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Speaking unit 14 UEH

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Hello teacher and everyone ,you have come to presentation of group 1 mind map . We
have three major issues in Unit 14 Banking : The service of banks and The types of
Banks .
First of all , The service of banks can refer to Current Accounts , Saving Accounts ,
Overdraft Facilities , Financial Services , Investment Services , Foreign Exchange
Services , Insurance Facilities , Mortagage Facilities , Pension Schemes and Online
Banking Facilities .

Lastly , The types of Banks incudes: Central Bank , Commercial Banks , Investment
Banks , Islamic Banks , Private Banks .

1. Central Bank consists of : Lender of Last Resort to Banks , Issue Notes and

Coins , Inflation Target, Set Interest Rates , Achieve Macro Economic Targets ,
Lender of Last Resort to Government , Ensure Stable Financial System , Growth
and Employment .
2. Commercial Banks consists of : Individuals and small companies , Receive

deposits from , Make loans to.
3. Investment Banks consists of : Offer stockbroking and portfolio managerment

services , Arraging mergers and takeover bids , Giving financial advice , Raising
capital by issuing stocks or shares and bonds.
4. Islamic Banks consists of : Offer interest - free banking.
5. Private Banks consists of : Banking and investment services , Hedge Funds .

Thank you for taking the time to hear my group’s presentation .

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