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Write meaningful sentences using conditional sentences type 1. Don't
use contractions.
If/ people/ plant/ more trees,/ they/ save/ environment.
1, If people plant more trees , they will save the environment
2. If/ environment/ green/ clean,/ human life/ better.
2,If the environment green and clean , the human life will be better
3.If/ we/ use/ more/ motorbike / car,/ air pollution/ rise.
3,If we use more motorbikes and cars , air pollution will be rised
4.If/ air pollution/ not decrease,/ people/ get/ some/ breathing problems.
4,If air pollution doesn't decrease , people wil get some breathing
5.If/ there/ not/ rubbish bin/ in each classroom,/ it/ not/ cleaner.
5, If there isn't a rubbish bin in the each classroom , it will not cleaner
Fill in the gaps with the correct verb tense of the verbs in brackets.
Make sure you the sentence is a first type conditional sentence.
1. If I _DON’T HAVE____ (not /have) lunch, I __WILL BE______ (be)
2. If he _____ (not /be) at work, he ____ (be) at home then.
3. If I ____ (not/work) today, I ___ (go) to a disco.
4. If Oanh ___ (not/ be) thirsty, she ____ (not/drink) any mineral water.
5. If she _______ (not/ get) tired, I __ ( invite) her to our party.
6. If they _____ (not/ communicate), they _______ (not /have) any jobs.
7. If my daughter _______ (not/ do) the washing up, I ____ (have to) do it
instead of her.
8. I _______ (not /tell) anybody about it if you _______ (not/ want).
9. I am sure she ________________ (to do) it if you ________________ (to
ask) her.
10. They ________________ (come) if she __________________ (invite)
11. He ______________ ( write) a letter to her if she _______________

(write) first.
12. I ________________ (go) there if you ________________ (go) with
13. Max ________________ ( pass) the exam if he ________________
(study) hard.
14. If he ____________ (not / be) at home, I ________________ ( visit) his
sister then.
15. If she ________________ (not /walk) every day, she
________________ (not / be) healthy enough.

16. If Max ______________ (not / accept) Alex’s invitation this time, Alex
_________ (not/ invite) him again.
17. If my kid ______________ (not / read) this book, he _____________
(not /get) a good mark in Literature.
18. If Tom ________________ (not/ water) the violets, they
______________ (die).
19. If Lena ________________ (not/ be) happy, she ________________
(not /stay) there for a long time.
20. If my son ______________ (not /make) his bed, he ______________
(not / play) football with his friends.
21. If my teacher ______________ (not/like) my English, I ____________ (
try) to study it harder than before.
22. My son ________________ ( speak) English fluently if he
____________ ( go) to study English abroad.
23. If she ____________ ( fall) in love with Henry, they ______________
(get) married, I think.
24. If you ___________ (help) me, I ___________ (help) you.
25. If they ____________ (catch) the bus, they ___________ (arrive) on

26. If my parents _____________ (support) me, I ___________ (be) a
better person.
27. If it _____________ (rain), I ____________ (get) wet.
28. Sally and Elizabeth ____________ (go) out tonight if their parents
____________ (allow) it.
29. They ___________ (visit) Eiffel Tower if they __________ (go) to
30. If I ___________ (pass) the year, my parents _____________ (give) me
a gift.
31. If I _______________ (not/pass) the year, my parents ______________
(be) very disappointed.
32. If the cable TV ______________ (not/work), we ____________ (rent) a
33. If the baby _______________ (not/eat), we ______________ (see) the
34. If the T-shirt ________________ (suit) me, I _______________ (buy)
35. If you _________________ (continue) on a diet, you
_________________ (get) sick.
36. If you ________________ (be) a good listener, you _______________
(have) many friends.

37. If you _________________ (not/be) careful, you ________________
(spoil) the machine.
38. If she _________________ (not / be) careful, she _______________
(not/have) enough money left.
39. If you ___________ (get) enough sleep, you _____________ (feel)
40. My parents ____________ (give) me a hug, if I ______________

(arrive) home early.
41. If you _______________ (not/be) careful, you _______________ (fall).
42. If she _______ (eat) that mayonnaise, she ________________ (be) sick.
43. If they _____ (not/behave) correctly, their parents _________ (punish)
44. She ______________ (go) on a trip if she ______________ (have got)
holidays in August.
45. I ______________ (get) dehydrated if you _________________
(not/drink) more water.
46. If it _____________ (be) too much heat, I _______________ (turn off)
the air conditioning.
47. You ______________ (understand) conditional sentences if you
______________ (practise) carefully.
48. We (do) _______________________ this for you if you want.
49. If we (need) _______________________ some help, we will ask.
50. If Peter stays with his grandparents, Susan (not be)
51. If we win the money, we (buy) _______________________ a new
52. She (not write) _______________________ to you if she leaves.
53. We (go) _______________________ on holiday if there is time.

1. don’t have - will be
2. isn’t - will be
3. don’t work - will go
25. catch - will arrive
26. support - will be
27. rains - will get
28. will go - allow

29. will visit - go
30. pass - will give
31. don’t pass - will be
32. doesn’t work - will rent
33. doesn’t eat - will see
34. suits - will buy
35. continue - will get
36. are - will have
37. aren’t - ill spoil
38. isn’t - won’t have
39. get - will feel
40. will give - arrive
41. aren’t - will fall
42. eats - will be
43. don’t behave - will punish
44. will go - has got
45. will get - don’t drink
46. is - will turn off
47. will understand - practise
48. will do
49. need
50. won’t be
51. will buy
52. will write

Ex2.Match the phrases to form a sentence in the first conditional.
1. If we leave now,
A. it’ll bite you.

2. If I give you some money,
B. I’m sure she’ll say “yes”.
3. If you wear that shirt,
C. we’ll go to the beach.
4. If you invite her to the
D. will you buy some chocolate for me?
E. you’ll look really good.
5. If he drives that car fast,
F. we’ll be home by ten.
6. If I phone you at nine,
G. he’ll have an accident.

7. If it’s hot tomorrow,
8. If you touch that dog,
9. If the soil is polluted,
10. If people use more car,
11. If we plant more trees,
12. If we borrow books from
the library instead of buying,
13. If we have a shower instead
of a bath
1.F 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.G 6.H

H. will you be at home?
I. We will save our money.
J. We will have more oxygen to breathe.
K. The plants will die.
L. They will make the air more polluted.

M. We will save a lot of water

7.C 8.A 9.K 10.L 11.J 12.I


Exercise 3: Choose the correct word.
1. If we miss/ will miss the bus, we take/ will take the taxi.
1. If we miss the bus, we will take the taxi.
2. I come/ will come over to your house if you rent/ will rent a DVD.
2. I will come over to your house if you rent a DVD.
3. They see/ will see the new Lara Croft film if they go/ will go to the
3. They will see the new Lara Croft film if they go to the cinema.
4. She goes/ will go to the party if you invite/ will invite her.
4. She will go to the party if you invite her.
5. You are/ will be on time if you run/ will run.
5. You will be on time if you run.
6. If he doesn’t stop/ won’t stop smoking, he has/ will have problems later.
6. If he doesn’t stop smoking, he will have problems later.
7. If you help/ will help me, I lend / will lend you that Beyonce’ CD.
7. If you help me, I will lend you that Beyonce’ CD.
8. If you don’t eat/ won’t eat fruit, you get/ will get a cold.
8. If you don’t eat fruit, you will get a cold.
Exercise 4: Write the conditional sentences from the following
1. We will plant more trees. The air will be fresher.
1 - if we plant more trees, the air will be fresher.
2. We will use fewer cars. We will reduce pollution.
2 - If we use fewer cars, we will reduce pollution.

3. We will cycle to school every day. We will keep fitter.
3 - If we cycle to school every day, we will keep fitter.
4. We will use recycled products. We will save money.
4 - If we use recycled products, we will save money.

5. People will throw rubbish into the right bin. They will keep the
environment clean.
5. If people throw rubbish into the right bin, they will keep the
environment clean.
6. We will turn off the tap when brushing the teeth. We will save a lot of
6 - If we turn off the tap when brushing the teeth, we will save a lot of
7. People will travel more by public transport. The harmful gases in big
cities will be reduced.
7 - if people travel more by public transport, the harmful gases in big
cities will be reduced.
8. We will start at six. We will arrive there before noon.
8 - If we start at six, we will arrive there before noon.
9. The boy eats so may green apples. He will be ill.
9 - If the boy eats so may green apples, he will be ill.
10.We will use reusable bags for shopping. We will reduce waste.
10 - If we use reusable bags for shopping, we will reduce waste.

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