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Cac de luyen thi homelife test THPTQG

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Le Huu Trac High School
Unit 1 : Homelife
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress .
Question 1: A. harmony
B. confident
C. vulnerable
D. responsible
Question 2: A. example
B. duty
C. workload
D. conflict
Mark the letter At B, Ct or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation.
Question 3: A. conflict
B. confident
C. constant
D. comfortable
Question 4: A. generations
B. habitats
C. surroundings
D. laughs
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 5: A: “ I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you!” .  B: “…………………”
A.The same to you
B.Have a nice day!
C.What a pity!
D.What a lovely toy !
Question 6: Ann and Peter are talking about housework.

Ann: “- My parents are always asking me to share the household chores.”
Peter: “- ________. It’s your duty in the family.”
A. You’re exactly right
B. By the way
C. I think they’re right.
D. I don’t think so
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
Question 7: Ms. Mai asked me how she could divide household chores equally in her family .
A. make
B. split
C. give
D. contribute
Question 8: I don’t have anything in common with my brother. We’re like chalk and cheese.
A. similar
B. same
C. resemble
D. different
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
Question 9: Parrents are recommended to collaborate with teacher in educating children
A. integrate
B. cooperation
C. separate
D disapprove
Question10: My brother is truly a reliable friend. He’ll always be with me and never let me down
A. misunderstand
B. know
C. realize
D. stand next to me

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 11: Since students forgot ______ uniform on the Monday, their class must have penalized.
A. being put on
B. putting on
C. to be put on
D. to put on
Question 12: Once _____ vocabulary every English period, students often hit the book prior to going to
A. as tested
B. is tested
C. testing
D. tested
Question 13: The grandchildren returned to the village while their relatives ________ for wedding
A. prepare
B. were preparing
C. prepared
D. have prepared
Question 14: Tsunami takes place in tandem _______ earthquake.
A. with
B. at
C. for
D. to
Question 15: It’s was essential for him to be financially _______ of his parents, so he decided to find a
part-time job.
A. dependent
B. independent
C. dependable
D. undependable

Question 16: _______ poverty, we manage raise our children properly.
A because of
B. although
C. therefore
D. In spite of
Question 17: Action films with big stars tend to _______ great public attention.
A. achieve
B. show
C. attract
D. reach
Question 18: I’m not talking about _______ global warming, but traffic congestion. This is quite
different problem in the city.
A. an
B. a
C. the
D. Ø
Question 19: Science researchers are _______ ways to extend human life.

A. impeding
B. anticipating
C. dissecting
D. investigating
Question 20: _______the explosion in the sale of personal computers, people spend a lot more time
using typewriters.
A. Succeeding B. Due to
C. At the time of
D. Prior to
Question 21: My grandpa is the most conservative person in my family. He never_______ about way of

A. gives his opinion B. changes his mind C. make up his mind
D. keep in mind
Q22: If members in the family are agreeable to sympathize with each others, many people ____ .
A. won’t be killed
B. will kill
C. would not be killed D. would have killed
Question 23: They were eventually_______ with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years.
A. reconciled
B. opposed
C. objected
D. contactable
Question 24: The Beauty Contest is _________start at 8:00 a.m our time next Monday.
A. due to
B. bound to
C. about to
D. on the point of
Mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 25: He helped us a lot with the project. We couldn’t continue without
A. Provided his contribution wouldn’t come, we couldn’t continue with the project
B. But for his contribution, we could have continued with the project.
C. unless we had his contribution, we could continue with the project
D. If he hadn’t contributed positively, we couldn’t have continued with the project
Question 26: Piror to the explosion in the sale of personal computers, people spend a lot more time
using typewriters.
A. Only after the explosion in the sale of personal computers, people spend a lot more time using
B. No sooner had people spent a lot more time using typewriters than the sale of personal computers

C. No sooner had the sale of personal computers been exploded than people didn’t spend a lot more time
using typewriters.
D. Hardly had the sale of personal computers exploded before people spent a lot more time using
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions.
Question 27: I can say for certain that Ms Tu properly was as wet as drowned rat owing to raining cats
and dogs.
A. You shouldn’t have been as wet as drowned rat.
B. You must have been as wet as drowned rat.
C. You mightn’t have been as wet as drowned rat.
D. You could have been as wet as drowned rat.
Question 28: I have never known such a determined person like him.
A. He is the most determined person I have ever known.
B. I am more determined than him
C. He is more determined than me
D. This is the first time he have been determined
Question 29: “You passed the exam with flying colour, Peter. Congratulations! ” asked Jack.
A. Jack advised Peter on having passed the exam with flying colour
B. Jack thanked Peter for having passed the exam with flying colour
C. Jack blamed Peter for having passed the exam with flying colour
D. Jack congratulated Peter on having passed the exam with flying colour

Mark the letter A, B, c or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction ỉn each of
the following questions.
Question 30: We have conducted exhausting research into the effects of smartphones on students’
behaviour and their academic performance.



Question 31: On the table (B) is hundreds of books written in English.


Question 32: Tim works (A) as a doctor and he (B) earns (C) twice (D) as much than his brother.
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
It is a common belief in Britain that nowadays men do more housework than they did in (26)
generations. But is this really so? A recent survey has (27)
some interesting discoveries.
When men help out, they enjoy cooking and shopping but most are (28) to do the washing. A quarter of
men think that women are better suitable for (29)
after the home than men and 19% admit to
making no (30)
to housework.
The average man says that he does a third of the housework, (31)
the average woman
says she does three-quarters of it, so someone isn’t (32)
the truth! It was impossible to find any
men who shared housework (33)
with their partners. Perhaps it isn’t so (34)
that there are some politicians who want a new law forcing men to do
their (35)

26. A. old
B. last
C. first
D. previous
27. A. made
B. given
C. done
D. found
28. A. willing
B. unwilling
C. interested
D. uninterested
29. A. taking
B. seeing
C. watching
D. looking
30. A. part
B. help
C. share
D. contribution
31. A. so
B. because
C. while
D. therefore
32. A. telling
B. saying
C. speaking
D. talking
33. A. equal

B. equally
C. same
D. the same
34. A. surprise
B. surprises
C. surprising
D. surprised
35. A. part
B. role
C. share
D. condition
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The American family unit is in the process of change. In the first half of the 20 th century, there were
mainly two types of families: the extended and the nuclear. An extended family includes mother, father,
children and some other relatives, living in the same house. A nuclear family is composed of just parents
and children living under the same roof.
As the American economy had progressed from agricultural to industrial one, people were forced to
move to different parts of the country to get good jobs. These jobs were mainly in the large cities. Now,
in fact, three-quarters of Americans live in urban areas which occupy 2.5% of the national total land
mass. Of the 118 million in the labour force, only 3 million still work on the farm.
Since moving for better jobs has often divided the extended family, the nuclear family became more
popular. At present, 55% of the families in the US are nuclear families. But besides the two types of
traditional family groupings, the family is now being expanded to include a variety of other living
arrangements because of divorce. There is an increase in single-parent families, in which a father or
mother lives with one or more children. Divorce has also led to blended families, which occur when
previously married men and women marry again and combine the children from former marriage into a
new family. There are also some couples who do not want to have children to form two-person childless
1. A nuclear family is one that .
A. consists of father, mother, and children living in the same house

B. relatives live with
C. there are only grandparents, parents and their children living in
D. is bigger than extended family
2. The expression “under the same roof” means

A. a house with one roof
B. a house with the roof the same as the wall
C. in the same building
D. under the house
3. The nuclear family becomes more popular because of
A. more divorces
B. the division of the extended family
C. fewer jobs in big cities
D. an increase in single-parent families
4. How many types of families have there been in the US since the first half of the 20 th century?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
5. A blended family is a newly-formed family
A. with the combination of children of the two previously married father and mother
B. that has only father or mother living with children
C. in which there are no children
D. that there is only one couple living in with their newborn children
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Building positive family relationships
The ordinary, everyday things that families do together can help build strong relationships with

teenagers. Regular family meals are a great chance for everyone to chat about their day, or about
interesting things that are going on or coming up. If parents encourage everyone to have a say, no one
will feel they’re being put on the spot to talk. Also, many families find that meals are more enjoyable
when the TV isn’t turned on!
We should all take turns choosing outdoor activities for our families. A relaxing holiday or weekend
away together as a family can also build togetherness.
One-on-one time with the child gives the parents the chance to stay connected and enjoy each
other’s company. It can also be a chance to share thoughts and feelings.
Parents should celebrate the child’s accomplishments, share his disappointments, and show interest
in his hobbies. Sometimes it’s just a matter of showing up to watch the child play sport or music, or
giving him a lift to extracurricular activities.
Family traditions, routines and rituals can help parents and their children set aside regular dates and
special times. For example, we might have a movie night together, a favourite meal or cooking session
on a particular night, a family games afternoon or an evening walk together.
Agreed household responsibilities give kids of all ages the sense that they’re making an important
contribution to family life. These could be things like chores, shopping or helping older or younger
members of the family.
36. Regular family meals are a great chance for everyone
A. to have an opportunity share their daily activities
B. to talk about TV programmes during the meal
C. to have the spot to talk about
D. to talk about interesting things that are coming soon
37. The following things are true about outdoor activities for our families EXCEPT
A. all family members try to find out suitable activities
B. they should be held on holidays or at weekends
C. they offer a chance to share secret thoughts and feelings
D. they offer the pleasant feeling of being united
38. Parents can show their attention to their child by all these things EXCEPT

A. watching the child play sport or music
B. giving him a lift to extracurricular activities
C. having a movie night together
D. setting aside regular dates to do housework
39. Children who share household chores with their parents will
A. enjoy each other’s company

B. make the family life better
C. be given a chance to do extracurricular activities
D. have a family games afternoon or an evening walk together
40. The main idea of the passage is
A. to give advice on staying connected and enjoying each other’s company
B. how to share household chores between family members
C. to offer pieces of advice to improve family relationships
D. the important role of family traditions, routines and rituals
