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EN27 _ Speaking 3 _ Đề cương thi hết học phần

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You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another ONE minute to do the task as
you are instructed to.

1/ If you could invest on one of the followings – planting forests, building zoos and
researching about biodiversity, which one might be your best choice? Why?
If I could invest on one of the followings- planting forests, building zoos and researching about
biodiversity, the best choice for me is planting forests. Because:
Firstly, afforestation is quite easy and suitable for me to do.
Second, planting trees has a lot of benefits:
- Most often we plant trees to provide shade and beautify our landscapes. These are great benefits.
- Trees make life nicer. It has been shown that spending time among trees and green spaces reduces the
amount of stress that we carry around with us in our daily lives.
- Tree-lined streets have a traffic calming effect, traffic moves more slowly and safely.
- Trees can be placed to screen unwanted views or noise from busy highways.
- Trees can complement the architecture or design of buildings or entire neighborhoods.
- Trees reduce the urban heat island effect
- Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone carbon monoxide,
and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.
- Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe
- Trees reduce the amount of stormwater run off, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways
and may reduce the effects of flooding.
- Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. In other words, forests
provide us with timber and non-timber forest products, and ecosystem services, such as wildlife
protection, carbon sequestration, and soil and watershed maintenance.
- Well-placed trees can reduce your cooling costs in the summer

2/ You are going to recommend a university for your cousin to study. Among a university in

USA, a university in Japan and a university in Vietnam, which one do you recommend?

Among a university in USA, a university in Japan, and a university in Vietnam, I am going to
recommend a university in Vietnam for my cousin to study. Because:
Firstly, Vietnam is a peaceful and quite happy country. My cousin studying in his country will be
very secure.
Secondly, studying in Vietnam, my cousin will be close to his family, can visit and care for each
other often, and can return home whenever he wants.
Third, the cost of studying in Vietnam is quite cheap, even if you choose to study at international
universities, the cost of accommodation and travel is still cheaper than studying abroad.
Fourthly, the quality of higher education in Vietnam is now very good, University in VN have
been striving to develop its close relations with domestic and international partners in order to provide
its students with the best opportunities for studying and taking an internship, especially since there are
many universities of international standards.
Finally, my cousin loves technology so I would recommend him to study at the University of
Science and Technology of Hanoi. University of Science and Technology of Hanoi – USTH (also called
Vietnam France University) is one of the prestigious universities in Vietnam training high-quality
human resources in the field of science and technology. USTH is one of the first universities in Vietnam
that follows an excellent public university model European-standardised public university. The official
teaching language is English, many foreign lecturers, international students through internship and
exchange programs. Thanks to it, students have the chance to get to know different cultures in the
world, thus preparing for their future study and working plan overseas.

3/ You are going to buy a book for your little brother as a present. Among the following kinds
of book: a comic book, a fairy tale and a scientific book, which one might be your best
choice? Why?

I am going to buy a comic book for my little brother as a present. Because:
Comic books are cool! Batman, Superman, Men in Black, Spider-Man.
Comic Books Help my little brother Learn to Love Reading: With their intense visuals and focus
on plot and characters, comic books can be much more engaging than other literary media, such as
novels or short stories; Comic books may also help my little brother develop the reading skills required
to comprehend texts with higher levels of difficulty. Further, comic books and graphic novels can help
he learn information that they may otherwise find boring, such as stories from history or other
educational information.

Comic Books Help my little brother Think Differently: Readers of comic books must process all
the different components-visual, spatial, and textual - of what they are reading and integrate these
components into one solid understanding of the story.
Stories in comic books can actually change the ways in which our brains function and the ways in
which we think. Choosing comics with good and appropriate content is the first step to help children
develop thinking.
These are the reasons why I chose comic books to give to my little brother.

4/ You are looking for a place to live in Hanoi. Among a small house in the city centre, a flat
near your university/ a company and a big house in the countryside, which one would be
your best choice? Why?
I am looking for a place to live in Hanoi. Among a small house in the city center, a flat near your
university/a company and a big house in the countryside, the best choice for me is a big house in the
countryside. Because:
- First, living in the countryside can bring I a clean evironment. The air is fresher and there are
lots oftrees, rice fields and rivers, I can walk on the fields or along the rivers to enjoy the clean and
fresh airthere in the early morning.
- Second, living in a big house in the countryside have more square footage and acreage. The
streets are emptier, and stores are less crowded. Just simply having more room to breathe and live is a

great benefit of living in the country.
- Third, living in the countryside is cheaper than in the city because people there have lower
income anddon’t have the habit of spending a lot of money. Living expenses such as utilities, groceries,
toiletries and entertainment are typically cheaper in rural areas, as well. If I live in the countryside, I
can save a lot of money.
- Fourth, less noise, without all of the traffic, sirens, and general noise that comes with city
living, you will find that your life is much quieter when you live in a rural area. A quieter life can
actually reduce your stress levels, making you more at peace and relaxed.
- Finally, people in the country are more friendly and opener than people in the city because they
live neareach other. People live together in a small village so they can talk countryside can have
festivals and youcan join and fell very happy.In conclusin, there are many benefits of living in the

5/ You are going to take a foreign friend to a festival. Which one might be your best choice:
Mid-Autumn festival, Hung King temple festival or Lim festival? Why?
- The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important traditional holidays in Vietnam. To me, it is
also the most wonderful and exciting one.
- Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated almost everywhere in Vietnam, so my foreign friend doesn't have
to move to a local where there is a festival like the Hung KingTemple festival or the Lim festival.
- The Mid-Autumn Festival shows many traditional cultural values of the nation that I would like to
introduce to my foreign friends, such as:
+ It is the story of the man in the Moon sitting at the base of a banyan tree and the beautiful sister Hang
in the Moon Palace.
+ Those are moon cakes which are a popular traditional Vietnamese food. They are made of powder,
pork meat, egg, peanut, and green bean. Moon cakes represent happiness, wealth, and longevity so they
are used as gifts.
+ During the festival, children of all ages wear colorful masks, carry candle lanterns, sing folklores and
parade on the streets. There are also those who perform lion dance to every house in their neighbor with
the hope that will bring fortune to these households.

+ Foremost, it’s a great time for family members to gather, eat traditional foods, and share joys and
sorrows. Besides, public places are aesthetically decorated and there is a wide range of cultural and art
activities all over the country.

6/ You are going to buy a CD as a present for your parents on their birthday. Among a rock
CD, a rap CD and a folk music CD, which one is your best choice? Why?
Among a rock CD, a rap CD and a folk music CD, I will choose a folk music CD as a present
for my parents on their birthday. Because:
- Folk music, also known as traditional music national music is the "national soul, national
essence" of each country. The traditional music that we have is a proud crystallization of priceless
artistic creations handed down and built up over many generations, a living testimony to a diverse
national culture, rich in identity and has a long history. These are soft lullabies, romantic love songs,

unique chants, vi, ly, and typical melodies of “tuong”, “cheo”, “cai luong”, Hue folk songs, and “chau
van song”, “quan ho” ... My parents love this kind of music
- Folk music has gentle melody, close and simple words, very suitable for my parents' age
- Folk songs are easy to sing, easy to memorize and my parents often sing when they are happy,
when there is a festival, even while working and singing. Buying a CD of folk music for my parents
will help my parents' spiritual life be richer, love life more, and thus their health will be better.

7/ As a member of a Green organization, which one do you think is the most practical to
protect the environment: going to school by bike, using paper package and planting more
trees. Why?
As a member of a Green organization, I think planting more trees is the most practical to protect the
environment. Because:
Firstly, afforestation is quite easy and suitable for me to do.
Second, planting trees has a lot of benefits:

- Most often we plant trees to provide shade and beautify our landscapes. These are great
- Trees make life nicer. It has been shown that spending time among trees and green spaces
reduces the amount of stress that we carry around with us in our daily lives.
- Tree-lined streets have a traffic calming effect, traffic moves more slowly and safely.
- Trees can be placed to screen unwanted views or noise from busy highways.
- Trees can complement the architecture or design of buildings or entire neighborhoods.
- Trees reduce the urban heat island effect
- Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone carbon
monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.
- Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe
- Trees reduce the amount of stormwater stɔːrm run off, which reduces erosion and pollution in
our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.
- Trees provide food, protection and homes for many birds and mammals. In other words, forests
provide us with timber and non-timber forest products, and ecosystem services, such as wildlife
protection, carbon sequestration, and soil and watershed maintenance.
- Well-placed trees can reduce your cooling costs in the summer

You have 2 minutes to deliver a speech of the topic given. You are expected to include three parts
of a speech, namely Introduction, Development and Conclusion with the use of some linking

1,3/ “There are a lot of complaints about restaurants in Vietnam”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
There is a comment that “There are a lot of complaints about restaurants in Viet Nam”. I agree
with this comment. In recent years, the restaurant business in Vietnam has grown in both scale and
quality. However, there are still many complaints about the restaurant.
The first thing to mention is the complaints about the unprofessional service style. For example:

Restaurants let customers wait too long, waiters don't care about customer needs, waiters bring wrong
dishes, customers come first but are served later...
The second is complaints about food quality, food hygiene and safety issues, for example: guests
see worms or hair in the dish...
The third is the complaints about the restaurant's infrastructure or the noise caused by other
In general, restaurants in Vietnam have many aspects that have not satisfied the majority of
customers, but it is undeniable that they have tried very hard and customer services are increasingly
focused and served better. In particular, it is not possible to generalize all of the restaurants with
complaints because there are still many restaurants that serve very well and receive compliments from
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Which are most popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional ones?

In Vietnam, the most popular traditional restaurant.
2. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than that in a cheap one –

would you agree?
I don't think expensive restaurant food is always better than cheap restaurant food. Because of:

Delicious food or not depends on the taste, preferences and feelings of the person enjoying it. Of
course, in an expensive restaurant, with high-quality ingredients, exquisite presentation of dishes,
aesthetics, spacious and luxurious space to help diners feel more appetizing but not all the time.
everywhere. There are cheap restaurants with rustic dishes, idyllic spaces that give diners a delicious,
familiar and unforgettable impression.

2/ “There are many changes of shopping over the last decade”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I completely/completely agree that, "There's been a lot of change in shopping over the last

decade". Some of the notable changes include:
Firstly, Shopping today is a lot different than it used to be. Technology has created new ways to
shop and accomplish important tasks for consumers and businesses. Consumers are no longer limited to
brick-and-mortar stores, they can shop online and find things more conveniently.
Second, Stay up-to-date with fashion trends to help people have the most effective shopping
experience. Follow their favorite stores online keeping everyone updated on the latest releases and
showcasing full color images of all the seasonal styles.
Third, Technology helps retailers find shoppers interested in their products and put ads in front
of shoppers every day. View ads that give shoppers faster insights into new products.
Fourth, finding discounts for shoppers faster helps them save more and encourages them to buy
more products. Technology has made it easier for retailers to show dedicated customers when items are
on sale and when promotional codes are available to them.
Fifth, Sales are faster with technology than they were years ago. Today, consumers can make
purchases from a number of different stores without leaving their homes. All items are shipped to
customer locations from all over the world. For example, I am in Vietnam but can still order from
China or any other country with a sales website. Consumers don't even have to be at home to shop, and
smartphones have helped to complete transactions faster. Customers can shop from any location with a
cellular signal and use any payment method they prefer. Most online payment systems accept
everything from credit cards to e-wallet payments.
Finally, new technology-driven services even allow consumers to complete their grocery
shopping online and never have to go inside a crowded store. For example, I want to buy food, just
order on the app about 15 - 30 minutes later, someone will ship the food to me.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What are your shopping habits?

In the past, I have a traditional shopping habit, meaning going to the store to buy goods because
I can hold, try... However, in the past few years, that habit has changed a bit, apart from When it's
convenient to go to the store, I usually shop online, especially since the covid - 19 epidemic. The
quality of goods and customer service when shopping online is better than before, so I trust this

shopping channel than before.
2. Do you think online shopping will replace small shops in the future? Why?
I don't think online shopping can replace the small store in the future because there are many
types of customers with different preferences, habits and shopping needs. Some people like to shop
online while others like to shop in the traditional way.

4/ “There are many problems with education in Vietnam”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I agree with the point that “There are many problems with education in Vietnam” for some
of the following reasons: Education plays a foremost role in the life of Vietnamese. Not only is the
dedication to learning one of society's central values, but education is as well recognized as a chance of
First of all, among all Vietnamese education problems, outmoded teaching systems are one of
the chief issues plaguing the Vietnamese instruction system. Teachers frequently emphasize more on
discipline in the schoolroom than on active interaction and discussions. Censorship as well as
interference from the government are dominant and can make a stifling teaching atmosphere.
Second, as declared above, the quality of teaching in the schoolrooms depends mainly on the
individual educator. If you send your child to a Vietnamese institute, they will be likely to remain
passively studious and attentive.
Third, the system of facilities and teaching equipment is still lacking and outdated. This makes it
difficult for teachers and students to practice.
Fourth, the income of officials, teachers and employees of the education sector is too low
compared to the job requirements they have to perform. Therefore, they are not enthusiastic about the
profession, they have to do many things to support themselves and their families besides serving the
education industry. This greatly affects the quality of their expertise.
Fifth, education in Vietnam is massively trained, not balanced with the needs of the labor

The above are the main problems, in addition, the Vietnamese education system still has some

shortcomings in terms of curriculum, teacher ethics, teaching methods...
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What are the differences between the traditional and modern educational system in Vietnam?

Traditional and modern education systems in Vietnam are quite different. For example, the
educational program is reduced and more modern, the teaching content is updated, the teaching
methods are more modern, the system of facilities and teaching equipment is more completed and
2. What should be done to reduce educational problems in Vietnam?

Some measures that need to be taken to reduce education problems in Vietnam are:
- Increase salaries for officials, teachers, staff of the education sector,
- Renovate curricula and textbooks in the direction of reducing theoretical knowledge and
increasing practice.
- Innovating teaching methods, focusing on training ways of learning, thinking and skills rather
than knowledge. Ect.

5/ “There are many changes in housing in housing in your hometown”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I agree with the point that “There are many changes in housing in housing in your
for some of the following reasons:
My hometown is developing very fast, life in the countryside is getting more and more
prosperous and convenient. Accordingly, houses in the countryside also have many changes in design
and architecture...
Traditional houses in my hometown are mainly yin and yang tile roofs, including 3
compartments and 2 wings, common living space, no private room. Currently, houses in my hometown
are usually built in modern styles such as tube houses, renovated level four houses, and Thai roof
houses. Wealthy families or small land built spacious houses. Indoor spaces are often arranged
according to functions such as living room, kitchen, bedroom. Each family member has their own room

to ensure privacy.
This change comes from many reasons such as improved living standards, people not only doing
farming anymore, shrinking residential land area, due to the impact of urbanization process...

In short, the house in my hometown today is very different from the original traditional country
house. Currently, most of them are new types of houses, meeting the process of modernization and
urbanization. It seems that this difference can be explained by climatic, economic and especially
changes in lifestyle.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:  Topic 6
1. Are people more or less interested in attending the festival? Why?
2. What should be done to promote a regional festival?

6/ “There are many changes in traditional festivals”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I agree with the point that “There are many changes in traditional festivals” for some of the
following reasons: Vietnam is a country with diverse and unique culture with about 8,000 festivals.
Festivals are community folklore activities held in all parts of the country. Currently, under the
influence of many factors, such as the market mechanism, the development of the media, tourism, etc.,
the traditional festivals in our country have undergone many changes.
First, about time: Most village festivals shorten the time from 3-5 days to 1 day. Some regional
or inter-regional festivals of the pilgrimage nature are held for a long time, such as Huong Pagoda
festival, Quoc Mau Tay Thien festival...
Second, about space: Festivals have expanded in space even "super-space" thanks to media. For
example, the Hung Temple festival in Phu Tho
Third, in terms of purpose, today's festival is not only an expression of religious and belief
sentiments but also a business opportunity for tourism.
Fourthly, the festival's participants are not only local people but also attract a lot of tourists from
all over the world and foreign tourists.
In summary, along with the process of economic development and international integration, the

transformation of traditional festivals is an objective necessity in today's cultural life.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are people more or less interested in attending the festival? Why?

People are more interested in attending the festival, that's right. Because:
- Firstly, festivals often satisfy people's spiritual needs, that is, participate in festivals to pray for
- Second, participating in festivals helps people have fun, visit and increase their knowledge and
understanding of many new things.
2. What should be done to promote a regional festival?
Some measures to promote regional festivals are as follows:

Firstly, build a website, especially about the festival, and fully post all festival information on
the website
Second, widely communicating about the festival on the mass media, the internet...
Third, organize the festival to ensure civility and humanity so that guests who come to attend are
satisfied, from which they will promote the festival.

7/ “Reading books brings many benefits”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I agree with the point that “Reading books brings many benefits” for some of the following
Firstly, Books are an inexhaustible treasure of knowledge about all areas of the lives of their
predecessors, written down, told and passed on to the next generation. No matter what field the book is
written in, it also provides us with new and useful knowledge and experiences. Thus, having more new
knowledge is one of the benefits of reading books.
Secondly, Time to read a good book is a time when you are training your concentration and
analytical thinking ability very well. Because when reading a book, your mind and senses are all
focused on your eyes to watch each word, line by line, in your head to focus on the knowledge that the

book is referring to or think about the next developments of the book. story.
Thirdly, reading books, we are known for beautiful, attractive expressions, which help us
develop vocabulary, speaking and writing will be better.
Fourthly, by Reading books we have to remember the information in the book, the story
development, or the characters, thereby stimulating the brain to improve good memory, helps slow the
progression of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
In addition, reading is also an effective way of entertainment, reducing stress, helping us to
increase life expectancy, and better control emotions.
In short, reading books has many benefits, so it is necessary to practice the habit of reading
every day.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are children more or less interested in reading? Why?

In my opinion, children, more or less love to read books because they are very curious and want to
learn everything around them. While books provide everything, children want to know. Children's
books, on the other hand, are often presented beautifully and attractively.
2. What should be done to encourage children to read?

For children to enjoy reading, we need:
- Regularly read books to children from a young age.

- Let children often see their parents and teachers reading books, from which children will imitate.
- Put many beautiful and attractive books in the children's room
- There are rewards when children read books diligently.

8/ “There are many effects of living in a noisy environment”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I agree with the point, “There are many effects of living in a noisy environment”.
Living in a noisy environment can cause health problems for humans and wildlife, both on land and in

the sea. From traffic noise to rock concerts, loud or inaudible sounds can cause hearing loss, stress and
high blood pressure. Noise from ships and human activities in the ocean is harmful to whales and
dolphins that depend on echolocation to survive.
Noise pollution affects millions of people every day. The most common health problem it causes is
Noise-induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Exposure to loud noises can also cause high blood pressure, heart
disease, sleep disturbances, and stress. These health problems can affect all age groups, especially
children. Many children who live near airports or noisy streets have been found to have stress and other
problems, such as impaired memory, attention levels and reading skills.
As such, Noise Pollution is an invisible danger. It cannot be seen, but it is still present, both on land and
in the sea.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What kinds of noises do you dislike the most?

What I don't like the most is the noise from traffic, because it constantly makes me a headache,
earache, even startled when there is a car horn, train horn.
2. Why do people still go to noisy places like big cities or cinemas even when they don’t like

There are many reasons, be it because of life, or to relieve some sadness or loneliness. For example,
I don't like noise but I am forced to live in the city to reach the better work with a higher income.

9/ “There are many advantages of the internet”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
There are many advantages of the internet. That’s right.
The first advantage is that the internet helps people in education. The Internet has become a huge
source of information that helps students and people, in general, educate themselves. There are many
educational videos available on the internet so anyone can learn. For example, students use the internet

to find new information, so they can expand their knowledge. The medical industry has also improved

as test results are available in minimal time, you can easily find organ donors from anywhere in the
world. Doctors can also communicate with each other and find solutions for their patients.
The other advantage of the Internet is communication. You can easily communicate from one
part of the world with other people. There are video calls that we can see other people face to face no
matter the location. For example, students studying abroad can interact with their families through
video chat.
Moreover, the internet becomes very useful in the business world. Here, businesses can easily
promote their products and services to the target audience. Entrepreneurs can transfer money through
bank websites, which reduces crime percentages.
Finally, TV shows, news, and programs can be watched without a TV
In short, the Internet is very useful in work and entertainment
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Do you think the Internet is safe for children to use? Why (or Why not)?

In my opinion, the internet will be safe and very beneficial for children to use if adults control
children's access to useful sites and protect them against risks such as online threats and online
predators. Because, the internet contains a huge amount of information to help children learn and
entertain, and there are many risks for children.
2. How has the Internet changed the way we live and work?

The Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has revolutionized communication, to the
point where it is now our preferred means of everyday communication. In almost everything we
do, we use the Internet. Order pizza, buy a TV, share moments with friends, send photos via
instant messenger. Today, a click or two is enough to read your local newspaper and any news
source from anywhere in the world, up to the minute.
Nowadays, a huge amount of information is uploaded, personal stories are made public; Local
problems become global. On social media, anyone can become a commentator, publisher, and creator.
The internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the way we interact
with our loved ones — it has become one of the key drivers of evolution. society.
However, the internet also makes people like to live virtual, away from real life, living apart in

real life.

10/ “There are many causes of pollution in cities”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
Environmental pollution is the biggest challenge facing the world today, especially in big cities.
There is an opinion that “There are many causes of pollution in cities”. I agree with this point of view.

Firstly, the city is a densely populated place, the population is growing rapidly, accordingly, the
consumption demand is high and the discharge into the environment is higher.
Secondly, factories and industrial zones are concentrated in the city and have been releasing
waste causing serious air pollution and water pollution.
Thirdly, the city with a large system of means of transport discharges wastes daily, causing
environmental pollution.
In addition, poor city planning, lack of strict environmental management, people's lack of
awareness of environmental protection, etc. are also reasons that aggravate pollution in the city.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1.What is the biggest environmental problem in your hometown?
The biggest environmental problem in my hometown is air pollution. The biggest air pollutant is
road vehicles such as cars and construction work.
2. Are there any measures you would like to take about this problem?
I want to take some measures to reduce air pollution such as:

Plant trees and green hills to absorb CO2 as well as toxic substances.
Prioritize the use of public transport, reduce the amount of emissions emitted every day.
Urbanize properly, limit fine dust PM 2.5.
Treat exhaust gas before discharging into the environment.
Do not throw garbage indiscriminately, Dispose of waste properly.
Application of green technology in construction, cultivation and animal husbandry.

Limit the use of chemicals in agriculture and forestry.
Expired vehicles that do not meet emission standards are prohibited.
Propagating and mobilizing people to understand more about the harmful effects of air pollution.
Limit the use of burning materials that are not environmentally friendly
Use equipment that saves electricity and does not release toxins into the environment.

11/ “There are many drawbacks of working overtime”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I agree with the point that “There are many drawbacks of working overtime” such as:
First, working overtime is bad for your physical health - Research at Columbia University
shows that: People who spend 13 hours sitting (inactive) instead of 11.5 hours are twice as likely to die
Second, overtime affects mental health - Your mind needs rest and relaxation after tiring work.
More working hours mean more stress on the mind and less time to relax. Result? Bad effects on your
mental health. A study published by The Independent in 2000 found that 40% of people who worked
long hours were stressed and complained of insomnia, depression, overeating, or drinking too much.

Third, Work-life balance is hindered - A study at Cornell University highlights that people who
work overtime are 30% more likely to face marital conflict. More time at work means less time for
yourself, your social circles, and your family.
Fourth, over time leads to lower productivity and lower job satisfaction.
In addition, the organization does not want you to work overtime. They realize that over time
reduces the overall efficiency of employees. Some organizations also consider it a liability because
overtime needs to be compensated with money. This adds to the company's costs. Overtime also hinders
work culture and negatively affects job satisfaction.
In short, overtime has a lot of limitations. Therefore, we should not work overtime.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What should people do to avoid working overtime?

To avoid overtime people should:
Plan for work by month, by week, by day and execute in order of priority.
Manage personal time effectively, go to work on time, leave on time.
Leverage the achievements of technology to work more efficiently. For example, instead of

calling each person individually, you can call groups on apps.
2. Will people work more or less in the future? Why?
In my opinion, people will work less or more in the future depending on the nature of their work,
their qualifications, and their desired income. However, in general, I think people will work
more in the future. Although with the support of technology, but with fewer resources, fiercer
competition requires people to work more to make ends meet.

12/ “There are many problems with food in Vietnam”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
There is a perfect meal to describe Vietnam’s food safety: a cup of fake coffee, engine oildoused vegetables with pork from sedative-injected pigs, and a side of chemically ripened durian.
The local media is rife with reports of Vietnamese growing vegetables with chemicals, injecting
pigs with sedatives before slaughter, dousing bananas and other fruits with artificial ripening
substances, making alcohol with industrial alcohol and plain water, and collecting rotten animals’
organs to sell to restaurants and eateries. For example, one of the biggest discoveries of rotten food ever
detected in Vietnam occurred in November 2015, when more than six metric tons of foul-smelling
animal organs were found on a truck bound for Hanoi from Ho Chi Minh City.
In addition, fake food, poor quality food such as expired food, food of unknown origin ... are
also a problem worth mentioning about food in Vietnam. For money, many people are willing to sell
poor-quality food to serve their countrymen. Unfortunately, this ‘business’ is not uncommon in

Vietnam. A reality is, the path from the stomach to the graveyard has never been as short and easy as it
is today.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:

1. What is a balanced diet?

Personally, a balanced diet is one that combines enough nutrients for one’s life. Therefore,
consuming a rich variety of food is very important because eating a wide assortment of foods helps
ensure that you get all of the nutrients, especially the disease-fighting potential that foods offer.
2. What is a typical diet of people in your country?

The typical diet of the people of my country is white rice, vegetable dishes and savory dishes
from meat, fish, shrimp, ...

13/ “There are many reasons for protecting the nature world”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I completely agree that "There are many reasons to protect the natural world". Because:
Firstly, Sustainability in life also goes hand in hand with protecting the natural world.
Everything essential that we need today has been provided to us by the natural world. Water, air, food,
shelter, the earth provides us all, sustains our life. Protecting the natural world is the most important
social awareness that people must know to bring some positive changes to the earth.
Second, as the number of people on the planet increases and communities expand, consumption
increases, and natural resources are used less sustainably, leading to the destruction or loss of natural
spaces. completely. This seriously affects the structure and functioning of the environment - impacting
the people, animals, and plants that live there.
Third, our Ecosystem is the place where our environment is cherished. The destruction of the
environment will also lead to the destruction of the entire ecosystem, which is the destruction of our
habitat. Destroying the natural world means taking away the homes of everyone living on Earth.
On the other hand, as inhabitants of this planet, our number one responsibility is to ensure the
protection of our homes. The natural world is very important to human life, so we must always cherish
and protect it.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What should be done to protect the nature and environment? Why?

In my opinion, we need to take some measures to protect nature and the environment as follows:
- First of all, is to raise people's awareness of environmental protection

- The second is planting trees to cause forests, planning exploitation of natural resources,
exploitation must go hand in hand with regeneration.
- Third, we need to actively protect wildlife, protect the marine environment, and use clean
- Fourth is to limit behaviors that damage the natural world such as indiscriminate dumping,
- In particular, every organization and every country need a sustainable development strategy.
These measures, if implemented well, will be very useful, because the natural environment is
largely destroyed by humans, so changing human perception and behavior will effectively protect the
natural environment.
2. Is it the responsibility of school to teach children to protect the nature and environment?
Why? (or Why not?)
In my opinion, schools have the responsibility to teach children to protect nature and the
environment. Because environmental protection is the responsibility of everyone, every home, every
organization, including schools. On the other hand, children are the future of the nation and mother
earth, early environmental protection education for children will help them learn to love nature, have
awareness and habits of environmental protection.

14/ “There are many benefits of studying music or learning to play a musical instrument”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I completely/ totally agree that, “There are many benefits of studying music or learning to play a
musical instrument”, learning to play an instrument has many benefits - whether it's building your
confidence, boosting your memory, or expanding your social circle.
1. Playing an instrument makes you smarter: many studies show a correlation between musical
training and academic success, in both children and adults. Learning to play an instrument stimulates

the brain, improving functions such as memory and abstract reasoning skills, which are essential for
math and science.
2. Playing an instrument is not only good for your brain, but it's also great for expanding your
social circle (sorry, pianist and organist). Joining a music group of any age encourages you to develop
relationships with new people. It also builds leadership and team-building skills, and shows you the
rewards of working with others.

3. Playing an instrument helps relieve stress. Music helps you calm down. It has a unique effect
on our emotions. The right song can make us feel elated, angry or confused, and has even been shown
to lower heart rate and blood pressure.
4. Playing an instrument gives you a sense of accomplishment and it builds your confidence
Most of all, playing music makes people happy and brings them closer together.
In short, learning to play an instrument has many benefits.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Do you think that pop/ rock stars can have bad influence on the young people?
I think to a certain extent, pop and rock stars are having a bad influence on young people. A part
of young people often imitates the revealing style of clothes, colorful hairstyles or inappropriate
language acts of pop/rock stars. This is not good for the cultural development of young people.
2. How much does the internet influence how you listen to music?
I think, the internet has changed the way I listen to music. I don't need to buy CDs or listen to
music from the radio like before, now I often search for my favorite songs or singers to listen to from
my computer or smartphone. I can listen to music anytime, anywhere as long as I have an internet
connection device that is completely free. That was amazing.

15/ “There are many effects of weather on people’s lives”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
"Có nhiều tác động của thời tiết đối với cuộc sống của con người"
Trình bày quan điểm của bạn với các lập luận rõ ràng và các ví dụ cụ thể, thực tế để hỗ trợ quan điểm
của bạn.

I completely/ totally agree that, “There are many effects of weather on people’s lives”. It's
important to understand weather can include rain, wind, temperature, and humidity of a place. Weather
is part of the physical environment that surrounds human life. Human life is always associated with
weather, weather has a great influence on people's daily life.
First of all, weather affects people's choices and behaviors. Weather affects the everyday lives of
people by governing choices they make about what clothes to wear, how to travel, and the activities in
which they participate.
Secondly, the weather can create favorable or unfavorable conditions for people's production and
business activities. For example, favorable weather, favorable rain, and wind help farmers get a good
harvest and vice versa. Even extreme weather phenomena such as storms, floods, and droughts cause
crop failure, property damage, death... Weather not only affects people's daily lives but can also affect

our health. From seasonal environmental changes to temperature swings, weather can play a role in
health symptoms with direct or indirect physical, mental, and social effects. For example, in the cold
winter, people are prone to colds, flu, stroke. The effect of weather on mood swings is well recognized.
Better moods are often associated with less rainfall, no fog, and lower barometric pressure.
In short, the weather has a great influence on human life, people need to be aware of that and
have strategies to deal with the extreme weather phenomena occurring more and more nowadays.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Have there been any changes in weather over the past few years? What are they?

In the past few years, the weather has changed a lot, typically extreme weather events such as
droughts, floods, and storms have occurred more often and with stronger intensity.
2. What should be done in bad weather?
When the weather is bad, we need:
Firstly, dress appropriately for the weather conditions
Second, closely monitor the weather and limit going out
Third, prepare contingency plans for the worst possible situations when the weather is bad

16/ “Many things should be changed about education in Vietnam.”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
I completely/ totally agree that, “Many things should be changed about education in Vietnam”
for the reasons below:
Firstly, education is the root of the development of every country all over the world and Vietnam
is not an exception. It's one of the most important steps that takes a country to a better level. On the
other hand, Education has a reciprocal relationship with other industries and fields. While fields such as
science and technology, services, industry, etc. develop rapidly, education needs to change drastically in
order to develop together. On the contrary, if education lags behind, other industries and fields cannot
develop because education is the foundation for development.
Secondly, education has an important function of training human resources for the country. In the
digital era, a country that wants to grow strong needs to have high-quality human resources, which
depends on the change and development of the education sector.
Another reason, entering the 21st century, Vietnam's education system is still weak in quality,
unbalanced in structure, and not connected to reality. Furthermore, training work that is not linked to
work leads to unemployment. Specifically, According to the latest employment statistics, out of more
than 1.1 million unemployed people in the country today, the group with a university degree or higher

accounts for a high proportion - more than 202 thousand people. Although there are many reasons
leading to this situation, more than anyone else, the Education and Training Sector and universities are
the first places to be responsible when training is not according to the needs of society.
For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that “Many things should be changed about
education in Vietnam”.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Is it a good practice for students to wear uniform at schools? Why/ why not?

I think it’s reasonable for students to wear school uniforms. Because o:
- To begin with, Uniforms often show the unique features and characteristics of the school. Wearing
uniforms helps students to be prouder, love their school, and love their class more.

- Second, wearing uniforms helps students not distinguish between rich and poor. Rich or poor
students are required to wear the same clothes to school, and poor students will not be inferior to
their peers.
- Third, students wear uniforms that look very beautiful and simply. students will not take time to
select clothes for school. This will help students concentrate on learning instead of thinking about
how they would wear, what to wear to school.
- Finally, the uniforms will help students save money on shopping. They will not spend too much
money to buy clothes because they always have to wear uniforms to school.
2. Which do you prefer: a single-sex school or a co-educational school? Why?
I prefer co-education, because:
- First of all, co-education shows respect and equality between boys and girls.
- Second, working together in the classroom and doing homework gives boys and girls the
opportunity to learn from each other intellectually as well as socially. Girls and boys engage in
collaboration, exchange of ideas and debate on issues. It is important that the presence of both sexes
increases richness and diversity of thinking and learning.
- Third, Co-education improves the way students think, learn, and collaborate; Children can
develop confidence, empathy, understanding and leadership, between both sexes, as they overcome
society's challenges and emotional growth, while encouraging each other's success.
