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câu trực tiếp gián tiếp

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C. Các loại câu tường thuật phổ biến trong tiếng Anh
1. Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể
S + say(s)/said + (that) + S + V

says/say to + O -> tells/tell + O

said to + O ->told+O

Eg: He said to me”I haven’t finished my work” -> He told me he hadn’t finished his work.

2. Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu hỏi
a.Yes/No questions:
S+asked/wanted to know/wondered+if/wether+S+V
Ex: ”Are you angry?”he asked -> He asked if/whether I was angry.
S + asked(+O)/wanted to know/wondered + Wh-words + S + V.
* says/say to + O -> asks/ask + O
* said to + O -> asked + O.
Ex: ”What are you talking about?”said the teacher. -> The teacher asked us what we
were talking about.

3. Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu mệnh lệnh
* Khẳng định: S + told + O + to-infinitive.
Ex: ”Please wait for me here, Mary.
”Tom said -> Tom told Mary to wait for him there.

* Phủ định: : S + told + O + not to-infinitive.

Ex: ”Don’t talk in class”,the teacher said to us. ->The teacher told us not to talk in class.

D. Một số dạng câu tường thuật đặc biệt
-> SHALL/ WOULD dùng để diễn tả đề nghị, lời mời:
Tom asked: ‘Shall I bring you some tea?’
-> Tom offered to bring me some tea.
Tom asked: ‘Shall we meet at the theatre?’
-> Tom suggested meeting at the theatre.
-> WILL/ WOULD/ CAN/ COULD dùng để diễn tả sự yêu cầu:
Tom asked: ‘Will you help me, please?’
-> Tom asked me to help him.
Jane asked Tom: ‘Can you open the door for me, Tom?’
-> Jane asked Tom to open the door for her.

E. Các cấu trúc câu gián tiếp nâng cao
Trong phần này nên nhớ cách sử dụng của giới từ sau động từ, các dạng động từ Ving
hay To V và nhận dạng các loại câu dựa vào sắc thái nghĩa.
1. Câu gián tiếp với WARN: Cảnh báo
S+ warned+ sb+ to V/ not to V + O
Hoặc S + Warned sb against Ving: cảnh báo ai làm (khơng làm) gì
Ex: “Don’t play ball near the restricted area.” I said to the boy
-> I warned the boy not to play ball near the restricted area / against playing ball near
the restricted area
2. Câu gián tiếp với ADVICE: Lời khuyên
S+ should/had better/ought to + V
f I were you, I would + V…

Why dont you + V.
->S +advised+sb+to Vo/not to Vo khuyên ai đó nên( khơng nên ) làm gì
Ex: “You should drink more water” The doctor said to her
-> The doctor advised her to drink more water
“If I were you, I wouldnt buy that book” my friend said
-> My friend advised me not to buy that book
3. Câu gián tiếp với PROMISE : Lời hứa
S+ will/won’t + V
->S +promised+sb+to + V / not to V: hứa làm gì
Ex: ” I will never do this again ” He said to her
-> he promised her not to do that again
4. Câu gián tiếp với INVITE: Lời mời
S+ invited sb+ to V/ to+danh từ/danh từ (địa điểm): mời ai đó làm gì hoặc đến đâu
Ex: Ann said: “Come to my place whenever you are free.”
→ Ann invited me to come to her place whenever I was free.
5. Câu gián tiếp với THREATEN: Đe dọa
S+ threatened (sb)+to V/ not to V : đe doạ (ai) làm gì
Ex: He said ” I will kill you if you dont do that “-> He threatened to kill me if I didnt do that
6. Câu gián tiếp với SUGGEST: Lời đề nghị
Shall we+ V….
Let’s+ V…
How/What about+ Ving….

Why dont we + V ..
->S+ suggested+ Ving= S+ suggested+ that+ S+ should/shouldn’t+ Vđề nghị làm gì
hoặcd diều gì nên đc làm
Ex: ” Why don’t we go out for a walk?” said the boy.
→ The boy suggested going out for a walk

7. Câu gián tiếp với EXCLAIM: Câu cảm thán
->S+exclaimed + that+ S+ V(lùi thì) + O
Ex: He said, “What a lovely garden they have!”
-> He exclaimed that they had a lovely garden.
“How dreadful!” (Đáng sợ quá!)
-> He exclaimed that it was dreadful.
8. Câu gián tiếp với WISH: Cầu chúc
S+ wished+ sb+ (a/a) + adj+DT: chúc ai đó có được điều gì
Ex: ” Have a happy birthday” she said
-> she wished me a happy birthday
9. Câu gián tiếp với CONGRATULATE: Chúc mừng
S+ congratulated+ sb + a/an+ adj+ DTOr S+ congratulated+ sb+ on+ Ving : chúc mừng
ai vì điều gì
Ex: “I’m happy to know that you win the game. Congratulations!”, Jim said to Mary.
-> Jim congratulated Mary on winning the game
10. Câu gián tiếp với WELCOME: Chào mừng, chào đón
S + welcomed + sb/st + to + địa điểm: chào đón ai đến với ..

Ex: ” Welcome to my house , my dear ” she said to her friend -> She welcomed her
friend to her house
11. Câu gián tiếp với ACCUSE : buộc tội ai
S+ accused+ sb+ of (not)+ Ving
Ex: ” You stole my bike “. He said
-> He accused me of stealing / having stolen his bike
12. Câu gián tiếp với AGREE : đồng ý
S+ agreed+ to V: đồng ý làm gì
Ex: Ann: ” Would you wait half an hour.? “Tom: ” All right”

=> Tom agreed to wait.
13. Câu gián tiếp với ADMIT : thừa nhận
S+ admitted+ Ving: thừa nhận đã làm gì
Ex: “I’ve made the wall dirty” said one student
.-> One student admitted making the wall dirty.
14. Câu gián tiếp với DENY: phủ nhận
S+ denied+ Ving: phủ nhận đã làm gì
Ex: Peter said: “I didn’t steal the painting.”
-> Peter denied stealing the painting.
15. Câu gián tiếp với REFUSE : từ chối
S+ refused+ to V : từ chối làm gì
Ex: Ann: “Would you lend me another £50? “Tom: ” No, I won’t lend you any more
money” .
=> Tom refused to lend her any more money.
16. Câu gián tiếp với INSIST: khăng khăng , nài nỉ

S+ insisted+ on+ Ving khăng khăng, nài nỉ làm gì
Ex: Tom said “ Let me pay for myself.
=> Tom insisted on paying.
17. Câu gián tiếp với APOLOGISE : xin lỗi
S+ apologized+ to+ sb+ for(not)+ Ving xin lỗi ai vì làm (khơng làm) gì
Ex: Ann said to her boss: “I’m sorry I’m late”
=> Ann apologized to her boss for being late.
18. Câu gián tiếp với DREAM: mơ ước
S+ dreamed of+ Ving ln mơ về điều gì
Ex: Daisy said: “I want to be a famous singer in the world.”
-> Daisy dreamed of being a famous singer in the world.
19. Câu gián tiếp với ENCOURAGE : động viên, khích lệ
S+ encouraged + sb + to VEx: “Try again” she said

=> She encouraged me to try again.
20. Câu gián tiếp với PREVENT : ngăn chặn
S+ prevented+ sb/st+ from+ Ving ngăn ai làm gì ,cái gì xảy ra
Ex: My mother said: “I cant let you use the phone.”
-> My mother prevented me from using the phone
21. Câu gián tiếp với REPROACH: trách mắng
S+ reproached+ sb+ for+ Ving
Ex: ” You should have finished the report by now” John told his secretary.
-> John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report
22. Câu gián tiếp với BLAME: đổ lỗi

S + blamed sb + For + Ving : đổ lỗi ai làm gì
Ex: ” It was your fault. You didnt tell the truth ” She said
-> She blamed me for not telling the truth
23. Câu gián tiếp với SUSPECT: nghi ngờ
S+ suspected sb of Ving : nghi ngờ ai làm gì
Ex: ” I think He stole that car ” My friend said
-> My friend suspected him of stealing that car
24. Câu gián tiếp với OFFER: Gợi ý
Shall I help Tanggiap.net I …-> S+ offered To + V gợi ý làm gì cho ai
Ex: ” Can I carry the bag for you ” He said
-> he offered to carry the bag for me
25. Câu gián tiếp với REGRET: Hối tiếc
S+ regretted + Ving : hối tiếc đã làm gì
Ex: ” I wish I had visited her” said He
-> He regretted not having visited/ visiting her
26. Câu gián tiếp với COMPLAIN: Phàn nàn
S+ complained about + ST: phàn nàn điều gì
Ex: “You are always getting up late” My mother said

-> My mother complained about my getting up late
27. Câu gián tiếp với REMIND: Nhắc nhở
S + reminded sb + to V: nhắc nhở ai làm gì
Ex: “Don’t forget to phone me this afternoon,” he said.
→ He reminded me to phone him that afternoon

28. Câu gián tiếp với CRITICISE: Phê bình
S+ Criticized sb + For + Ving: phê bình ai việc gì
Ex: ” You shoudnt have made that mistake ” the boss said to me ( bạn lẽ ra không nên
gây ra lỗi đó )
-> The boss criticized me for having made that mistake
29. Câu gián tiếp với THANK: Cảm ơn
S + Thanked SB for ST: cảm ơn ai vì điều gì
Ex: “Thank you very for your help” She said to him.
-> She thanked him for his help.
30. Câu gián tiếp với CALL: gọi
S+ Called SB Something: gọi ai đó là gì
Ex: “Liar!”
-> He called me a liar.

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