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Planning: 5 /1/2021
Teaching: 12 /1/2021
Lesson 1: Getting Started, Listen and Read
(Total: 6 lessons)

1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to reading for details about the situations
which required the first aid.
2. Competences:
- How to do in the situations which required the first aid.
- Practice in reading, speaking and listening.
3. Quality: Students are interested in staying healthy and safe.
T: Textbook, English room.
Sts: Textbook, workbook, notebook, pen....
1. Warm up. (5’)
a. Goal: Warm up students and lead to the lesson.
b. Content: Playing Kim’s game
c. Expected result: Students know some words used to describe.
d. Performance:
- T asks:
T: ask Ss to discuss what they would do in the following situations
Ss: discuss
T: help them to know some words used to describe

Ss: discuss before the class
Situation 1: a girl has a burn on her arm – use cold water / ice to ease the pain
Situation 2: a boy has a bad cut on his leg – use alcohol/ medicated oil / sterile dressing
Situation 3: a girl has a nose bleed – use cotton/ handkerchief and ask her to lie down
Situation 4: a boy has a bee sting – use lime/ medicated oil
2. Presentation. (10’)
a. Goal: Provide them some vocab and set the scene.
b. Content: Ask sts to listen, guess the meanings of the words.
c. Expected result:They can show the predictions and understand how the words are
used in these situations.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
I. Pre-Reading:
I. Pre-Reading:

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

T: elicits
Ss tell Vietnamese
T tells English
Ss repeat (chorally-individually)
T writes on the board
Ss copy
Checking vocabulary by Slap the

a. Vocabulary
ambulance (n) (picture) xecứuthương
emergency (n) (situation) cấpcứu
conscious >< unconscious ( adj) (elicit)
tỉnhtáo – bấttỉnh
bleed – bled – bled (v) (realia) chảymáu
fall off (v) (picture) (realia) ngã
cover the wound (v) (realia)
put pressure on (elicit) đènên

3. While-Reading (15’)
a. Goal: Set the scene and practice the dialogue
b. Content: Listen to the dialogue and select the topics covered in the dialogue.
c. Expected result:Students clarify the text and do exercises well.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
2.Practice the dialogue
2. Lan calls up to the hospital to
T: play the CD
information about one emergency. What
Ss: listen to the CD
will happen next?
Ss: practice the dialogue in pairs.
T: asks some pairs to read the
dialogue in front of the class to
correct the mistakes

3. Select the topics covered in the
a, b, c, e, f
I’ll keep her awake.
T: runs through the topic.
*The ambulance will be there in about ten
T: asks Ss to select the topics
covered in the dialogue.
Ss: work individually then compare
- She will come on time.
with other.
- We shall help you
T: asks Ss to give their answers to
Isolating the structures:
4. Production. (15’)
a. Goal: Practice role-play.
b. Content: Have Ss in turns play the roles to demonstrate the dialogue.
c. Expected result: Practice their dialogue in front of the class to correct their
pronunciation mistakes.
d. Performance:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Role Play
T: haves Ss in turns play the roles to

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

demonstrate the dialogue.
T: models, checks Ss’ understanding. -Practice their dialogue in front of the
Ss: work in groups.
class to correct their pronunciation
T: asks Some groups to practice their mistakes.
dialogue in front of the class to correct
their pronunciation mistakes.
* Homework
- Learnt by heart new words.
+ Good Ss: Write a story using the information from the dialogue.
T: models : “ Yesterday there was an emergency at……………”
+ Do Ex 1 P 55 in the exercise book.
+ Prepare for the next lesson Unit 9 lesson 2 Speak and listen.
Planning: 07/01/2021
Teaching: 14/01/2021
Lesson 2: Speak and Listen
(Total: 6 lessons)
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to requests offers and
promises. Listen to the CD to match the letters A, B, C, D, F to the correct words in the

2. Competences:
- Make and respond to requests offers and promises. Can retell what happened in the
picture on P 82.
- Practice speaking and listening.
3. Quality: Students are interested in staying healthy and safe.
T : Textbook, English room.
Sts : Textbook, workbook, notebook, pen....
1. Warm up. (5’)
Organization: 8A: V............................
8B: V…………………..
a.Goal: Warm up students and lead to the lesson.
b. Content: Ask and answer
c. Expected result: Students use the way to ask and answer in appropriate situations.
d. Performance:
(Have a hurt in your legs)
Could you give me a medical oil, please?
Sure/ OK/ All right/ I’m sorry, I can’t.

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

2. Presentation. (10’)
a. Goal: Provide them some vocab and set the scene.
b. Content: Ask sts to listen, guess the meanings of the words.

c. Expected result:They can show the predictions and understand how the words are
used in these situations.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
I. Pre-Speaking and Listening:
I. Pre-Speaking and Listening:
a. Vocabulary
stretcher : (n) (picture) cángvải 1. I want you to get me a bandage? How
crutches : (n) (picture) đôilạng can I say?
wheelchair : (n) (picture) xelăn 2. I’d like you to come to my party? How
scale : (n/v) (picture) cáicân can I say?
eye chart : (n) (real)
3. I tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my
work before the bed time.
push (v) (mime) đẩy
How can I say?
lean (v) (mime) dựa vào
T: elicits
 Will you get me a bandage ?
Ss tell Vietnamese
 Would you like to come to my
T tells English
party ?
Ss repeat (chorally-individually)
 I promise I will finish my homework
T writes on the board
before the bed time.

Ss copy
Checking vocabulary by Slap the
Set the scene
3. While-Speaking (15’)
a. Goal: Identify the situation in the pictures and practice.
b. Content: PictureDrill.
c. Expected result:Students further practice in offer, request and promise.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
2. Practice
2. Answer keys:
a. request.
b. offer request
Identify the situation in the pictures.
c. offer request.
T: models
d. Offer.
Ss: repeat
e. Promise.
T-Ss, Ss-Ss, open pairs, closed pairs
a. - Could you give me a bandage,
please? - Sure. Here you are.
b. - Can I get you some medicines? Yes, please.

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

c. - Will you take me the nearest clinic,
please? - O.K. Let’s go.
d. - Would you like an aspirin - No, I’ll
go to see the doctor.
- I promise you I won’t play ball in the
house.- Don’t forget.
4. Production. (15’)
a. Goal: Practice listening
b. Content: Matching the items with the words given in the box and listening some
c. Expected result: Matching the correct items and listening in details.
d. Performance:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Ss look at the pictures and matching
the items with the words given in the
T: plays the CD to checks Ss’ ideas
T: asks Ss to give their answers
T: corrects

Answer Key
A. ambulance
B. wheelchair
C. crutches
D eye chart
E. scale

F. stretcher
Answer Key
1. Stretcher 2.wheelchair 3. ambulance
4. eye chart 5.scale
6. crutches

* Homework
- Learn by heart new words.
- Good Ss: Write the dialogues base on the situations again.
- Do Ex 6 P 57 in the exercise book.
- Prepare for Reading
Planning: 08/01/2021
Teaching: 15 /01/2021
Lesson 3: Read
(Total: 6 lessons)
1. Knowledge:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand clearly how to make the first aid
2. Competences:
- Make first aid in some cases.
- Practice reading.

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

3. Quality: Students are interested in staying healthy and safe.
T : Textbook, English room.
Sts : Textbook, workbook, notebook, pen....
1. Warm up. (5’)
Organization: 8A: V............................
8B: V…………………..
a. Goal: Warm up students and lead to the lesson.
b. Content: Net work:
c. Expected result: Students review and experience some situations.
d. Performance:
- Situations of the victims.
- Burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed
2. Presentation. (10’)
a. Goal: Provide them some vocab and set the scene.
b. Content: Ask sts to listen, guess the meanings of the words.
c. Expected result:They can show the predictions and understand how the words are
used in these situations.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
I. Pre-Reading:
I. Pre-Reading:
a. Vocabulary
a. Vocabulary
T: elicits

lie flat (v)
(picture) nằmthẳng
Ss tell Vietnamese
elevate : (v) (antonym) nâng lên
T tells English
victim (n) (elicit) nạnnhân
Ss repeat (chorally-individually)
overheat (v) : làmnóngquá
T writes on the board
tissue damage (n) (trans ) hoại tử mô
Ss copy
ease (v) (trans): làmbớtđau
Checking vocabulary by Slap the
Set the scence:
This is some cases in the first aid.
b. Predict by completing the cases
with the titles FAINTING, SHOCK,
3. While-Reading (15’)
a. Goal: Complete and describe the case with the titles.
b. Content: Predict to complete the case with the titles.
c. Expected result:Completing the case well.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

T: asks Ss to predict to complete the
case with the titles.
T: models
Ss: work individually
T: collects Ss’ ideas on the board.

a. (A)
e. (A)

Answer Key
b. (B)
c. (A)



4. Production. (15’)
a. Goal: Describing the cases which you meet in your life. How do you do to make first
b. Content: How do you do to make first aids?
c. Expected result: Describe the cases which you meet in your life well.
d. Performance:
Teacher’s and students’ activities



-Describe the cases which you meet in - Describe the cases which you meet in
your life. How do you do to make first your life. How do you do to make first
* Homework
- Learn by heart new words.
- Do Ex 1, 2, 3, 4 P 54, 56 in the exercise book.
- Prepare for the next lesson Unit 9 lesson 5 Write
- Good Ss: Describe the cases which they meet in their life. And How to make first


Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

Week 20.
Period 58:

Date of planning: 12/01/2021
Date of teaching: 19/01/2021

(Total: 6 lessons)

1. Knowledge- - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to write a thank
– you note.
2. Competences:
- Improve SS’ writing and speaking skills.
- Pronounce L/N correctly
- Ss take part in the lesson positively.
-Sts know how to attend communicative activities. Discovery, communicative
3. Quality: Ss know how to write a thank – you note.
1. Teacher: Text book, exercise book, teaching plan.
2. Students: Do homework, prepare new lesson.
1. Warm up. (5’)
Organization: (1') - Good morning! How are you?
a. Goal: Warm up students and lead to the lesson.
b. Content: Playing Shark attack’s game
c. Expected result: Revised words: lie flat, elevate, lower, victim, ease) to lead in the
new lesson
d. Performance
T asks Ss revise words, give their meaning and gives Ss’ marks
Ss: revise words, give their meaning correctly
2. Pre- writing (12’)
a. Goal: introduce new words and form of a thank – you note
b. Content: scan pronounce new words and know form of a thank – you note

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

c. Expected result: s can understand and use new words, know form of a thank – you
d. Performance
Teacher’s & Students activities
Pre- teach vocabulary:
-T introduces some new words and guide s to - to thank Sb for sth:
E.g. She thanked me for helping
Ss listen and repeat
- to cheer Sb up = to make Sb
feel happier.
- to come over (translation)
* Checking technique: slap the board
Set the scene :
- Ask Ss to close their books and listen
“Nga was sick and she had to go to the
hospital. After she left the hospital, she wrote a
thank – you note to Hoa. Why and what did
she write?”
- Pair work
True / False Predictions
- Hang the poster with the statements on the

a. Nga writes to thank Hoa for some come
b. Hoa’s gift cheered Nga up .
c. Nga’d like Hoa to see her at the hospital.
d. Nga is very bored now.
e. Nga writes the letter at the hospital.
- Ask Ss to read the statements and predict.
- Get S to give their predictions and write
them on the board.
- Ask Ss to look at the letter and complete it
with the right verb forms.
- Monitor and help Ss with the tense forms.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers and
give feedback.
- Ask Ss to read the whole letter and check if
their prediction are right or not .
Complete the thank -you note:
- Have Ss read the letter on page 84

Answer key:
1. False -> flower (not candy) 2.
3. False -> at her house (not at
the hospital)
4. True
5. False -> at her house (not at
the hospital)

1. was 2. were

4. came 5. am

3. helped
6. will phone


Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa
after she left the hospital. Use the correct tense
forms of the verbs in brackets:
Ask Ss to work in pair
- Give feedback and correct
- Let Ss read the production 6b on page 53
- Ask Ss some questions to make sure they
know what they have to write
3. While – writing:(15’)
a. Goal: write a thank – you note
b. Content: s can write a thank – you note to a friend and invite him / her to go on a
picnic with them .
c. Expected result: s can understand and write a thank – you note
d. Performance
Teacher’s & Students activities
* Questions and answers:
- Tell Ss they are going to write a

Suggest answer
thank – you note to a friend and invite Dear Phuong,
him / her to go on a picnic with them . Thank you very much for the books
- Ask Ss to read the questions
you sent me while I treated my
carefully to answer orally
disease at home. They were very
- Have Ss practice speaking to each
interesting and helped me relax a lot.
other .
I loved reading them very much.
- Monitor and correct .
Now, I have got over and felt very
- Get Ss to join the sentences into a
sad. I want to go out to enjoy the
paragraph to make it a thank – you
fresh air. Do you want to go on a
note .
picnic with me this Sunday? If yes,
- Tell Ss to write their letters in their
I’ll come and pick you up.
exercise notebooks.
I'm looking forwards to hearing from
Your friend,
4.Post – writing: (10’)
a. Goal: understand and write a thank – you note
b. Content: s can write a thank – you note well
c. Expected result: s can understand and use new words, know form of a thank – you

d. Performance
Teacher’s & Students activities
Dear Lam,
- Divide the class into 4 groups and
Thank you very much for the doll you

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

choose a letter randomly in each
- Compare their letters and correct.
- Call on some more Ss to read their
letters for class
- Give feedback and correct

Homework: (2’)
1. Ask Ss to use the same format
to write another letter to
another friend for another
2. - Prepare Language focus.P86

sent me on my 12th birthday. It was/ is

really lovely. I liked/ like it very
Are you free this weekend, Tu? Do
you want to take a boat trip to Gia
Long Tomb with me and my family on
Sunday? We’ll pick you up at your
home at 6 a.m. if you can join us.
Write to me as soon as possible and
let me know about your decision.
Please send my love to Uyen, your
younger sister.

Week 20.
Period 59:

Date of planning: 14/01/2021
Date of teaching: 21/01/2021

Lesson 5: Language focus
(Total: 6 lessons)
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to
1. Knowledge:
- use “in order to and so as to” to indicate purposes.
- Further practice in making and responding to offers, promises and requests.
- Requests, offers and promises, In order to, so as to, future simple
2. Competences:

- Be active and have knowledge about a first aid course.
- Pronounce L/N correctly.
- Discovery, communication
1. Teacher: Text book, teaching plan.
2. Students: textbooks, prepare the lesson at home.
1. Warm up(7’)
Organization: (1') - Good morning! How are you?
a. Goal: Warm up students and lead to the lesson.
b. Content: Network:
c. Expected result: Students review and experience some situations.
d. Performance:

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

- Situations of the victims.
- Burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed
2. Practice:
2.1 in order to and so as to(8’)
a. Goal: Introduce the form and the use of in order to and so as to
b. Content: Ss can understand in order to and so as to.
c. Expected result: Ss can match and write a complete the sentences by using in order
to and so as to exactly.
d. Performance
Teacher and Students’ activities

+ Explain how to use structure using in
order to and so as to
- have Ps work in pairs to match sentences
in column A with those in column B.
- Call Ps to read their answers in front of
the class.

Ex1. In order to / so as to
Match one part of a sentence from
column A with another part in
column B. Then write a complete
sentence by using in order to/ so as
1. f
4. E
5. A
2. c
3. b
6. d

2.2 Future simple:(8’)
a. Goal: Revision of Future simple
b. Content: Ss can understand Future simple clearly.
c. Expected result: Ss can complete the dialogue exactly.
d. Performance
Teacher and Students’ activities
+ Ask Ps to retell the use of the future Ex2. Future simple

1. will
4. Shall
- Have Ps work in pairs to practice the 2. will
5. Will
3. won’t
6. will
- Call them to give their answers them
practice these dialogues in front of the
2.3 Model Will to make requests, offers and promises:(15’)
a. Goal: Revision of Future simple tenses and it’s uses
b. Content: Ss can understand and use “Will” to make requests, offers and
c. Expected result: Ss can complete the sentences exactly.
d. Performance
Teacher and Students’ activities
- Explain how to give and respond to Ex3. Making requests, offers & promises
requests, offers and promises.
with “will”

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

- Have Ps work in groups to look at
the pictures then give the requests,

offers or promises
- Call some pairs to practice the
- Have Ps work with a partner, look at
the pictures page 88 and read the
words in the box then make requests,
offers and promises.
- Call some Ps to give theirs answers
in front of the class.
- Correct any mistakes if necessary.
- Have Ps make requests, offers and
promises in the class using the real

* Ask Ss to write 5 offers, requests or
Homework (1')
- Learn by heart the grammar
- Write the exercises in your
- Prepare Unit 10: Getting started +
Listen & read
- Do exercise 5.P57 in workbook

b. My book is on the floor. Will you give it
to me please?
c. Will you answer the telephone, please?
d. Will you turn on TV, please?
e. I am thirsty. Will you pour a glass of
water for me?

f. Will you get me a cushion, please?

Ex.4. Work with a partner:
b.Will you paint the window,please?
-Yes,I will
c.Will you study harder,please?
d.Will you carry the heavy bag for
e.Will you hang the clothes,please?
f.Will you cut the grass in the
All right.
* write 5 offers, requests or promise

Week 20.
Period 60:

Date of planning: 15/01/2021
Date of teaching: 22/01/2021
Lesson 1: Getting Started, Listen and Read
(Total: 6 lessons)

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

1. Knowledge- - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do something to protect the
environment and save natural resources
2. Competences:
- Improve SS’ reading, listening and speaking skills.
- Pronounce L/N correctly
- Ss take part in the lesson positively.
- Sts know how to attend communicative activities. Discovery, communicative
1. Teacher: Text book, radio, CD, pictures.
2. Students: Do homework, prepare new lesson.
1. Warm up (5’)
Organization: (1') - Good morning! How are you?
a. Goal: ask Ss to think of ways to reduce the amount of garbage they produce.
b. Content:Brainstorming activity. Ss can tell the ways to reduce the amount of garbage
they produce.
c. Expected result:Ss can tell the ways to reduce the amount of garbage they produce.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Brainstorming(Getting started)
Reuse plastic bags
Ways to reduce the amount of garbage

- Ask Ss to think of ways to reduce the amount
of garbage they produce.
- Deliver posters to Ss, dividing them into 4

- Tell Ss to put the posters on the board after they
finish and the team having the best ideas is the
- Give feedback
(Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap things,
make garbage into fertilizer, make vegetable
matter into animal food …)
 Lead in to new lesson.

- Group work of 4/5 teams.
- Present their answers.
+ use cloth bags
+use tree leaves to wrap things
+ used papers to make toys
+ garbage to make fertilizer
+ vegetable matter to make
animal food


Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

2. Presentation. (7’)
a. Goal: Provide them some vocab and set the scene.
b. Content: Ask sts to listen, guess the meanings of the words.
c. Expected result:They can show the predictions and understand how the words are

used in these situations.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Pre – teach: (7’)
Introduce the topic of the passage reading and - representative (n) = daidien
some new words to Ss.
- to protect = to keep so/ sth safe
-> Have Ss copy .
from danger.
-> to protect so / sth from so / sth
- natural resource (n) : coal mines ,
oil / gold / mineral deposits
- to recycle “ to make sth already
used able to be used again .
- to contact = to communicate with
so by telephone or letter .
* Checking technique: Jumbled words
- Stick 6 flashcards with jumbled words on
the board



- Group work of 4/5 Ss

- Answer:
contact – representative – resource
natural – protect – recycle


- Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right
- Tell Ss the first two groups with right words
will get 2 points.
- Correct and give feedback
-Repeat chorally
-Repeat individually
3. While-Reading (15’)
a. Goal: Set the scene and practice the dialogue
b. Content: Listen to the dialogue and select the topics covered in the dialogue.

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

c. Expected result:Students clarify the text and do exercises well.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
True / false predictions :(8’)
- Set the scene “A representative from

Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake , is
talking to the students of Quang
Trung School . Friends of the Earth
shows people how to protect the
environment and save natural
resources “
- Put the chart with the statements on
the board.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if Answer:
the statements are true or false.
1. Friends of the Earth is an
1. False -> an organization to help people
organization to help people make
2. True
friends with each other.
3. False -> Reduce means not buying …
2. Miss Blake asks the students to
4. False -> We can reuse things …
remember 3 things: reduce, reuse,
5. True
6. True
recycle .
3. Reduce means buying the products
which are over packed.
4. We can not reuse things like
envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old
plastic bags.
5. Miss Blake says that we should use
cloth bags and should not use plastic
bags at all.

6. Recycling means not just throwing
things away but trying and finding
another use for them.
- Call on some Ss to read their
guesses and write them on the board.
Checking predictions: (3’)
- Ask Ss to open their books, listen to
the tape while reading the dialogue.
- Call on Ss to correct the false
Comprehension questions: (10’)
- Ask Ss to look at the questions and

a. Reduce means not buying products which
are over packed.
b. We can reuse things like envelopes, glass,

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

work in pairs
- Monitor and help Ss with their work
- Call on some pairs to practice
asking and answering the questions.
- Give feedback


plastic bottles and old plastic bags .
c. Recycle means not just throwing things
away . Try and find another use for them .
d. We can look for information on recycling
things by having a contact with an
organization like Friends of the Earth ,
going to the local library or asking your
family and friends .
e. We should not use plastic bags because
when we throw them away, they could stay
very long and could not be self- destroyed

4. Production. (15’)
a. Goal: Practice.
b. Content: Have Ss in pairs to express their opinions / ideas on this topic.
c. Expected result:give Ss their opinions / ideas.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Discussion: (7’)
“How to protect our environment?” + use cloth bags
- Ask Ss to express their opinions /
+ use tree leaves to wrap things
ideas on this topic
+ used papers to make toys
- Write their ideas on the board into a + garbage to make fertilizer
+ vegetable matter to make animal food

- Give feedback, correct and have
them copy
Homework: (2’)
Write the questions and full answers
in your exercise notebook .
2. Do the exercises ( 1,2 ) in the
Workbook .
3. Prepare for Unit 10 –Speak

Period 61:

Teaching: 26/01/2021

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

Lesson 2: Speak& Listen
(Total: 6 lessons)
1. Knowledge:
- After the lesson students will be able to practice distinguish the groups of the material
like: paper, glass, metal, giving and responding to instructions.
- Vocabulary: fabric, leather……

- Grammar: Which group do...belong to? Put them in....
What can we do with...? We can reuse/ recycle....
2. Competences:
- Autonomy and self-study, communication and collaboration, problem solving and
- Groupwork, pair work….
3. Quality:
- To teach ss the good attitude to the subject
- Students:textbook, work book.
- Teacher: Text book, CD + CD, player. laptop, projector
1. Warm up (5’)
- Organization
a. Goal: know about recycling.
b. Content: Read and translate the dialogue, write new words.
c. Expected result: can answer the questions themselves.
d. Performance
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Asks Ss read and translate the dialogue,
-representative (n) : ngườiđạidiện
write new words.
-wrap (v): gói
Listen and check
- protect = keep sb/sth safe from danger
-fertilizer (n): phânbón
-reduce (v): giảm
-recycle (v): táichế
-reuse (v): táisửdụng

-over packaged (adj): đónggóiquánhiều
-throw (v): vứt, ném
-natural resources (n):
Lead to the new lesson
2. Presentation (15’)
A. Activity 1: Determining the learning task
* Play game: Kim's game.

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

a. Aims: To help ss to review some vocabularies of unit 10.
b. Content:review some vocabularies of unit 10.
c. Output: Ss can review some vocabularies of unit 10.
Teacher's & Ss' activities
1.Transfering the learning task:
Possible answer:
- Divide the class into 2 groups.
Used paper, old newspapers, books,
- Show the picture to the Ss and ask them cardboard boxes, bottles, glasses, jars,
to observe it carefully, let them look at
plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins,
the picture for about 20’’ then put it away. vegetable matter, clothes, shoes,
- Ask Ss (one Ss in each team at a time)

to go to the board and write as many
words showing things in the picture as
2. Doing the task:
- Ss work in groups
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- T calls two Ss of 2 groups write on the
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T corrects and gives the remarks.
- Give feedback
B. Activity 2: Form the new knowledge:
I. Teaching vocabulary
a. Aims: Ss know how to read new words.
b. Content: Read new words
c. Output: Students know new words
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
1. Transferring the learning task:
I.New words:
- Teach new words: visual aids/
- fabric ( n ): vảisợi
translation/ pictures
- leather (n): da thuộc
2. Doing the task:
- Guide Ss how to read these words
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first

- Call on some Ss read the words
then the whole class.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
*Checking: rub out and remember
C. Activity 3: Practice

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

a. Aims:
- Ss practice the dialogues.
b. Content:practice the dialogues.
c. Output: Ss can practice the dialogues.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
1.Transfering the learning task:
- Introduce the picture in the book and
ask Ss to name things in it
- T listens and give feedbacks
2. Doing the task:
- Work individually.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Ask some sts to write on the board.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the

- Correct and give marks
- Feedback
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Ask Ss to practice with your partner
about the two conversations

II. Speak
1. Work with a partner. Look at the
pictures and decide which group each
item belongs to
- Paper: Paper, old/used newspapers,
books, notebooks ….
- Glass: bottles, glasses…
- Plastic: plastic bags, plastic bottles,
plastic wares …
- Metal: food cans, drink, tins…
- Fabric: clothes, pieces of materials ..
- Leather : shoes, sandals, school bags…
- Vegetable matter : fruit peels,
vegetables …
2. Practice the dialogues
Example exchange:
Lan: Which group do clothes
belong to ?
Nam: Put them in fabric.
Lan: What can we do with those clothes ?
Nam: We can recycle them and make
them into paper or shopping bags.

3. Production (10’): Listening
a. Aims: Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings and use them to
make sentences and know what they are going to listen.
b. Content:Ss listen to the tape 3 times and check their prediction
c. Expected result:Listen to the tape again and complete
d. Performance
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Pre- listening
New words
Elicit some new words (gym, equipment, - fertilizer (n): phânbón
to fertilizer (v): bónphân
While- Listening
- compost (n): phânxanh
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first
- a compost heap: đốngphânxanh
then the whole class.

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
Post- Listening
*Checking: rub out and remember

1. You will hear four questions during
the recording. Check ( ) the correct
2. Answer:
a. What type of garbage can you put in
the compost?
All vegetable matters
Meat or grain products
b. Where is the best place for a compost
A. a place that gets no sun
A place that gets sun and shade
c. Should you water the compost?
Yes/ No
d. How long does it take before you can
use the compost?
after it rains/ six months

3. Homework:
- Make conversation.
- Do exercise 3,4.
- Read and prepare Unit 10: Read


Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

Period 62:

Teaching: 28/01/2021
Lesson 4: Read
(Total: 6 lessons)

1. Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to read a text and answer the
questions, getting the information about recycling things such as: glass, car tires, and
- Vocabulary: pipe, floor covering, make from/to, milk man, refill...
- Grammar:Structures: Passive voice
2. Competences:
- Autonomy and self-study, communication and collaboration, problem solving and
- Groupwork, pairwork….
3. Quality:
- To teach ss the good attitude to the subject
- Students:textbook, work book.
- Teacher: Text book, CD + CD, player. laptop, projector

Warm up (5’):
a. Goal: To help ss to review the vocabularies of unit 10.
b. Contents: review the vocabularies of unit 10
c. Expected result: Ss can review the vocabularies of unit 10.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
1.Transfering the learning task:
- Ask Ss to play Jumbled words
2. Doing the task:
- Ss work individually to write.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss: leather
- Calls on some Ss practice
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the
- T corrects and gives the remarks.
- Give feedback
1. mocostp =

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

2. lotbest =
3. ssagl =
4. ealerth =
5. matel =
a. Goal: - Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings and use them to
make sentences and know the passive form.
b. Contents: reading new words and know the passive form.
c. Expected result: Ss make examples with some new words and the passive form.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Transferring the learning task:
New words
Elicit some new words (gym, equipment, - car tire (n): lốp xe
- pipe(n) : ống nước
- Write some sentences on the board and - (to) refill (v): làm đầy lại
explain the structures
- deposit(n) : tiền đặt cọc.
Doing the task:
Glassware(n) : đồ thủy tinh
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first
-(to) melt (v): Làm tan ra
then the whole class.
. Reporting the task result and discuss:

Grammar: Passive form
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
- Car tire are thrown away every year.
Giving the remarks to their doing the
=>S + is/ are/ am + PII
- Tires can be recycled to make pipes
*Checking: rub out and remember
⇒ S+ modal +be + PII
while-reading: (17’)
a. Goal: - Ss read the text then do some exercises.
b. Contents: read the text then do some exercises.
c. Expected result: read the text then do some exercises.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Transferring the learning task:
- Ask Ss to read through the passage
1. Read
again silently and do exercise 1
+ Fainting
- Let Ss compare their result with partners + Shock
Doing the task:
+ Burn
- Work in pairs to answer,
- Ask some Ss to read their answer
Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Control and correct

- Ask some sts to write the answer on the
Giving the remarks to their doing the
2. Answers:
a. People cleaned and refilled empty
- Correct and give marks
milk bottles.

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

- Feedback

b. The glass is broken up, melted
and made into new glassware.
c. The Oregon government made a
new law that there must be a
deposit on drink cans.
d. Compost is made from household
and garden waste.
e. If we have a recycling story to
share, we can call or fax the
magazine at 5 265 456.2.

4. Post-reading
a. Goal: - Ss fill in the blanks.

b. Contents: fill in the blanks.
c. Expected result: Ss can fill in the blanks.
d. Performance:
Teacher's & Ss' activities
Transferring the learning task:
- Ask ss to work in pair to fill in the blank
Doing the task:
Work individually.
Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Call on some Ss to answer
Giving the remarks to their doing the
- Correct and give marks
- Feedback

Further practice: Gap filling
Fill in the blank:
fertilizer recycling glassware
thrown bottles compost
1. In the USA, thousands of car tires
are ….(a)….away.
2. Glass is..(b)..are made into….(c)...
3. Every milk…(d).. can be reused
30 times.
4. The deposit is returned when
people bring the cans back for..(e)..
5.Compost is a wonderful natural ...(f)..

a. thrown
c. glassware
e. recycling

b. reused
d. bottles
f. fertilize

3. Homework:
- Read, answer questions, translate the text
- Do exercise 4 p60 in work book.
- Read and prepare Unit 10- Write


Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022

Period 63:

Teaching: 18/02/2021
Lesson 5: Write
(Total: 6 lessons)

1. Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to practice writing giving
Vocabulary: put on/ take off/ pull out, soak, mash, wire mesh, bucket wrap, mix,…
Grammar:Imperative forms
2. Competences:
- Autonomy and self-study, communication and collaboration, problem solving and
- Groupwork, pair work….
3. Quality:
- To teach ss the good attitude to the subject
- Students:textbook, work book.
- Teacher: Text book, CD + CD, player. laptop, projector
1. Warm up (5’)
* Checking:
- Ss go to the board and write new words and read and translate the text
a. Goal: To help ss to revise the vocabularies of unit 10.
b. Contents: revise the vocabularies of unit 10.
c. Expected result: Ss can revise the vocabularies of unit 10.
d. Performance:
Transferring the learning task:
- Guide Ss to play game ‘Sorting out. Put things in correct groups.
- Glass bottles, drinking cans, food cans, glass wares, plastic bags, bottle, book,
+ Glass:
+ Plastic:

Teaching plan of English 8

School year: 2021-2022
