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You are taking the final oral test for Speaking 5. You will totally have 7 minutes for
the test. You have NO time for preparation before speaking.
First, you will have ONE minute to introduce yourself using the following script
- Good morning/afternoon.
- My full name is … .
–I was born on… (thecandidate’s date of birth)
- My student ID is …. .

Now, let’s do the first part of the test.

Task 1: General Interview (2 minutes)
You are suggested to spendmaximum15seconds for each question to talk about the
following topic. You are supposed to extend the answer with adequate information.

What are your hobbies?
How much time do you spend on your hobbies?
What hobbies are suitable for men and women?
What are new hobbies in VN?

Everyone has different tastes and I also have a hobby. If my friends like to
listen to music or watch movies, then my hobby is cooking. Most of my
family’s meals are cooked by me. Every day, I buy ingredients after I get
home from the office and start going to the kitchen. During the meal, I often

cook many different dishes.
I like to decorate my food beautifully. In addition to the dishes in my meal, I
also like to make snacks such as cakes, candies, jam, …
I think the hobby of cooking is more suitable for women, but many men also
love to cook.


Do you like traveling?

Yes, I do enjoy traveling a lot because it allows me to learn about different
places, different people, different cultures, and different kinds of lifestyles.
Besides, it helps me to recuperate from the stress of my work life as well as
the boredom of following the monotonous daily routines of my life.
2. Why do many people like traveling?
Reasons people travel are many and complex. Reasons can involve work,
family, health or medical treatment, and social or economic needs. People
who love to travel enjoy relaxation, new cultures, foreign food, or incredible
landscapes different to their normal surroundings. Some people enjoy the
motion of traveling, being on a boat, plane, train, or bus
Where do you want to travel?
I wish I could travel all over the world because there is just so much to see
and enjoy. But one special country, which I would really like to visit in the
future, is Japan because, in my opinion, this country has the perfect mix of
vibrant culture, history, and modern comforts. Besides, I would like to visit

this country also because of some breathtaking natural beauty.
When do people usually have holidays?
I think everyone's holiday time depends on each person's circumstances and
working conditions. Usually, I see people go on vacation in the summer, when
the kids are on vacation.


Do you like music?

Of course yes. Listening to music is part and parcel of my daily activities
and I cannot imagine my life without music. Listening to music is an

excellent way to unwind after a long working day.
What type of music do you often listen to?
I’m a die-hard fan of lyrical music. And I’m fond of listening to the
singers of this generation like Phi Nhung and Cam Ly. Their music is


simply the best!
What type of music is popular for young people?
I think the most popular music genres among young people in Vietnam are
western pop and rock music. Country music is also popular and most of
my friends love Taylor Swift for her cult albums that won tons of awards. I
know lots of people are also into K-pop, that’s pop music from Korea, but


it’s not really my cup of tea.
Why do people like listening to music?
In my opinion, people like to listen to music because listening to music has
many benefits. Listening to music helps us relax, relieves stress, and
improves health. Music helps us sleep better, be happier, happier, and love
life more...


What is the weather like today?
Well, I think today is a lovely day, even though it rained a little bit this
morning. When I got out of the house, the weather seemed to brighten up


and I hope it will stay like that for the rest of the day.
What season do you like best?

I’m a big fan of summer I think summer is the best season because all the
sports activities or physical activities are at their ultimate level in the
summer because you sweat and by sweating your body detoxifies so it’s
really good for you, it’s like refreshing although every now and then I

might get some serious skin complaints like rash or allergies.
What is your father’s job?

My father is a farmer. You know, farming requires favorable weather


Do you prefer going out with your family or your friends?
I don't know. Sometimes I want to go out with my friends because we have
a lot of things in common and it's easy for us to find interesting topics to
talk about. But when I'm going out with my family, I can feel the love from
them, which makes me feel safe and comfortable.




Where are you from?
I was born and raised in a family on the outskirts of Hanoi. The village where
I lived has a very tranquil atmosphere.
Were you born in a large or a small family?
I have a small family and there are only five members including my dad,
mom, younger sister, younger brother and I am.
Who is important to you in your family?

Every member of my family is important to me, but perhaps the most
important is my mother. My mother is both a mother and a close friend of

mine, she always cares, loves and shares with me in life.
How often do your family members eat out together?
My family usually goes out to eat on weekends or holidays. We often
choose restaurants with spacious spaces, close to nature, and enjoy local

Thank you. You have finished the first part of the test. Now, let’s move to the second
Task 2: Pronunciation (2 minutes)

Read the following words, pay attention to the stress
First syllable

Second syllable

Third syllable

Fourth syllable









































Read the following words. What is the stress of each syllable
1. Pleasure ˈpleʒə(r)

4. Habit ˈhæbɪt

Stress on the first syllable Stress on
2. Forgotten fəˈɡɒtn
Stress on


Stress on


first Stress on

5. Business ˈbɪznəs

second Stress on

3. Successful səkˈsesf


7. Cautious ˈkɔːʃəs




8. Professional prəˈfeʃənl
first Stress on the second

6. Allow əˈlaʊ

second Stress on the second

Read the following Open-ended questions and Yes/no quesions
Do you think medical tourism is a good idea?

Lên giọng ở cuối câu

What do you think are the pros and cons of Xuống giọng ở cuối
medical tourism?
Xuống giọng ở cuối
How do you feel about medical tourism?
Which countries do you think are good to go Xuống giọng ở cuối
to for medical tourism?
Why did you go there?
Can you tell me about your experience?

Xuống giọng ở cuối
Lên giọng ở cuối câu

Would you go there for medical treatment again?

Thank you. You have finished the first part of the test. Now, let’s move to the third

Task 3: Topic Discussion (2 minutes)
You have maximumTWOminutes to deliver a speech of the topic given. You are

expected to include three parts of a speech:

Introduction (one topic sentence)
Development(three main advantagespresented in three sentences with three


supporting details in other three sentences)
Conclusion(one concluding sentence) with the use of some linking words.

“Discuss TWO main reasons why people commit a crime"
Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects of any
society. The causes of crime are complex but In my opinion, there are two main
The first reason is Poverty: This is perhaps one of the most concrete reasons why
people commit crimes. Economic deprivation is seen as a major instigator in this
regard. In a country where economic deprivation is rampant, it is common for people
to engage in criminal acts. The hunger and poor economic conditions are what lead
many people to invest themselves in criminal cases. For example, because of
poverty people have to steal, kill rob...


Issues related to online shopping are frequently discussed these days. It is true that
most people today opt to purchase something through the internet rather than instore shopping. Despite the fact that there are some drawbacks, I would argue that
there are more benefits. The explanation of both views will be discussed in the

following paragraphs.
On the one hand, there are several merits associated with online shopping. The
principal benefit of shopping via the internet offers people be more convenience in
purchasing than before. To explain, people can easily access the store throughout the
world as well as purchase goods without transportation. For instance, customers do
have not to go to the store since they can check real-time stocks through
smartphones. As a result, they do not waste the time on traffic congestion.
On the other hand, there are a variety of demerits of shopping on the internet. The
main reason to consider is that cybercrimes have rapidly increased over recent years,
thus, online shopping is the most popular platform that robbers use. This means that
some people, especially children and the older, are usually deceived since sellers can
fake their profiles on the internet. To exemplify, in Thailand news, many students
have to purchase a mobile phone in order to learn online, hence, they opt to buy via
an Instagram application. Finally, they lose their money and do not get their goods

All things considered, I am of the opinion that the advantages of online shopping
significantly outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, individuals should carefully
utilize these technologies in terms of security and privacy.


“Discuss THREE reasons why young people should study English nowadays”
1. English is the Language of International Communication
English is the official language of 53 countries and is spoken by around 400 million
people across the globe. Being able to speak English is not just about being able to
communicate with native English speakers, it is the most common second language
in the world. If you want to speak to someone from another country then the chances
are that you will both be speaking English to do this.The British Council projects

that by 2020 two billion people in the world will be studying English. Learning
English is important as it enables young people to communicate easily with their
fellow global citizens.

To sum up, English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and
tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a
multinational company within your home country or finding work abroad. It’s also
the language of international communication, the media, and the internet, so learning
English is important for socializing and entertainment as well as work!


“Discuss the reasons why staying healthy is more important than having much
Staying healthy is more important than having money. There are many reasons to
explain this.
Firstly, health is more important than wealth because if you are physically fit, you
will have a sense of well-being and happiness. Wealth does not necessarily do the
same. Many people mistakenly think that they would be happy if they had money.
They think that having more money will solve all their problems. On the contrary, it
has been found that being wealthy can actually rob you of your peace of mind. Rich
people suffer from more stress, anxiety, suspicion, and unhappiness.
Besides that, having a lot of money is of no use without health. The purpose of
earning money doing so is to be able to supply our daily needs and make ourselves
happy by spending on luxuries. Without good health, no matter how much one
spends on material things, that person will not be able to enjoy them to the fullest.
For example, a person who is unwell would not be able to eat everything he wants to
even though he could afford to buy the most expensive food. Therefore, health is
more important than wealth as wealth is useless without health.

Another way, if you were healthy, you would be able to gain wealth. The reverse is
not possible. If a person is healthy, he would be able to find work or carry out
investments that could eventually make him wealthy. However, for a person who is
wealthy but ill, even the best medical care that money can buy may not guarantee
the return of that person's health. This fact alone is sufficient to support the view that
wealth is less important than health.
In a nutshell, health is indeed more important than wealth. Of course, the ideal
situation would be to have both health and having much of money.

MEDIA“Discuss THREE most notable REASONS why media is important to
young generation nowadays”
It is true that nowadays, the media has become an essential part of the young
generation's lives and how their get information.
There are several reasons to explain the importance of the media in modern life.
The first benefit of the media is that it grants people access to a wealth of
information and knowledge. The news media conveys the first-hand information to
concerned audiences, enabling them to take the corresponding action right away.
The second advantageous point of the media is its ability to keep people stay
informed about current affairs. For example, international news agencies such as
BBC and CNN always broadcast breaking news and live updates on worldwide
incidences, thus keeping us up to date with what is happening all over the world.
Third, Social media is a way for the young generation to express thoughts or ideas
and to stay in contact with the rest of the world. Statistics show that over eighty
percent of teens use a form of online social media. It allows them to chat online,
easily stay in contact with friends and family across the world, and see updates on
others’ lives (through text, photos, or videos).
All things considered, it is obvious that the media plays an important role in
enlightening mankind’s knowledge, especially for young people.
Thank you. You have finished the last part of the test.

That’s the end of the test
