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Friends & Pen pals
2.Competencies : Introducing people. Making and responding to
-Speaking: Make and respond to introductions
-Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 130-150 words for
general or detailed information
-Reading: Read passages within 150-180 words for general or detailed
-Writing: Write an exposition of 80-100 words from picture and word cues
Past simple: regular and irregular verbs
To talk about a past action or event that is finished.
Past simple form of regular and irregular verbs in the past (adding –ed)
- Used to (review)
Past simple with wish
- Words to describe the geography of a country:
climates, population, religions, languages, social customs, habits
II.Unit plan
Lesson:1- Getting started, listen and read
Lesson:2- Speak
Lesson:6-Language focus.

Date of preparing: 18/08/2018

Period 1

Lesson 1 : getting started + listen and read
A. Ojectives:
1. The aims
By the end of the lesson ss will be able to:
- Listen and read a passage about a penpal’ visit for general or detailed
2. Skills :
+ Reading : Read a passage about a penpal’ visit for general or detailed
+ Speaking : Make questions and answers about Lan and Maryam
3. Knowleges:
+ Standard : Read and understand the passage : Know about Lan and
Maryam’s information, what they did for a week in Ha Noi
+ Higher : ask and answer the questions about the text
4. Language contents:
a.Vocabulary: correspond, impressed, friendliness, mosque, atmosphere,
pray, keep in touch
b.Structures : - “ wish” in the past simple tense
- “ used to” ( review)
- Past simple : regular and irregular verbs
5. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly
B. Preparations
1. Teacher: lesson plan, English 9-book, tape, computer, extra board
2. Students: review the grammar points and vocabulary in English 8

C.Methods: Networks,
D. Procedures:
Date of teaching
Absent students

Teacher’s and Students’
- Ask students

- Now let’s imagine you have a
foreign pen pal who is coming to
visit you for the first time. He / She
is going to stay with you for a
week. What activities would you
do during the visit?
- Let students look at the pictures
in their books and tell what and
where they are.
- Ask students if they want to take
their friends to these places or not.
- Ask students what are there in
their regions that attract visitors.
- Ask students to work in pairs to
tell where they should take their

friends to.
- Ask some students tell about their
-T. lets Ss play the games.
-Ss. Give some places in Ha Noi.
-Ss. Go to the board and gives the
famous places in Ha Noi.
-T. guides Ss how to write in
-Ss. Go to the board and write
them on.
-Ss. May write in Vietnamese or

* Warm up(5’):
- Do you have pen pals?
- Do you have any friends abroad / in
the North / in the South?
- Do you like to have pen pals?
* Example answer :
St A : ( point at picture c) I think this is
one of the places I want to take my
friends to. We can do the shopping or
I’ll just introduce them a Vietnamese
St B : Good idea ! I believe they will be
interested in it.
/ think I will take my friend to Do
Son/Sam Son/Cat Ba beach where we can

swim and build sand castles. And then we
will visit....
Ha Noi Opera House
HCM Mausoleum
Some places in
Ha Noi
Temple of Literature
Pillar Pagoda

Step1 .Pre-Reading:(10’):
(Imagine that a foreign pen pal is coming
to stay with you for a week. What


activities would you like to do during the
visit? The pictures in the book may help
-T. guides Ss how to star the lesson you.)
and chose the vocabulary.
-Ss. Pull out Voc:
-to correspond (explanation: if two people
-T. explains
correspond, they regularly write to each
-Ss. Practice.
-T. explains how to pronounce the

- a mosque (picture):
- to pray (mime):
- Ss. Imitate the T’s pronunciation.
* Checking :
-Ss. Practice individual and choral.
Rub out and Remember
-T. holds the games ,Ss play the
-Each time you rub out an English
word, . point to the Vietnamese
translation and ask" what's this in
-When all the English words are _T or F predictions
through Lan's Malaysian pen pal came to visit her
the*Vietnamese list and get students in Hanoi. Can you guess where she went
to call the English words.
and what she did during her stay?
-If there is time, get students to come
to the board and write the English Step 2 .While Reading:(15’)
words again.
(Lan has a pen pal and this is the first
time this friend has come to Ha Noi. You
read the text and decide whether the
statements are True or False.)
1. Lan's pen pal comes from Malaysia.
2. Kuala Lumpur is a small city.

3. The girls visited Hang Luoc Street on
4. They will write letters to each other
1T 2 .F 3.F 4.T
(Do you have any pen pals?

Where does he I she come from?
Have you met him / her?
Step 3.Post Reading:(10’)
- Give feedback to the whole class
- Answers:
to the open prediction.
1. Maryam usually writes to one another
-Ask students to read the text to
every two week.
check their prediction and add some
2. Maryam was impressed because Hanoi
more information.
people were friendly.
3. The girls went to see famous places in
Hanoi, areas for recreation, a place of
- Ask students to read the text
4. Maryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala
again to choose the correct option
to complete the sentences on page 7

(work in pairs)
- Speaking
swimming/beach in Hue
BachMa National Park ->
mountain climbing / ecological tour
Linh Mu Pagoda, Tu Duc Tomb
- Ss. Play the role .
A: I am a foreigner, I am new, and
-T. explains how to play the role.
would you recommend where should I
- Ask students to recommend go first?
B: Oh, First, You should go to Black
places of interest in their city.
Lady Mountain then you should visit
-Ask them to discuss where they
Cao Dai Holy
should take their friends to and
what activities they should do
-T. guides Ss how to play the role. *Used to + V
Ex: I used to cry when I was a baby.
T. guides Ss how to build a
* Wish + S + past simple
Ex: I wish I won the lottery.

-Ss. Base on the dia and do the
- Ss. Practice speaking.

-T. reminds Ss how to use some

* Write 5 sentences about the structures:

importance of the grammar points. “ Used to + V” and 5 sentences about :
-Ss. Base on the structures and do
“Wish+ Past simple.”
the same sentences.
-T. lets Ss crossing-check and give
the correct answers.
-Ss. Consult and copy the keys.
-T. reminds The grammar points
and gives some examples.
-Ss. Base on the examples and do
the same.
-Ss. Go to the board and write them
-T. lets Ss crossing-check and
gives them marks.
-T. corrects and gives the keys.
-Ss consult and copy.
-T. recommends Ss some things Ss
listen and copy.
-Ss. Base on the structure and build

the sentences.
-T. reminds Ss the voc and the
-Ss. Base on them and do the
T. recommends Ss some things Ss listen and copy.
-Ss. Base on the structure and build the sentences.
-T. reminds Ss the voc and the structures.
-Ss. Base on them and do the exercises
V. Home work:(2’)
- Learn their lessons and voc
- Do the exercises 3, 4 in their workbooks
- Prepare the lesson “ Speak + Listen ” Unit 1
- Learn the structures
*Used to + V
* Wish + S + past simple

Date of planning:25/08/2018


A. Ojectives:
1. Aims: Make and respond to introductions.
By the end of the lesson students will be able to make and respond to
2. Skills :
+ Speaking : Make questions and answers about introductions to a new
3. Knowleges:
+ Standard: Make and respond to the introductions:
+ Higher: Free practice to tell about themselves and ask the others to get
general information
4. Language contents:
a.Vocabulary: capital city, industrial, church, especially, sign, caught,I
would rather = I‘d rather(revision)
b.Structures : - “ If ” in the conditional sentences type 1
- “ modal verbs” ( review)
- It’s up to you ( listening)
5. Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly
B. Techniques: -Mapped the dialogue, Guessing games
C. Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette , pictures, sub-board , ...

2/Students: : review the grammar points and vocabulary ,Text-books,
notebooks, reference books...
D. Procedures:

Date of teaching
Absent students
II. Chek old lesson(5’)
-New words
III.New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities: Contents:
-T. guides Ss how to play the
.Warm up:(5’):
* Pelmanism
-Ss . listen and play the games.
Ex:. Tokyo - Japan. If not, turn the
-Ss. Work in groups.
cards face down again and ask the other
-> Prepare ten cards with numbers
team to choose. - Continue until all the
on one side and the countries and
cards are turned over.
their cities on the other.
- Make sure the countries and the
cities are mixed up. Stick the cards
on the board so students can only see
the numbers.
- Divide the students into two teams
and ask them to choose two

- Turn over the cards and see if they Step1. Pre-Speaking:(5’)
Introduce yourself:
Ex: My mane is Lan.
I am fifteen years old.
There are four people in my family.
I like reading books and playing
computer games.
Step 2.While-Speaking:(15’)
(Nga is talking to Maryam. They are
waiting for Lan outside her school. Put
- Teacher introduces the situation: the dialogue in the correct order to
Nga is talking to Mary am. They are make a complete one.)
waiting for Lan outside her school.
a) on page 8. The students have to

- Ask students to do exercise
T. helps Ss help introduce
-Ss. Practices.
-T. supplies some voc…
-T. corrects.
-T. introduces the next parts
-Ss. Listen and practice.
-T. guides how to match the correct
-T lets Ss play the role.
-Ss. Play the role.
-T. lets Ss consult and crossingcheck.

-T. gives the correct answers .
-Ss. Crossing-check and copy the

-T. guides Ss how to make the
-Ss. Base on the teacher’s
explaining then make the same
- T. gives the keys.

work in pairs to put the sentences in the
correct order to make a complete
* Answer:
1. Hello. You must be Maryam.
c)That's right, I am.
5. Pleased to meet you. Let me
myself. I'm Nga.
b) Pleased to meet you, Nga. Are you one
Lan's classmates?
4. Yes, I am. Are you enjoying your stay
in Viet
d) Oh yes. Very much. Vietnamese
people are
very friendly and Hanoi is a very
interesting city.

2. Do you live in a city, too?
e) Yes, I live in Kuala Lumpur. Have you
been there?
3. No. Is it very different from Hanoi?
a) The two cities are the same in some
(Now you use the information in the
book and make similar dialogues
introducing yourself to Maryam 's
 The tape transcript:
Tuan: Are you Paul? Paul: That 's
right, I am.
Titan: Very nice to meet
you. I introduce myself.
My name is Tuan. I am 15
years old.
Paul: Me too. Do you live

-Ss. Consult and copy.
-Ss. Play the role in pairs.
-Ss. Change the role.
-Ss. Translate the dialogue into

in Ha Noi?
Tuan: Yes, I do. Is it
the first time you have
been to Ha Noi?

Paul: Yes, it is the first
lime. Ha Noi is a very
nice city. People here
are friendly and very
Tuan: Where do you
live in England? Do
you live in a city?

Ask students to practice speaking the
- Teacher plays the role of A.
Students play the role of B. Reverse
Students play the roles of A and B to
practice the dialogue. Reverse roles.
-T. holds the games.
-Ss. Play the games.
-T. guides Ss how to play the games.

Liverpool. It is an
industrial city in the
North of England.
Have you ever been
Tuan: No. I hope I will be able to go

there next summer
* Ask some questions to check
students' understanding.
• Have Nga and Maryam met each other
before? (No)
• Is Maryam enjoying her stay in
Hanoi? (Yes)
• What does she like in Viet Nam?
(Vietnamese people are very friendly and
Hanoi is a very interesting city.)
•Role play:
• Set the scene: "You are talking to

-Ss. Play the games.
-T. requires Ss close their books and
ask Ss some information about
The people in the picture.
-Ss. Guess and answer the questions.
-T. guides Ss how to guess the pictures.
-T. guides Ss how to ask and answer the
-Ss. Listen and ask and answers the
- T. corrects and remarks.
-Ss. Listen and copy.

Step3. Post- Speaking:(10’)
Who does what ?

Vd: She is from Tokyo. She loves the
He is from USA. He loves

T. reminds Ss the voc and the structures.
V. Home work: (2’):
- Learn by heart all the dia of the (speak and listen)
- Prepare next period read.
- Do the exercises 4, 5, 6 in workbook. –Revision the (simple past and
Wish + clause)

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