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MORE EXERCISES article có đáp án lời giải chi tiết

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1. The wife of the President of the USA is known as ______ First Lady.
2. I have never had ______ job working in a bar.
3.______ largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean.
4.______ Hong Kong used to be part of the British Empire.
5. Slovakia is not part of ______ European Community.
6.______ Amazon rain forest covers several countries in South America.
7.____friend of mine, who lives in Crete, has never left the island.
8.A recent report predicted that all ______ sea water will be polluted by 2040.
9.On _____ news today, there were reports of two plane crashes
10.The weather tomorrow will be ______ same as today.
11.I don’t believe _________word in his story.
12. He began to climb _____stairs. It was dark and smelt of cats.
13. Mike waited in _________main hall while Henry escorted _________visitors to _________lift.
14. From the kitchen came _________singing of ________kettle on the stove .
15. Bert Smith was _____art lover, or at least he bought pictures.
16. She was married to ________man called Broson. He was ________planter. He was ________manager of __________estate
up _______river.
17. They traveled to ________Spain by ________most direct route.
18. Keeping ________ball out of the net is _________sole responsibility of _______ goal-keeper.
19. Several items of clothing were found on _____ river bank.
20. ________usual reason for exemption from tax does not apply in this case.
21. His mother's illness had placed him under ____ considerable strain.
22. There is _______ lot of friendly rivalry between ________ supporters of _______two teams.
23. All ______ applicants for _________post are thoroughly vetted for their suitability.
24. He'll always be _________ same - ____________ leopard never changes its spots.
25. The congregation listened attentively to every _______word ______vicar said in his sermon.
26. __________ sheep were huddled into ________ pen to protect them from ______overnight frosts.
27. There is _ striking resemblance between ___two of them.
28. I dread having to speak to ________boss. He's such __________ volatile character that I never know how he's going to react.
29. This is _____ nice secluded spot. Let's have our picnic here.

30.________ swamp area abounds in crocodiles.
31. During ________ storm we took ______shelter in ______ doorway of _____ shop.
32.________ drunken men were arrested for causing ________ disturbance in _______ street.
33. We're hoping to buy ________ house next year, so we've been putting by _______ certain amount of money each month
towards _________deposit.
34. After his service to _______ country, he was honored with ______ knighthood.
35.My aunt wound ______ brightly-coloured thread round her finger so as not to forget _________ appointment.
36. _______ headlights of _______ approaching car were so dazzling that ________ cyclist had to stop riding.
37. ________Browns have just bought _______ small house on ______ outskirts of _______ town.
38. I've been feeling ill all week, so I'm going to see my doctor for ______check-up.
39. He was charged with robbery, found guilty and sent to________ prison.
40. I'm afraid we can't raise your salary this year. ________ company's operating on _______ very tight budget.
41. In their latest attack, _________terrorists have attempted to blow up _________ White House.
42.Dr Jones has received ________award for her great achievement in _______science.
43. Their house is ______envy of ______ whole street.
44.There was nothing to link him with _____burglary until the police found _____ gold ring in his car.
45. He hit ______ vase with his elbow and it crashed to _________ floor.
46. When ______ starter gave _____signal all ______ competitors in ______ race began to run round ______ track.
47.Since _____ accident he has walked with _____ limp.
48.-_______ Department is also deeply involved in ________various improvement schemes.
49.After _____ short holiday, he applied himself once more to his studies.
50.He read it through quickly so as to get ________gist of it before settling down to _______ thorough study.

1. The wife of the President of the USA is known as ______ First Lady.  the
2. I have never had ______ job working in a bar.  a
3.______ largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean.  the
4.______ Hong Kong used to be part of the British Empire. (0)
5. Slovakia is not part of ______ European Community.  the

6.______ Amazon rain forest covers several countries in South America.  the
7.____friend of mine, who lives in Crete, has never left the island. a
8.A recent report predicted that all ______ sea water will be polluted by 2040. (0)
9.On _____ news today, there were reports of two plane crashes. the
10.The weather tomorrow will be ____ same as today.  the
11.I don’t believe _______word in his story.  A
12. He began to climb _____stairs. It was dark and smelt of cats. the
13. Mike waited in _________main hall while Henry escorted ____visitors to ____lift.  The-the-the
14. From the kitchen came _________singing of _____kettle on the stove .  The- a
15. Bert Smith was _____art lover, or at least he bought pictures.An
16. She was married to ________man called Broson. He was ________planter. He was ________manager of
__________estate up _______river.  a – a – the – the - the
17. They traveled to ________Spain by ________most direct route.
18. Keeping ________ball out of the net is _________sole responsibility of _______ goal-keeper.  the – the - the
19. Several items of clothing were found on _____ river bank.  the
20. ________usual reason for exemption from tax does not apply in this case.  the
21. His mother's illness had placed him under ____ considerable strain.  A
22. There is _______ lot of friendly rivalry between ________ supporters of _______two teams.  a-the-the
23. All ______ applicants for _________post are thoroughly vetted for their suitability.  The-the
24. He'll always be _________ same - ____________ leopard never changes its spots.  The-a
25. The congregation listened attentively to every _______word ______vicar said in his sermon.  0-the
26. __________ sheep were huddled into ________ pen to protect them from ______overnight frosts.  The-a-0
27. There is _ striking resemblance (giống nhau như đúc) between ___two of them.  a-the
28. I dread having to speak to ________boss. He's such __________ volatile character that I never know how he's
going to react.
 The-a
29. This is _____ nice secluded spot. Let's have our picnic here.  a
30.________ swamp area abounds in crocodiles.  the
Abound in/ with sth = exist in large numbers

31. During ________ storm we took ______shelter in ______ doorway of _____ shop.  The- 0- the- a
Take shelter in/ at… somewhere : trú ở nơi nào
32.________ drunken men were arrested for causing ________ disturbance in _______ street.  The-a-the
Cause a disturbance : gây rối
33. We're hoping to buy ________ house next year, so we've been putting by (=save) _______ certain amount of
money each month towards _________deposit.  a-a-the
Put by = save up
Deposit : tiền ký gửi
34. After his service to _______ country, he was honored with ______ knighthood.  The-a
Be honored with : được tặng thưởng
Knighthood : hiệp sĩ
35.My aunt wound (wind-wound-wound: buộc) ______ brightly-coloured thread round her finger so as not to forget

_________ appointment.
 a-the
36. _______ headlights of _______ approaching car were so dazzling ( /ˈdæz.lɪŋ/= very bright ) that ________
cyclist had to stop riding.
 The-the-the
37. ________Browns have just bought _______ small house on ______ outskirts of _______ town.
 The-a- the-the
38. I've been feeling ill all week, so I'm going to see my doctor for ______check-up.  a
39. He was charged with robbery, found guilty and sent to________ prison.  0
40. I'm afraid we can't raise your salary this year. ________ company's operating on _______ very tight budget. 
The- a
On tight budget : ngân sách eo hẹp
41. In their latest attack, _________terrorists have attempted to blow up _________ White House.  0-the
42.Dr Jones has received ________award for her great achievement in _______science.  an-0
43. Their house is ______envy of ______ whole street.  The-the
The envy of sb/ sth : là niềm mơ ước của

44.There was nothing to link him with _____burglary until the police found _____ gold ring in his car.  The-a
Link sb with sth : mối liên hệ giữa ai với ai
45. He hit ______ vase with his elbow and it crashed to _________ floor.  The-the
46. When ______ starter gave _____signal all ______ competitors in ______ race began to run round ______ track. 
47.Since _____ accident he has walked with _____ limp.  The-a
48.-_______ Department is also deeply involved in ________various improvement schemes.  The-0
49.After _____ short holiday, he applied himself once more to his studies.  a
50.He read it through quickly so as to get _____gist of it before settling down to _____ thorough study.  The-a
The gist of sth /ðəˈdʒɪst/ : thông tin chung /
= general information without details
