Systematic process of objectively obtaining
and evaluating evidence
Regarding assertions about economic
actions and events;
To ascertain the degree of correspondence
between those assertions and established
criteria; and
Communicating the results to interested
users (AAA)
Purpose of an Audit
To provide certain degree of
assurance that the activities
reviewed (financial statements,
operations, management practices,
etc.) have been performed in
accordance with applicable
standards or practices.
Standards on Auditing
International Standards on Auditing,
issued by IFAC (International
Federation of Accountants)
Standards for Government Auditors,
issued by INTOSAI (International
Organization of Supreme Audit
The Implementing Organization’s
Financial Statements
Project Financial Statements
Statements of Expenditures (SOEs)
Special Bank Account (SA)
Organization’s Financial
Overall objective is to express an
opinion on fairness of
Understanding the Organization
Evaluating Internal Controls
Testing Financial Statement
Understanding the
Nature of the Organization’s
Organization’s Background
Significant Trends and
Staff Appraisal Report (SAR)
Loan Agreement
Other Documents Pertaining to
the Project
Evaluating Internal
Purpose: To determine the audit tests
required for forming an opinion
How much Reliance on internal controls?
Extent of Validation?
Tests of Compliance
Tests of Transactions
Not an endorsement of the overall
adequacy of the internal control system
Testing the Balances
Purpose: To determine if information is
fairly presented
Observation of Inventory-taking
Verification of Fixed Assets
Direct Verification with Third Parties
Level of Testing Might Depend on
Results from Prior Phases
Audit of Project Financial
Overall Objectives
Statements fairly presented?
For the period
Disbursements made in accordance with:
Loan agreement
Fair presentation of balance sheets, especially
Audit of Project F/S (cont.)
Similar to the audit process for the
entity’s financial statements, except:
Greater emphasis on inspection of valid
supporting documentation
Additional steps, such as physical observation
of significant items, to substantiate the validity
of expenditures reported.
Audits of SOEs
Primary objective is to ascertain that
individual expenditures reported in
the SOEs are:
Fully supported by proper
documentation in files
Properly authorized and eligible
Appropriately accounted for
Audits of SOEs
Because withdrawal requests are
not supported by documentation
submitted to the Bank
Results of audit are basis for
determining whether to continue
use of SOEs, or if adjustment must
be made on subsequent claims
Audits of Special
Primary objectives are to verify that:
SA financial statements are fairly
presented, and
disbursements from SAs are proper
and in accordance with the
respective loan agreements
Audits of Special
Auditors should:
Review the SA records maintained by
the Implementing Institution
Review the SA bank statements
Reconcile (including tracking of in-
transit items)
Directly confirm balances with Bank
Examine treatment and disclosure of
interest earned on SA
Audits of Adjustment Loans
Primary focus is on the adequacy of
procedures used to prepare customs or
similar certificates.
Limited to examining certificates on
which SOEs have been based and
determining reliability of the procedures
applied in verifying or issuing such
Audits of Adjustment Loans
Important issues:
TOR must satisfy financial covenants
Documentation must not have been used to
justify another adjustment loan
Claims must be properly documented
Negative list items must be verified
Cut-off dates must be verified
Requirements for Auditors
Adherence to principles of integrity,
objectivity, independence and
Adequate and Competent Staff
Work performed by personnel who have
technical training and proficiency
Proper direction and supervision of work
(includes quality control)
Selection of Auditors
Preferably independent auditors who
meet ISA criteria and are members of
bodies affiliated with IFAC
Government audit institutions should
subcontract with audit firms until
equivalent independence and technical
competence is achieved. The Bank can
help them to meet this goal
Determining Auditor
TM should consult with an accounting
professional and consider the following:
Evidence of independence
Qualifications and experience of key personnel
Time and personnel reqs. of the audit
Experience with:
Bank projects
Operations similar to the project
Peer review, quality control, CPE requirements
of the firm
Government Auditors
Usually the “Supreme Audit Institution
Report to legislature, rather than executive
branch of government
Have statutory authority
Preferably be a member of INTOSAI, and
meet corresponding standards
Private Sector Auditors
Independent auditors who meet ISA
criteria and are members of bodies
affiliated with IFAC
Duly licensed to practice the profession
Competent staff and adequate facilities
Preferably affiliated with an international
firm that provides adequate guidance and
quality control
Appointing the Auditor
The borrower appoints the auditor, but
only after the Bank has expressed the
acceptability of the auditor proposed.
The auditor should be appointed well
before the beginning of the fiscal year.
Preferably there should be a multi-year
Terms of Reference (TOR)
Provide guidance for the audit and format
of the audit report
Should not restrict the auditor’s
obligations with respect to legislation,
regulation, and auditing standards
In the event of poor performance, auditors
should not be able to claim that TOR
requirements prevented them from doing
professional work
Guidelines & Sample: Annexes 18-19
Additional Guidance
“Suggested Minimum Guidelines and Terms
of Reference for the Planning and Execution
of External Audits of Borrowers, Executing
Agencies and Operations Financed by the
World Bank”
FM-600 Summarizes Requirements stated in
FM-100, FM-200 and FM-300