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Câu trực tiếp gián tiếp

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I. Quy tắc chuyển câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp:
Câu trực tiếp (direct speech)

Câu gián tiếp ( reported speech)

Hiện tại đơn

Had to/ must
Quá khứ đơn

Ex: He said: “I am happy”
Hiện tại tiếp diễn

 He said that he was happy
Quá khứ tiếp diễn

Ex: He said: “I’m looking for my keys”
Quá khứ đơn

 He said that he was looking for his keys
Quá khứ hoàn thành

Ex: He said: “I visited VN last year”

 He said that he had visited VN the year

Quá khứ hoàn thành

before/ the previous year.
Quá khứ hoàn thành

Ex: He said: “They had finished the work  He said they had finished the work when he
when I arrived”
Hiện tại hoàn thành

had arrived.
Quá khứ hoàn thành

Ex: He said: “I have lived here for a long  He said he had lived there for a long time.
Quá khứ tiếp diễn

Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn (had + been +V-

Ex: He said: “I was playing football”


Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

 He said he had been playing football
Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Ex: He said: “I have been playing football for  He said he had been playing footballs for 2
2 hours”
Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

Ex: He said: “I had been reading newspaper  He said he had been reading newspaper
when my light went off”
Tương lai đơn “will+V”

when his light had gone off/ went off”
Would +v

Ex: He said: “I will open the door”

 He said he would open the door

* Thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn:

Câu trực tiếp
…. Ago

Câu gián tiếp
Trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian
That day

The day before/ the previous day
… before

2 days ago
Last week/year/month…
Next year/week/month….

2 days before
The week/… before, the previous week/…
The following year/week/…; the next


The next day/ the following day

Ex: “I’ll do it tomorrow,” she said
 she said she would do it the next day.
II. Các trường hợp khơng lùi thì của động từ
1. Khi câu trực tiếp diễn tả một hành động lặp đi lặp lại theo thói quen hoặc diễn tả 1 chân
My teacher said: “ The Sun rises in the east”
 My teacher said The Sun rises in the East.

She said: “I always play tennis 2 times a week”
 She said she always play tennis 2 times a week.
2. Câu trực tiếp ở dạng câu điều kiện loại 2 hoặc loại 3  khơng lùi thì nữa.
Ex: She said to me: “ If I had enough money, I’d buy a new bicycle”
 She said to me that if she had enough money, she’d buy a new bicycle.
3. Câu trực tiếp sử dụng mệnh đề “wish”  mệnh đề sau “wish” k lùi thì.
Ex: He said: “I wish I had a lot of money”
 He said he wished he had a lot of money.
4. Mệnh đề sau would rather/ would sooner khơng lùi thì

5. Câu trực tiếp chứa mệnh đề có “could, should, might, ought to, used to, had to,..”
Ex: Tom said: “I could drive the car yesterday”
 Tom said he could drive the car the day before.
6. Động từ ở mệnh đề dẫn ở thì hiện tại
Ex: “I met her yesterday” Tom says
 Tom says he met her the day before.

III. Câu hỏi trong lời nói gián tiếp:
1. Các động từ tường thuât: ask, want to know, wonder (băn khoăn), …
2. Đổi trật từ từ dạng câu hỏi về câu tường thuật
Ex: He asked me “ Are you a student?”
 Don’t say: He asked me if/whether were I a student
 He asked me if I were a student

3. Lưu ý:
* yes/no question
S + asked….+ (o) + if/whether + clause
* WH -Question

S + asked… + (O)+ wh +clause
Ex: “When will you be ready” Tom asked me
 Tom asked me when I would be ready
Ex: “When did you finish your work last night?” He asked me
 He asked me when I finished my work the previous night/ the night before.
4. Câu trả lời yes/no
Ex: Daniel said: “ Is there a café nearby” and Tom said: “no”
 Daniel asked if there was a café nearby and Tom said there wasn’t
He asked: “can you swim?” and I said: “yes”
 He asked if I could swim and I said I could.

- câu cảm thán: “what a/an….” Hoặc “how …!”
 khi chuyển về gián tiếp: exclaim/say that
“What a lovely dress!” she said
 She exclaim that it/the dress was lovely
“how quickly he runs” She said
 She said/ exclaim that he ran quickly
Note: 1. What + (a/an) + adj + N!
Ex: What a beautiful girl!
2. How + adj/adv + S + tobe!

Ex: How good the weather is!
* Cấu trúc:
1. Thank sbd for V-ing
“ It’s so kind of you to gift me a present tonight!” Tom said
 Tom thanked me for gifting me a present that night.
2. Congratulate sbd on V-ing
Ex: “ Congratulation! You won the scholarship” Tom said

 Tom congratulated me on winning the scholarship.
3. “Happy birthday to you” Nguyen said to me
 Nguyen wished me a happy birthday.
Trực tiếp

Gián tiếp

“Can/could/will/would you…. Please?”
“Would/Do you mind + V-ing?”
Câu mệnh lệnh (chỉ có dộng từ)

Ask/tell + sb + (not) + to V

Ex: “Would you mind helping me?” Nguyen said
 Nguyen asked me to help.
“Stay in bed for a few day” Doctor said to me
 Doctor told me to stay in bed for a few day
“Please don’t tell anybody what happened” He said to me
 He asked/told me not to tell anybody what happened.
“Please don’t take any ricks” He said his wife
 He aked/told his wife not to take any ricks.
1. Câu đề nghị

Câu trực tiếp

Câu gián tiếp

“Shall I/we…?”

“Can I…”
“I will …”

S + offer + (sb)+ to V

Ex: They said: “We will pay for the meal”
 They offered to pay for the meal .
“Can I use your phone to call my mom?” Lan said
 Lan offered to use my phone to call her mom.
2. Lời khuyên:
Câu trực tiếp
“If I were you …”
“ S + should/had better/ ought to”

Câu gián tiếp
1. Advise (khuyên) on V-ing
Advise sb (not) to V
2. Encourage (khuyến khích) sb (not) to V

Ex: “ You should take a taxi, Mary” Tom said
 Tom advised Mary to take a taxi
Tom said: “Go on, apply (ứng tuyển) for a job”
 Tom encouraged me to apply for a job.
“ If I were you, I would visit HCM city” Nguyen said to me
 Nguyen advised me to visit HCM city.
3. Lời hứa (promise)
Trực tiếp
“I will ….”

Ex: “ I will write to you” John said to me

Gián tiếp
S + Promise + to V

 John promised to write to me
4. Lời mời
Trực tiếp

Gián tiếp

“Would you like….”
“ …., please?”

S + invite + sb + to V

Ex: “ Would you like to go out for lunch?” She said to me
 She invited me to go out for lunch.
5. Câu nhắc nhở:
Trực tiếp

Gián tiếp

Don’t forget…
Remember to …
Never forget to…

S + remind + sb + to V

* Note:

Forget/ Remember + to V: Quên/ Nhớ phải làm gì
Forget/ Remember + Ving: Quên/Nhớ đã làm gì
Ex: “Don’t forget to buy vegestable” she said to her husband
 She reminded her husband to buy vegestable.

Động từ đi với to V

Offer (đề nghị)
Agree (đồng ý) – Disagree
Demand (đòi hỏi)
Threaten (đe đọa)
Guarantee (cam đoan)
Propose (đề nghị)
Volunteer (tình nguyện)
Swear (thề) – qk: swore.

Động từ + O + to V

Danh động từ (gerund )
Động từ + V-ing

Advise (khuyên)
Ask (yêu cầu)
Command (ra lệnh)
Encourage (khuyến khích)
Expect (mong chờ)
Forbid (cấm)

Persuade (thuyết phục)
Urge (thúc đẩy)
Request (yêu cầu, thỉnh cầu)
Admit (thừa nhận)
Apologize for (xin lỗi)
Insist on (khăng khăng)
Recommand (đề xuất)
Suggest (đề xuất)

Ex: “you should read a number of books before the exam” Jack said
 Jack advised me to read a number of books before the exam.
A. Statements
(Câu trần thuật)

S + said/told + sb + that + S +V
Ex: She said “I have never been to Paris”
 She said that she had never been to Paris
S + asked/wondered/wanted to know +(sb) if/whether + S +V

B. Yes – No Question
(Câu hỏi có – khơng)

C. Wh – questions
(Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi)

Ex: “Are you ready?” he said to me
 He asked me if/whether I was ready
S + asked/ wondered/wanted to know + Sb+ wh….+ S + V
Ex: “when did you finish work last night?” he asked
 He asked me when I finished work the night before.

1. “ Could you please give me a pocket (túi) next to you?” the guy said (asked)

 The guy asked me to give him a pocket next to me
2. “Would you mind opening the doors for me?” The girl said (ordered)
 The girl ordered me to open the doors for her
3. “Don’t worry if you miss the bus” Kent said (told)
 Kent told me not to worry if I missed the bus
4. “If I were you, I wouldn’t lend John any money.” My friend said to me (advised)
My friend advised me not to lend John any money.
Ex 1:
1. “ It’s better not to neglect the deadline” the teacher said (warned)
2. “Never make such silly mistakes again” my mother said (told)
3. “We will drive you home tomorrow” Janes’s parents said to me. (offered)
4. “You’d better apply for that scholarship as you are qualified enough” Mr. Jon said to his
students (encouraged)
5. “Let me do the laundry for you” my sister said to me (insisted)
6. “We will finish all practice questions you gave us last week by tonight” the stdents said to
their teacher (promised)
7. “I will never let you down again” The daughter said to her mom (promised)
8. “Would you like to go out with me next Sunday?” my boyfriens said (invited)
9. “Some cakes?” the host said to his guests (invited)
10. “Never forget to buy some foods for dinner” the woman said to her husband (remined)

11. “Remember to do the laundry before you leave” Kenny said to me (reminded)
12. “I will report you to the boss if you miss your deadline once more” my leader said
Ex 2:

Jack asked me _____.

A.where do you come from?

B.where I came from

C.where I came from

D.where did I come from?

2. She asked me _____ I liked pop music.




3. The doctor ____ him to take more exercise.
A.told B.tell C. have told D. are telling
4. I wanted to know_____ return home.
A.when would she B. when will she

C. when she will

D. when she would

5. Claire told me that her father____ a race horse.


C. owning

D. A and B

6. What did that man say ______?
A. at you

B. for you

C. to you

D. you

7. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it _______ raining there.
A. is B. were

C. has been D. was

8. The builders have ______ that everything will be ready on time.
A. promised B. promise

C. promises D. promising

9. The doctor _______ him to take more exercise.
A. told

B. tell C. have told D. are telling

10. The last time I saw Linda, she looked very relaxed. She explained she’d been on holiday
the ______ week.
A. ago B. following C. next

D. previous

11. Yesterday, Laura ______ him to put some shelves up.
A. asked

B. is asking C. ask D. was asked

12. Tom has ______ this story wasn’t completely true.
A. admitting that

B. was admitted thatC. admitted that

D. admit that

13. When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy ______ that day.
A. that

B. the C. then

D. this

14. I wonder _____ the tickets are on sale yet.
A. what

B. when

C. where

D. whether

15. Mathew _____ Emma that her train was about to leave.

A. has reminded

B. has reminded thatC. reminded D. reminded that

16. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sophie said you _____ ill.
A. are B. were

C. wasD. should be

17. Ann ______ and left.
A. said goodbye to me

B. says goodbye to me

C. tell me goodbye D. told me

18. I told you ______ to switch off the computer, didn’t I ?
A. don’t

B. not C. not to

D. to not

19. Bill was slow, so I ________ hurry up.
A. tell him

B. told him for

C. told to

D. told him to

20. Sarah was driving to fast, so I ______ to slow down.
A. asked her B. asked

C. ask D.have asked her

21. Someone ______ me there’s been an accident on the motorway.
A. asked

B. said

C. spoke

D. told

22. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I advised her _____.
A. no worry B. not worry C. no to worry

D. not to worry

23. I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I asked Tom_______.
A. giving a hand

B. gave a hand

C. to give a hand

D. give a hand

24. Tom said that New York _______ more lively than London.
A. is B. be C. wasD. were
25. When he was at Oliver’s plat yesterday, Martin asked if he ______ use the phone.
A. can B. could

C. may

D. must

26. George couldn’t help me. He ______ me to ask Kate.
A. tell B. said

C. told

D. say

27. Judy ______ going for a walk, but no one else wanted to.

B. offered

C. promised D. suggested

28. I said that I had met her ______ .
A. yesterday B. the previous day C. the day

D. the before day.

29. The man asked the boys ______ .
A. why did they fight

B. why they were fighting

C. why they fight

D.why were they fighting

30. “______the door”, he said.
A. please open

B. open pleased

C. please to open

D. please, opening

C. when she will

D. when she would

31. I wanted to know ______ return home.
A. when would she B. when will she

32. The woman wonders _______ doing well at school.
A. whether her children are B. if her children were
C. whether her children were

D. her children are if

33. Peter said he was leaving for Paris ______.
A. next week B. the week previous

C. following week

D. the following week

34. “I don’t usually drink milk when ______ ” Mrs. Pike said.
A. she was hungry B. I was hungry

C. I am hungry

D. I will be

35. They said that their house had been broken into ______.
A. the two days before

B. two days ago

C. two days before D. since two days

36. She advised me _______ an apple everyday to stay healthy.
A. eating

B. I should eat

C. to eat

D. please, eat

37. “I’ll come with you as soon as _______” she replied.
A. I was ready

B. I am ready C. I ready ready

D. am I ready

38. “_____ today as it was yesterday.” She remarked.
A. it wasn’t so foggy

B. it isn’t so foggy

C. it hadn’t been so foggy D. it isn’t such foggy
39. “I wish _____ eat vegetables”, he said.

A. my children will

B. my children would

C. whether my children would

D. my children must

40. “I _____ late again”, she promised.
A. I am not B. I won’t be C. I wouldn’t D. I was not late
41. “How long _____ here ?”, asked Jane.
A. you have been

B. you had been

C. had you been

42. She wanted to know ______.
A. what was happening

B. was happening

D. have you been

C. it was happening

D. was happening what

43. “Do you know ______ ?” asked the man.

A. where is the ticket office

B. where the ticket office is

C. the ticket office is

D. where was the ticket office

44. The teacher asked Mary ______ the previous match.
A. who wins B. who is winning C. who won D. that won
45. My father asked me _____ of the film.
A. what do you think

B. what I think

C. what did you think

D. what I

46. “ Why hasn’t Minh phoned? ” she wondered
A. she wondered why Minh hasn’t phoned

B. she wondered why Minh didn’t

C. she wondered why Minh hadn’t phoned

D. she wondered why hadn’t Minh


47. “Could you tell me how to get to the airport?”
A. he asked me how to get to the airport B. he said if I could tell him the airport
C. he told me how to get to the airport

D. he asked me to tell how to get to the

48. “Have you heard of her marriage?”
A. she asked me if I hear of their marriage
B. she asked me whether I had heard of their marriage
C. she asked me if I had heard of their marriage
D. B and C
49. Cindy said that “I haven’t seen John since last month.”
A. Cindy said she hasn’t seen John since the previous month
B. Cindy said she hadn’t seen John since the previous month
C. Cindy said she wasn’t seen John since the previous month
D. Cindy said she doesn’t see John since the previous month
50. The little boy said “two and two make four.”
A.The little boy said that two and two made four.

B.The little boy said that two and two have made four.
C.The little boy said that two and two had made four.
D.The little boy said that two and two make four.
51. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor. ”Minh said to Lan.
A. Minh told Lan to become a doctor
B. Minh advised Lan to go to the doctor
C. Minh told Lan that he would to go to the doctor
D.Minh advised Lan not to go to the doctor

52. His wife said to him: “write to me as often as you can”
A. His wife told him to write to her as often as he can
B. His wife told him to write to her as often as he could
C. His wife told him writing to her as often as he could
D. His wife told him writing to her as often as he can
53. “What were you doing last night, Mr John?” asked the police.
A. The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr John
B. The police asked Mr John what he had been doing the night before
C. The police asked Mr John what he had been done the night before
D. The police asked Mr John what had he been done the night before

54. The teacher advised us ______.
A. to be careful when doing these exercises

B. be careful when doing these

C. careful when doing these exercises

D. are careful when doing these exercises

55. She told me _______.
A. think well before I answered

B. think well before I answer

C. to think well before I answered D. think well before I will answer


Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech with infinitives.
1. “Remember to write to me soon,” she said to me.
 She reminded
2. “You’d better spend more time learning to write,” I said to the boy.
 I advised
3. “Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?” Mike said to Linda.
 Mike invited
4. “Please, please turn off the T.V, John,” said Tom.
 Tom begged
5. “Don’t lean your bicycles against my windows, boys,” said the shopkeeper.
 The shopkeeper warned
6. “Open the safe,” the robber said to the bank clerk.
 The robber ordered
7. “Leave this space clean, David,” she said.
 She told
8. “Shall I open the window for you, Edna?” he said.
 He offered
9. “I’ll wait for you. I promise,” he said to me.
 He promised
10. “Would you like to come with me?” John said to Mary.
 John invited

11. “Don’t forget to take the holiday,” Mark said to me.
Mark reminded me
12. “You should take a holiday,” Jane said to David.
Jane advised
13. “ You really must take a holiday, Linda,” Jim said.
Jim told

14. “Don’t touch that switch, Peter,” I said.
I warned
15. “Read this document before you sign it,” he said to her.
He advised
16. “Will you help me, please?” she said to me.
She asked
17. “Please do as I say,” he said to me.
He begged
18. “Don’t forget to prune the roses,” my aunt said to Alfred.
My aunt reminded
19. “Would you like me to help you with the cooking, Tom?” Laura said.
Laura offered
20. “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill your son,” the kidnappers said to them.
The kidnappers threatened
21. “Would you like to go camping with us next weekend?” Andrew said to Cindy.

Andrew invited
22. “Don’t forget to join in the contest tomorrow morning, Robin,” Jessica said.
Jessica reminded
23. “Would you like me to clean the room for you, Alvin?” she said.
She offered
24. “If I were you, I would join the voluntary team tomorrow, Tom,” said Eve.
Eve advised
25. “Flora, can you remember to buy some bread?” said Raymond.
Raymond reminded
26. “ I really think you should see a doctor, Lucia, ” said Thomas.
Thomas advised
27. “No, I’m sorry, I won’t work on Saturday,” said Victoria
Victoria refused

28. “ If you like, I’ll help you do the decorating, Carol,” said Charles
Charles offered
29. “Carol, speaking English,” he said
30. “Fill in the form, sir” the receptionist said to the guest.
The receptionist asked
31. “Mind your own business,” Ethel told me.
Ethel told
32. “Don’t repair the computer yourself,” she said to him.

She warned
33. “Don’t give yourself up” he told his girlfriend.
34. “Don’t go out without me,” Harry told Sally.
Harry begged
35. “Don’t forget to post the letter for me when you go out,” my wife said to me.
My wife reminded .................................................................................................................
36. “Could you possibly speak more slowly, please?” the student said to the teacher.
The student asked ..................................................................................................................
37. “Guard, take him to the prison,” said the king.
The king ordered .........................................................................................................................
38. “Can you trans late this sentence into English for me?” Maria said to Mark.
Maria asked ..............................................................................................................................
39. “Don’t forget to send your uncle a birthday card tomorrow,” Mary said to her son.
Mary reminded ...........................................................................................................................
40. “Please come to our wedding,” John said to his boss.
invited .....................................................................................................................................
41. “Don’t run around the edge of the swimming pool or you’ll fall in,” Susan said to her
Susan warned ..............................................................................................................................

42. “I won’t go to bed,” Ron said.
Ron refused ....................................................................................................................................

43. “You should talk to your advisor,” Bill said to Linda.
advised .......................................................................................................................................
44. “Take that chewing gum out of your mouth immediately!” the teacher said to Tom.
The teacher ordered ..................................................................................................................
45. “ I will bring the sandwiches to the party,” said Helen.
offered ............................................................................................................................................
52. “Come to the cinema with me tonight,” he said to her.
invited ........................................................................................................................................
53. The teacher said to us , “Do all your homework before you go to class”
The teacher
told .................................................................................................................................
54. Mary said to Tom, “Send me a postcard when you come to Paris, please”
asked ...............................................................................................................................................
55. He said to me, “Don’t believe everything you hear”
advised .........................................................................................................................................
56. James said to her boyfriend, “Come with me tonight. I’m feeling very lonely”


begged .....................................................................................................................................
57. “Follow this car,” the detective said to the taxi-driver.
The detective
ordered .......................................................................................................................................
58. “Go on, send your short story to magazine,” Adam said to Alice
encouraged .....................................................................................................................................
59. The teacher said to Jim, “Would you give your book to Mary, please?”
The teacher
asked .............................................................................................................................................
60. “Ok. I will not change the date of the meeting,” Mary said
promised .........................................................................................................................................
Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech with Gerund
1. “Why don’t we organize an English competition for our student?” said Ms Lien.
Ms Lien suggested ......................................................................................................................
2. “I’m sorry I’m late,’ said Mr Thanh.
Mr Thanh apologized .....................................................................................................................
3. “Me? No, I didn’t take Sue’s calculator,” Said Bob.
Bob denied ..................................................................................................................................

4. “You took my pencil,” said David to Henry.
David accused .............................................................................................................................
5. “I must see the manager,” he cried.
He insisted ...................................................................................................................................
6. “ You won the scholarship. Congratulation!” Mary told me.
Mary congratulated .......................................................................................................................

7. “It was kind of you to help me with my homework,” Lan said to Hoa.
Lan thanked .................................................................................................................................
8. “Turn off the computer. You are not allowed to play game now,” Dick’s mother said to him.
Dick’s mother
prevented ..................................................................................................................
9. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass,” said Peter.
Peter apologized ........................................................................................................................
10. “Let’s invite Mr. Brown to the party next weekend,” he said.
He suggested ...............................................................................................................................
11. “You stole the jewels,” the inspector said to him.
The inspector accused ....................................................................................................................
12. “I only borrowed your car for some hours,” the man said.
The man admitted .......................................................................................................................
13. “I’m sorry I damaged your tape recorder, Mike,” said Bob.
Bob apologized ...........................................................................................................................

15. “It’s nice of you to invite me to lunch,” Bob said to John.
Bob thanked ................................................................................................................................
16. Carol said, “What about going to the cinema this weekend, Max ?”
Carol suggested ...........................................................................................................................
17. “I’m sorry I forgot your birthday,” Dave said Julia.
Dave apologized ..........................................................................................................................
18. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” he said to me.
He accused ..................................................................................................................................
19. “Don’t go near that deserted house,” Tony said to Monica.
Tony warned ................................................................................................................................
20. “I’m sorry. I broke the vase,” my son said.
My son admitted .........................................................................................................................
21. “You cheated in the exam,” the teacher said to Jack.

The teacher accused ....................................................................................................................
22. “You have just got a promotion, haven’t you? Congratulation!” Peter said to her friend.
Peter congratulated .....................................................................................................................
24. “You mustn’t get into this area,” the policeman said to them.
The policeman stopped ...............................................................................................................
25. “I know I’m wrong,” he said.
He admitted .................................................................................................................................
26. “I didn’t say that last night,” Joan said.

Joan denied ..................................................................................................................................
27. “If only I had told him the true!” Jane said.
Jane regrets ..................................................................................................................................
28. “I haven’t finished the assignment yet. I’m really sorry”.
The boy apologized .....................................................................................................................
29. “It’s you who took my bag,” the man said to the boy.
The man accused .........................................................................................................................
30. “No, no .I really must sit for the test,” Hilary said.
Hilary insisted .............................................................................................................................
31. “What I always want is to become a doctor,” she said.
She dreamt ..................................................................................................................................
32. “I can’t let you use the mobile phone,” his mother said to him.
His mother prevented ..................................................................................................................
33. “I like this car. I’ll buy it,” Christina said.
Christina thought .........................................................................................................................
34. “I feel like going to America next month,” Margaret said.
Margaret looked forward to ...........................................................................................................
35. “It was your fault. You didn’t tell me,” she told me
She blamed ..................................................................................................................................
36. “I don’t think that we must widen the village road”, he said

He objected ..................................................................................................................

37. "I wish to speak English very fluently,” said Stella.
dreamt .............................................................................................................................................
39. “I must go home now,” said Daisy
insisted ............................................................................................................................................
40."Sorry teacher, I didn't do the homework," Philip said to his teacher.
Philip apologized
to ..........................................................................................................................................
41. “You didn’t pay attention to what I said,” the teacher said to him
The teacher
accused .........................................................................................................................................
42. “I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” Mark said to us.
congratulated ..................................................................................................................................
43. “It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you,” Miss White said to Jack.
Miss White
thanked .........................................................................................................................................
44. “I’ve always wanted to be rich” Bob said.

dreamed ..........................................................................................................................................

45. “Why don’t we go to the beach tonight for a change?” said Henry.
suggested ........................................................................................................................................
46. “You failed to save my husband’s life,” she said to the doctors.
blamed ............................................................................................................................................
47. “Let me pay for the meal,” said Ben.
insisted ............................................................................................................................................
48. “Yes. I’ve spent too much money doing the shopping,” she said.
admitted ..........................................................................................................................................
49. “Well done, Tom. You won the game,” said the teacher.
The teacher
congratulated ................................................................................................................................
50. “Beware of this bad road! It’s very dangerous to drive on it!” He said to us.
