Sasha Xarrian
Chance Cole
We try – and we try – and we try.
But many times the results of our efforts (and the various programs we try) just
don’t seem to work – or last.
Guess what?
The problem is in our brains.
Our brains have been injected with all kinds of nonsense along the way.
Some we are aware of.
Most we are not.
And we keep trying to change.
We want to feel happy – successful – loved – confident – even powerful.
But usually our brains fall back into the same old ruts and our lives don’t change
all that much.
Did you know that our brains actually create ruts – that keep us stuck?
Wouldn’t you like to rewire your brain?
(Maybe connect the fearful cord into the self-confident outlet, for example.)
What if you could rewire your brain to feel happy and magical all the time?
What if you could rewire it to feel confident no matter where you were or whom
you were with?
What if you could rewire it to not be so afraid?
We need science to develop a magic pill for us.
All the effort we use to change can get discouraging – and tiring.
Do you sometimes feel like that?
I have.
Science has developed a way to infuse emotional, mental and physical mastery
into your brain and body.
(Okay, I helped it out a little.)
When I discovered that it was scientifically possible to alter our brains, I became
I already knew that it was our core beliefs that negatively controlled our lives –
caused our misery, pain and failures.
I knew it was our core beliefs that stopped us from powerfully creating the lives
we desire.
I also knew that we were almost always unaware of which beliefs were holding
us back.
Adopting new beliefs is essential to mastery.
Infusing specific beliefs deep into the core of our brains is essential to achieving
outrageous mastery.
And now there is a way to do just that!
(And you can literally feel it while it is happening.)
Did you know that a successful, confident person’s brain literally looks different
(and functions differently) than a fearful person’s brain?
It’s true.
Imagine - - changing your brain pattern - - to be exactly like that of a wealthy,
confident, successful person’s brain!
Imagine - - your brain naturally causing you to feel wealthy
Imagine - - your brain naturally causing you to feel successful
Imagine - - your brain naturally causing you to feel confident
Imagine - - your brain naturally causing you to feel worthy
Imagine - - your brain naturally causing you to feel powerful
Imagine - - achieving this without working at it!
Imagine - - what you could do with ultimate self-confidence.
Who would you be?
How would others react to you?
How would your life change?
Imagine - - what you could achieve if you really saw yourself as successful
and powerful?
What would that feel like?
Imagine - - feeling loved and special all the time.
How would your life be different?
Imagine - - feeling completely worthy - - of anything you desired?
Take a deep breath and think about that.
Imagine - - feeling this way without really doing anything!
Could this really be possible?
The power to create – anything you desire – comes through owning. . .
complete certainty
outrageous self-confidence
the certainty that you can create anything
the certainty that you are divine with divine powers of creation
the feeling of being 100% worthy
the feeling of being successful
the feeling of being powerful
the feeling of being loved and special
the certainty that this is possible for you – yes, you!
WHAT IF . . .
You could feel, know, and own all of the above through a process that literally
infused this certainty and knowledge directly into your brain (your body and life’s
control center)?
And do it easily, naturally, and deeply?
WHAT IF . . .
It required only 25 minutes a day?
WHAT IF . . .
All you had to do was look at your computer screen?
WHAT IF . . .
This were really possible?
– absolutely possible?
The exciting news is that this is possible!
So many people share with me the challenges that keep them stuck. Many just
don’t feel worthy enough to have their deepest desires become a reality. Many
are afraid to go outside their comfort zone and really create a magical life.
Others don’t even know what beliefs are holding them back; they just feel
depressed and unhappy about their situations. Many have lost hope that their
lives can really change. Life can do that to us.
When I discovered the reality of altering our brain patterns, I was electrified.
I knew that people’s minds (overflowing with confusing beliefs) literally stopped
them from being able to change their lives.
So I decided to take the core elements that needed to be infused into one’s mind
for literal change to take place and combine it with state-of-the-art brain altering.
We know that changes occur within our brain and body more profoundly the
more senses are stimulated. Therefore, I wanted to include as much sensory
stimulation as I could at the same time.
Here is what all the excitement is about.
Years ago my goal was to achieve outrageous mastery in my own life and then
guide others to experience the same thing.
In all of my other free e-books I was able to give you immediate steps that would
begin your transformation into owning self-confidence, financial mastery, powerful
beliefs, and more.
In this e-book, I am limited to giving you information about what is possible and
available. This is because I can’t give you the “experience” of brain infusion in an
e-book. I wish I could.
Hopefully, it will excite you to own this knowledge.
And give you hope.
What I have created with scientists and technologists is a masterpiece called
Mastery MindFuse∀.
During the two years that we were working to create Mastery MindFuse ∀ I
believed it would be powerful and life-altering. I became more and more excited
as the project moved forward.
What shocked me . . . was when the project was finally completed and I
tried it out for myself!
I could literally feel my brain change. And it felt good!
I felt my physical body, my mind, and emotions center themselves – like every
part of me was in alignment with every other part – calmly – peacefully – deeply
– lovingly.
That was merely to prepare me for the actual “infusion.”
Then as the most profound and deeply powerful part of Mastery MindFuse ∀
began, I literally felt it being injected into every part of my being.
I felt deeply loved.
I felt special.
I felt like I was not alone.
I felt worthy.
I felt like my life had meaning and a purpose - - and I could feel what that was.
I felt at peace.
It was like the cells in my body were empowered with the knowledge that I could
create the life I desired - - all of it.
I began to feel playful.
I began to feel deep love for myself.
And then . . .
The images became DYNAMIC . . .
And the explosion of images and brain rearranging – reverberated through
my body as if I were seeing myself as I never had before.
I felt as if I were holding lightning!
And that that lightning was under my control - - -
I felt - - - all the way through my being - - - that - - -
Oh my - - - I was energized and passionate - - - and emotional.
I was changing - - - deep inside - - -
and my life’s control center (my brain) was waking up and taking charge.
I was stunned.
I was literally mesmerized.
It was as if I could feel the parts of my brain that may not have completely
believed these things before, align themselves with the deeply impactful
message being presented.
And I couldn’t wait to experience it again the next morning - - - and the next - - -
and the next.
Knowing I was literally morphing into a confident, powerful creator.
And then each day as I sat in front of my computer (many times in bed with my
laptop on my lap) and re-experienced Mastery MindFuse ∀, the infusion into my
soul went deeper and deeper until I felt complete alignment with the affirmations
and dramatic visualizations presented.
I would go through my days and the words and images would reverberate
through my mind and body at unexpected moments.
I literally was transforming.
And when I would think about it, I would laugh out loud!
I would think to myself, “How could something be so powerful, so transformative,
and yet so easy?”
Outrageous mastery!
Bring it on!
Mastery MindFuse ∀
You may be interested in knowing more about the science behind brain infusion.
Let me first be real clear. Mastery MindFuse ∀ is NOT merely brainwave
entrainment! It is brain infusion!
Brainwave entrainment is powerful in and of itself, BUT, Mastery MindFuse ∀ is
a full-body experience that stimulates and activates not only your brain but your
entire mind, body, and spirit.
Because of the added sensory stimulation, the incorporation of specific
outrageous mastery technology, and my own intensely powerful experience
and knowledge with mastery and manifesting, Mastery MindFuse ∀ can’t even
be compared to brain entrainment modalities.
Now, allow me to share with you . . .
(Intentionally changing your brain patterns while infusing new, emotionally powerful
Human brain patterns can be altered intentionally or without the individual having
any desire to change them. You experience this every day. Listen to a certain
song and you calm down, watch a sporting event and your mind gets excited.
These different states of mind can be measured using EEG machines and each
state of mind is associated with its own waveform.
This is far from “alternative” medicine or New Age philosophy. Brain waves have
long been known to science. In sleep studies, for instance, the brain wave
patterns of patients are measured to determine when they’re in various stages of
The fact that people are more easily influenced when they’re tired is something
most people understand through their own experience. Wake someone from a
full sleep to a half sleep and ask them any request and, generally, they’ll just say
Like other aspects of our bodies, our brain waves can be harnessed and
controlled. Learning to do so is a part of many spiritual traditions. Though they
didn’t have knowledge of brain waves and their different patterns, ancient people
practiced meditation, mortification of the flesh and other rituals to alter their
consciousness. Most often, learning to do so has profound effects on one’s life,
many of them quite beneficial.
Today, technology and science have opened up new understandings about our
brain waves and offer new ways to alter, control and benefit from understanding
Brain Waves
The brain has several different types of wave activity associated with it, all of
which occur within different frequency ranges and all of which denote different
states of mind. To understand how your brain waves can be changed
intentionally, you must first understand the nature of the waves that you’re trying
to change.
Alpha Waves
When your brain is producing these waves, you generally experience the feeling
of drowsiness. As an example, imagine being at a meeting and desperately trying
to stay away through a boring lecturer. As the speech drones on, you may find
your eyes slowly closing and yourself entering a very calm, almost transcendent
state. This state is where Alpha waves occur.
Alpha waves are also produced when you wake up in the morning and just
before you fall asleep at night. Anyone in this state of mind tends to be more
suggestible than they would be otherwise.
Beta Waves
These waves are associated with everyday activity and with wakefulness. This is
the most common state of mind that people experience.
Beta waves and activities that stimulate them are very important to psychological
health and good sleep. This is the state of mind where you’re capable, engaged
and active. Without sufficient mental activity at this level, problems can result with
concentration and with sleep.
Theta Waves
These very inactive waves are associated with the most profound feelings of
relaxation. These brain waves occur when you’re on the verge of sleep or when
you’re lightly sleeping or in a meditative state.
Delta Waves
These waves are produced when we’re in our deepest sleep state. This sleep
isn’t the sleep where you dream: this is the regenerative, “out like a light” state of
Delta waves are the least active type of brain waves. When you’re brain is
producing Delta waves, you’re not aware of it, or anything else, in most cases.
How Brain Waves are Altered
Brain waves can also be manipulated through a process called “entrainment”.
This involves deliberately introducing stimuli that changes the brain wave
There are numerous different ways to do this, though some methods are less
specific, as they were developed before brain waves were even discovered. You
may be familiar with some of the following ways that people alter their
consciousness and, thus, their brain waves.
! Meditation
! Hypnosis
! Strenuous Activity, i.e. “runners high”
! Binaural Music
! Isolation Tanks
All of these methods alter your brain waves to some degree. However, none of
them are actually able to induce specific types of brain waves.
The most scientific methods oftentimes induce Alpha or Beta waves specifically
or even stimulate one hemisphere of the brain and not the other.
This entrainment process is very precise and the individuals who make use
of it are able to induce in themselves the exact mental state they desire.
Of course, all of this information fails to address the question as to why anyone
would deliberately alter their brain waves.
Because it enables you to maximize your control over your mind, your
habits, and your beliefs. The science of deliberately altering your brain waves
(entrainment) is nothing short of “hacking” your brain to make it work better.
You may be one of the people who cannot be hypnotized, or you may know
someone who has this trait. In fact, some estimates place the total percentage of
the population that can be hypnotized at around 30 percent. For roughly 70
percent of people, hypnotism will simply not offer much except a good laugh.
Meditation is another activity that can change your brain waves, but it’s not
suitable for everyone. Monks and other practitioners frequently spend years
developing the ability to induce a meditative state in themselves and, even when
they’re very experienced, the state is quite fragile.
There are some methods of altering brain waves, many of them very
popular, which actually do nothing. Some of these methods include odd types of
music that may or may not have an effect, crystals, herbs and other products that
offer nothing but a placebo effect.
There are ways to alter your brain waves, but they are complex and require
techniques and technologies based in the current scientific understanding of
brain wave activity and the use of methods that are actually known to affect the
patterns of the brain waves themselves.
HOW BRAIN ALTERING WORKS (The Grandfather Clock Effect)
When two events are occurring in proximity to one another but at different
frequencies, they tend to eventually synchronize. In mechanical devices, this is
called the Grandfather Clock Effect.
If you have access to a pair of pendulum clocks, you can test this for yourself. It’s
science; it’s not magic.
If you start the pendulums so that their beats are different from one another,
you’ll eventually find that they begin to line up and, over time, they’ll beat the
exact same rhythm. This is not only a quality of mechanical devices; our brains
work this way, too.
People oftentimes soothe themselves by listening or watching rhythmic events.
Watching the waves roll onto the shore, staring at rain as it falls or even watching
one of the aforementioned clocks all tend to relax human beings.
It’s also possible for human beings to follow the rhythm of these events quite
naturally. If you’re listening to a metronome, for example, you can very accurately
predict each of its tics without actually watching the device swing back and forth.
Our brains are very adapted to patterns and rhythms.
The concept behind brain wave entrainment is to deliberately introduce a
rhythmic event—sometimes buried in an audio—that causes the brain waves to
synchronize with the frequency of the event.
By introducing stimuli that the brain can lock onto and that is of a certain
frequency, the brain can be made to produce waves of a desired frequency
through the natural process of synchronization.
Because each of these waves is associated with a specific state of mind, attuning
the brain waves to frequencies where the desired state of mind is present allows
you to infuse new beliefs and thoughts into your brain when you’re
susceptible to them.
The example for Alpha waves that demonstrated how people who are drowsy or
slightly dozed-off become very suggestible gives some insight into how you can
use this to achieve much more mastery in your life.
There are products that claim to be able to induce different brain wave states, but
not all of them are scientific. Those that are scientific use the principles of
entrainment to achieve their effects. This means inducing the specific frequency
ranges associated with various mental states via various stimuli. It may involve
light, sound and more.
Those products that actually do achieve the result of inducing a particular state of
mind can be very useful toward retraining the subconscious and changing the
way you reflexively think about yourself and the world around you.
Using state-of-the-art scientific technology I have created Mastery
MindFuse ∀ , which incorporates the process of Infusing Outrageous
Mastery directly into your brain.
Versus Other Methods
Among the various methods that claim to allow you to access your subconscious,
many are mere promises.
Other methods, such as meditation, take years to learn and decades to perfect.
And mastering meditation does not necessarily make you a powerful creator of
your desires, or give you unstoppable self-confidence, or make you feel
completely worthy, or successful, and so forth. It can calm you, center you, and
many times bring you peace. But I suspect you desire much more in your life
besides a feeling of peace. (Or maybe that’s just me?)
Pounding on drums, chanting, dancing and other repetitive, hypnotic rituals have
long been associated with achieving a clearer, more productive and positive
mental state for thousands of years. In the past, there were elaborate rituals that
people used to induce these states.
Today, the world is scientific and technology has given us the opportunity to
speed up – deepen – and even replace such rituals to achieve the powerful,
peaceful, productive, mental states we desire.
The Science Involved
The science behind brain entrainment is not new. It’s used in myriad
applications. Brain waves are used as an indication of the mental state of
patients in hospitals every day.
They’re also used to check for physical problems with the brain and as ways of
revealing the causes and potential cures for various mental illnesses.
Brain entrainment is a real phenomenon that can be measured by real scientists
using real instruments.
Science and Tradition
By using light and sound patterns that are designed to evoke certain brain wave
patterns in the user, make it possible to vastly increase the quality of your
One of the primary uses for brain entrainment is for relaxation and, of course,
meditation is a very specific type of relaxation. By stimulating the production of
Alpha and Theta waves, your meditative state can be made more intense and
easier to maintain.
There’s no reason to not make it as easy for yourself as
Using a scientific method to achieve the end goal of reaching a meditative state
is not at all counterintuitive. While the practices and rituals associated with
meditation have meaning, there’s nothing wrong with helping yourself to learn to
meditate more quickly than would be otherwise possible. Especially when you
consider the benefits of meditation, there’s no reason to not make it as easy for
yourself as possible.
When your brain waves are changed, your state of mind changes - allowing
you to put yourself into a more suggestible state – therefore, absorbing more
powerful beliefs and feelings into the “control center” of your body – your
brain. Used properly it can literally infuse new patterns of thought into your
True power comes when we can control our mental states, thereby
controlling how we process life and respond to it.
Anxiety-ridden or having trouble controlling your emotions or
Oftentimes, people who are anxiety-ridden or who have trouble controlling their
emotions or impulses are encouraged to meditate as a way of calming
themselves in everyday life.
If you’ve ever been taught meditation as a relaxation technique, you’ll likely
remember being told to ignore your thoughts and to focus on your breathing. Of
course, monks spend lifetimes mastering the discipline required to ignore your
own thoughts. For most people, meditation becomes yet another thing that
doesn’t work out as advertised. The basic technique, however, does involve
Concentrating on your breathing is a way to get your brain focused on a rhythmic
event and, thus, to alter your brain waves through entrainment . The hard part is
focusing on something you’re also consciously doing.
Your Ability to Concentrate and Mentally Focus
A lot of the people who use brain entrainment techniques do it to increase their
ability to concentrate. In many cases, a lack of concentration results from a mind
that is perpetually somewhere else.
Mental focus can be enhanced by stimulating the brain in certain ways . There are
definite connections between certain brain wave patterns and certain mental
features, such as a lack of concentration.
Though Beta waves, for example, are associated with being active and alert,
those with problems concentrating, such as individuals with ADD, suffer a lack of
those same brain waves. There are several different ways that entrainment can
be used to help alleviate concentration problems.
There is probably no phenomenon so readily associated with brain waves as is
sleep. Most everyone knows that your brain wave patterns change when you
sleep and most people, if they don’t know as much outright, would be able to
infer that those brain waves become much less active during the sleep state.
Insomnia is one of the most significant problems that modern people face. It
results in lost productivity, lost wages and problems with maintaining a healthy
social life.
Over time, insomnia can cause physical problems, as well, and can introduce
mental issues such as depression and anxiety in sufferers. The use of
entrainment to help with sleep problems is of obvious benefit.
By introducing calmer, more sedate brain wave patterns, an individual can be
helped to relax. This means that the anxiety and other issues that oftentimes
result in insomnia can be soothed and that, over time, the brain can be taught to
relax again. This is one of the most popular uses for brain wave entrainment.
Spiritual Connection
A great many traditions hold that altering the mental state is a gateway to
opening up new spiritual realities. Some individuals use entrainment as a way of
opening those doors.
Meditation Substitute
Meditation is a facet of numerous different spiritual pursuits. As was detailed
above, however, meditation is not something that everyone can learn to do
through traditional techniques. Life was very different when these ancient
techniques were developed.
! There were no mechanical or electronic distractions
! People lived more active, less stressful lives
! Life moved slower, allowing for years to be spent learning to meditate
Today, the average person does not have a few years to spare so that they can
go to the top of a mountain to learn to meditate from a master. Though this is the
case, people still do have the urge to engage in something meaningful and
spiritual that has something to offer aside from ego gratification and short-term
Brain wave entrainment can make it much easier to learn the techniques of
meditation and to successfully achieve the meditative state. One of the hardest
things about meditation is learning to lose yourself in the moment. With
entrainment techniques, you gradually coax your mind into that state instead of
trying to bludgeon it into submission.
Better Performance
To perform at your best, you need to be focused, energetic and confident. These
are all areas where entrainment offers improvements.
By being able to relax when you have the chance and to sleep well at night, your
energy levels and mental state are both boosted. By teaching yourself to be
confident through various techniques you can teach yourself that anything is
possible. A lot of entrainment’s benefits flow from simply calming, refocusing and
controlling the mind.
These techniques can improve performance in many different aspects of life. A
sharper mind makes it more likely that you’ll notice the tiny mistakes that
separate a good job from a great one, and it makes it more likely that you’ll be
able to perform better athletically.
Taking the time to rest and focus your mind has beneficial effects throughout your
Harnessing the Subconscious
There is a lot of information about the subconscious out there, not all of it good.
The subconscious is a catch-all term for those thought processes, habits and
tendencies we all have that aren’t under our direct control.
For example, if you were picked on when you were a child and someone
physically threatens you, your innate reaction may be one of submission;
something that was programmed into your subconscious as a survival strategy
during those formative years. If you were a bully, you may have a subconscious
reaction toward anger each and every time you’re disappointed. You can retrain
both of these habits, and many more.
Your subconscious can also be understood as that part of your brain that controls
your most basic functions. Your breathing, heartbeat, digestive function and so
forth are controlled by processes that exist below the threshold of your conscious
This part of your conscious is sometimes referred to as the reptilian brain, as it
tends to react to stimuli without compassion or any other higher form of thought.
As a good example of this, if you put your hand on a hot stove, you’ll yank it
away reflexively. If someone’s face happens to be in the way of your hand as you
pull it back, you’ll generally be unable to alter that reaction to spare them being
struck. These reactions are not inevitable, however.
Retraining the Subconscious
Your subconscious can be retrained. There are very practical, real-world
examples of how this works that require no scientific jargon to illustrate. In fact,
one of the easiest examples in the world involves sports.
Imagine you’re hanging out with your least athletic friend. He or she is sitting
casually, not paying attention to what’s going on when you throw a beanbag at
their face. You can imagine their reaction: hands up, head down, eyes closed.
These are the natural reactions that anyone has when something unexpected
comes at their face. These reactions are programmed into the subconscious and,
in most cases, they’re valuable.
Now imagine your most athletic friend is sitting in that chair. You throw the
beanbag at them, only to see a very different set of reactions. The hands go up,
but the palms go out to catch, not to cover the head. The eyes widen and assess
the trajectory and force of the beanbag so that it can be intercepted. The head
goes up, but is ready to dodge the object, should your friend fail to intercept it.
These are all subconscious reactions that have been taught to the individual to
allow to them to compete as an athlete. In this case, the subconscious
physical reactions have been reprogrammed . This can be done with mental
reactions, as well.
We all have subconscious reactions to stimuli. One of the most illustrative is
failure. When some people fail, their natural reaction is to assess why, to
redouble their efforts and to work toward a different solution. For other people—
the majority of people, in fact—the reaction is to engage in non-constructive self-
criticism, to find a million reasons why no other method would guarantee success
and to determine why they’re such utter failures at everything. This is not a
constructive reaction and, like an athlete, you need to reprogram your
subconscious reactions if you really expect to compete in life.
All subconscious reactions can be reprogrammed. Soldiers are trained to
react to intense fear by falling back on their training. Firefighters deny their
subconscious—and sensible—fear of fire and enter a mental state that allows
them to function above and beyond it when needed. Good public speakers take
their subconscious fear of embarrassment and do away with it, finally learning
how much fun it can actually be to be on stage giving a presentation. No matter
what your issues, you can retrain your subconscious to deal with them more
Where brain wave entrainment is concerned, the actual modification of the brain
waves is only the first step. After the most advantageous pattern of brain waves
has been induced, there are often times motivational messages or other
materials provided to the individual by the device they’re using. This means that,
when you’re in your suggestible state—such as the Alpha brain wave state—you
hear the messages (sometimes subconsciously). Instead of reacting to them by
dismissing any positive ideas as naïve, your subconscious absorbs the idea in
the same way you’re likely to answer “Yes” to any request put to you while you’re
dozing off. Those less-active brain wave states are very non-judgmental.
This technique can be used to combat all matter of bad habits and destructive
beliefs. You may find yourself wanting to become more assertive as your
tendencies to be passive start to become problems. Absorbing the right
messages when you’re in the right frame of mind can go a long way toward
helping you accomplish this. Instead of relying on unscientific, gimmicky
methods, you can simply use what’s scientifically-established about brain waves
and entrainment to give yourself the edge by dramatically changing the way you
think and respond.
Some Examples of Retraining Your Subconscious
No matter how hard you try this in a normal state of mind, your critical thought
patterns—which are normally eminently useful—will step in and cause you to
analyze and question every positive idea you try to absorb. In the right frame of
mind, however, which can be induced via entrainment of the brain waves to a
specific frequency, you can simply absorb the message into your subconscious –
which will, in turn, alter your beliefs and behavior. This is profoundly
demonstrated in Mastery MindFuse ∀
Remember that there are some caveats with entrainment. Entrainment cannot
take the place of therapy for genuine mental disorders. Those who suffer
conditions such as epilepsy and other neurological disorders should consult with
a doctor before using any entrainment products.
Entrainment is a method of changing your state of mind by using completely
scientific, well-established and understood phenomena. You can read up on it
yourself, if you wish, and you’ll find that brain waves, their relationship to your
mental state and their usage in diagnosis and therapies are well established.
Your brain determines how you see the world.
What is Mastery MindFuse∀ with Sasha Xarrian?
Mastery MindFuse ∀ is a breakthrough technology that has been in
development for over 2 years. It utilizes state-of-the-art, scientific technologies
combined with dramatic visualizations and word images that literally infuse the
brain with new empowering beliefs. It is creating results that are far beyond any
of the creator’s expectations.
And what makes Mastery MindFuse∀ so powerful is that it
requires zero effort.
Mastery MindFuse ∀ uses a computer. It is very simple to use and essentially
runs itself.
Most self help programs work, unfortunately they take too much time, motivation,
and effort to see results and that’s why most people never see change.
Mastery MindFuse ∀ eliminates all of that.
This breakthrough technology allows you to simply sit, watch and
Never again will you have to wake up and motivate yourself to do affirmations
that you probably don’t believe anyway. Never again will you have to “try” to
meditate and hopefully see results. Never again will you have to “do” anything in
order to see the results you desire.
This is what you been waiting for - a simple, yet effective solution that doesn’t
require any motivation, any positive thinking on an ongoing basis, or any law of
attraction thoughts every minute of every day.
All that is required is to sit and watch a short video that has been scientifically
designed and created to naturally and deeply infuse confidence, certainty, love,
power, and purpose into your life.
Now, take a deep breath - - smile - - and be grateful - - while you take a vacation
every day into outrageous mastery.
Mastery MindFuse ∀ is the personal creation of Sasha Xarrian, the author of the
best-selling Outrageous Mastery trilogy, sold in over 190 countries. It is
another powerful, life-altering creation that will dramatically help you create an
outrageous life - full of mastery – fun – fulfillment – confidence - and certainty.
Copyright 2010 Sasha Xarrian, all rights reserved