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Unit 10 vocabulary communication and the media destination c1c2

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allege - to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof
- cho rằng, khẳng định; gán (tội)
VD: Thompson is _____d to have accepted a bride (nhận hối lộ) from a local businesswoman
- not clear or definite, capable of being understood in more than 1 way
- a. mơ hồ, không rõ ràng, tối nghĩa
VD: The wording (cách diễn đạt) of he law is highly _____
assert - to state firmly that something is true
- khẳng định, quả quyết, xác nhận
VD: The politician has continually _____ed his innocence
blunt -(adj) saying what is true or what you think, even if this offends or upsets people
- lỗ mãng, thẳng thừng, không giữ ý tứ (lời nói)
VD: Let's be _____. A lot of people in public life could do much better
clarification -(n.) the act of making clear or understandable, an explanation
- sự làm sáng tỏ, làm rõ
VD: Please do contact me if you require further _____ on any of these issues
- used in informal conversation rather than in writing or formal language
-(adj) loại ngôn ngữ dùng trong giao tiếp ,thông tục, thân mật
VD: It's a _____ expression
confide- to tell s.o a secret or discuss your private feelings with them
- tiết lộ, giãi bày tâm sự
VD: You know you can _____ in me at any time, don't you?
context-(n) the general situation in which sth happens, which helps explain it
VD: They quoted me completely out of _____. I didn't mean that at all
-(n) the words surrounding a particular word that help to give it its meaning
VD: In this _____, 'development' means economic growth
- ngữ cảnh, bối cảnh
- to say the opposite of something that someone else has said is true: cãi lại, phủ nhận
VD: Caroline said the hotel was fantastic and then Paul immediately _____ed her and said it wasn't actually

very nice at all
- if 1 statement, piece of evidence, story, etc _____s another, they disagree and cannot both be true: mâu thuẫn,
trái với
VD: Her account of the accident _____s that of the other driver
convey - to communicate ideas or feelings indirectly: (v) truyền đạt, truyền tải
VD: I can't begin to _____ how sorry I am for the trouble I've caused
- to give official information or formal message to s.o: chuyển
VD: Please _____ my appreciation to your President
declare - to announce officially that something is true or happening
-(v) tuyên bố, công bố, khai báo
VD: Australia _____d its support for the agreement
- to criticize s.o or sth severely in public
- tố cáo, lên án ,vạch trần
VD: We _____ all uses of language that confuse rather than explain
flatter - to praise someone in order to please them or get something you want, especially in a way that is not
- Tâng bốc, xu nịnh, nịnh nọt
VD: Adam said I could be a professional model but I think he was just _____ing me
- the main idea or most important point of sth that s.o has written or said
- ý chính, nguyên nhân chính
VD: I understood the _____ of her argument, but I can't say I understood all the fine points
hint -(n) something that you say to show what you are thinking or feeling, without saying it directly: dấu hiệu
VD: He seemed so relaxed and gave no _____ that anything was wrong
-(v) To say what you are thinking or feeling in an indirect way: gợi ý, nói bóng gió

VD: The Prime Minister _____ed that the crisis could continue throughout the summer
inkling - A slight idea or small piece of information that tells you that sth might exist or be happening

- Ý niệm mơ hồ; Sự nghi nghi hoặc hoặc
VD: The first _____ that sth was wrong came on Wednesday
insist - To say very firmly that sth must happen or be done: cứ nhất định
VD: As your lawyer, I _____ on your telling me the truth
- To keep saying very firmly that sth is true, even when other people will not believe you: cứ khăng khăng
VD: The school _____s that it is doing everything it can to cooperate
jargon - special words and phrases that are only understood by people who do the same kind of work. This
word usually shows that you dislike this type of language
- biệt ngữ, thuật ngữ (dùng bởi một nhóm người hay trong một nghề nghiệp chuyên môn, thường xấu)
VD: Are you fed up with complicated _____ in official documents that's impossible to fully comprehend?
literal - the _____ meaning of a word is its most basic meaning
-(adj) theo nghĩa đen, tầm thường
VD: He is clearly not using the word 'dead' in its _____ sense
-(n) the saying of something in a way that is not loud or clear enough so that your words are
difficult to understand: Tiếng nói lầm bầm
VD: He started to say sth, but all I could hear was a quiet _____
- to say something in a way that is not loud or clear enough so that your words are difficult to understand: lầm
bầm, thì thầm
VD: Please don't _____ when you're talking to me. Open your mouth when you talk!
-(n) something that is said in a very quiet voice: Tiếng thì thầm, tiếng nói thầm
VD: 'Let's go,' he said in a low _____
-(n) a quiet continuous sound: Tiếng rì rầm, tiếng rì rào, tiếng xì xào, tiếng róc rách
VD: There was a low _____ of voices coming from the back of the room
-(v) to say something in a very quiet voice: Thì thầm, nói thầm
VD: I could hear the audience _____ing but couldn't make out any distinct comments
- a document signed by many people that asks s.o in authority to do sth
-(n) đơn yêu cầu, kiến nghị

VD: Sign our _____ today and make your feelings clear
placard- A large notice in a public place, used for advertising sth or carried in order to protest against or support
- tranh cổ động, áp phích, cáo thị
VD: The Minister was surounded by _____-waving demonstrators (ng biểu tình)
- to argue or complain about small, unimportant things
- v. cãi vã (vì những điều vụn vặt)
VD: There's no point _____ing over the bill. It's only a few euros more than we thought it would be anyway
rant -(n) a long, loud and angry complaint about sth
VD: Dom was on a _____ about the cost of eating out
-(v) to complain or talk loudly and angrily for a long time, sometimes saying unreasonable things: Phàn nàn, nói
to, ồn ào
VD: When my boss gets in a bad mood, she just _____s at everybody
rave - To talk in an angry and uncontrolled way: Nói sảng, mê sảng (người bệnh); nói luyên thuyên
VD: The boss was _____ing about nobody doing any work
- To speak or write in a very enthusiastic way about sth or sb: Nói say sưa; nói như điên như dại
VD: Linda was _____ing about that new sitcom on TV. She said it's hilarious
-(n) untidy writing or something written in an untidy way: Chữ viết nguệch ngoạc, chữ viết cẩu
thả, bức thư viết nguệch ngoạc, mảnh giấy ghi vội vàng; tác phẩm văm học viết xoàng; bài báo xoàng
VD: The address was written in a _____ so I found it hard to read
-(v) to write something quickly and carelessly: viết nguyệch ngoạc, cẩu thả, vội vàng; Viết xoàng (văn, báo...)
VD: Stop _____ing on the desk!
-(n) a mistake while speaking: Sự vấp (khi nói, chơi nhạc...)

VD: He read well, with only a few small _____s
-(v) to make a mistake when you are speaking: vấp (khi nói)

VD: It's so embarrassing when a newsreader _____s over their words
stutter -(n) a problem in speaking that causes you to repeat some particular sounds more than you should
VD: When I was small I spoke with a _____
-(v) to repeat the sounds of words in an uncontrolled way when you speak because you are nervous or have a
speech problem
VD: I stood there _____ing in shock, unable to think of anything sensible to say
- nói lắp
utter -(v) to say something: nói
VD: Don't _____ a single word until you've spoken to your lawyer
-(v) to make a sound: phát ra, thốt ra (âm thanh)
VD: She _____ed a sound somewhere between joy and pain
vague - not clear or complete
- Mơ hồ, không rõ ràng, mập mờ
VD: Do you hear politicians use _____ and ambiguous language and realize you haven't got an inkling what
they really mean?
anchor -(n) someone who presents the news on a television or radio news programme: người đọc bản tin, biên
tập viên
VD: I'd really love to be the main _____ hosting a national, nightly news show
-(v) To present a TV or radio programme, especially the news
VD: The programme has been _____ed by McDonald since 2005
-(n) a programme that is _____: Sự phát thanh; Tin tức đc phát thanh; Buổi phát thanh
VD: Channel 5's main news _____ is at 9 pm
-(v) to tell people sth, especially sth that you wanted to be a secret: tung ra khắp nơi,truyền rộng rãi
VD: You don't have to _____ my news to the whole world!
caption- Words printed near or on a picture that explain sth about the picture
- lời chú thích, đoạn thuyết minh
VD: There's no _____ under this photo so I don't know who it's of
- a journalist who writes a regular series of articles for a particular newspaper or magazine

- người chuyên giữ một mục báo; nhà bình luận; nhà báo chuyên mục
VD: She's a _____ for a Sunday newspaper
correspondent - a newspaper or television reporter, especially one who deals with a particular subject or area
- phóng viên, thơng tấn viên
VD: And now let's go over to our political _____, who lives at Westminster
-(n) News about sth on TV or radio or in the newspaper; sometimes used about the amount of
attention that TV, radio or newspaper give to sth, or the way in which sth is reported: việc đưa tin về những sự
kiện; tin tức được đưa ra; phủ sóng
VD: There's usually massive media _____ when a celebrity couple splits up
-(n) information about a range of things, for example in a book or course of education
VD: The course offers good _____ of the subject
- a note at the bottom of a page that gives more detailed information about something on the page
- chú thích ở cuối trang
VD: If you think I need to provide more detail, I'll add a short _____ at the bottom of the page
ghostwriter - Someone who writes sth for someone else whose name will appear on it as the writer
- người viết thuê, ẩn danh
VD: He didn't really write his autobiography himself - a _____ did it
- manual
- sổ tay hướng dẫn, cẩm nang; a book that contains instructions or advice about how to do something or the
most important and useful information about a subject
VD: It's a very good _____ for those new to windsurfing

- A formal statement expressing the aims and plans of a group or organisation, especially in a
political party
- bản tuyên ngôn, lời tuyên bố

VD: The Liberal Party (Đảng Tự do) has just published its latest _____
- a very thin book with a paper cover, usually given free to people
- cuốn sách nhỏ có bìa mềm; tờ bìa gấp
VD: Someone in the street gave me a small _____ about energy conservation at home
- Someone whose job is to write articles in a newspaper or magazine giving their opinion about a
new play, book, art exhibition, etc
- nhà phê bình
VD: Most of the _____s loved the exhibition
spine - the edge of a book where all the pages are fixed together
- gáy sách
VD: The title of a book is usually printed on the cover and on the _____
supplement - a separate part of a newspaper or magazine
-(n) phần bổ sung, phần thêm vào bản phụ lục; Phụ trương (báo)
VD: I love reading the color _____ that comes with a paper on a Sunday
tabloid -(adj) relating to newspapers with fairly small pages mostly containing stories about famous people and
not much serious news
VD: I'd hate to be a _____ journalist
-(n) a newspaper with fairly small pages mostly containing stories about famous people and not much serious
VD: Never believe anything you read in a _____!
- báo lá cải
blurt out
- say something suddenly and without thinking about the effect it will have, usually because you
are nervous or excited
- thốt ra, nói buột ra
VD: I stupidly _____ed _____ in front of Rachel that it's your fortieth birthday next week
catch on
- understand; become popular or fashionable

- trở nên phổ biến, nắm bắt kịp, hiểu
VD: Everyone except Meg _____(QKĐ) immediately that I was only joking
come out
- become available to buy or see; become easy to notice; become known; be spoken, heard, or
understood in a particular way
- Lộ ra, xuất bản, xuất hiện
VD: What day of the week does that magazine _____ on?
come out with - say something suddenly, usually something that surprises or shocks people
- thốt ra làm mọi người shock, bất ngờ
VD: He _____s _____ the strangest things!
dry up - stop talking because you have forgotten what you were going to say
- ngừng nói vì qn
VD: I've learnt all my lines for the play now, but there's always the fear that you'll _____ when you actually get
on stage
get across
- make people understand something
- giao tiếp, truyền tải , giải thích rõ ràng
VD: I've tried to explain to Sean how I feel several times, but I just can't seem to _____ my point of view _____
get (a)round - if news _____s _____, a lot of people hear it
- Phổ biến, lan truyền
get through (to)
- be connected to a place by telephone; make someone understand what you are trying to
- Nối máy, truyền đạt được
VD: I've been trying to explain the situation to Ben for weeks but I just don't seem to be able to _____ him
let on - talk about something that is intended to be a secret

- để lộ, tiết lộ bí mật
VD: I know it's a secret but you can tell me. I won't _____, I promise!

pass on- give someone something, for example a message, that someone else has given you
- truyền, chuyển tiếp, truyền lại
VD: Could you _____ the message to Darren when you see him, please?
set down
- write something on a piece of paper so that it will not be forgotten and can be looked at later;
state officially how something should be done
- ghi lại, chép lại
VD: We've _____ our beliefs and policies very clearly in our latest manifesto
shout down - make it difficult to hear what someone says by shouting while they are speaking
- hét lên trong khi ai nói
VD: The Minister was _____ed _____ by hecklers (người chất vấn) and was unable to finish her speech
speak out
- state your opinion firmly and publicly about something, especially in order to protest against or
defend something
- lên tiếng
VD: It's time sb _____(QKĐ) loudly and clearly against this war
talk round (to) - succeed in persuading someone to agree something; discuss something in a general way and
without dealing with the most important issues
- Nói vịng vo, khơng đi vào vấn đề chính, thuyết phục thành cơng
VD: Mum took some persuading, but we managed to _____ her _____ in the end
back down
- to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated
- từ bỏ việc bảo vệ ý kiến của mình, chịu thua, nhượng bộ
VD: Rose _____ed _____ when she realized she was wrong
clamp/crack down on - to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful or unwanted activity
- thực hiện biện pháp mạnh tay, kiểm soát chặt chẽ
VD: The council's planning to _____ youths drinking in the streets
climb down - to change your opinion or admit that you were wrong
- thừa nhận sai lầm, thay đổi quan điểm
VD: The Minister was forced to _____ in the face of so much evidence against his position

gobble down - to eat something very fast, in a way that people consider rude or greedy
- nuốt vội thức ăn
VD: I was in such a hurry, I just _____d _____ my breakfast and left
wear sb down - to make someone feel tired and less able to deal successfully with a situation
- khiến ai mệt mỏi
VD: Dave didn't want to get married at first, but I've managed to _____ him _____
answer charges/criticisms
- to explain your actions to someone who has accused you of something; to
explain st when people criticize you (use in new reports)
- giải thích cho điều bị chỉ trích; Họp báo
VD: Mr Davis has so far refused to _____ the ch_____ that have been levelled against (đc nhắm, chĩa vào) him
answer (a) need
- to provide something that is needed
- đáp ứng nhu cầu
VD: We believe this new radio show will _____ the _____s of all those who wish to take part in current affairs
discussions in the afternoon
answer sb's prayers - someone or something that someone has needed very much for a long time
- đáp ứng nguyện vọng của ai
VD: A new supermarket delivery service was the _____ to my _____
answer the description of
- to look like the person or thing described; correspond to a description
- đúng như lời mô tả, khớp với lời mô tả
VD: A child _____ing _____ the missing boy was found safe and well in London yesterday
(have a lot to) answer for
- to be responsible for s.th. negative, to be guilty; are the main cause of the
- nhận trách nhiệm về; Chịu trách nhiệm cho

VD: I expect parents to _____ their children's behaviour

in answer to - as a response to or as a result of
- câu trả lời, kết quả cho
VD: _____ your question, no, I have never had any business dealings with Mr Partridge
argument for/against -(argument) tranh luận ủng hộ/ phản đối
VD: There are strong _____s _____ and _____ euthanasia (án tử hình)
without an argument -(argument) obvious
- ko cần bàn cãi
VD: They won't accept higher prices _____
ask sb a favour
Nhờ ai làm gì
ask sb over/round
- invite sb to come to your house
- mời ai đến chơi nhà
ask sb in
- to invite someone to come into a building or room, especially your home
- mời ai vào
VD: I'd _____ you _____ for a coffee but I have to get up early for work in the morning
for the asking - available if you ask for it; easily available
- có sẵn; chỉ cần hỏi là có
VD: There are a lot of organizations that have scholarship money _____
asking for trouble
- seem to be trying to get into trouble; to do something that would cause trouble; to do or
say something that will cause trouble
- chuốc họa vào thân, tìm đến rắc rối
VD: Getting Elaine to edit your article is just _____; you know how pedantic (quan tâm đến hình thức; phô trg,
kiêu ngạo) and opinionated she is!
if you ask me - in my opinion; said when giving your opinion on something
- nếu bạn hỏi tơi thì; theo tơi
VD: _____, people should go on a training course before they become parents
read sb like a book - to understand easily what sb is planning or thinking; know sb very well

- hiểu rõ ai, đi guốc trong bụng
VD: I always know what Fred's thinking - I can _____ him _____
(do sth) by the book - to do something exactly according to the rules; to obey rules when doing sth
- tuân thủ luật lệ; lm theo luật
VD: Don't break any rules - just do it _____
a closed book - a subject about which you know or understand nothing
- một chủ đề khó hiểu
VD: I'm afraid physics will always be _____ to me
an open book - something or someone that is easy to know about because nothing is kept secret
- điều hiển nhiên, không có gì bí ẩn; Khơng phải giấu giếm, rõ ràng
VD: My life is _____, the problem is that it ain't worth reading
in my book - in my opinion
- theo ý kiến của tôi
VD: No politicians ever tells the complete truth _____
in sb's good/bad books
- If you are _____, they are pleased/not pleased with you
- Kiến ai (khơng) hài lịng
VD: He's _____ Melanie's _____ because he arrived two hours late
in discussion with
(discussion) đang tranh luận với
VD: They're _____ a German company about a possible takeover (sự đảm nhận, chiếm lấy)
heated discussion
- an argument etc that is full of angry and excited feelings
- cuộc thảo luận sôi nổi; cuộc tranh cãi nảy lửa
follow/obey sth to the letter - to do exactly what you are told to do
- làm chính xác như những gì ai đó bảo
VD: I f_____ed your instructions _____ but I still couldn't get the printer to work properly
the letter of the law - the exact words of a law and not its more important general meaning

- các điều khoản của pháp luật
VD: The bank was operating within _____
bring sth to sb's notice- to tell someone about something
- làm ai chú ý đến cái gì
VD: Their working conditions were only _____(bị động) public _____ last year
come to sb's notice (that)
- to find out about something
- để ý rằng
VD: It has _____ our _____ that some cash is missing
escape sb's notice
- If something _____s _____, you fail to recognize it or realize it
- thoát khỏi sự chú ý của 1 người
VD: It hasn't _____d our _____ that the hospital has come out of (to reach the end of a process or event) all the
proposed changes really quite nicely
until further notice
- until someone announces that a situation has changed or no longer exists
- cho đến khi có thơng báo mới
VD: The library will be closed _____
(present/write/etc) a paper on -(paper) trình bày/viết về; chuẩn bị kì thi/bài viết về
(put sth) on paper
- to write sth down; used for saying that something appears to be true but may not in fact
be true
- viết gì ra giấy
VD: Put your ideas down _____ and we'll discuss them at the next meeting
paper over (the cracks)
- to hide problems, especially arguments between people, in order to make a
situation seem better than it really is
- trốn tránh vấn đề cần làm; che giấu
VD: She tried to _____, but I could see that the relationship was failing
not worth the paper it's written/printed on - used for saying that a written agreement is not worth having

because the person who signed it is not likely to do what they said they would do
- ít giá trị
VD: We signed a year's lease (hợp đồng cho thuê) on this place, but it's _____
paper round - the job of delivering newspapers to people's homes
- công việc giao báo
VD: Probably much more than that could be earned for a _____
paper qualifications - academic qualifications. This phrase usually shows that you think that practical
experience is more important
- Bằng cấp trên giấy tờ
- the written work to do with any particular job; the written records connected with a particular
job, deal, trip, etc
- công việc giấy tờ, thủ tục giấy tờ
VD: I've kept all the _____ for the car
put pen to paper
- to start writing something
- đặt bút viết
VD: Even if you've got a great idea for a novel, it's incredibly hard ______ting ______ for the first time
the pen is mightier than the sword - Trying to convince people with ideas and words is more effective than
trying to force people to do what you want
- ngịi bút có uy lực hơn gươm giáo
- a person who has an office job that is not interesting
- người có cơng việc văn phịng tẻ nhạt
VD: The ad made the job sound exciting but I'm just a glorified (được tán dương) _____
pen friend/pal - someone whom you exchange letters with as a hobby, but usually have not met
- bn qua thư
VD: I've got a _____ in Australia
print inthings get published in a book, newspaper, or magazine: Được xuất bản
in print- If a book is _____, it is possible to buy a new copy of it

- vẫn cịn in để bán, có sẵn để bán ở nhà xuất bản (sách)
VD: Is her work still _____?
out of print
-(of books) not available anymore
- không được xuất bản/in nữa; ngừng xuất bản
VD: I'm afraid that book's _____, but I'll see if we can find a second-hand copy for you somewhere
read between the lines- to try to understand someone's real feelings or intentions from what they say or write; to
find meanings that are intended but that are not directly expressed in something said or written
- hiểu được ẩn ý hay sự thật đằng sau một tài liệu hay hành động nào
VD: _____ing ______, it seems that the government's considering tightening media regulations
read sb's lips - to follow the movements of someone's lips in order to understand what is being said, especially
if you are unable to hear them speak
- đọc khẩu hình
VD: She _____ his _____ across the busy conference hall - "Time to go."
take sth as read
- to accept that something is true without making sure that it is
- thừa nhận cái gì đúng mà khơng bàn cãi; Coi như là đúng
VD: I _____ it _____ that you've checked your facts carefully
a good/depressing read
-(read) enjoy/not enjoy reading
- cái gì đó, bài viết thú vị/chán
VD: I thought his last book was _____ really _____
keep/maintain/compile a record (of) - To keep track of something/To write down important information/To
make sure not to forget something
- giữ / duy trì / biên dịch ghi chép
VD: We're trying to c_____ all previous holders of the post
on record
- written down in an official record

- đã được ghi (nhất là một cách chính thức các sự kiện..)
VD: Next spring's welfare benefit increases (Mức tăng phúc lợi phúc lợi) will be some of the smallest _____
on the record If you say something _____, you state it publicly
VD: None of the company directors (giám đốc) were prepared to comment _____ yesterday
off the record - information provided to a journalist that will not be released to the public; If someone says
something _____, they do not want it to be publicly reported; said without the intention of being published or
officially noted
- khơng chính thức, khơng được cơng bố; ko đc ghi
VD: Many politicians will only speak to journalists if their comments are _____
have your say - to get the chance to say what you think about something
- hãy lên tiếng
VD: I'm speaking now. You can _____ later!
(have) the final say - to say the final words in an argument or discussion, especially ones that decisively or
conclusively end it; to have the authority to decide how wth ultimately happens or is done
- chịu trách nhiệm cuối cùng; nói lời cuối
VD: The design team will _____ on your book's cover
say the word - used for telling someone that you are ready to do something for them as soon as they ask
- nói một lời
VD: You only have to/Just _____, and I'll come and help
can't say fairer than that
- used to say that you think an offer or arrangement is good
- đó là lời đề nghị/đề xuất tốt nhất rồi
VD: Look, I won't charge you for delivery; you _____
say your piece - to say what you are obviously wanting to say
- Nói lên ý của mình; Đưa ra ý kiến
VD: Just _____ and then go
speak well/highly/badly/ill of - If you _____ w_____ someone or _____ h_____ someone, you say good things
about them. If you _____ i_____ someone, you criticize them; to say unkind things about someone
- nói tốt/xấu về ai

VD: All of your managers seem to _____ very h______ you
speak for yourself
- used to tell sb that sth they said may be true for them but not for you; I disagree with
what you have just said
- Đấy chỉ là ý kiến của bạn thôi
VD: "We had a really boring trip." "_____! I had a wonderful time!"
speak out of turn
- to say something that you should not have said
- nói những điều khơng phải, ko nên nói
VD: I'm sorry if I _____(QKĐ), but I thought you already knew
not sth to speak of
- used for saying that something is so unimportant or so small that it is not worth
- Không đáng để nói đến
VD: She has _____ money _____
so to speak
- as one might or could say, this is one way to say something (Used to suggest that some people
may not think this is a good way to say something); used to explain that what you are saying is not to be
understood exactly as stated
- có thể nói rằng / như vậy / như thế
VD: As an investigative journalist, I'm a bit of a crusader, _____
broadly/generally speaking - talking from a particular point of view
- nói chung, nói rộng ra
VD: G_____, we like our screenplay very much
on speaking terms
- friendly enough to talk
- đủ thân thiện để nói chuyện với nhau
VD: Helen and I are barely _____ these days
speaking of - A phrase used to change the topic to talk about something related; related to the subject being

- nói về
VD: Casey is at a birthday party - _____ birthdays, Abe's is Friday
speaking as - with the experience of being this type of person
- nói chuyện như là ai đó, nói như là
VD: Well, _____ someone who's in the public eye constantly, I must say I do value my privacy
talk your way into/out of (doing)
- to persuade people that you should do something/not do something by
the reasons you give
- Thuyết phục ai để cho mk làm gì/ khơng làm gì
VD: You might be able to _____ o_____ most things but you still have to wash the dishes!
talk sense into - to persuade someone to act in a sensible way
- Thuyết phục ai cư xử thấu tình đạt lí, nghĩ 1 cách hợp lí; khuyên bảo
VD: He had already tried to _____ Lisa.
speak/talk the same language (as someone) to have the same ideas and attitudes (quan điểm) as someone else;
to have similar ideas and similar ways of expressing them
VD: We have to be sure we're _____ing _____
be all/just talk - used to describe someone who talks about doing something but never does it
- chỉ nói mà khơng làm
VD: She's _____ when it comes to doing something about the problem
talk is cheap - used for saying that you do not believe that someone will in fact do what they are saying they
will do
- nói sng thì rất dễ, chủ yếu là hành động mà thôi
VD:"We believe in educating the youth of Memphis, but _____. It is time for action."
tell it like it is - to describe a situation honestly without avoiding any unpleasant details
- nói đúng sự thật; Nói ra sự thật trần trụi
VD: I want a newspaper that _____s _____, without any opinion or political bias
there's no telling
- it is not possible to know
- khơng có gì chắc chắn; Khó có thể nói, biết

VD: _____ how her parents will react to the news
you're telling me
- used to emphasize that you already know and agree with something that someone has
just said
- tơi hồn tồn đồng ý với bạn; Bạn cịn phải nói sao ( I agree)
VD: "Stephen's in such a bad mood today." "_____!"
that would be telling - used for saying that you cannot give someone a piece of information because it is a
- Đó là bí mật
VD: We could give you the answer, but _____
an understanding of - the way in which someone judges the mean
- sự hiểu biết về
on the understanding (that) - used for saying that you will do something only if someone else agrees to do
something else; on the condition that
- với điều kiện là
VD: We purchased the computer _____ it could be returned within ten days
put in a (good) word for sb - to say positive things about someone
- nói tốt về ai; Nói tốt giùm
VD: I want to be in her good books, could you _____ me to her?
spread the word
-(v) tell many people about some news; to communicate a message to a lot of people
- lan truyền tin đồn, truyền thông tin
VD: Do please _____ about my new website
put words in sb's mouth
- claim that sb has said sth that they haven't actually said; to say that someone
means one thing when the person really meant something else
- nói sai sự thật, nói trái lại những gì bạn nói; nói sai lời ai nói
VD: I never said you should leave - don't _____

from the word go
- from the time when something started (informal)
- ngay từ khi bắt đầu
VD: I knew _____ this book would be difficult to write
have sth/be written all over sb's face - used for saying that the expression on your face shows what you are
feeling or thinking
- Viết hết ý nghĩ lên mặt
VD: You've had some good news, haven't you? It's _____ your _____!
nothing to write home about - not special; not good enough to spend much time thinking or talking about it;
not very interesting or unusual
- khơng có gì đặc biệt; Chả có gì thú vị, mới,...
VD: Their performance was _____
writer's block - a sense of "stuckness" when trying to write; a temporary condition in which a writer finds it
impossible to proceed with the writing
- thời gian nghỉ viết, ko có cảm hứng sáng tác; bí ý tưởng
big mouth
- used as a criticism of someone when they say things they should not; a person who talks too
much and does not keep secrets
- người nhiều chuyện
VD: Don't tell Irene any of your secrets. She's got a very _____!
come clean (about sth)
- tell the truth about sth that you have kept secret
- thú nhận, nói hết; thú thật điều gì mà trước đây mình muốn giấu kín
VD: I wasn't sure whether to tell you, but then I thought it was best to _____ it myself before you found out
from s.o else
get/catch sb's drift
- understand the basic meaning
- hiểu ý cơ bản, nắm đc ý chính
VD: If I c_____ your _____, you're saying you're leaving me. Is that right?
get sth off your chest - talk to someone about something that has been worrying you, so that you feel better

about it

- thổ lộ ra điều phiền lịng; nói ra một nỗi băn khoăn, hay một mối lo để cảm thấy nhẹ người, không phải lo nữa
VD: ______ it ______ and tell me exactly what's wrong
get the wrong end of the stick - to not understand a situation correctly; understand sth completely wrongly
- Khơng hiểu đúng việc gì, hiểu sai, hiểu lầm
VD: Eddie thought I was a football fan - he must have _____(P2) completely _____
give sb your word
- promise to do sth
- hứa làm gì, hứa vs ai
(hear sth) on/through the grapevine - to hear news from someone who heard the news from someone else; the
way in which information spreads quickly from one person to another through conversation
- nghe đồn; nghe cái gì từ ngừoi ta kể; đồn đại, ko chính thức
VD: I _____(QKĐ) t______ that you and Rick are thinking of splitting up
keep sb posted - regularly give someone information about something they are interested in, for example how a
situation is changing or developing; keep sb informed
- báo cho người khác biết tin tức mới nhất về một chuyện gì
VD: _____ me _____ about any developments
keep sth under your hat
- keep sth secret
- giữ bí mật
VD: _____ it _____, but Julie's going to have a baby
lay/put sb's cards on the table - tell people exactly what you are thinking or what you are intending to do; to be
honest about your feelings and intentions
- nói những gì bạn nghĩ; định làm; Thẳng thắn, phơi bày ý định, suy nghĩ, cảm xúc...
VD: You should just p_____ your ______ and tell them you're leaving unless they give you a pay rise
speak volumes- provide a lot of information, especially in an indirect way; If something _____s _____, it makes
an opinion, characteristic, or situation very clear without the use of words
- Cung cấp nhiều thông tin một cách gián tiếp

VD: The Minister's disappearance _____s _____ about his involvement in the corruption scandal
tell tales
- tell someone in authority (trong thẩm quyền) about bad things that someone else has done,
because you want them to be punished
- mách lẻo, hớt lẻo
VD: Billy, stop _____ing _____ about your sister
edition - all the copies of a print made from a single printing;...
-(n) nhà xuất bản, sự xuất bản, ấn bản...
- the job of being the editor of a newspaper or magazine
- công tác thu thập và xuất bản; nhiệm vụ chủ bút; chức chủ bút (báo, tập san...)
VD: Under her fine _____, circulation (số báo in ra) has increased by 100,000
-(n) a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical
issue: Bài xã luận (của một tờ báo...)
VD: All the papers deal with the same subject in their _____s
-(adj) relating to editors or editing, or to the editor of a newspaper or magazine: (thuộc) công tác thu thập và
xuất bản; (thuộc) chủ bút (báo...)
VD: _____ decisions are generally made by senior editors
- to speak suddenly and with strong feeling; to say or shout something suddenly because of
surprise, fear, pleasure, etc
- kêu lên, la lên, thốt lên
VD: She _____ed in delight upon hearing the news
exclamation noun of EXCLAIM
exclamatory adj of EXCLAIM
expressiveness- the state of showing what someone thinks or feels

- tính diễn cảm; sức diễn cảm

VD: The _____ of his eyes is remarkable
expressionism - a style of painting, music, or drama in which the artist or writer seeks to express emotional
experience rather than impressions of the external world
-(nghệ thuật) chủ nghĩa biểu hiện
expressionless -(of a person's face or voice) not conveying any emotion; unemotional; not showing what
someone thinks or feels
- vô cảmn
VD: He has such an _____ face/voice
-(adv.) plainly, in so many words; for a particular purpose; in a clear way; in a way that shows
intention or choice
- rõ ràng, tuyệt đối; Riêng để, chỉ để; cốt để
VD: I _____ stated that I did not want any visitors
- to hear what other people are saying without intending to and without their knowledge
- tình cờ nghe được, nghe lỏm, nghe trộm
VD: He _____(QKĐ) his daughter telling her doll not to be so naughty
- an official meeting that is held to collect the facts about an event or problem: (pháp lý) phiên
điều trần, phiên tòa
VD: I think we should give him a (fair) _____ (= we should listen to what he wants to say)
-the ability to hear sounds: (n) sự nghe, thính giác

VD: Since he's gotten older, his _____ isn't what it used to be
- rumor, gossip; information that you have heard but do not know to be true
-(n) tin đồn, lời đồn
VD: The evidence against them is all _____
- to involve in; to connect with or be related to; to show that someone is involved in a crime or
partly responsible for something bad that has happened
-(v) lơi kéo vào, dính líu vào
VD: Have they any evidence to _____ him in the robbery?
implication - An idea that is communicated indirectly, through a suggestion or hint: Sự lôi kéo vào; sự liên
can, sự dính líu; ẩn ý, điều ngụ ý; điều gợi ý
VD: From what she said, the _____ was that they were splitting up
- the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future: (số nhiều) quan hệ mật thiết
VD: What are the _____s of the new law?
- suggested but not communicated directly: (adj) ngấm, ngấm ngầm, ẩn tàng
VD: We interpreted his silence as _____ agreement
- (esp. of trust and belief) complete and without any doubts: hoàn toàn tuyệt đối
VD: All her life she had _____ faith in socialism
- the act of holding firmly to a demand; an occasion when you demand something and refuse to
accept opposition, or when you say firmly that something is true
- sự khăng khăng, nài nỉ
VD: Her _____ that she should have the best room annoyed everyone

adj of INSIST

VD: Rose was extremely _____ that we rewrite the introduction
- to say or write something again in a different and usually clearer way
- nói lại (cái gì) bằng các từ khác (nhất là để làm rõ nghĩa hơn)
VD: Could you _____ your question, please?
-(v.) to restate (trình bày lại) in other words: (v) diễn giải,làm theo
VD: I'll have to _____ it because I didn't get a chance to memorize it
-(n.)a statement that presents a given idea in new language: Lời diễn giải
VD: I am sure that he will tell me if my _____ is inaccurate
- the choice of words used to express something
VD: The _____ of the contract is ambiguous
- the way in which a singer or musician divides the tune into separate parts: (âm nhạc) cách phân nhịp
VD: Her _____, as ever, is faultless
phraseology - the way in which something is expressed; style
- ngữ cú; cách nói, cách viết
- Information that exists on a physical medium such as paper; a paper copy of computer text and
images produced by a printer attached to the computer
- dữ liệu in ra từ máy tính; bản in

VD: There were pages of computer _____ all over the desk
imprint-(v) to mark a surface by pressing something hard into it; to fix an event or experience so firmly in the
memory that it cannot be forgotten although you do not try to remember it: Đóng, in (dấu); in dấu vào, đóng dấu
vào (cái gì); Ghi khắc, ghi nhớ, in sâu vào, in hằn
VD: That look of grief (nỗi buồn, thất bại) would be _____ed on her mind forever
-(n) information about the company that has produced a book, newspaper, etc. which is usually printed on the
title page or the last page: Phần ghi của nhà xuất bản (tên nhà xuất bản, ngày xuất bản, số lượng... ở đầu hoặc
cuối sách)
VD: The edition number of the Guardian appears in the _____ on the back page of the paper
-(n) an occasion when an object presses on something and leaves a mark: Dấu vết, vết in, vết hằn
VD: The button had left an _____ on my arm
-(n) an occasion when an event or experience becomes fixed in someone's memory or leaves its mark in some
way on their appearance: Ảnh hưởng sâu sắc
VD: War has left its _____ on the strained faces of these people
- if something is _____, it is suitable for publishing in a newspaper or magazine because it is not
- có thể xuất bản
VD: "Untrustworthy" and "incompetent" were among the more _____ descriptions of the former chairman
unprintable >< printable
VD: There are so many swear words in this article that I think it's _____
- the activity of making certain that someone or something attracts a lot of interest or attention
from many people, or the attention received as a result of this activity
VD: Film studios spend millions of dollars on _____ for new movies
- the attention that a person, product, or organization receives from newspapers, television, etc. when something

happens that people are interested in
VD: The book didn't get much _____ when it was published
- Sự công khai; sự làm cho thiên hạ biết đến; tính cách cơng chúng, cơng cộng

- the act of making information or stories available to people in a printed or electronic form: Sự
xuất bản (sách, báo..)
VD: When is the _____ date? (= When will the book be available to buy?)
- a book, magazine, newspaper, or document in which information or stories are published: báo (sách..) xuất
bản, xuất bản phẩm
VD: Our latest _____ is a magazine for health enthusiasts
- the act of giving the public details about a particular thing: Sự công bố
VD: Their shares were pushed up nearly 8% after _____ of the figures
- someone who arranges publicity for a person or organization by giving information to reporters
and television and radio companies and arranging public meetings and special events
- nhà báo, người làm quảng cáo
VD: She issued a statement through her _____
- to deny, contradict, controvert; to dispute, oppose; to refuse to accept something as the truth
- chối cãi, nói ngược lại
VD: Certainly there's no _____ing (= it is not possible to doubt) the technical brilliance of his performance
saying - a well-known wise statement that often has a meaning that is different from the simple meanings of the
words it contains: tục ngữ, châm ngôn
VD: As the _____ goes, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched."

- a well-known expression or wise statement: câu nói
VD: I hate T-shirts with _____s on them
outspokenness - the trait (đặc điểm) of being blunt and outspoken
- tính nói thẳng, tính bộc trực; tính chất thẳng thắn
unspeakable - too bad or shocking to be expressed in words
- Không thể diễn tả được
VD: No report can convey the _____ suffering that this war has caused
restate - state (something) again or differently, especially in order to correct or to make more clear or
- Trình bày lại, phát biểu lại, nói lại bằng cách khác
VD: He _____d his belief that the sanctions (sắc lệnh) need more time to work
- to describe or explain something in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it
really is
- phóng đại, cường điệu, nói quá
VD: The shareholders seem to think that the executive board is _____ing the case for a merger (Các cổ đông
dường như nghĩ rằng ban điều hành đang nói quá về trường hợp sáp nhập)
- to describe something in a way that makes it seem less important, serious, bad, etc. than it
really is
-(v) nói giảm nhẹ, giảm bớt sự nghiêm trọng của sự việc
VD: She believes the research _____s the amount of discrimination women suffer
suggestibility tính dễ chấp nhận đề nghị; khả năng gợi ý (của một ý kiến)
VD: To begin, consider some recent work on child maltreatment and _____

- tending to suggest or imply; (usually followed by 'of'); causing you to think about something

- mang tính chất đề nghị, gợi ý
VD: They said they had no intention of hiding the facts, but their behavior was ____ of the opposite
- easily influenced; susceptible; A _____ person is easily influenced by other people's opinions
- dễ bị ảnh hưởng, có thể đề nghị được
VD: The success of advertising proves that we are all highly _____
talkie - a cinema film with speech and sound made during the period when most films were silent
- phim nói
VD: After the advent (sự ra đời)of the _____s in the latter part of the twenties, there was a rapid growth in
- a discussion of a play or film after it has been performed, between people who made it or
performed in it and people who watched it
VD: About 150 members of the audience stayed afterward for a _____ session with cast members
- radio programmes in which people listening take part by phone
VD: _____ is one of the most powerful media formats in Australia
typeset - to arrange printed text and images on the page when preparing a book, newspaper, etc. for printing
- sắp chữ
VD: All their publications are _____ in-house (Tiến hành trong một nhóm hoặc một tổ chức; trong nội bộ)

to always give an actor the same type of character to play, usually because he or she is physically
suited to that type of part
VD: Any actor who becomes known for 1 role is in danger of becoming _____
typify - Something that _____es a particular group of things shows all the characteristics that you would
usually expect from it; to be characteristic of something: là điển hình của
VD: With his blond, blue-eyed athletic looks, he _____es the all-American boy next door
- to be an example of a particular thing or kind of thing: Làm mẫu cho, là thí dụ tiêu biểu cho
VD: This trial _____es the problems juries face all the time
- the style and size of the printed letters used in a newspaper, book, document, etc.
- Kiểu chữ, font chữ
VD: The _____ used for chapter headings is crude and 'hip'
- a typed copy of a text, writing such as a book
- bản thảo, bản đánh máy
VD: We receive several new _____s a day
typewritten - written on a computer or typewriter
- được đánh máy
reword - to say something in a different way; to write something again in different words
- diễn đạt lại, soạn lại, viết lại (bằng những lời khác, dưới hình thức khác)
VD: She _____ed sensitive areas of the report so that it wouldn't be so controversial
- the activity of joking about the meanings of words, especially in an intelligent way
- chơi chữ

VD: An announcer calls out the names of the moves and entertains the audience with clever _____
wordy - using or containing too many words

- Dài dòng, dùng quá nhiều lời, rườm rà
VD: Your memo (bản ghi nhớ) is too _____ - make it short and to the point
silently, without words; without any words being spoken
VD: He _____ pulled a camera from his pocket
- An _____ rule or law does not exist officially but people generally accept and obey it
-(adj) bất thành văn
VD: There's an _____ rule that you don't wear jeans to work
- a raised area on which a person stands to speak to a large number of people, to conduct music,
or to receive a prize in a sports competition
- bục phát biểu, bục giảng
VD: Tears ran down her face as she stood on the winner's _____
have a discussion with Phil about this
I'd discuss this with Phil before making a final decision.
-> I'd __________ before making a final decision.
expressionless She stood there competely _____, so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. (EXPRESS)
exclamation I don't think you should have any ______ marks in your PhD dissertation. (EXCLAIM)
implications The factory's closure will have far-reaching _____ for the whole region. (IMPLY)
could have gone

Tamsin _____ to her graduation ceremony, but she decided not to in the end.
A. could go B. can go C. can have gone D. could have gone
