped a king or vassal defend the land where the castle stood. It also served as a place to
house the king or vassal’s army, weapons, and food. A castle was also the center of local government. Although
they were frequently attacked, castles were the safest dwellings of the time. A castle was typically built on the
top of a hill to protect the community from invasions. Soldiers on the walls kept a lookout for attacking armies.
Life inside the castle walls was difficult and crowded. There was not much land to build on, so people built
houses that were narrow and tall. Many buildings were five or six stories. Streets were also narrow and dirty.
People would throw their garbage and waste out into the streets. Disease spread quickly. At night the streets
were dark and unsafe. People would rarely go out after dark without their servants. When they did, they carried
torches or candles. Fire was one of the greatest dangers for a medieval town. Most houses were made of wood.
Only the wealthy had stone and houses. One city in France burned to the ground six times between 1200 and
1255 CE!
Despite the many risks, people lived in castle communities because of the protection that was offered them by
the nobles who built the castle and provided military support. Lords and ladies also benefited from the
townsfolk who provided food and goods. The castle system was interdependent between the wealthy and the
poor. They both needed each other to survive and thrive.
43: The first paragraph introduces the topic of castles by......
A. comparing nobles to farmers
B. summarizing the threats faced by castle communities
C. defining the word "castle"
D. describing how dirty castles were
44: Buildings inside castle walls were namow and tall......
A. because there was not much stone to build on
B. because of the narrow streets
C. since people are crowded
D. due to lack of land to build on
45: The main purpose of this passage is to......
A. explain how castles were built

B. show that vassals were not very important to castle communities
C. convince people that life in the Middle Ages was safe and carefree
D. describe what life in and around a medieval castle was like
46: The word "dwellings" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to......
A. streets
B. groups of people
C. caves
D. places to live
47: It can be inferred from the passage that......
A. people in castle communities are not well-protected B. people in castle communities are difficult and
C. people in castle communities are wealthy owners. D. people in castle communities come from Latin
48: According to the passage, why were castles built on hills?
A. for improving communication between communities B. for protection against flooding
C. for travelers to see without any trouble
D. for protection against attacks
49: The word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to......
A. Farmers
B. weapons
C. castles
D. walls

50: Which of the following would probably NOT have been a threat to the safety of someone living in a castle
A. getting lost in the streets at night
B. a candle falling over and setting a house on fire
C. a month of above-average rainfall
D. soldiers from an enemy kingdom marching toward the castle

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1:A. nation
B. desert
C. harbour
D. cartoon
2:A. postpone
B. teammate
C. answer
D. standstill
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part
in each of the following questions.
3: He studies so zealously that he graduated from college first in his class.
A. eagerly
B. hard
C. passionately
D. lazily
4: Two small toy manufacturers consolidated to form a new business.
A. merged
B. united
C. divided
D. combined
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
5: The movie bears little resemblance to the original novel.
A. The movie is quite different from the original novel.
B. The movie and the original novel differ in some ways.
C. The movie and the original novel resemble in many ways.

D. The movie is very similar to the original novel.
6: At no time did the two sides look likely to reach an agreement.
A. The two sides had no time to reach an agreement.
B. The two sides would never like to reach an agreement.
C. If the two sides had had more time, they would have reached an agreement
D. The two sides never looked likely to reach an agreement.
7: The waiter said: "Would you mind moving to another table?"
A. The waiter advised me to move to another table.
B. The waiter told me not to move to another table.
C. The waiter insisted me to move to another table.
D. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best
option for each of the blanks.
The Thames Barrier is a major part of the flood defense scheme for protecting London ...(8)... rising water
levels. The defenses ...(9)... include raised river embankments and additional flood gates at strategic points,
including the Barking Barrier. The unique structure that is the Barrier spans the 520-metre wide Woolwich
reach and ...(10)... of 10 separate movable gates, each pivoting and supported between concrete structures which
house the operating machinery.
When raised, the four main gates ...(11)... stands as high as a five-storey building and as wide as the opening of
Tower Bridge. Each ...(12)... 3,700 tones. During the first twelve years of operation the Barrier has been closed
twenty nine times to protect London.
8:A. between
B. against
C. for
D. with
9:A. too
B. also
C. still
D. and

10:A. involves
B. consists
C. contains
D. includes
11:A. each
B. which
C. none
D. every
12:A. calculates
B. measures
C. costs
D. weighs
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.

In the 1960s, the first human explorations of space began. Today scientists often debate the future of manned
space flight. Should we aim for the moon again, or for Mars? It always comes down to concerns about the
length and expense of such journeys.
Mars is a much more difficult challenge than the moon. Mars is so far away that is world take about two years
for a human crew to complete the round trip, including time spent to the planet’s surface. On the other hand, we
know the moon can be visited in a fraction of that time, as was proven by the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.
Distance poses other dilemmas. A popular movie, Apollo 13, tells the exciting story of how NASA managed to
rescue the astronauts of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission to the moon. With the tremendous distance between
Earth and Mars, emergency retrievals like this would be impossible. The moon seems more feasible from this
point of view.
As with most projects, the crux of the matter is economics. In fact, NASA has estimated that a manned
flight to Mars would cost five hundred billion dollars! Critics argue that Mars is too far and the moon is too
useless to us to justify any manned space flights at all. Nevertheless, should we choose to go ahead with space
travel, it seems that returning to the moon is a much more likely proposition than Mars.

13: The term "debate" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to.......
A. question
B. imagine
C. argue
D. propose
14: The passage states that in a two-year period astronauts could.......
A. go to Mars and return
B. fly to Mars to begin exploring
C. only get halfway to Mars
D. travel to Mars and set up a base there
15: What is the author’s purpose for writing this passage?
A. To tell a story about an emergency retrieval in space.
B. To convince governments to spend money on space exploration.
C. To compare travel to Mars and the moon.
D. To warn people about the dangers of explorations to Mars.
16: What does the word "this" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. The rescue of Apollo 13.
B. A popular movie.
D. The time is would take to get to Mars.
17: Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the
A. The most important issue, as is most ventures, is cost.
B. Estimating costs is the essential dilemma for all NASA plans.
C. As in most plans, expense in the most important project.
D. The critical point in all enterprises is expensive spacecraft.
18: According to the passage, how much would a manned space flight to Mars cost?
A. Several hundred billion dollars.
B. Around one hundred billion dollars.
C. Just over five billion dollars.

D. About a billion dollars.
19: The world "estimated" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to.......
A. predicted
B. studied
C. bought
D. multiplied
20: Based on the information in paragraph 3, what can be inferred about space exploration?
A. Mars exploration would be more useful than moon exploration,
B. Moon exploration would be more expensive than Mars exploration.
C. NASA has outlined a budget to send a manned mission to Mars.
D. NASA has not estimated the cost of a manned flight to the moon.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
21: Even though she looks very young, she is twice older than my thirty-year old sister.

A. very young
B. thirty-year old
C. Even though
D. older than
22: Ms. Magazine, which began in 1973, has long been considered one of the leading publication of the
feminist movement.
A. which
B. feminist movement
C. has long been considered D. leading publication
23: They believe in protecting endangered animals, and they protect them from controversial ways.
A. and
B. endangered
C. believe in
D. from

Mark the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation
24:A. devise
B. promise
C. surprise
D. realise
25:A. advanced
B. achieved
C. replied
D. required
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
26: I owed Bill a favour. I agreed to help him.
A. Although I owed Bill a favour, I agreed to help him.
B. I only agreed to help Bill because I owed him some money.
C. If I hadn’t owed Bill a favour, I would have agreed to help him.
D. It was only because I owed Bill a favour that I agreed to help him.
27: Domestic cats enjoy playing and sitting in the sun. Cats in the wild like doing so.
A. Domestic cats enjoy playing and sitting in the sun and so cats do in the wild.
B. Domestic cats enjoy playing and sitting in the sun the sun and so cats in the wild do.
C. Domestic cats enjoy playing and sitting in the sun and cats in the wild do so too.
D. Domestic cats enjoy playing and sitting in the sun and so do cats in the wild.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
When ice skating, it is very important to have good equipment and use it properly. When choosing a pair of
skates, look for high quality skating shoes with sharp steel blades. Choosing the right size stakes is also
important. The leather shoes, which are called boots, should reach up to about the middle of your calf.
Make sure that your skate boots fit snugly. First, put on two pairs of cotton or lightweight wool socks. Then,
step into your skates. Your heels should not be able to slide up and down in the boots. If your boots do not fit
properly, they will not support your feet, and the skates won’t respond correctly when you move your muscles.
It will look like your ankles are weak and will cause you severe discomfort.

Each boot is attached a metal blade by crews at two different places. The blade of skate is a narrow piece of
steel that is strong enough to support the weight of your body. The bottom of the blade, which touches the ice, is
hollowed out, leaving two very thin edges. Stakes have guards, pieces of wood or rubber that fit over blades to
protect these edges. You should use these guards when wearing your skates off the ice, and when you are not
using your skates.
28: According to the passage, why it is important that your skate boots fit snugly?
A. So your ankles will hurt more.
B. So your feet will stay warm.
C. So your heels will slide up and down.
D. So your skates will respond to your muscle movement.
29: Which of the following is closest in meaning to "equipment" in paragraph 1?
A. Electrical devices. B. Necessary things.
C. Clothing.
D. Health
30: What does "it" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Buying good skates.
B. Recording to your muscles.
C. Wearing skates that don’t fit.
D. Wearing skates that fit snugly.
31: Based on the information in paragraph 3, what can be inferred about skate blades?
A. Blades can be damaged if worn on cement.
B. You should never wear your skates when you are not on ice.
C. Blades are made of steel and very difficult to damage.
D. Skate blades are dull.

32: What is the main purpose of paragraph 3?
A. To inform skaters about a possible danger.
C. To promote a particular kind of ice skate.

B. To instruct skaters on blade maintenance.
D. To explain how boots should fit.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
33: We......for this opportunity for more than three years.
A. have been waiting B. were waiting
C. waited
D. are waiting
34: Snow and rain......of nature.
A. is phenomenon
B. are phenomenon
C. are phenomena
D. is phenomena
35: I can never follow everything he has tried to say. He..........
A. pulls my leg
B. speaks the same language
C. gets on like a house on fire
D. talks a mile a minute
36: You can try your best to impress the interviewer, ......in the end it’s often just a question of luck.
A. then
B. but
C. however
D. so
37: Martin tried three new jackets, ......fitted him.
A. neither of which
B. none of them
C. neither of them
D. none of which
38: If you want to get away from the noisy city life, you can take a small boat to......on one of the islands.

A. the deserted beach B. a deserted beach
C. the beach deserted
D. deserted beach
39: The government is aiming......50% reduction in unemployment.
A. to
B. on
C. for
D. at
40: Don’t start smoking till the others......their meal.
A. had finished
B. will finish
C. finished
D. have finished
41: The job offer was too good for Jenifer to turn.......
A. out
B. off
C. down
D. away
42: The country faces.......high unemployment, especially among its youth and a need for more flexibility in
the workplace.
A. persist
B. persistingly
C. persistence
D. persistent
43: There......to have been lots of plants and animals in this area in the past.
A. is said
B. are said
C. were said
D. was said
44: The government devalued the currency to try to revive the......economy.

A. dynamic
B. stagnant
C. developed
D. stable
45: We......forget our passport when we travel abroad.
A. mustn't
B. couldn’t
C. needn’t
D. don’t have to
46: He said he......then, but he would get to the party by nine.
A. will go
B. is going
C. was going
D. had gone
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.
47: Susan shared her sorrow with her friend about her losing purse.
~ Susan: "I have lost my purse." ~ Her friends: " ............"
A. Oh, what a pity!
B. Oh, be careful.
C. That’s nothing.
D. It’s careless
48: A man is talking to Alex when he is on holiday in Paris.
~ The man: "You haven’t lived here long, have you?" ~ Alex: "..........."
A. Yes, just a few days.
B. No, I live here for a long time.
C. Yes, I have just moved here.
D. No, only three months.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

49: The most irritating people are those who ask really stupid questions while their friends video our
A. humorous
B. annoying
C. exciting
D. cheerful
50: A person who suffers from stage fright is easily intimidated by a large audience.

A. encouraged

B. improved

C. applauded

D. frightened

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation
1:A. impartial
B. plentiful
C. initiative
D. tertiary
2:A. influenced
B. hatched
C. stopped
D. dedicated
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct

answer to each of the questions.
Although speech is generally accepted as the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways of
communicating without using words. In every known culture, signals, signs, symbols, and gestiưes are
commonly utilized as instruments of communication. There is a great deal of agreement among communication
scientists as to what each of these methods is and how each differs from the others. For instance, the basic
function of any signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as, for
example, the dots and dashes that can be applied in a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, the potential
for communication through these dots and dashes - short and long intervals as the circuit is broken - is very
great. Less adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain agreed upon meaning: that is, they convey
information in and of themselves. Two examples are the hexagonal red sign that conveys the meaning of stop,
and the red and white swirled pole outside a shop that communicates the meaning of barber.
Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with
the receiver’s culture perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a theater provides performers with an
auditory symbol of approval. In other cultures, if done in unison, applauding can be a symbol of the audience’s
discontent with the performance. Gestures such as weaving and handshaking also communicate certain culture
messages. Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they also have a major disadvantage
in communication. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to
the receiver. Without an exchange of ideas, interaction comes to a halt. As a result, means of communication
intended to be used across long distances and extended periods must be based upon speech. To radio, television,
and the telephone, one must add fax, paging systems, electronic mail, and the Internet, and no one doubts but
that there are more means of communication on the horizon.
3: The word "It" in paragraph 1 refers to.......
A. function
B. environment
C. signal
D. way
4: What does the author say about speech?
A. It is dependent upon the advances made by inventors.
B. It is necessary for communication to occur.
C. It is the only true form of communication.

D. It is the most advanced form of
5: Applauding was cited as an example of......
A. a sign
B. a signal
C. a gesture
D. a symbol
6: It can be concluded from this passage that......
A. symbols are very easy to define and interpret.
B. signals, signs, symbols, and guestures are forms of communication.
C. only some cultures have signals, signs, and symbols.
D. waving and handshaking are not related to culture.
7: The word "intricate" in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. historical
B. uncertain
C. complicated
D. inefficient
8: Why were the telephone, radio, and TV invented?
A. People wanted new forms of entertainment.
B. People believed that signs, signals, and symbols were obsolete.
C. People wanted to communicate across long distance.
D. People were unable to understand signs, symbols, and signals.
9: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Signs and Signals B. Speech
C. Communication
D. Gestures
10: It can be inferred from the passage that signals, signs, symbols, and gestures......
A. cannot be used in long distance communication
B. lead communication to a halt
C. are means of communication intended to be used across long distances and extended periods

D. are always usefile in communication
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
11: The man opened the window. He wanted to get some fresh air into the room.
A. The man opened the window in order to get some fresh air in to the room.
B. The man opened the window; therefore, he can get some fresh air into the room.
C. The man opened the window, so he wanted to get some fresh air into the room.
D. The man opened the window in order for getting some fresh air into the room.
12: My brother can't find a job. He is very well-qualified.
A. My brother can't find a job despite he is very well-qualified.
B. My brother can't find a job, but he is very well-qualified.
C. My brother can't find a job in spite of he is very well-qualified.
D. My brother can't find a job even though he is very well-qualified.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
13: Rabbits and hares look much like and are often mistaken for each other.
A. mistaken for
B. look
C. like
D. each other
14: Fossils of plant that have been extinct for fifty million years have been found in large deposits of amber
near the Baltic Sea.
A. near
B. been extinct
C. plant
D. fifty million years
15: The scientific method consists of forming hypotheses, collect data, and testing results.
A. collect

B. scientific
C. results
D. consists of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.
16: Frank and Linda are talking about teaching.
~ Frank: "Teaching is the best part of my whole day. " ~ Linda: "............."
A. I don’t agree with you because I don’t like it
B. You are telling a lie.
C. You're a lucky man to have a job you love.
D. It’s nice of you to say so.
17: Tom is asking for his mother’s permission to watch his favourite TV show.
~ Tom: "Mom. Can I turn on the TV to watch my favourite show?"
~ Mom: "............., but after you finish your homework."
A. Yes, of course
B. No way
C. Shut up
D. You can’t
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined part in each of the following questions.
18: My little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop, deciding exactly which comics
she was going to buy.
A. required
B. excessive
C. abundant
D. limited
19: The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded
soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war.
A. worry and sadness B. loss
C. happiness

D. pain and sorrow
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
20: During the earthquake, a lot of buildings collapsed, which killed thousands of people.
A. exploded suddenly B. fell down unexpectedly
C. went off accidentallyD. erupted violently
21: Many plant and animal species will be in danger if we don't take any actions to protect them.
A. at ease
B. on purpose
C. at stake
D. in advance
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Comic Relief is a charitable organisation based in London. It was set ...(22)... by comedians in 1985 in
response to the famine in Ethiopia, and uses comedy to get serious messages across. Over the years thousands of
celebrities have helped to raise over £600 million to date.

Every two years, usually on a Friday in March, Comic Relief organizes a nationwide fund-raising event ...
(23)... 'Red Nose Day'. On Red Nose Day everyone in the country is encouraged to put on a red nose and do
something silly to raise money for charity.
Every contribution is important, whether it is standing in the street ...(24)... money from passers-by, or taking
part in a sponsored event like not talking for a(n) ...(25)... day.
The event is televised in the evening, when the combination of comedy and hard-hitting documentaries
persuades ...(26)... to make donations on their credit cards over the phone or via the Internet - to those less
fortunate than themselves.
22:A. out
B. off
C. on
D. up

23:A. known
B. named
C. described
D. called
24:A. earning
B. asking
C. gathering
D. collecting
25:A. complete
B. all
C. total
D. whole
26:A. spectators
B. observers
C. audience
D. viewers
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
27: You didn't listen to my advice in the first place, so you are in the mess now.
A. Unless you listened to my advice in the first place, you weren't in the mess now.
B. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in the mess now.
C. You wouldn’t be in the mess now if you listened to my advice in the first place.
D. If you could listen to my advice in the first place, you aren't in the mess now.
28: "Shall I turn on the heater for you?"Lane said to his grandpa.
A. Lane wanted to turn on the heater for his grandpa. B. Lane offered to turn on the heater for his grandpa.
C. Lane promised to turn on the heater for his grandpa.
D. Lane asked his
grandpa to turn on the heater for him.
Question 29: It was wrong of you not to call the fire brigade at once.
A. The fire brigade was called at the wrong time.

B. You should have called the fire brigade at once.
C. You didn't call the fire brigade because it was wrong. D. Calling the fire brigade must be done at once.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
30: You will have to.......your holiday if you are too ill to travel.
A. call off
B. put aside
C. cut down
D. back out
31: She has just bought......
A. an old interesting painting French
B. an interesting old French painting
C. a French old interesting painting
D. a French interesting old painting
32: .......in UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 2003, Phong Nha Ke Bang is noted for its cave and grotto
A. Having been listed B. Having listed
C. Listing
D. To have listed
33: Sales of the Chinese toys dropped......sharply when the TV news reported that high levels of toxic lead
had been found in painted toys.
A. down
B. off
C. out
D. away
34: The bad weather caused serious damage to the crop. If only it.......warmer.
A. were
C. has been
D. had been

35: His performance in King Lear was most.......
A. impression
B. impressed
C. impressive
D. impressing
36: People have used coal and oil to......electricity for a long time.
A. cultivate
B. raise
C. generate
D. breed
37: She won the award for......her whole life to looking after the poor.
A. spending
B. using
C. devoting
D. paying
38: He......the plants. If he had, they wouldn't have died.
A. can't have watered B. couldn't water
C. shouldn't water
D. needn't have watered
39: Let’s do something to protect the environment, .......we?
A. needn’t
B. will
C. shall
D. must
40: Not until late 1960s........on the moon.

A. when Americans walked
B. did Americans walk
C. when did Americans walk

D. that Americans walked
41: Would you mind.....me a favour and posting this letter for me?
A. getting
B. making
C. giving
D. doing
42: It turned out that we......rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. needn’t have
B. mustn’t
C. hadn’t
D. should have
43: With the help of German experts, the factory produced......cars in 2016 as the year before.
A. as twice as many
B. as twice many
C. as many as twice
D. twice as many
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress
44:A. attract
B. victim
C. install
D. reject
45:A. qualify
B. advertise
C. interview
D. recommend
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil to provide chemical elements essential for plant
nutrition so that the yield can be increased. Natural substances such as animal droppings, ashes from wood fires,

and straw have been used as fertilizers in fields for thousands of years, and lime has been used since Romans
introduced it during the Empire. It was not until the nineteenth century, however, that chemical fertilizer
became widely accepted as normal agricultural practice. Today, both nature and synthetic fertilizers are
available in a variety of forms.
A complete fertilizer is usually marked with a formula consisting of three numbers, such as 4-8-2 or 6-6-4,
which designate the percentage of content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the order stated. Synthetic
fertilizers, produced by factories, are available in either solid or liquid form. Solids, in the shape of chemical
granules, are in demand because they are not only easy to store but also easy to apply. Recently, liquids have
shown as increase in popularity, accounting for 20 percent of the nitrogen fertilizer used throughout the world.
Formerly, powders were also used, but they were found to be less convenient than either solids or liquids.
Fertilizers have no harmful effects on the soil, the crop, or the customer as long as they are used according to
recommendations based on the result of local research. Occasionally, however, farmers may use more fertilizer
than necessary, in which case the plants do not need, and therefore do not absorb, the total amount of fertilizer
applied to the soil. The surplus of fertilizer thus can damage not only the crop but also the animals or human
beings that eat the crop.
Furthermore, fertilizer that is not used in the production of a healthy plant is leached into the water table.
Accumulations of chemical fertilizer in the water supply accelerate the growth of algae and, consequently, may
disturb the natural cycle of life, contributing to the death of fish. Too much fertilizer on grass can cause
digestive disorders in cattle and in infants who drink cow’s milk. Fertilizer must be used with great attention to
responsible use or it can harm the environment.
46: With which of the following topics in the passage primarily concerned?
A. Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fertilizer B. Content, form, and effects of fertilizer.
C. Local research and harmfill effects of fertilizer
D. A formula for the production of fertilizer
47: The word "they" in the paragraph 2 refers to.....
A. Liquids
B. Powders
C. Fertilizers
D. Solids
48: What is the percentage of nitrogen in a 5-8-7 formula fertilizer?

A. 3 percent
B. 5 percent
C. 7 percent
D. 8 percent
49: Which of the following statements about fertilizer is true?
A. Chemical granules are difficult to apply.
B. Solids are difficult to store.
C. Powders are more popular than ever.
D. Liquids are increasing in popularity.
50: According to the passage, what happens when too much fertilizer is used?
A. Animals and humans may become ill.
B. Crops have no harmful effects.
C. Algae in the water supplies begin to die.
D. Local research teams provide recommendation.

Mark the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
1: Phil and Jack are talking about an informal game of basketball.
~ Phil: "Why don’t we go shoot some hoops now since the soccer game isn’t on?"
~ Jack: "........... . Let’s go."
A. No, I don’t like it.
B. Oh, sorry. I have a lot of homework to do.
C. Because I’m busy.
D. Excellent idea.
2: Frank and Linda are talking about going to the movie.
~ Frank: "I was wondering if you’d like to go to a movie tonight."
~ Linda: "......... What’s playing?"
A. It’s nice of you to say so. B. Sure, I’d love to. C. No, thanks, D. Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow.
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions.

People have been inventing things for years. Paper was invented about 2,000 years ago. The wheel was
invented more than 5,000 years ago. What would life be like without paper to write on or bikes to ride? Those
inventions have made life easier.
The Wright brothers invented the first airplane in December 1903. That makes 2003 the 100th anniversary!
Before the airplane was invented, most people travelled by cars, boats, and trains. Today, airplanes help people
travel faster. How do airplanes help you?
Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. Before the telephone was invented, people kept in touch by
writing letters or talking in person. Today, the telephone makes it easier for people to talk to one another. How
do telephones help you?
The first four-wheeled gas-powered car was invented by Karl Benz in 1891. Before people had cars, they
couldn't travel easily. They walked or rode horses for short trips. They took trains or boats for long trips. Today,
cars are one of the main ways people travel. How do cars help you?
People worked for years to make the first computer. It was built in 1946. The first computer was called
ENIAC. Today, computers are an important part of many people's lives. People use computers as tools to write,
get information, and much more. How do computers help you?
3: It can be inferred from the passage that......
A. Karl Benz didn’t like to walk or ride horses for short trips
B. Alexander Graham Bell wrote many letters in his lifetime
C. someone had the idea to invent the computer in the 1930s or early 1940s
D. the Wright Brothers spent a long time trying to invent the airplane
4: Which of the following are two inventions in the passage that were invented before 1900?
A. the airplane and the automobile
B. the telephone and the game of basketball
C. bubblegum and Velcro
D. the car and the computer
5: Before 1903, which of the following would be means of transport EXCEPT......

A. trains
B. planes
C. cars
D. boats
6: The primary purpose of this passage is to describe......
A. some inventions that have made a big difference
B. some ways that computers help make our lives easier
C. the reasons that Karl Benz invented the gas-powered car
D. the invention of the airplane in December 1903
7: The word "anniversary" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to......
A. an event
B. an interesting idea
C. a celebrated date
D. a statement of fact
8: What do all the inventions described in this text have in common?
A. All these inventions made people’s lives easier.
B. All these inventions changed how people travel.
C. All these inventions were invented in the twentieth century.
D. All these inventions were invented by Americans.

9: The word "kept in touch" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to......
A. lost touch with
B. gave a hand with
C. communicated
D. introduced
10: The word "they" in paragraph 4 refers to........
A. horses
B. boats
C. cars

D. travelers
Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
11: It is over twenty years since I last got in touch with them.
A. We can’t help keeping getting in touch with them for over 20 years.
B. We used to get in touch with them for over 20 years.
C. We have been getting in touch with them for over 20 years.
D. We haven’t gotten in touch with them for over 20 years.
12: I was late because I didn’t catch the last ferry.
A. If I had caught the last ferry, I wouldn’t have been late. B. If I caught the last ferry, I wouldn’t be late.
C. If I were you, I would be on time.
D. If I had missed the last ferry, I wouldn’t have been late.
13: I regretted not having applied for the interesting job.
A. I apologized for having applied for the interesting job.
B. I wish I could apply for the interesting job.
C. I must have applied for the interesting job.
D. I should have applied for the interesting job
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Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions.
Deep in a forest, a black-and-white bear sits peacefully. It chews the green leaves of a plant. The bear is alone,
but there are others not too far away. Later, it might amble over to find them. They may play together. This is
the giant panda in nature.
The giant panda is a bear native to China. It is unusual for a bear to be found only in one place. For over a
hundred years, scientists thought that giant pandas might belong to the raccoon family. Then research in the
1980s showed that giant pandas are bears after all. These bears are black and white, with black patches of fur
around their eyes.
Giant pandas live in bamboo forests, high in the mountains in the western part of China. This is their habitat.
Here they eat bamboo. Bamboo is a grass that can grow 100 feet high. It has hollow green stalks. Giant pandas
peel off the leaves and stems to eat. Their paws are well adapted to this task. They have a special thumb that
helps them grasp the bamboo. Giant pandas spend about 10-15 hours a day eating this plant.

Giant pandas are an endangered species. Based on a survey completed in the mid-1980s, researchers
determined there were only 1,000 giant pandas left in the wild. This was the lowest number ever recorded. One
reason the population of giant pandas had declined is that they had less bamboo to eat. A lot of the bamboo
forests where giant pandas lived had been wiped out by logging. Logging is the practice of cutting down trees
for lumber. Loggers had cut down the forests for fire wood, and the cleared land was used for farming.
In 1998, the Chinese government banned logging in the giant panda habitats in order to protect giant pandas.
However, there are still some threats to giant pandas, and giant pandas are killed each year. China has more
people than any country in the world, and these people need food, clothing, and homes. People still illegally log
in the giant panda habitats. In addition, sometimes giant pandas get killed by getting caught in traps that people
set to hunt other animals, such as deer and takins.
Conservationists and the Chinese government have tried to eliminate the threats to giant pandas. Thanks to
their efforts, the giant panda population overall has been increasing. In 2004, the giant panda population reached
1,600, and it continues to grow. Many people are working hard to strengthen the protection of giant panda
habitats, learn more about the bears, and end the remaining threats. Thus, the future looks hopeful for giant
14: The word "this" in paragraph 3 refers to......
A. habitat
B. stem
C. panda
D. bamboo
15: What is the purpose of the first paragraph in this passage?
A. to introduce the reader to giant pandas by describing one
B. to prove to the reader that giant pandas are in danger of dying out
C. to argue that giant pandas actually belong to the raccoon family
