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Capstone presentation Nguyen Ngoc Huong Lan AENT122WSB6 21000811

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Student name:

Nguyễn Ngọc Hương Lan

Student ID number:


Unit name:

Academic English


Unit number:

Monday (12:00-15:15)
Class day and time: Thursday (8:00-11:15)

Academic English

Lecturer or Tutor name:

Gabriel Ryan


Capstone Project


Due date:


Date submitted:


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Full name: Nguyen Ngoc Huong Lan
ID: 21000811
Class: AEN-T122WSB-6













Topic: Due to the development and expansion of
supermarkets in some countries, many small
businesses are unable to compete. To what
extent can it be seen as a cause for concern?

      Customers' shopping experiences have altered due to the emergence of
such shops and outlets, where they are pampered with fantastic options
and comfort while also receiving a lower price compared to neighborhood
businesses. Although this reduces small enterprises' profitability, it
provides customers with many purchasing alternatives. According to
Michelson et al. (2012), supermarkets stabilize output prices more than
traditional markets and small businesses. Customers have greatly profited
from such advancement and change with a plethora of options. There is an
argument that although supermarkets have a wide variety of goods, rich
sources of goods and cheaper prices, convenience stores still live well
despite the domination of supermarkets. There is an article stating that the
traditional retail channel, including grocery stores and market stalls, still
has a very persistent vitality because of its unique advantages and values.
Customers can easily access grocery stores to buy groceries because these
stores are often located in residential areas; people can buy in small

quantities and purchase many times a day. This retail model is also more
responsive to user needs than supermarkets. Along with that, grocers often
have close relationships with customers. And finally, grocery stores often
use the premises of the family; the owner is also a seller, so they are not
pressured for space to offer better prices to customers (Báo điện tử Tổ
quốc, 2020). However, supermarkets will still be more convenient for users
because they don't worry about being cut and slashed, but many people
trust and feel more secure about the product, plus the variety of goods
bought at the supermarket will save more time.

=> Critically analize and
assess arguments presented
in both scholarly and
popular texts.

Topic: How beneficial is it for large and small
businesses to cooperate?

=> Develop a comprehensive
understanding of the
academic research process.

Topic: Euthanasia should not be permitted

Voluntary euthanasia leads inevitably to involuntary euthanasia

Assisted suicide is a form of suicide on the patient and a homicide on the part of the physician.
Humanity is about protecting life, and this has to be principled. Euthanasia can only be a natural
death, not an assisted death.

The first case is those who have to live a vegetable existence; their death through the will of their
relatives is to deprive them of the right to life, a fundamental right that the law of any country
protects. I don't know if a single study can prove that plant people have no inner consciousness left
in them or if science can only prove that they have lost their minds—awareness of the outside
world. There have been cases where some people who lived a vegetable existence suddenly
recovered consciousness after many years. Therefore, injecting them to die is an inhuman act, more
or less.

The second case is people with incurable diseases that science “cannot help” whether they agree or
ask a doctor for help to die should also be reviewed right under the lens of science. In extreme pain,
patients often fall into a state of distraught, no longer lucid enough, and unable to control their
thoughts, so they cannot see their decision as wise. So is it inhumane to kill them?
Euthanasia is the intentional killing 
The third reason of euthanasia is that this method is intentional killing.
In our country in general and Asian countries in particular, this is

strongly opposed because human life is very precious and a blessing to
be born. Many people with bad purposes will rely on some doctors
and these doctors can say something that effect on patients and you
know, victims on end-stage are sometimes or even always having
unstable mental health…This leads to the unethical interests of the
murderers surrounding that patients.

=> Formulate coherent arguments
and present evidence based on
analysis of information to
develop and support a position.

Topic: How beneficial is it for large and small
businesses to cooperate?

A company's reputation significantly impacts purchase decisions in
various business markets, which differs from the brand's image's more
specific product-related influence. It was common for the two
companies to cooperate to attract more customers and increase their
reputation. For instance, Casper is an online mattress and bedding
retailer specializing in selling mattresses in a box. Casper mattress
unpacking videos like this have gone viral on YouTube. Still, despite the
company's 100-day return guarantee, some customers may be hesitant
to buy a mattress without first trying it out. West Elm is a high-end
furniture retailer. Casper and West Elm collaborated so that customers
could test out the comfortable bed before buying it, and West Elm could

promote its stylish bedroom furnishings. This is another example of a
co-branding collaboration that benefits both parties. After all, Casper
doesn't sell furniture, and West Elm doesn't sell mattresses, which helps
both businesses appeal to a broader audience. It also allows customers
to try out mattresses before purchasing them and experience what it's
like to sleep in a bed frame. 

• Blog.hubspot.com. Retrieved 30 March 2022, from
/>• Bộ Công Thương Việt Nam. Moit.gov.vn. (2021). Retrieved 10 April 2022, from
/>• Child, J., Faulkner, D., & Tallman, S. (2005). Alliance performance. Cooperative Strategy, 382-398.
/>• Cretu, A., & Brodie, R. (2007). The influence of brand image and company reputation where
manufacturers market to small firms: A customer value perspective. Industrial Marketing
Management, 36(2), 230-240. />• MOD signs new partnering arrangement with Leonardo Helicopters UK. GOV.UK. (2016). Retrieved
10 April 2022, from
• Thorelli, H. (1986). Networks: Between markets and hierarchies. Strategic Management Journal,
7(1), 37-51. />• Wollebaek, D., & Selle, P. (2002). Does Participation in Voluntary Associations Contribute to Social
Capital? The Impact of Intensity, Scope, and Type. Nonprofit And Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 31(1),
32-61. />

=> Use sources to support an argument as
 Write an academic essay using appropriate

academic writing style, citations, and a
reference list based on APA 7 format.


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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including
icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik
