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Developing branding strategies at Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company (Phát triển chiến lược tiếp thị thương hiệu tại Công ty Cổ Phần Truyền thông Pháp luật NET)

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Student: Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng




: English for Finance and Accounting

Student code

: 17522202010072

Supervisor : Mrs. Phan Thi Ha My M.A.,

Hanoi – 2021


Student: Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng




: English for Finance and Accounting

Student code

: 17522202010072

Supervisor : Mrs. Phan Thi Ha My M.A.,

Hanoi – 2021

Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

I, Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, being a student of Faculty of Foreign Languages, hereby
certify my authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled:
“Developing branding strategy at Phap Luat Net Media Joint Stock Company.”
I declare that the thesis and the study presented in it are my own and have been

generated by me as the result of my own original research.
Hanoi, May 25, 2021

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance
The purpose of the thesis is to identify problems pertinent to developing branding
strategy at Phap Luat Net Media Joint Stock Company. The study is carried out by
colleting and analyzing evaluations from Phap Luat NET Media Company. In the
final sections, thorough recommendations are increasing the positive perception of
the Phap Luat Net Media Company.
This study is divided into three parts. The first part – Introduction - contains
overall information about the research: rational, aims, the scope, methods and
organization of the study. The second part includes three chapters. Chapter One is
the review of literature review on different theories of branding, brand strategies
and building a brand strategy. Chapter Two – named The Study - consists of basic
information about analyzing the current branding strategy of Phap Luat NET Media
Joint Stock Company, hence, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses that this
corporation has, and developing a better branding strategy for Phap Luat NET
Media Joint Stock Company. Chapter Three presents on some solutions for
developing branding strategy for Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company. The
final part is Conclusion. This section provided the final overview of and concluded
the study.

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance
This thesis would not have been finished without the suppport from many
individuals that in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable
assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.
First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ms. Phan
Thi Ha My, my supervisor and lectures at Faculty of Foreign Languages for her
guidance, patience and advices. Her wide knowledge and logical way of thinking
has been of great value to me. She gave me much encouragement and many
personal instructions which helped me a lot in doing this thesis and provided me a
good basis for the presence of the thesis. It was my honor to have a oppotunity to
finish my Graduation Thesis under the guidance of an enthusiatic, emphathetic and
motivative mentor as Ms. Ha My.
I also would like to offer my sincere thanks to Ms. Nguyen Phuong Linh, and all the
staff working at Phap Luat Net Media Joint Stock Company for their support and
assistance during my internship. Additionally, I want to express my appreciation for
customer service providers for giving me advices and helping me while I was doing
my thesis.
Last but not least, I could never feel grateful enough to have my beloved family
beside, who is always there for me no matter what happens. They are my motivation
to get through all the hard time with support, ecouragement and endless love.

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance
Phap Luat NET Media Jsc: Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company
No: Number

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

Figure 2.1 : Phat Luat NET’s logo .................................................................. 30
Figure 2.2: Phapluatnet.nguoiduatin.vn website (Source: website https://
phapluatnet.nguoiduatin.vn/)........................................................................... 31
Figure 2.3: Organization chart of Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company
......................................................................................................................... 32

Table 2.1: Human resources structure at Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock
Company ......................................................................................................... 33
Table 2.2: The rate of brand building and development in total revenue ....... 44

Chart 1.1: Branding effectiveness evaluation at various stages of brand
building............................................................................................................ 16
Chart 1.2: Brand Equity Ten ........................................................................... 18
Chart 2.1: Operating results of the company for 3 years ................................ 36

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... III
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................ IV
LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES AND CHARTS .................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... VI
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1
1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY ..........................................................................1
2. AIMS OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................3
3. SCOPE OF THE STUDY .....................................................................................3
4. METHODS OF THE STUDY ..............................................................................3
5. ORGANIZATION.................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................6
1.1. Overview on branding strategy in Vietnam media and advertising Industry
1.1.1. Overview on branding strategy......................................................................6 Definition of branding strategy ................................................................6 Types of branding strategy .......................................................................7 The importance of branding strategy ......................................................9
1.1.2. Overview on advertising and media industry of businesses in Vietnam .....11
1.1.3. Branding activities of businesses in Advertising and Media Industry of
Vietnam ..................................................................................................................12

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance
1.2. Measurement and assessment of a branding strategy ..................................14
1.2.1. Methods of assessing the effectiveness of a branding strategy ...................14
1.2.2. KPIs for a branding strategy ........................................................................20
1.2.3. SWOT analysis ............................................................................................23
1.2.4. Marketing mix 4Ps .......................................................................................25
1.3. Factors impact branding strategy ..................................................................26
1.3.1. Internal factors .............................................................................................26
1.3.2. External Environment ..................................................................................28
CHAPTER 2: THE STUDY ...................................................................................30
2.1. Overview of Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company .........................30
2.1.1. The development of Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company ............30
2.1.2. Organizational structure of Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company .32
2.1.3. Operating results of Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company.............36
2.2. The current situation of branding strategy at Phap Luat NET Media Joint
Stock Company ........................................................................................................37
2.2.1. Current branding activities at Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company
2.2.2. Result of branding activities at Phap Luat NET Media Company ..............44 Company perception of brand development .........................................44 Investment in brand development .........................................................44 Brand awareness ....................................................................................45 Brand activation ....................................................................................47
2.3. Assessment of the current brand strategy at Phap Luat NET Media .........48
2.3.1. Achievements ..............................................................................................48
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Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance
2.3.2. Limitations ...................................................................................................50
CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................................................51
3.1. Development orientation of Phap Luat NET Media to 2025 .......................51
3.2. Solutions to improve branding activities at Phap Luat NET Media to 2025
3.2.1. Raising brand awareness..............................................................................52
3.2.2. Actively participate in fairs to increase consumer awareness of the
Company's brand ...................................................................................................53
3.2.3. Creating a unique culture for the Company.................................................53
3.2.4. Brand development strategy ........................................................................54
3.2.5. Building the Company's brand image on the Internet .................................57
3.2.6. Strategic planning ........................................................................................57
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................62
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................63

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

1. Rationale of the study

Branding strategy development is considered as a crucial aspect in
marketing that all of the Board of Directors in every company are
interested in. Jeff Bezos stated that: "A brand for a company is like a
reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things
well." Having brand means sending a promise or an assurance to not only
old but also new customers as a brand of a company defines all of what its
customer will receive from its products and services. Moreover, branding
is determining the way that a company follows from the past as well as in
the future, thus, brand distinguishes one company from the others.
Developing branding strategy is also ranked as an activity creating longterm value as the brand consolidation of an enterprise manages the base of
its future profits. However, in Geniu in marketing, Peter Fisk conclude
that: “strategies require a long-term vision which is not easy to obtain”
(Fisk 2008, p. 123).
In Vietnam, in advertising and media industry, decades ago,
branding was defined as a name, slogan, sign, symbol or design, or a
combination of these elements, that distinguish one company, product, or
service from another. Today, branding is more complex and even more
important. In Reputation and Profit, a brand of a media company is
mentioned as “the collection of visual images, experiences, and emotional
responses that define a person’s opinion of the company’s concept” (Le
Anh Cuong 2003, p.59). An effective branding strategy gives companies a
major edge in increasingly competitive markets like advertising and media
one. The brand is what differentiates a company from its competition.

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

Consistent, strategic branding leads to a company’s ability to separate
itself from its competitors and create a strong brand identity.
Especially for a small advertising and media company like at Phap
Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company, a successful branding strategy
helps it to survive in an increasingly fierce competition as formidable
competitors penetrate the market from all sides. New competitors put
pressure on prices and are willing to accept the risk to find new ways of
working such as imitate any way of doing things that are achieving
success, which means finding a foothold for the brand becomes more
complicated. Accordingly, each brand tends to be placed in small locations
or have to choose niche markets to exist. In addition, branding helps
company’s image different from other competitors. It is common to say
"different or dead", which is perfectly reasonable with this case of media.
When there are too many competitors, there are the same services on the
market, the main problem of the company is how to persuade consumers to
choose their products. Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company is
conscious of finding a competitive advantage for items, thus, finding a
difference is not simple. In addition to having to design brand specials,
brand leaders in Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company must always
understand the role of the brand in each context. Besides, they also need to
clarify strategically and increase consumer awareness about the
connections between brands (company brands with sub-brands, expanded
brands ...).
As regards the above information, the author decide to carry out a
thesis with the title “Developing branding strategy at Phap Luat NET
Media Joint Stock Company” in order to analyze the current branding

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

strategy and propose some prospective development directions for Phap
Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company.
2. Aims of the study

This study concentrated on analyzing the current branding
strategy of Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company, hence,
pointing out the strengths and weaknesses that this corporation has,
and developing a better branding strategy for Phap Luat NET Media
Joint Stock Company. This research was conducted in order to
answer the two following questions. The first questions is “what was
the situation of branding strategy at Phap Luat NET Media Joint
Stock Company?”. Another is “How to develop branding strategy at
Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company?”. It is hoped that the
research will help not only brand managers at Phap Luat NET Media
Joint Stock Company but also marketing managers at small
companies to change and innovate more reasonable branding
strategies for their own enterprises.
3. Scope of the study
Due to limitation of time and scale, the study is intended to evaluate the
effectiveness of the current branding strategy by using the brand KPIs (Key
Performance Indicators) at Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company, which
is a multidisciplinary company that has been in the advertising, media and
entertainment industry for 4 years. The research participants included 14 staffs
and 4 managers from the Marketing Department and other related departments

in Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company in the fiscal year 2018-2020.
4. Methods of the study
The study was first done by documentary review method, through analyzing,
listing, summarizing the realistic data from company, and information from books

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

to form the theoretical background. Besides, interview and SWOT analysis were
also employed.
An interview sheet was designed with two questions for the manager and
employees in Marketing department at Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock
Company. The first question was to collect the information about the current
branding activities at Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company. The second one
was to find out the solutions to develop an appropriate branding strategy for the
SWOT analysis technique was also employed in this study. It was credited by
Albert Humphrey (1964), who led a research project at Stand ford University in the
1960s and 1970s using data from many top companies. According to Albert
Humphrey, SWOT analysis is a basic, straightforward model that assesses what an
organization can and cannot do as its potential opportunities and threats. SWOT
stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and
Weaknesses are often internal to your organization while opportunities and threats
generally relate to external factors. The strengths and weaknesses are internal
factors that either offer a competitive advantage over rivals or warn of
underperforming operations. Opportunities and threats refer to marketplace

opportunities, looking how the strengths can be used to improve market position
and the weaknesses exploited to drag the business down.
Last but not least, my own knowledge learned from lecturers, my supervisors
at Academy of Finance as well as experience gained from an internship at Phap
Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company assist me to complete this thesis.
5. Organization





REFERENCES, AND APPENDICES, the thesis consists of three main
Chapter 1: LITERATURE REVIEW refers to a theoretical background
of branding strategy and the importance of developing appropriate

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


Graduation Thesis| Academy of Finance

branding strategy.
Chapter 2: THE STUDY offers a review of collected data and information

on current branding strategy at Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock
Chapter 3: RECOMMENDATIONS, propose changes for the future
branding strategy of Phap Luat NET Media Joint Stock Company for the

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03




This chapter presents a review of literature related to the research work
as documented by authorities on developing branding strategy including three
parts. The first part mentions the overview of branding strategy in advertising
and media industry in Viet Nam. The second part focuses on measurement
and assessment of branding strategy. The last part is about the Measurement
and assessment of a branding strategy.
1.1. Overview on branding strategy in Vietnam media and
advertising Industry
1.1.1. Overview on branding strategy Definition of branding strategy
According to American Marketing Association in 1960, it defines
brand as “a name, term, sign, symbol, design or a combination of them,
intended to identify the goods and services to differentiate them from the
Brand strategy is an enterprise-level strategy implemented mainly by

the Marketing department. Brand strategy is a plan that shows the direction
and focus for brand management, and at the same time creates a solid
foundation for managers to carry out all activities related to the development
of the brand (Thanh.D.T.M., &. Tuan.N.Q., 2016),
Considering that brand value sometimes makes up a major portion of
total company value, brand management is an essential part of future-oriented
management. By implementing strong brand man agement, businesses are
prepared to adapt to ever-changing com petitive conditions. Brand
management also contributes indirectly to the individual success and failure
of these businesses. The brand policy, as the central element in marketing, is
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


especially important as the brand stands for the performance of a business and its
products in customers' minds.” (Philip Kotler, Waldemar Pfoertsch, 2010, p.5).
In conclusion, branding strategy is a set of guidelines, solutions, longterm plans to build and develop brands successfully in order to achieve
specific goals. To put it simply, branding strategy is the use of marketing
strategies and plans to drive consumer awareness related to the brand. The
goal of businesses here is to create the uniqueness and differentiation of the
brand from other competitors in the market. Based on def to evaluate the
branding strategy of the intern company, how effective is what they have been
doing. Types of branding strategy
A product that’s well-received by a target audience can transform a
business. As consumers become savvier, businesses need to become more
strategic in their branding efforts to ensure their products and services are met
with high demand. When it comes to branding strategies, there is no one-sizefits-all option. Companies’ marketing team should brand products and
services with a strategy that aligns with your business’s values and resonates

with your customers.
Company Name Branding
Well-known brands leverage the popularity of their own company
names to improve brand recognition. Logos, slogans, packaging or colors are
generally recognized by consumers in association with the business as a
whole. For instance, companies like Coca-Cola, Tylenol and Porsche rely on
company name branding to engage with their audiences.
Individual Branding
Large companies with a variety of well-known products may opt for an
individual branding strategy by giving each product its own brand name. For
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


example, Apple is the parent company but relies on an individual branding
strategy to market its different brands such as Mac, iPhone or iPad.
Attitude Branding
Sometimes a company will rely on an overall feeling or attitude to
market its products and reflect its business. This branding strategy brings the
business to life by marketing a larger feeling to create an emotional
connection between the brand and its customers. Brands such as Nike use
attitude branding not only to sell athletic shoes, but also to promote a healthy
lifestyle that aligns with its infamous slogan, “just do it.”
Brand Extension Branding
An existing strong brand may decide to extend its success into a new
venture with effective use of a brand extension strategy. Many clothing
companies use brand extension strategies to launch a new line of shoes,
fragrances or accessories. The products may be different, but the brand
identity stays the same.

Private-Label Branding
Successful store brands may use private-label branding strategies to
compete with larger retailers. For example, supermarket chains such as
Kroger produce cost-effective brand options for specific food items.
An Umbrella Branding Strategy or Multi-product strategy has been
particularly favored by the companies of the East for example: LG uses its
name on the product like microwaves, refrigerators, computers, television, air
conditioners; Philips, GE and Canon also follow umbrella branding.
A double branding strategy/ source branding combines the firm’s
name with the product brand name. It is hybrid of umbrella brand and product
brand strategy. The product is given a brand name and it is combined with the
name of the firm. For example, Pulsar – name of the bike Bajaj – the
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


company name behind it; both the name enjoys equal importance and is given
equal status in the brand’s communication.
Endorsement of Marketing Strategy is modified version of double
branding. It makes the product brand name more significant and the corporate
brand name is relegated to a lesser status. The umbrella brand is made to play
an indirect role of passing on certain common generic associations. It is only
mentioned as an endorsement to the product brand. By a large, the brand
seeks to stand on its own. Unlike the product brand, endorsement brand
discloses the identity of the maker, making it a small part of the brand. The
brand gets an endorsement that it belongs to specified company. For example,
Kit Kat gives a signal that it is a Nestlé’s product. The importance of branding strategy
Branding strategy plays a very important role in planning the overall

development strategy of the business. On the basis of business environment








opportunities and challenges from the market. From there, it will ensure that
businesses are able to exploit existing resources in accordance with business
circumstances. Through a clear brand positioning, brand strategy helps
business strategy planning to adapt to the needs of the market and customers,
creating unity among departments in the business development process.
The most important reason branding is important to a business is
because it is how a company gets recognition and becomes known to the
consumers. The logo is the most important element of branding, especially
where this factor is concerned, as it is essentially the face of the company.
This is why a professional logo design should be powerful and easily
memorable, making an impression on a person at first glance. Printed
promotional products are a way of getting this across. Branding is important
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


when trying to generate future business, and a strongly established brand can
increase a business’ value by giving the company more leverage in the
industry. This makes it a more appealing investment opportunity because of
its firmly established place in the marketplace. A good brand will have no
trouble drumming up referral business. Strong branding generally means there
is a positive impression of the company amongst consumers, and they are
likely to do business with you because of the familiarity and assumed
dependability of using a name they can trust. Once a brand has been wellestablished, word of mouth will be the company’s best and most effective
advertising technique. When an employee works for a strongly branded
company and truly stands behind the brand, they will be more satisfied with
their job and have a higher degree of pride in the work that they do. Working
for a brand that is reputable and help in high regard amongst the public makes
working for that company more enjoyable and fulfilling. Being properly
branded gives the impression of being industry experts and makes the public
feel as though they can trust your company, the products and services its offer
and the way it handles its business. Advertising is another component to
branding, and advertising strategies will directly reflect the brand and its
desired portrayal. Advertising techniques such as the use of promotional
products from trusted companies such as Outstanding Branding make it easy
to create a cohesive and appealing advertising strategy that plays well into
your branding goals.
Currently, many businesses still perform well without a long-term plan.
However, if this method continues for a long time; there is a warning to the
business. The business is operating inconsistently with a fuzzy image; it is
easy for target customers to forget. Therefore, if you want to develop well,

Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


your business needs to build a professional brand strategy process, better than
its competitors.
1.1.2. Overview on advertising and media industry of businesses in
Southeast Asia is the fastest-growing region in the world in terms of
digital advertising expenditure, especially in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,
Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam. By 2022, total media advertising
expenditure in Vietnam was forecasted to reach 1.43 billion U.S. dollars, of
which 24.7 percent will be on digital advertising spending. Due to high
internet adoption, consumers in Vietnam spend much time watching online
content on desktop devices but more so on mobile phones, where they also
use and try out new apps and games. Hence, mobile advertising accounts for
the largest share in digital ad spend, followed by online video, social media as
well as search engine advertising.
Advertising remains heavily regulated by the Vietnamese government. In
principle, only companies licensed in Vietnam may place advertisements.
Advertisements for tobacco and liquor (excluding beverages with alcohol
content below 15 percent by volume) are prohibited in the mass media.
Advertising for pharmaceuticals, agrichemicals, cosmetics, and toiletries
require registration and approval from the appropriate ministries, while the
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism must approve all advertising content.
Arbitrary enforcement and interpretation of the regulations continue to hinder
the development of the advertising industry. Limits on advertising and
promotional expenditures exist for companies, and are tied to a percentage of
total sales. The government’s current regulations essentially prevent domestic

enterprises from investing more than ten percent of their total spending on
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


According to the Vietnam Advertising Association (VAA), the country
now has more than 4,000 domestic ad companies, with the majority operating
in Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam hosts over 30 representative offices of the
world’s leading advertising companies, including WPP plc, J. Walter
Thompson (a subsidiary of WPP), Dentsu, Omnicom, Interpublic, Publicis,
Saatchi & Saatchi (a subsidiary of

Publicis), and McCann. Foreign

advertising firms are generally not permitted to directly sign contracts with
local media agencies. Instead they must partner with local advertising
companies to implement ad campaigns in newspapers or TV commercials.
1.1.3. Branding activities of businesses in Advertising and Media
Industry of Vietnam
Dentsu Vietnam is a 100% foreign owned Advertising Company
established in 2003. Dentsu Vietnam's customers include: Toyota, Lexus,
Yamaha, Canon, Ajinomoto, Kao, Saigon Tourist Group and many other
The special strength of Dentsu Vietnam is the coordination to create
business conditions based on a rich customer portfolio. As part of a network
of 60 talented members, Dentsu Vietnam provides comprehensive
Communication services from Brand Consulting, Creative Ideation and
Development, Promotion, Digital Media to Planning. media planning and

advertising. Dentsu Vietnam provides in-depth market and customer insights
in various fields thanks to exclusive research tools.
Dentsu is proud to be trusted by the world's top famous brands such
as Toyota, Canon… and Dentsu Vietnam not only works conscientiously but
also in the most efficient way to ensure all customer needs are fulfilled.
present. Dentsu Vietnam considers customers as partners and works closely
with customers so that both sales and brand reputation are boosted beyond
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


expectations. That's why more and more customers choose Dentsu as an
effective partner.
MediaZ is one of the leading consulting and implementing brand
communication campaigns in Vietnam.Working process of MediaZ includes 5
steps. Firstly, the company discovers customer requirements via data
collection, market research and direct discussion to customers. Secondly, they
offer creative solutions to meet customers demand in the most efficient way.
After the two parties make a final agreement, a new contract will be signed.
Next, the business will implement and report periodically. Finally, after the
completion and delivery MediaZ commit to support and suggest the best
solution for customers.
As a communication strategy consultant, Vietba Media has helped
hundreds of customers optimize communication resources to locate, build,
develop and defend brands. Communication strategy consulting process
includes 6 steps. First of all, Vietba Media carries out market research that
means industry analysis about common media type, competitor advantages,
disadvantages and how they invest in media. Then, they evaluate the
effectiveness of competitor's programs and the media Information. From that,

the bussiness can determine the position, the time to effectively advertise.
Secondly, it analyzes target customers through researching behavior's






effectiveness of competitors. The third is making the general communication
plan. In which, it use SWOT analysis to define communication messages,
divide strategy and storytelling strategies. After that, the firm will build direct
communication planning through conferences, seminars, event accompanying
digital media activities, cost proposition. In the next step, Vietba Media is
responsible for supervision of program implementation in order to adapt to
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang – CQ55/51.03


changes in major markets, reporting budget and advertising effectiveness of
brands and sending broadcast certificate. Furthermore, the company also
organizes operation at radio and television assistance such as sponsoring
quality television and radio programs consistent with the brand's image. Last
but not least, Vietba Media commits to handle the communication crisis, if

VCCorp Joint Stock Company (VCCorp Corporation) was established
in 2006. With more than 10 years of establishment and development, VCCorp
is gradually asserting its position as one of the leading companies in the field
of communication - internet in Vietnam. According to statistics, there are 31
million people using VCCorp's products out of a total of 33 million internet
users in Vietnam (accounting for 90%), this is really an impressive number.
VCCorp currently owns more than 20 products in the fields of
Communication, E-commerce and Social Networking. In addition, VCCorp is
currently cooperating with more than 20 online newspapers and more than
200 Vietnamese websites, creating a strong coverage throughout the country.
With a strong staff of 1500 employees, branches are distributed in 6
major cities and provinces across the country such as Hanoi, Saigon, Da
Nang, Nha Trang...VCCorp is truly a digital advertising network. 1 in
Vietnam and is a great destination for young people who are passionate about
1.2. Measurement and assessment of a branding strategy
1.2.1. Methods of assessing the effectiveness of a branding strategy
Many authors in one way or another discuss the issues of branding
success or branding effectiveness, offering different approaches to this
difficult problem. The following part of the paper proposes a brief analysis of
a number of approaches and models for branding effectiveness assessment.
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Obviously, this overview does not cover all the existing approaches, but still it
represents the major options concerning structured branding effectiveness

Brand is often perceived as something intangible that can not be
measured. It seems ambiguous and something that is often indescribable. So
before evaluating brands, two essential questions need to be answered i.e.
what is being valued, the trademarks, the brand or the branded business and
secondly is the purpose for such valuation. This brings us to the answering
what the utility of undertaking brand valuation is. Further, we know that
successful brands very often equate with successful businesses. We just have
to look at the Forbes World’s Most Valuable Brands list to know that brand is
real and has a financially proven impact on the bottom line.
There is a very useful of academic research which was done by Kevin
Lane Keller in 2000. In the research article, the author identified the ten
characteristics that the world’s strongest brands share and from that he
constructed "The Brand Report Card". It is a report card where every time a
business considers to their results, they will study more to innovation their
brand and enhancing their position in the market. "The Brand Report Card"
measures a brand through following top ten criteria.
L. de Chernatony focuses on the importance of a holistic approach to
evaluating the brand management effectiveness. In 1998 a study was
undertaken, which demonstrated the need to use a set of criteria for assessing
the success of the brand based both on business performance and customer
performance [de Chernatony et al., 1998]. Further development of this
approach led to the creation of a matrix, consisting of two columns (both
internal and external evaluation of the brand) and five rows (brand vision,
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