Free Report Reveals 10 Simple things you must stop doing now !!
(some are killing you)
That can INSTANTLY make you Healthier and FEELING GREAT!
Inside you will discover
• Why the water you drink, your toothpaste, and your shower are poisoning you
• Why your current deodorant is probably harming you
• Why Soy is not “health food”
• Why most aerobic exercise is a setup for a heart attack
• Why it is not your fault you can’t lose weight
• and much much more
We live in a world that is increasingly being changed by the advancements in technology. Sometimes
the changes are good, but no matter what, there is always a price to be paid. Unfortunately that price
very often can be, at least partially, an assault on our physical health and well being.
If you are going to get and stay as healthy, then first and foremost it would be important to reduce your
exposure to substances and activities that have a negative impact on your health.
To get you started here are tens habits the majority of people are engaged in, on some regular basis,
that are easy to implement almost immediately.
1. Stay out of the Doctors office
In 2000 Dr. Barbara Starfield published a report that claimed 225,000 deaths a year were caused by
conventional medical care. However in 2003 the NIA reported a different number
Nutrition Institute of America is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that has been
enlightening the public on health issues for nearly 30 years. According to the NIA's report, over
784,000 people die annually due to medical mistakes. Comparatively, the 2001 annual death rate
for heart disease was 699,697 and the annual death rate for cancer was 553,251.
These are 2000 and 2003 figures and I don’t believe anyone would credibly argue that it has
done anything other than gotten worse since then.
No matter who you believe (personally I and a lot of medical experts believe it is now well over 1 million
per year) at its best medical treatment is either the 3
leading cause of death in this country, or at it
worse, the number one leading cause of death in this country.
Now these are not deaths that are considered “acceptable risk of treatment” deaths. These are deaths
that are considered to be “avoidable” and minus the treatment the patients would still be alive.
Any way you slice it the numbers are mind boggling, horrific, and should scare the heck out of you. To
give a little perspective on this using both numbers:
Number of physicians in the US = 700,000
Number of deaths per physician per year = .321 or 1.12
Number of deaths per physician per 30 year career = 9.63 or 33.6
Number of accidental gun deaths = 1500
Number of airplane deaths in US average per year = 120
Number of average car accident deaths in US per year = 40,000
As can be seen by the numbers you are 150 or 523 times more likely to be killed by medical treatment
than by a gun, 1,875 or 6,533 times more likely than by plane, and 5.625 or 19.6 times more likely than
by a car accident.
That is 616 or 2,148 people per day or the equivalent of 1 or 4 jumbo jets going down a day or a 911
type incident every 1.5-5 days!
Now even if my calculations are way off, as much as by a very generous 50%, the numbers are still mind
The unavoidable truth is that, if you want to greatly increase your chances of staying alive, you are going
to have to find ways of staying out of the Doctors office.
Now this doesn’t mean if you get in an accident or have a disease that truly needs antibiotics or surgical
intervention. We are talking about the 80% or so of doctors visits that are due to chronic diseases that
are brought on by improper lifestyle habits and therefore can be controlled or avoided by appropriate
lifestyle changes.
What follows are nine more very easy and inexpensive things you can do immediately to significantly
reduce your risk of exposure to common toxins and possible injury or disease and yes, help keep
yourself out of the Doctors office.
2. Filter your drinking water
It is very important that the water you drink is clean. Do not waste money buying water (cost you up
to $8 per gallon) as there are no regulations on water and for all you know you could be buying tap
water or worse. Secondarily most of it is sold in plastic bottles which contain many toxic chemicals
that leach in to the water. Of particular concern are BPAs (bisphenol-a) which are estrogen like and
feminizing and have proven to cause a host of health problems.
If you want more detailed information on this subject you can go to
Mercola, and search for BPA,
plastics, or water and get all the information and then some you would ever need on this subject.
You can also get great information from
Jon Barron, Julian Whitaker, M.D., William Douglass, M.D.,
Dr. Sears, M.D. sites. If I don't have a link, you can just goggle them to find their site. I would
recommend you check them all out as I believe they all have good information on natural health
If you cannot afford a reverse-osmosis system in your home then at least buy the best quality you
can afford and start filtering chlorine, fluoride, prescription drugs, heavy metals and a host of other
pollutants out of your drinking water. The water is free once you pay for the filter.
3. Filter your shower water
Most people don't realize that breathing in vaporized chlorine in their shower is very unhealthy. If
you are not dechlorinating your water when it first comes into the house then you need to put filters
on your showers. You will notice a difference in how your skin and hair feel right away.
There are lots of sources on the internet to get water filters but it is difficult to say if they are really
filtering out what they say they are (if they even tell you). I get mine from
Mercola as I have had
great results and I feel I can trust they are doing the job they are supposed to for me.
4. Throw out your toothpaste
Get up right now get your tube of tooth paste and look at the back. There will be a warning to not
swallow and if you do call a physician or call the poison center. That is because the fluoride in it is
Most other countries in world have this substance banned from drinking water and tooth pastes as
there is no credible evidence to show it stops tooth decay and plenty to show it is poisonous.
Start using a natural tooth paste without flouride like Toms, Jasons or make your own with baking
5. Stop using antiperspirant
Plugging up your underarms so you don’t prespire is not a good idea , since this is a primary way
body temperature is regulated and toxins are eliminated. Aluminum is used to plug up the pores (so
you don’t perspire )and it has been linked to Alzheimers and other diseases.
Either get on line and find a natural antiperspirant (I recommend this only if you perspire profusely),
otherwise you should let yourself perspire normally and if you shower often enough and at the
appropriate time, an natural deodorant should keep the stink away.
Whole foods carries carries a lot of them, or go online.
6. Stop eating grain based foods
Processed carbohydrate foods (mostly grains such as white wheat) are everywhere in our foods.
Most junk foods are white wheat based (breads, pastas, cakes, crackers, etc…) and with the right
amounts of high fructose corn sweetner and fat, are extremely addicting, convert to fat quickly, and
are killing you.
A diet high in grains causes insulin resistance which causes a host of other chronic health
conditions. It’s also a leading factor in obesity, which currently affects up to two thirds of the
American population.
Many people are obsessed with fat intake as being the culprit in their weight gain, but it’s really not
the fat in the foods you eat but rather the excess carbohydrates from your processed food diet that is
making you overweight. It is also unhealthy, and contributing to epidemic levels of chronic diseases
such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, celiac disease, IBS, arthritis and a whole host of others.
If you can eat whole grains that you prepared yourself, good but keep the quanity low. Instead
emphasize green and orange/yellow vegetables, eat all of these you can. Keep fruits down to just
snacks and eat about the same amount as you would a desert.
7. Eliminate high fructose corn sweetener (restrict other fructose)
This sweetener is virtually in all processed foods to some degree. It is used in food processing
in place of sugar. While sugar can cause health problems if too much is consumed, HFCS
causes health problems at any level of consumption. And as the level off processed foods in
this country increase, the levels of HFCS in our foods increases.
Studies are clearly showing that HFCS puts a huge burden on your liver to metabolize, is
incredibly addictive, and is a major contributor to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity to
mention just a few.
It converts to fat very quickly. If you eat 120 calories of sugar, less than one calorie is stored as
fat. 120 calories of fructose however results in 40 calories stored as fat. Consuming fructose is
essentially consuming fat!
What to do?
Avoid all sodas, energy drinks, fruit juices, all artificial sweeteners, and agave syrup.
Use stevia, whole cane sugar, and raw honey in moderation. Eat whole fruits in moderation
(snack or desert) and not as a meal like so many do with Jamba Juice.
8. Don’t eat soy
A few years back when we all bought into the “protein and fat are bad scam”, a lot of people
started substituting soy for meat and dairy products. We were told it was healthier. Well it just
ain’t so.
While certain forms of fermented soy (certain tofus) most of the recently manufactured soy
products (milks, creamers, protein bars, protein powders, etc ) are decidedly unhealthy. They
promote estrogen-like compounds in the body, which study after study has shown to create
serious health issues in women but even more so in men.
It is also considered to be one of the worst crops for the environment and to top it off the soy
industry almost universally uses hexane (the substance that makes gas explode) to dissolve the
beans so they can extract the protein, fiber and oil. Hexane is listed by the FDA as a hazardous
If you must continue to eat soy, stick to the fermented types, but keep it to a minimum to avoid
the feminizing effects. Go back to the original foods you were substituting soy for, just make
sure they as natural and organic as you can.
9. Get rid of soft plastics in your food and drink (BPAs)
BPAs (bisphenol-a) are estrogen like and feminizing and have proven to cause a host of health
Plastics are everywhere and obviously we simply cannot eliminate all of them, but within reason you
want to eliminate your exposure as much as possible. This are the ones you can do easily and
should have a big impact on reducing your exposure.
- Generally the softer a plastic is the more BPA’s it can contain and the easier it can leach to the
food or drink that it contains. The harder the plastic is usually the better.
- As much as possible eliminate (when you can substitue glass) plastic if it holds something you eat
or comes in contact with you skin. Again don't freak out just eliminate or substitue when you can.
- Use glass or stainless containers to hold drinks and don’t buy liquids in plastics
- Never microwave foods in plastics as when plastics heat up they release the chemicals at
accelerated rate.
- Don't eat canned foods as they are usually processed and they have plastic liners.
- Throw away all plastic/teflon cooking pots, pans, utensils, and other cookware.
- Don't eat microwaved popcorn, the lining of the bag is loaded with BPAs.
- Don't handle the thermo-receipts you get from most stores any more than necessary as BPAs are
used so the ink will adhere to the paper.
10. Are your aerobics killing you?
Have you ever noticed that long distance runners are generally very skinny but they don’t
look like they have little if any muscle tone, in fact some of them have a bit of fat?
While athletics that do high intensity running such as sprinters, basketball players, soccer
players, football players, not only have muscular physiques, but just look healthier, with little
if any body fat.
Well it turns out that they are healthier. It turns out that high intensity, short burst exercise
not only builds muscle, and uses up body fat, but is also much healthier for your heart and
lungs than the standard low intensity aerobics.
Low intensity exercise signals to the body that you are trying to conserve your energy and
so it responds by hoarding fat because it has to assume that if you are conserving then
there is a question of when you might eat again.
On the other hand if you are going all out it expects that food is a plenty and there is not
reason to reserve your fat stores as a possible famine is not likely. So it freely releases fat
as glucose for your energy requirements.
Furthermore when you train at low intensity, your heart and lungs adapt to this and become
de-trained. Over time they loss the ability to perform at high intensity and generally take in
less oxygen and pump less blood, meaning the tissues that require a lot of oxygen to be
healthy are regularly being deprived. Also if there is ever a requirement for extreme exertion
(such as in an emergency) your system will not be able to respond, and a system failure
(cardiac arrest) may (and I believe often does) ensue.
Instead train in short bursts of 30 seconds maximum effort with 90 seconds easy activity in
between for 8 cycles. Takes about 20 minutes. 3 minute warm up and 2 minute cool down.
Transition into it slowly if you are out of shape so your body has time to accommodate and
you do not hurt yourself. Use common sense and go slow.
These are just a few of the things you can do now that will significantly reduce your toxic
exposure and improve the healthiness of some of your other habits. It is very important that
you reduce your exposure to substances in your environment (both internal as well as
external) and eliminate habits or activities that have an negative impact on your health.
This will significantly reduce the amount of counteractivity when you begin introducing
healthier substances and activities in your lifestyle, which will allow your progress to be that
much quicker and complete.
If you haven’t done so, I highly recommend that you go to Dr. Mercolas’ website
here and
sign up for his free newsletter. His site is one of the sources I rely on regularly to get the
information I need related to natural health issues. It is an awesome resource and so much
of it is research based.
These ten points are relatively easy and if you do them, should make an immediate impact.
In the coming weeks and months you will be getting even more exciting information, tips and
strategies on how to transform your overall health and well being!
So welcome, and lets get going!
Yours in health,
Dr. Dan