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An investigation into the real situation and some solutions for enhancing food and beverage services of bistecca restaurant at orient hotel danang

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An Investigation into the Real Situation and
Some Solutions for Enhancing Food and
Beverage Services of Bistecca Restaurant at
Orient Hotel Danang


DA NANG, May 2022

My granduation paper is divided into 6 chapter.
I’ll start with …..

1.1. Rationale
As you know, Vietnam has an extremely diverse and rich tourism potential.
With the growing trend of the tourism industry, now many businesses have also
boldly invested and engaged in business to exploit the benefits from this field.
Therefore, the competition between business in the same field is extremely
strong, along with the push for business units to research and launch new
products and services, satisfying customers as well as attracting customers to
the products and services of the enterprise. Therefore, during the internship at
New Orient Hotel, I decided to choose to research on the topic:" An
Investigation into the Real Situation and some Solutions to Enhancing Food and

Beverage Services of Bistecca Restaurant at Orient Hotel Danang”.
2. Aims and Objectives

In the study, I would like to investigate the current state of the F&B
Department at the New Orient Hotel, identify some of the department's
strengths and weaknesses, and then propose some suggestions for
improving the department's efficiency.
3. Scope of the study
- About the content: The topic goes into evaluating the quality of food
service at Bistecca restaurant, New Orient Hotel Danang through the evaluation
opinions of customers staying at the hotel. From then on, give appropriate
orientations and solutions to improve service quality.
- Regarding space: The study was carried out within the New Orient Hotel
Danang, in the area of Da Nang City.
- About time:

• Secondary data: Collecting data and documents on tourism in Da Nang
city and Bistecca restaurant from 2019–2021.
• Primary data: Customer survey data is conducted from January to April
4. Method of the study

I used the information gathered from the hotel in the course of this
research. In addition, I draw necessary conclusions about the subject
using the methods of inquiry, observation, interview, study, and
Well, I’ve told you about Introduction.
5. Structure of the study
- Chapter 1: Introduction: This part includes the Rationale, Aims and

Objectives, Scope of the study, Method of the study and organization of the
study in this case.
Chapter 2: Theoretical Background: Focusing on some basic concepts
related to Catering Business and Catering Service Quality
- Chapter 3: Case Description: Introducing general information about New
Orient hotel and Bistecca Restaurant.
Chapter 4: Analysis and Evaluation: Analyzing some strengths and
weaknesses of the F&B Department in Bistecca Restaurant
Chapter 5: Difficulties and Suggeted
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Suggestions: Proposing some solutions to
improving the quality of the F &B Department and drawing conclusions.
Then I will look at


Overview of Catering Business

2.1.1. Definition of Catering Business
Catering business in tourism includes the activities of preparing food, selling
and serving the consumption needs of food and drinks and providing other
services to satisfy the needs of food and entertainment at restaurants for the
purpose of making a profit.
Contents of catering business include activities:
- Physical production activities
- Circulation activities


- Serving activities
Characteristics of the Catering Business
High quality food
Good service
Reasonable prices
Safe equipment
Complex menu
On time delivery of food

2.1.3. Role of the Catering Business in the Hotel
Food service business in the hotel plays the following important roles:
- Food service business is one of the important activities in the hotel
- The catering service in the hotel ensures to provide food in beautiful and
good quality forms, meeting the needs of many visitors with different
customs, age, gender and interests.
- In the hotel business, the catering business can create a unique product

for each hotel
- With good quality and diversity, richness in business activities, catering
services will also determine the prestige and rank of the hotel
- The catering business will contribute to solving the problem of jobs for
the hotel's workforce, increasing income for employees

Overview of Catering Service Quality

2.2.1 Definition of Catering Service Quality
According to the quality management system standard ISO 9000:2000:
"Service quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of a
product, system or process satisfies customer requirements. goods and related
2.2.2 Characteristics of Catering Service Quality Difficulties in Measuring and Evaluating Catering Service Quality
This feature comes from the very nature and characteristics of the food
product. Food and beverage products consist of four basic components: means of

performance, consignments, and explicit and implicit services. Therefore, when
assessing the quality of food and beverage products, one must evaluate the
quality of all four factors above.
In fact, assessing the quality of the first two components, the vehicle for
performing the service and the merchandise, can be done more easily because
these are concrete things that exist. It is completely possible to touch, see, and
measure with highly conventional measurements. Because they all have specific
physical and chemical properties such as size, volume, color, taste, etc. But with
the following two components, which are visible services and hidden services,
we cannot see or touch them. and there are no specific measures, so it is difficult

to quantify when evaluating. These factors can always change over time.
Therefore, the same service level of different restaurants will be perceived by
customers very differently. At different times, the same customer also has
different perceptions about the service quality of the restaurant. Accurately Assessed Only through Direct Consumer Experience
This feature comes from the following reasons:
- Because food service quality is difficult to measure and evaluate, it
greatly depends on the perception of direct consumers of the restaurant's dishes
and drinks.
- Due to the characteristics of food and beverage products, the process of
creating and consuming services takes place almost simultaneously in terms of
time and space with the restaurant's products and services. The customer is an
indispensable member and participates directly in this process. They are the
"main characters" in the restaurant's service performance as consumers of food
services. Therefore, they have both the insider's view and the view of the person
who spends money to buy the restaurant's products. Their assessment of the
restaurant's service quality is considered the most accurate.
If the customer's perception of the restaurant's service provision is better, it
means that the customer feels the higher level of satisfaction. Thus, those who

do not directly consume the product will not accurately perceive the quality of
the restaurant's product.
From this feature, restaurant managers who want to accurately assess the
quality of food service must always stand on the eyes of customers and direct
consumers of the product must try to understand exactly the requirements,
wishes and requirements of the guests, not based on their own judgment or
subjective feelings for consideration. Depending on the Service Delivery Process of the Restaurant
A process of providing food service is always done based on two basic

factors, that is, the technical facilities of the restaurant and the employees
involved in the service provision process. Therefore, when evaluating the
quality of restaurant service – the quality of an intangible product, customers
often tend to rely on technical quality and functional quality to evaluate service
- Technical quality includes the quality of the restaurant's technical
infrastructure components such as comfort level, modernity of equipment,
aesthetic level in interior decoration and house design restaurant, the level of
hygiene inside and outside the restaurant, the level of safety in the design and
installation of equipment and machinery in the restaurant, etc.
- Functional quality includes factors related to people, especially those who
serve directly at the restaurant. It is the employee's attitude, behavior,
communication ability, external appearance, skill level, education level,
psychological status, health status, age, gender, etc. of the service staff
Both technical quality and functional quality components affect the image
of a restaurant and determine the restaurant's perceived food service quality. The
problem for restaurant managers is always to pay attention and find ways to
improve both technical quality and functional quality on a regular basis based
on changes in needs, preferences and requirements of the target customer
market. High Consistency
- Consistency here must be understood from two aspects:

- Firstly, it is a high and smooth consistency in the awareness and actions
of all members of the restaurant from the top to the bottom about the quality
goals to be achieved by the restaurant. Consistency therefore also requires the
restaurant's business policies to be in sync.
- Secondly, it is synchronous, comprehensive, front and back as one and
true to the promise that the restaurant has announced to customers. The quality

of food service is required to be good all the time, for both customers and
employees in the restaurant department. That means there is cannot exist a
quality of service that only applies to a few key areas that restaurant managers
think customers are most visible to deal with.
However, the consistency of restaurant service quality is not equated with
immutability. The quality of food service cannot only take place in a certain
time, nor can it be built once and then applied forever without change. It
requires constant improvement and must be adapted to the actual requirements
of the market.
2.2.3 Conditions Affecting Restaurant Service Quality Facilities
One of the biggest factors affecting the service quality of a restaurant is the
facilities. If a hotel or restaurant is built with comfortable, modern facilities,
with high aesthetics, hygiene and safety, it will make customers feel
comfortable and bring satisfaction to customers.
Service staff show more professionalism with help customers more
satisfied. On the contrary, the lack of facilities before and after unsanitary will
make customers have a bad impression and unsatisfied. Quality of Staff
In the field of Restaurant - Hotel, in order to have high business efficiency,
the human factor always plays an important role and directly affects the
perception of customers. Therefore, in the hotel, not only the staff but also the
manager must be careful in every gesture and word. Because, even though the
restaurant has a system of modern and comfortable facilities, the staff is not
really professional and unskilled, it does not guarantee the quality of service.

Therefore, the staff in the restaurant must undergo professional training,
have good foreign language skills, and the ability to communicate as well as
handle situations flexibly. In addition, employees must also have a respectful

and cheerful attitude in serving customers and a collective spirit in performing
work. The Restaurant's Service Process
Professionalism is not only shown through professional qualifications and
skills, but also through the restaurant's standard service process. The service
process includes operations and stages for employees to perform in order to
bring the most satisfaction to customers. If the service process is good, the staff
will have a more professional and effective service style, avoiding shortcomings
in the service process. Therefore, it requires businesses to design service
processes and well manage risks that may affect the service process of hotel
business departments. Other Factors
Besides, in order for the service quality of the restaurant to be perfect,
there must be solidarity and good coordination between the departments. The
departments need to support each other into a unified whole with the aim of
bringing satisfaction to customers. In addition, the service quality of the
restaurant depends on the following factors:
+ Competitors:
• If your restaurant and your competitor both sell the same products and
services, your restaurant's service quality must be better and have more
advantages than your competitors, in order to retain old customers. and attract
more new customers to increase revenue for the business.
+ Service standards:
• Include standards for better service and measurement measure the
service quality of the restaurant, such as standards of service staff, hygiene
standards, menu standards, etc.
+ Resolve customer complaints

• During the service, the restaurant will certainly receive different

complaints from customers. From then on, the restaurant will find out the cause
of customer dissatisfaction, and at the same time overcome the weaknesses to
improve the service, bring better service to customers.
2.2.4 The Meaning of Improving Service Quality in the Restaurant High Service Quality to Profits of the Restaurant
Improving the service quality of the restaurant will help restaurants retain
existing customers (making them come back to use the hotel's products again
and again) and convince new customers (potential). This creates a lot of benefits
for the restaurant such as
- Minimizing marketing costs, advertising costs... this means reducing the
cost of products for the restaurant.
- Increasing market share and maintaining a high growth rate in the
restaurant's customer quota will increase the restaurant's revenue.
- Increasing the number of customers is a measure to help promote the
reputation of the restaurant's brand - something that every business wants to
achieve in a market with strong competition like today.
The above problems all lead to an increase in profits for the restaurant
business. Increasing Competitiveness in Selling Prices
The tourist market and the local customer market are the main and most
important customer markets for restaurant businesses. This is also the customer
market that is both the most demanding and sensitive, customers have a high
ability to pay and they always demand very high quality of the products their
buy. Tourists never want to waste their time and money to "take" the annoyance,
frustration or discomfort, local guests always have a harsh comparison. Because
of this high-class feature of tourist demand, tourists will be easily persuaded and
accept to spend more money if they know that they will be able to buy it
products of higher quality.
In fact, the restaurants in the hotel all know how to take advantage of the
above characteristics to find ways to improve the quality of their services higher

than their competitors in order to increase the selling price of their products
reasonably (increasing the selling price but still being accepted by consumers).
Thus, ensuring the ability to increase competitiveness in the market. That proves
that by investing in service quality, hotels on the one hand increase their
retention existing customers and at the same time attract more new customers
without spending advertising and marketing costs. On the other hand, it is also a
tool to help these businesses increase the selling price of their products while
maintaining their prestige, reputation and position in the market. It also means
improving the quality of service that helps restaurants improve their capabilities
in the market. Improving Service Quality to Reduce Business Costs for Restaurants
In addition to reducing marketing costs and advertising costs for the
restaurant, constantly improving service quality is also an effective measure to
save business costs in general for this business.
- Guaranteed service quality will reduce the possibility of errors in the
service delivery process. That will help:
+ Minimize the waste of time and costs for checking and monitoring the
service provision process.
+ Reduce costs for repairing errors such as: compensation for damage to
guests, costs of dealing with bad public opinion about the restaurant, costs of
handling customer complaints...
- High service quality will reduce unreasonable costs of human resources
+ Restaurants that maintain and ensure good service quality will provide
employees with a positive working environment. Employees tend to stay longer
and more loyal to the business. As a result, the hotel's labor turnover ratio will
be reduced, and the cost of recruiting and re-selecting employees due to
frequent disturbances will decrease.

+ Employees often feel proud during working in reputable and reputable
businesses in the market, they realize that the benefits of the hotel are closely
linked to the interests of each employee himself. In order to affirm and keep
their jobs, employees are often self-disciplined, regularly improve their
professional skills, and self-complete the missing aspects to satisfy the hotel.
+ High quality of service helps to save costs for marketing activities and
advertising costs.
2.2.5 The Rules of Service
The first rule of service
(Satisfaction = Perception – Expectation)
There are three basic levels of service quality:
• The quality of service: the service exceeds expectations of customers
• The quality of service is satisfactory: the service is consistent with the
customer's expectation
• Bad service quality: service is under the expectations of customers
That’s all I have to say about Chapter 2. Theorical Background
Then we will move on to

General Information of New Orient Hotel Danang
- Business name: New Orient Hotel
- Address: 20 Dong Da, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City.
- Rank: 4 stars.
- Website: />- Hotline: (+84) 236 3828 828
- Mail:
New Orient Hotel Danang is located at 20 Dong Da street - Hai Chau

District - Da Nang city. It is about 3 km from the city center about 4 km from
My Khe beach. It is about 4.3 km from Da Nang airport and about 2 km from
Da Nang station. The geographical location of the hotel is quite convenient so
that visitors can visit many different places in the area.
3.1.1 Introduction and Foundation

New Orient Hotel - 4-star hotel in Da Nang with unique architecture
with luxurious sandstone layers combined with lush green spaces
o New Orient Hotel Danang – a great place to stop when coming to Da
Nang city.
* Vision and mission:
+ Vision: Recognized by the highest standards and consistent service.
+ Mission: To serve customers with thoughtful care, bringing great experiences
above expectations.
* Core Values: Ownership - Respect - Integrity - Sustainability - Timeliness Reliability.

3.1.2. Human Resource and Organization of the New Orient Hotel
Danang Organization Structure

3.2 Food and Beverage of the New Orient Hotel Danang
3.2.1. Introduction of Food and Beverage Department
3.2.2. F&B Department Function
- Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner for in-house guests and outside
guests to order meals. Provide food service at the pool: afternoon tea
set, afternoon tea floating tray, private pool grill set, guests order extra

- Providing Room service

- Providing birthday cake (for guests with birthday on the day of stay),
welcoming back set (for returning customers)
Serving customers order drinks.
3.2 Overview about Bistecca Restaurant
3.3.1 General Information of Bistecca Restaurant
 Bistecca - Italian restaurant is located on the 7th floor of New
Orient Hotel.
 Designed in Italian style, the overall restaurant looks very modern
but equally romantic, elegant and without lack of delicate beauty.
 A team of professional, high-class restaurant staff, trained in
international standards.
Bistecca is not only a luxurious restaurant for romantic and warm meals, but
also a great place for moments of full relaxation
3.3.2 Human Resource and Organization of Bistecca Restaurant

3.3.4 Serving Process of Bistecca Restaurant

Let me turn now to chapter 4

4.1 . The Business Operation Results of Bistecca Restaurant Recently
4.1.1 The Real Situation of Guest’s Arrival at Bistecca restaurant from
2019 to 2021
Based on the source of the New Orient Hotel Danang, the number of
guests to the Bistecca restaurant from 2019-2021 is shown in the following table
and chart:

Table 4.1. Numbers of Guest Coming to Bistecca Restaurant from 2019 to 2021









74,01 %













Unit: Visitor
Through the above data table 4.1.1, it shows the number of guests coming
to Bistecca restaurant:
- Through the above data table 4.1.1, it shows the number of guests coming

to Bistecca restaurant:
- Domestic arrivals will decrease to 16.407 arrivals in 2020, corresponding
to a increase of 25,84% compared to 2019, in 2021 it will decrease sharply to
8.252 visitors, corresponding to a decrease of about 20,67% compared to 2020.
- International arrivals in 2020 will decrease by about 50.063 arrivals,
corresponding to a sharp decrease to 25,84% compared to 2019 and in 2021 will
decrease to about 12.090 arrivals, equivalent to a decrease of 21,37% compared
to 2021.
- The rate of decline is quite large due to the Covid-19 epidemic being
completed worldwide, it is greatly affecting the number of guests to restaurants
in Da Nang and also Bistecca. In the structure of the source of visitors to the

hotel, mainly international tourists. In the past year, just because of the Covid
epidemic, Da Nang has closed to tourists to protect the health of all people. This
significantly affects the business activities of Bistecca restaurant as well as New
Orient hotel.
And in this 2022, the Ministry of Health has taken measures such as
vaccination, wearing stitches, ... so the Covid epidemic has gradually stabilized
and Da Nang has also allowed to open its doors to international visitors. So in
2022 this is an opportunity for Bistecca restaurant as well as New Orient hotel
to develop more.
4.1.2 Evaluation of Restaurant Sales at Bistecca Restaurant from 2019 to
Table 4.2: Evaluation of Restaurant sales each year



( Unit:Bilion )

Chart 4.1. Evaluation of restaurant sales each year
According to the table above, we see that the restaurant's revenue
gradually decreased over the years 2019 - 2021, the profit also decreased
accordingly. Specifically, the decrease of the following year compared to the
previous year is as follows:
+ Revenue in 2020 decreased to 12 billion, equivalent to a decrease of
11.11% compared to 2019, in 2021 compared to 2020 a sharp decrease of 21
billion, equivalent to a decrease of 67.75%.
+ Costs in 2020 will decrease by 4 billion VND, equivalent to 4.4%
decrease, in 2021 by 52 billion VND, in 2021 compared to 2020 equivalent to
59.77% decrease compared to 2020.
+ Profit in 2020 will decrease by 6.5 billion dong, equivalent to a decrease
of 41.94%, in 2021 compared to 2020 it will decrease by 14 billion dong,

corresponding to and decrease of 155.56%.
As you all know, the Corona virus disease (Covid-19) is having a
complicated development that significantly affects people's daily life as well as
the health of the economy. One of the industries most affected by the Covid-19
epidemic is the tourism industry. Many large restaurants and hotels in the

province have significantly reduced the scale of operations. Family-sized
restaurants are even closed for safety reasons.
The rate of decline is quite large due to the Covid-19 translation being
completed all over the world, it is affecting a lot of visitors to hotels in Da Nang
and Bistecca Restaurant as well. This greatly affects the business of the
It can be seen that the growth rate of profit year by year is decreasing.
Revenue decreased gradually over the years, the growth rate of revenue was
lower than the growth rate of expenses.
Therefore, the problem is that in 2022 the restaurant needs many measures
and policies to attract tourists and improve the efficiency further strengthen
market research, marketing, and best meet expectations of customers to bring
Bistecca restaurant more and more development.
4.2 Actual Situation of Food Service Quality at Bistecca Restaurant - New
Orient Hotel Danang
Collecting customer feedback is a great way to help businesses understand
the strengths and weaknesses of their products and services. At the same time,
they quickly catch up with their minds and customers' needs in order to bring
them the best products and services. Customer’s feedback sources are
Tripadvisor, Agoda, booking.com…
4.2.1 Facilities and Equipment of Bistecca Restaurant
Bistecca restaurant is designed in Italian style. In addition, being located
on the 10th floor gives the restaurant a very beautiful view, when entering the

restaurant, diners will quickly feel the peace and coziness that the design and
surrounding landscape bring.
Dining room includes 30 tables with a total capacity of up to 100 seats.
Inside the dining room is equipped with a modern lighting system alternating
yellow and white lights to create a cozy space. Modern sound system, in
addition to air conditioning system, beautifully decorated curtains.

Next to the kitchen is the warehouse.
The facilities and equipment in the restaurant are relatively complete,
ensuring for dining and serving diners, but still not meet the needs of beauty,
luxury, attractiveness and some other necessary things other. Therefore, the
restaurant needs to change and add some tools to create professionalism for the
Table 4.3. The facilities and equipment of Bistecca restaurant
Name of equipment
Candle holder
Menu cover – food
Menu cover –
POS system
Bill folder
Flower vase

Stir spoon
Porcelain plate
Wine cover

In good

Still in

In need of


















Chart 4.2.3: Customer reviews about the quality of the restaurant's facilities
The survey shows that customers are not really satisfied with the quality of
the restaurant's facilities and equipment. Especially equipment and eating
utensils, facilities need to invest more to improve customer satisfaction.

4.2.2. Quality of Staff
Table 4.2.2. Labor structure of Bistecca restaurant division

F&B Manager
Restaurant manager
Restaurant supervision







Restaurant Bistecca has a total of 19 employees and 2 managers. In

general, the ratio of male and female employees of the restaurant is quite
- Service staff are young, enthusiastic and dynamic, the average age of
the desk staff is 23 years old. Out of 10 waiters, 3 have college degrees in
tourism accounting for 30% and 7 people have received elementary training in
restaurant operations, accounting for 70%. The professional qualifications of the
staff are not uniform, more or less affecting the service quality of the restaurant.
- Bartender consists of 4 people, average age is 25, bar staff have been
trained through regular bartender classes. Very good level of expertise and
- Strengths of staff at Bistecca restaurant:
Professional knowledge and skills:
The table service department, although quite young, most of them
graduated from College of Hospitality (3/4) or had experience working in other

restaurants before coming back to work at Bistecca restaurant. Bartender has all
obtained professional certifications and some have had experience working in
the bar of other hotels. In addition, Bistecca restaurant often opens staff
qualification tests at the end of every 2 months, in this way the restaurant
manager will understand and most accurately assess the staff’s qualifications to
be able to compliment them. Reward or retrain your employees.
Restaurant staff in general and service department staff in particular have a
high sense of responsibility at work.
The staff with many years of experience in the restaurant always ensure a
good implementation of the working process, from the stage of preparation,
welcoming guests to the stage of seeing off guests. In addition, the employees
are constantly learning and searching to improve the working process more
perfectly and hone their foreign language skills with the desire to satisfy
customers. Besides, these employees are always enthusiastic to help and guide

new employees so that they can grasp the job easily and quickly. New
employees are always eager to learn, they know how to combine knowledge
taught at school and experiences passed on by previous employees. In addition,
with their youth and enthusiasm for work, they have the ability to learn very
quickly and easily adapt to the working environment.
- Weaknesses of Bistecca restaurant staff:
+ The service department and the kitchen department are relatively
independent, so the coordination between these two departments is not close,
leading to errors in the service process.
+ The foreign language proficiency of the service staff is still quite poor,
which hinders the restaurant’s customer service process, sometimes even
making some customers uncomfortable because the staff cannot understand and
communicate with customers.
+ The supervision of staff is neglected, so the situation of employees

gathering in one place, causing distraction during working hours, and delays in
serving guests still occur.
Sometimes employees get caught up with urgent work, so they often forget
to greet customers with a smile.

e: fact survey)

Chart 4.2.2. Customer reviews about the staff of Bistecca restaurant
Survey results show that customers are quite satisfied with the current
service process of the restaurant, but it is necessary to train and urge staff to
perform better at all stages of the service process to further satisfy customers.

4.2.3 Quality of Food and Beverage
Bistecca restaurant mainly serves menu. In general, the restaurant’ menu is
quite rich, there are 2 tastes that are Asian and European.
The food quality of Bistecca restaurant is very good, food hygiene and
safety is always a top priority. Before being brought into the restaurant for
processing, all ingredients and spices are subjected to a rigorous inspection
process for origin and ingredients. All raw ingredients are frozen at the
appropriate temperature to ensure freshness and nutrition when preparing

dishes. Chefs and kitchen staff always pay attention to nutrition issues, ensuring
the taste and aesthetics of each dish to satisfy diners in the best way.

Chart 4.2.3. Customer evaluation of the quality the food of restaurant
Survey results show that customers are relatively satisfied with the quality
of food, drinks, hygiene decorate and price, but not satisfied with the menu.

4.3 Evaluation of Service Quality at Bistecca Restaurant
4.3.1 Advantages

The first advantage is the facilities of Bistecca Restaurant with elegant

design model has made a good impression on customers, especially
international guests. Adequate technical facilities and equipment, capable of
meeting the needs of service demand. The restaurant's facilities are checked,
cleaned by the cleaning staff every day. Technical equipment of the restaurant is
periodically checked by the staff of the technical department and repaired
quickly when requested by the restaurant staff.

The next area of strength About the staff: The staff is enthusiastic,

always tries at work, has a high sense of responsibility, knows how to support
each other in work, has a spirit of receptiveness and eagerness to learn. The
service staff and bar staff who often interact with customers are quite young and
dynamic, enthusiastic and friendly to customers. Employees have relatively
stable professional qualifications, knowledge and ability to provide information

about the restaurant's products and services for customers understand. There are
often short-term training and testing sessions for employees, in order to improve
the quality of the staff. Bistecca restaurant staff always obey the rules and
always have a good sense of cooperation with the restaurant manager.
- About the quality and variety of dishes of Bistecca restaurant is quite
good, the buffet menu are quite rich, the chef can process some Chinese and
European, Korean and Vietnamese dishes

- The issue of hygiene and food safety is always a top priority, the chef
always pays attention to the nutritional value and taste of the dish. The
aesthetics of the dishes are very good, the dishes are presented very eyecatching, the servings are always decorated with ingredients with harmonious
colors, close to nature.
4.3.2 Disadvantages
Despite meeting the needs of the department's activities, the facilities
still have a number of limitations:
- The first disadvantage is the facilities: Due to the fact that it has been in
operation for a long time, the restaurant's equipment has gradually deteriorated
and lacked. Some porcelain items such as plates, cups...and some glass items
such as glasses, spice jars...have been broken due to negligence of customers
and staff during the service leading to shortage of items in the restaurant. When
purchased replacement items, these items are out of sync in design and pattern.
- The next area of weakness About the staff: More than half of the guests
at the Bistecca restaurant are foreigners, but most restaurant staff's ability to
communicate in English is very limited. In some cases, restaurant staff cannot
fully express or misrepresent the restaurant's services to customers, which
affects more or less the reputation of the restaurant in particular and the hotel in
general at the same time lost the sympathy of customers.
Some service staff sometimes serve improperly, the situation of
employees gathering to talk during working hours occurs often.

Sometimes during peak hours, the service department and the kitchen
department do not have close coordination leading to delays in serving guests,
sometimes the service phase is interrupted
- Regarding the quality and type of food products: The restaurant's menu
has not impressed customers.
The menu just boringly lists the dishes in the order of the meal without any
special highlights or dishes for the guests.

The design of the menu is quite large, monotonous and not eye-catching,
inside the menu there are no photos of the dishes to increase the attractiveness
as well as help customers better understand the dishes.
The restaurant does not have a special dish with its own style, which has
not made a difference compared to other restaurants.
4.3.3 Causes of the Disadvantages
- The management board of the restaurant has not closely monitored the
working process of the staff.
- The restaurant's reward system has not yet encouraged employees to
work effectively.
- Serve staff and bar staff are quite young (from 20-30 years old) so
practical experience is not much. Professional qualifications are not really
complete, some employees have not really tried their best at work. The
employee's sense of self-awareness is not high.
5.1. Diffculties
In the restaurant, staff must follow service standards, they must constantly
improve their knowledge of daily dining. Currently, New Orient Hotel has too
many competitors in the field of hotel and restaurant, especially holiday beach
front resort chain such as Haian, Muong Thanh, etc. Therefore, New Orient
Danang and Bistecca restaurant have to upgrade to improve service quality, find
