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Student name: Đặng Hoàng Ngọc Trân

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Unit name:

Unit number:

Academic English

Tutorial group:


Tutorial day and time:

Lecturer or Tutor name:

Mr. Gabriel C. Ryan


Discuss the impacts of E-commerce on Vietnamese customer behavior.


1,236 words

Due date:

2ND JAN 2022

Date submitted:

1ST JAN 2022

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Dang Hoang Ngoc Tran

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In recent years, Vietnam's e-commerce market has been increasingly expanded and has now
become a popular business method known to businesses and people. Especially in the context of the
Covid-19 pandemic, 25% of Vietnamese polled stated they have increased their internet purchasing while
decreasing their out-of-home consumption (Nelson, 2020, as cited in Van et al., 2021). It can be seen that
this type of business assists both sellers and shoppers conduct bargaining transactions easier. Moreover,
customer behavior plays an important role in the immense growth of online shopping. Blackwell et al.
(2006) defined that consumer behavior as the actions and the decision processes of people who purchase
goods and services for personal consumption. Almost all Vietnamese internet users engage in the electronic
marketplace, while some customers resist online transactions. This paper emphasizes that the convenient
features on e-commerce platforms encourage consumers to check previous customers reviews before
purchasing. Not only that, Vietnamese customers tend to spend more time and money on online shopping.
In contrast, the risk of being lacked personal information and fakes on e-commerce prevents purchasers
from participating in this new type of marketplace. Additionally, Vietnamese customers are afraid of being
addicted to online shopping due to the attractiveness of electronic commerce.

The convenience of conducting bargaining transactions on E-commerce have been apparently
impacted on Vietnamese customer behavior. Compare to the past, when E-commerce did not exist in
Vietnam, customers visited many different physical retail stores to select the most suitable kinds of
merchandise for themselves. The effective searching products information engine on E-commerce have
remarkably influenced the decision processes of Vietnamese customers. Customers are increasingly
searching online rather than physically shopping, as seen by webrooming, and conversely, more customers
are searching physically and then shopping online (Hang, 2021). The most obvious proof for the quality of
e-commerce items will be client feedback, both positive and negative (Le, 2020). Therefore, nearly 90% of

Vietnamese customers check previous customers’ reviews before visiting a business, 31% are more inclined
to spend 31% more on a firm with outstanding evaluations, and 72% will only act after reading a positive
review (Le & Ho, 2021). In general, Vietnamese internet users tend to look for product information via Ecommerce platform instead of wandering physical stores or shopping malls.

According to Dang and Pham (2018), the popularity of the internet is encouraging a growing
number of Vietnamese individuals to switch from physical businesses to online shopping. As an
evolutionary business model, electronic commerce is believed to be more effective than traditional
commerce because consumers can conduct transactions through wireless connections anytime and
anywhere (Nguyen et al. 2021). Although the functions on e-commerce platforms saved consumers’ time,
Vietnamese consumers probably spend more time online shopping. Shoppers can quickly identify similar
goods, causing them to spend more time on the e-commerce site and lowering bounce rates (Le, 2020).
Thus, Vietnamese online purchasers spend an average of 48 hours per week online, or about 6.5 hours per
day (Pham et al., 2020). In conclusion, Vietnamese consumers spend more time shopping, especially online

Furthermore, not only do Vietnamese shoppers spend more time online shopping, but they also
spend more money on E-commerce purchases. The variety of goods and the eye-catching interface of the ecommerce platform have stimulated consumers to spend more money. In terms of online buying experience,
around 36.7 percent of Vietnamese internet users had made less than three purchases, 30.8 percent had
made three to six purchases, 7.2 percent had made six to nine purchases, and 25.3 percent had made nine or
more purchases (Dang & Pham, 2018). The B2C e-Commerce market in Vietnam generated 10.1 billion
dollars in sales in 2019, more than double the previous year's figure of USD 5 billion (Nguyen et al. , 2021).
To sum up, because of the perceived ease of access to electronic marketplace, Vietnamese customers
probably spend more money for online purchases.

On the contrary, almost all Vietnamese customers have engaged in electronic commerce, but
some customers resist online transactions. In 2018, Vietnam continued to remain at the top among countries
attacked by encryptors, holding the 5th position (2.12% of users attacked), and the 11th position among
countries under the greatest risk of online infection (34.45% of users attacked) (Kaspersky, 2018, as cited in

Luong et al. , 2019). Therefore, the risk of leaked personal information discourages Vietnamese customers
from participating in e-transactions. Online customers are concerned that their personal information and
credit card information may be sold to other firms (Vu et al., 2019). Not only that, a list containing 1500
names, addresses, and mobile numbers of subscribers of the Mobifone, Vinaphone, and Viettel mobile
networks may be sold for roughly 1 million VND (around 50 USD) (Duc, 2014, Giam, 2014, as cited in
Luong et al. , 2019). In other words, Vietnamese customers are likely to face a high risk of personal
information leakage.

Moreover, Vietnamese customers are afraid of taking part in electronic commerce due to lowquality products or fakes. The majority of consumers are concerned about the risk of purchasing low-quality
items since they cannot touch or feel them, the photographs of goods online may differ from their true
images, and sellers do not offer adequate information about the products on the web (Vu et al., 2019). In
addition, end-users in Vietnam complain about counterfeit goods more than in any other nation in South
East Asia (Choi & Do, 2018). According to Hoa et al, (2021), when it comes to internet purchases, 64.2
percent of Vietnamese buyers have received bad-quality items which are different from items shown on
websites. To sum up, the low quality of products or fakes is the noticeable impediment that discourages
consumers from engaging in the electronic marketplace.

Additionally, due to the attractive visual appearance and the convenience of conducting
transactions on E-commerce, customers are easily addicted to online shopping. Lo and Harvey (2012, as
cited in Kirezli, 2019) claim that shopping addiction is preoccupied with shopping to the point where
customers are driven by uncontrollable shopping desires and face significant psychological, social, and
financial repercussions as a result. According to Tran et al. (2017), 21.2 percent of young Vietnamese
suffered from internet addiction, and 5 percent of them were addicted to online shopping. Furthermore,
being addicted to online shopping results in mental disorders. Thi and Liaw (2017) claimed that individuals
with behavioral addiction fail to recognize the severity of post-addiction cravings and regulate their urges.
As a consequence, the risk of being addicted to shopping results in Vietnam.

In conclusion, e-commerce indeed has its own positive and negative impacts on Vietnamese

customer behavior. Shoppers find it comfortable to look for product information by checking previous
customers' reviews and to spend more time and money on the electronic marketplace. On the other hand,
some Vietnamese customers refuse to engage in e-commerce because they probably face the high risks
related to personal information leakage and low-quality products which differ from posted images on
websites. Moreover, being addicted to online shopping is also a negative influence that discourages
Vietnamese internet users from joining e-commerce. In the future, e-commerce will be an indispensable part
of the Vietnamese economy. Therefore, the security and quality of products on Vietnam's e-commerce
should be guaranteed to create trust for current customers as well as attract more potential ones.

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