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AllBasic 16 6QIR8 print lab

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Allegro® PCB Editor Basic
Course Version 16.6 QIR8
Lab Manual

Revision 1.0

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February 9, 2015

Table of Contents
Allegro PCB Editor Basic Techniques
Module 1:

About This Course ....................................................................................................... 9

Lab 1-1

Locating Cadence Online Support Solutions .......................................................................... 11
Cadence Online Support (COS) ................................................................................................. 11
Product Search .......................................................................................................................... 12

Lab 1-2

Customizing Notification and Search Preferences ................................................................. 13
Product Preferences................................................................................................................... 13

Module 2:

User Interface ............................................................................................................. 15

Lab 2-1

Taking an Allegro PCB Editor Tour ...................................................................................... 17
Choosing Products and Starting Allegro PCB Editor .................................................................. 17
Setting Your Working Directory, Opening a Board Design, and Viewing Tool Sets ................... 18
Exploring the Allegro PCB Editor User Interface ....................................................................... 19
Accessing the Help System ....................................................................................................... 21

Lab 2-2

Navigating the Allegro PCB Editor User Interface ................................................................ 22
Using a Pop-Up Menu and View Panning .................................................................................. 22
Using the View Command and Zoom Options ........................................................................... 22
Using the Middle Mouse Button to Zoom In and Out ................................................................. 23
Using the WorldView Window.................................................................................................. 24
Using Strokes............................................................................................................................ 25
Customizing Your View and Toolset ......................................................................................... 26
Choosing Drawing Options ....................................................................................................... 27
Changing the Mouse Pointer Appearance with User Preferences ................................................ 28

Module 3:

Management of the Allegro PCB Editor Work Environment ..................................... 31

Lab 3-1

Using Script Files to Control Visibility and Color .................................................................. 33
Starting a Script File Recorder ................................................................................................... 33

Controlling Visibility ................................................................................................................ 34
Controlling Colors .................................................................................................................... 35
Stopping the Script File Recorder .............................................................................................. 36
Testing the Script File (colors.scr) ............................................................................................. 36
Setting Colors Using the Import/Export – Parameters Command................................................ 37
Using the Shadow Mode Option ................................................................................................ 38

Lab 3-2

Coloring and Using the Find Filter ......................................................................................... 40
Locating a Component Using the Find By Name Section ........................................................... 40
Using the Selectable Objects List............................................................................................... 41
Using the Pre-Selection Mode ................................................................................................... 42
Finding Items by Property ......................................................................................................... 43
Coloring Objects in a Design ..................................................................................................... 44

Lab 3-3

Using the Find Filter with the Show Element Command ....................................................... 46
Using the Show – Element Command........................................................................................ 46
Using the Display – Measure Command .................................................................................... 48

Module 4:
Lab 4-1

PCB Editor Initialization ............................................................................................. 49
Managing the User Environment ............................................................................................ 51
Changing the Dynamic Zoom .................................................................................................... 51

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Search Path Variables ............................................................................................................... 53
Lab 4-2

Module 5:

Padstacks.................................................................................................................... 57

Lab 5-1

Creating a Flash Symbol ......................................................................................................... 59
Starting in Symbol Edit Mode ................................................................................................... 59
Setting the Design Parameters ................................................................................................... 60
Creating the Thermal Relief ...................................................................................................... 61
Saving the Symbol to Disk ........................................................................................................ 62

Lab 5-2

Creating Padstacks for a Through-Hole Pin Device............................................................... 63
Starting the Padstack Editor ...................................................................................................... 63
Creating the Padstack in the Correct Directory........................................................................... 63
Describing the NCDRILL Requirements ................................................................................... 64
Describing the BEGIN LAYER Pad .......................................................................................... 65
Describing the DEFAULT INTERNAL and END LAYER Pads ................................................ 66
Defining the Thermal Flash ....................................................................................................... 67
Describing the SOLDERMASK Pads ........................................................................................ 68
Describing BEGIN LAYER and END LAYER Pads for Pin 1 ................................................... 69

Describing the SOLDERMASK Pads ........................................................................................ 70
Saving the Padstack to Disk ...................................................................................................... 70

Lab 5-3

Creating a Padstack for a Surface-Mounted Device .............................................................. 72
Naming the Padstack................................................................................................................. 72
Describing the BEGIN LAYER Pad .......................................................................................... 72
Describing the SOLDERMASK Pad ......................................................................................... 73
Describing the PASTEMASK Pad............................................................................................. 73
Saving the Padstack to Disk ...................................................................................................... 74

Module 6:


Customizing the PCB Editor User Interface .......................................................................... 55
Using Function Keys ................................................................................................................. 55
Using Typed Aliases ................................................................................................................. 56
Removing a Defined Alias ........................................................................................................ 56

Component Symbols .................................................................................................. 75

Lab 6-1

Creating a DIP16 Package Using the Package Symbol Wizard ............................................. 77
Naming the Symbol .................................................................................................................. 77
Using the Package Symbol Wizard ............................................................................................ 78

Lab 6-2

Creating a DIP14 Package Symbol ......................................................................................... 81
Starting in Symbol Edit Mode ................................................................................................... 81
Setting the Design Parameters ................................................................................................... 82
Adding Pins .............................................................................................................................. 82
Adding an Assembly Outline..................................................................................................... 85
Adding a Silkscreen Outline ...................................................................................................... 86
Setting Colors ........................................................................................................................... 87
Adding Labels .......................................................................................................................... 88
Creating a Package Boundary.................................................................................................... 90
Defining the Package Height ..................................................................................................... 90
Saving the Symbol to Disk ........................................................................................................ 91

Lab 6-3

Creating an SOIC16 with the Symbol Editor (Optional Lab)................................................ 92
Naming the Symbol .................................................................................................................. 92
Setting the Grid......................................................................................................................... 92
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Adding Pins .............................................................................................................................. 93
Adding an Assembly Outline..................................................................................................... 95
Adding a Silkscreen Outline ...................................................................................................... 95
Adding Labels........................................................................................................................... 96
Creating the Package Symbol and Drawing Files (.psm and .dra) ............................................... 97
Module 7:

Board Design Files ..................................................................................................... 99

Lab 7-1

Creating a Board Mechanical Symbol .................................................................................. 101
Naming the Symbol ................................................................................................................ 101
Setting the Grid ....................................................................................................................... 103
Creating the Board Outline ...................................................................................................... 104
Adding Tooling Holes ............................................................................................................. 105
Chamfering Corners ................................................................................................................ 106
Adding Linear Dimensions ...................................................................................................... 108
Dimensioning a Chamfer ......................................................................................................... 110
Adding Placement and Routing Keepin Areas.......................................................................... 112
Adding Placement and Routing Keepout Areas ........................................................................ 114
Adding Via Keepout Areas...................................................................................................... 115
Creating the Mechanical Symbol and Drawing Files ................................................................ 116

Lab 7-2

Creating a Master Design File (.brd) .................................................................................... 118
Setting Drawing Parameters .................................................................................................... 118
Adding the Mechanical Symbol ............................................................................................... 119
Adding Format Symbols.......................................................................................................... 121
Adding Package Symbols ........................................................................................................ 122
Setting Color and Visibility ..................................................................................................... 123
Defining the Cross Section (Layer Stackup)............................................................................. 124
Saving Your Board Template .................................................................................................. 126

Module 8:

Importation of Logic Information into the PCB Editor ............................................ 127

Lab 8-1

Reading Design Entry HDL into the PCB Editor ................................................................. 129
Starting the Project Manager ................................................................................................... 129
Opening the Project ................................................................................................................. 130
Synchronizing the Schematic Logic with the Physical Board.................................................... 131

Lab 8-2

Reading Design Entry CIS into the PCB Editor ................................................................... 134
Importing the DE CIS File....................................................................................................... 134

Lab 8-3

Importing a Third-Party Netlist ........................................................................................... 137
Opening the master.brd File .................................................................................................... 137

Module 9:

Design Constraints................................................................................................... 141

Lab 9-1

Setting Physical Rules ........................................................................................................... 143
Setting the Default Physical Rules ........................................................................................... 143
Defining the Special Physical Rules......................................................................................... 144
Identifying the Special Physical Nets ....................................................................................... 144
Assigning the Net Class .......................................................................................................... 145

Lab 9-2

Setting Spacing Rules ............................................................................................................ 147
Setting the Default Spacing Rules............................................................................................ 147
Defining the Special Spacing Rules ......................................................................................... 148
Assigning the Net Class .......................................................................................................... 149

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Lab 9-3

Setting Class-Class Rules ....................................................................................................... 150
Defining a New Spacing Rule .................................................................................................. 150
Assigning Nets to a New Net Class .......................................................................................... 151
Creating the Class-Class Rule .................................................................................................. 152

Lab 9-4

Working with Properties ....................................................................................................... 155
Attaching Properties to Components......................................................................................... 155
Attaching Fixed Properties to Symbols Using Icons .................................................................. 157
Adding the ROOM Property to Components............................................................................. 157
Attaching Properties to Nets ..................................................................................................... 159
Showing Existing Properties on Elements in the Design............................................................ 161
Deleting Properties .................................................................................................................. 162

Module 10:

Component Placement ............................................................................................. 165

Lab 10-1

Creating a Floorplan .............................................................................................................. 167
Starting in the Work Directory ................................................................................................. 167
Setting the Non-Etch Grid ........................................................................................................ 167
Adding Rooms ......................................................................................................................... 168

Lab 10-2

Assigning Preplaced Packages ............................................................................................... 171

Lab 10-3

Placing Components Manually .............................................................................................. 173
Placing Parts by Reference Designator ..................................................................................... 173
Coloring the GND and VCC Nets............................................................................................. 175
Changing the Default Orientation ............................................................................................. 176
Moving Parts ........................................................................................................................... 178
Moving Groups of Parts ........................................................................................................... 178

Lab 10-4

Using Quickplace and the Replicate Circuit Functionality ................................................... 180
Preparing for Placement ........................................................................................................... 180
Placing the Chan2 Room .......................................................................................................... 181
Creating the Replicated Circuit and Applying It to Chan1 Room ............................................... 182
Quickplacing the Rest of the Rooms ......................................................................................... 186
Quickplacing the Remaining Active Component....................................................................... 188

Generating Reports .................................................................................................................. 191

Lab 10-5

Removing Components from the Board ................................................................................ 194
Deleting Parts from the Design ................................................................................................. 194

Module 11:
Lab 11-1

Displaying Ratsnests .............................................................................................................. 197
Working with Ratsnests ........................................................................................................... 197

Lab 11-2

Advanced Placement with ALT_SYMBOL (Optional) ......................................................... 199
Using the ALT_SYMBOL Property ......................................................................................... 199

Module 12:


Advanced Placement ................................................................................................ 195

Routing ...................................................................................................................... 201

Lab 12-1

Defining Etch Grids ............................................................................................................... 203
Defining Grids ......................................................................................................................... 203

Lab 12-2

Adding and Deleting Connect Lines and Vias ....................................................................... 205
Deleting Etch ........................................................................................................................... 207
Using the Pre-Select Mode ....................................................................................................... 208
Inserting Vias .......................................................................................................................... 209
Using the Bubble Options ........................................................................................................ 210
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Routing with the Working Layer Environment......................................................................... 212
Lab 12-3

Preparing for Autorouting .................................................................................................... 214
Making the Plane Layers Visible ............................................................................................. 214
Creating the Shape for the VCC Power Layer .......................................................................... 215
Creating the Shape for the Ground Layer and Assigning the GND Net ..................................... 217
Saving Your Work .................................................................................................................. 219

Lab 12-4

Using the PCB Router ........................................................................................................... 220
Preserving Preroutes into the PCB Router ................................................................................ 220
Running the PCB Router ......................................................................................................... 221

Lab 12-5

Checking for Unconnected Pins ............................................................................................ 224
Using Rats .............................................................................................................................. 224

Using the Report Command .................................................................................................... 224
Final Editing ........................................................................................................................... 225

Lab 12-6

Improving Routed Connections ............................................................................................ 226
Using Slide ............................................................................................................................. 226

Lab 12-7

Replacing Etch and Using the Cut Option............................................................................ 229
Using the Replace Etch Option ................................................................................................ 229
Using Cut with Delete ............................................................................................................. 230
Using Cut with Slide ............................................................................................................... 230
Using Cut to Change Width ..................................................................................................... 231

Module 13:
Lab 13-1

Module 14:

Copper Areas and Positive or Negative Planes ...................................................... 233
Working with Copper Areas ................................................................................................. 235
Setting Up for Embedded Planes ............................................................................................. 235
Setting Up for Thermal Pad Display ........................................................................................ 235
Editing the GND Plane ............................................................................................................ 237
Deleting Islands ...................................................................................................................... 238
Creating Copper Void Areas.................................................................................................... 239
Preparation for Postprocessing............................................................................... 241

Lab 14-1

Renaming Components ......................................................................................................... 243
Setting up for Rename ............................................................................................................. 243
Setting Colors and Visibility.................................................................................................... 244
Renaming Components ........................................................................................................... 245
Interactively Renaming Parts ................................................................................................... 247

Lab 14-2

Backannotating PCB Editor Files to DE HDL ..................................................................... 248
Creating the Backannotation Files for DE HDL ....................................................................... 248

Lab 14-3

Backannotating PCB Editor Files to DE CIS ....................................................................... 250
Creating the Backannotation Files for Capture CIS .................................................................. 250

Lab 14-4

Backannotating from PCB Editor Files to a Third Party Schematic ................................... 251
Creating the Backannotation Files for a Third-Party Schematic ................................................ 251

Module 15:
Lab 15-1

Preparation of the Board Design for Manufacturing ............................................... 253
Creating a Silkscreen ............................................................................................................ 255
Setting Visibility ..................................................................................................................... 255
Running the Autosilk Program ................................................................................................ 256

Editing the Silkscreen.............................................................................................................. 257

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Lab 15-2

Creating Reports .................................................................................................................... 258
Running the Report Command ................................................................................................. 258

Lab 15-3

Creating Artwork Files .......................................................................................................... 259
Setting Manufacturing File Parameters ..................................................................................... 259
Setting Up Film Control Records.............................................................................................. 260
Creating New Film Control Records ......................................................................................... 262
Creating the Soldermask Top Film Control Record ................................................................... 263
Creating the Soldermask Bottom Film Control Record.............................................................. 263
Running DRC .......................................................................................................................... 264
Saving the Design File ............................................................................................................. 265
Creating the Manufacturing Files ............................................................................................. 265

Lab 15-4

Viewing Gerber Files ............................................................................................................. 267
Starting a New Design for Viewing .......................................................................................... 267

Creating a New Subclass for the Artwork ................................................................................. 268
Loading the Artwork Files into PCB Editor .............................................................................. 268

Lab 15-5

Creating a Drill Legend ......................................................................................................... 270
Opening the Final Design File .................................................................................................. 270
Setting Visibility ...................................................................................................................... 270
Creating Drill Symbols and Legend .......................................................................................... 271

Lab 15-6

Creating Fabrication and Assembly Drawings...................................................................... 272
Creating a Fabrication Drawing................................................................................................ 272
Creating an Assembly Drawing ................................................................................................ 272

Lab 15-7

Creating Fabrication and Assembly Drawings...................................................................... 274
Creating an NC DRILL File ..................................................................................................... 274

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Module 1:

About This Course

© 2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


About This Course

Lab 1-1

Locating Cadence Online Support Solutions


To log in to Cadence Online Support and search for information about a
specific issue.

Cadence Online Support (COS)
You can only complete this lab if you have access to the internet and a Cadence® Online Support
account. If you do not, your instructor might be able to perform a demo of this lab for the class.
1. In a web browser, enter

2. Log in to Cadence Online Support with your email and password.

The Support Home page appears.

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About This Course

Product Search

1. In the Search field, enter
DRC Error Marker Code

and click SEARCH.
A window displays the search results.
2. In the Application Notes section, click the match called:
Allegro Platform Constraints Reference -- Dictionary of DRC Error
Marker Codes

A window opens with that details all of the DRC Error codes that can be generated by the
PCB Editor:
3. Close the viewer window.


You can filter the search results by selecting specific document types or
products which are listed to the left of the results.

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About This Course

Lab 1-2

Customizing Notification and Search Preferences


To set preferences so you can improve search results and receive email

Product Preferences
You can set product and other preferences for improved search results and email notification.
1. Click the My Account link.
2. Click the Notification Preferences tab.
3. On the Set Email Notification Preferences page, follow these steps:
a. If you are interested in receiving email notifications, check Send me email
notifications about new product releases.
b. Click Edit Product List and save your products of interest.
c. Specify your preferred email format.
d. Select the document types you are interested in and the frequency of delivery.
e. Click Edit Release List and save your software updates of interest.
f. Click Save.
4. Click the Search Preferences tab.
5. On the Set Search Preferences page, follow these steps:
a. Click Use same product and document type preferences as my Notification
b. Click Edit Product List and save your products of interest.
c. Click Save.

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Module 2:

User Interface

© 2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


Lab 2-1

Taking an Allegro PCB Editor Tour


To start the PCB Editor, set your working directory, view a design, and
access the online Help system.

If you are working in the Windows environment, you might see icons for starting the Allegro ® PCB
Editor software on the desktop display, but instructions in this book refer to the Windows Start
If you are working on a UNIX system, then you can type commands in a shell.
Important: Lab Directory Instructions: The labs refer to the course installation

directory (where you uncompressed the database file) as the
<course_inst_dir> directory. Whenever you see a file path in the lab
instructions, you must replace the <course_inst_dir> directory with the

name of your chosen directory.
Choosing Products and Starting Allegro PCB Editor
In this lab, you open a routed PCB design in the PCB Editor window and explore aspects of the
design as well as the PCB Editor user interface.
1. Start the PCB Editor in one of the following two ways, depending on whether you are
working in Windows or UNIX.
a. If you are working in Windows, start the PCB Editor by clicking the Windows
Start button (bottom left of your screen) and choosing the
Programs − Cadence − Release 16.6 − PCB Editor menu option.
b. If you are working in UNIX, type the following command at the shell prompt:
allegro &

If this is the first time you have launched the Allegro PCB Editor, the Cadence
Product Choices dialog box may appear, as shown in the following figure.
Otherwise, the PCB Editor window appears.
2. If the Cadence® Product Choices dialog does not appear, choose File − Change
Editor from the top menu bar in the PCB Editor in order to change the product.
The Cadence Product Choices dialog box appears.

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User Interface

3. Click Allegro PCB Designer (was Performance L) and check the Use As Default
option. Click OK.
This sets the Allegro PCB Designer version of PCB Editor as your default. This is the
version you will use throughout this course.


The product might not appear. This is because you might not have
purchased licenses for all the products. You can use any PCB license
available and the labs should work without a problem. Just be aware that
the menus and icons may appear slightly different.

Your Allegro PCB Editor window looks something like this.

Setting Your Working Directory, Opening a Board Design, and Viewing Tool Sets
1. From the top menu bar, choose File − Open.
An Open file browser window appears.
2. Navigate to the <course_inst_dir>/AllBasic/play directory, and click the
cds_routed.brd file.


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User Interface

The play directory is under the AllBasic directory on your system.

3. Verify that the Change Directory box is checked.
This option sets your working directory to play.
4. Click Open.
The cds_routed.brd design file is displayed in your PCB Editor work area.
You can also open a file by double-clicking its name in the Open form.
Exploring the Allegro PCB Editor User Interface

In this part of the lab, you explore menus and buttons in the PCB Editor window to see how the user
interface works.
1. Choose View − Zoom Fit to fill your screen with the PCB Editor window, if it is not
already maximized.
2. Referring to the overview discussed earlier, identify the following parts of the PCB
Editor window:

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User Interface

Menu bar organization and options

Icon toolbar

Toolbars for placement, route, view, and display

Design window

Console window (and command line)

Status window with its “traffic light” and coordinate readouts

Options window, Find window and Visibility window

WorldView window

You access all these features in more detail in later labs.
3. Using the pin/unpin icons, pin/unpin the Options, Find, and Visibility windows.
You can change any of these windows to pin. Having them all unpinned lets you have the
largest Design window area for your work within the PCB Editor.

The pinning of windows and the locations and contents of icon toolbars
are stored in the system registry. Based upon previous classes, your PCB
Editor window might not appear in the default configuration.

4. Choose View − Reset UI to Cadence Default to reset all windows to their default
5. Click Yes to reset the windows.
6. View the menu options. Click the File menu option and note the available options.

Slowly pass your pointer over the menu items (Edit, View, Add and so on) from left
to right. Note the various menu options available under each menu item.
7. Click someplace in the Editor work area where your mouse pointer is not located over
a graphical item to close your latest pull-down menu.
8. View the command names on the toolbar icons. Slowly drag your mouse pointer
across the toolbar from left to right. When your pointer hovers over the icon, read the
tool tips that appear. Do NOT click. When you come to the Zoom Fit (F2) icon, click
The entire cds_routed.brd design is framed in your Editor.
9. View the names of the commands associated with the toolsets for placement, route,
shapes, and manufacturing by slowly dragging your mouse pointer across toolset
icons from left to right and reading the tool tips as they appear


© 2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

User Interface

Accessing the Help System
1. From the top menu, choose Help − Documentation.
The Allegro PCB Editor Help system appears in a new browser window. This is the main
page from where you access all the documentation available for the tool.
2. Click the Allegro PCB Editor User Guide link.
3. Click the Getting Started with Physical Design link. You may need to scroll down
in the navigator window.
This document describes the design methodology and concepts for the Physical layout of
a printed circuit boards (PCBs).
4. Click any of the links to open the detailed documentation.

5. Experiment with the other links in the documentation.
6. When you are finished experimenting with the documentation, choose File − Quit to
close the Help System.
Do not close the PCB Editor. You use this board in the following lab.

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User Interface

Lab 2-2

Navigating the Allegro PCB Editor User Interface


To navigate the PCB Editor User Interface.

Using a Pop-Up Menu and View Panning
1. Open the Allegro PCB Designer using the cds_routed.brd design in the play
directory, if you do not already have it running.
2. Choose View − Zoom In to zoom into a smaller area of the board.
3. Choose Route − Slide from the top menu.
4. Move your mouse pointer into the work area window and right-click.
A pop-up menu appears. There are different pop-up menus associated with different
tools. Pop-up menus are context-specific.
5. Click Cancel in the pop-up menu to end the Route Slide command.
6. Place the mouse pointer in the work area. Press and hold the middle mouse button

down and slide the mouse to the left, right, up, and down.
Notice how the design shifts in the direction of your mouse pointer movement. This is
panning. Also notice how the view changes in the WorldView window at the bottom
right of the PCB Editor window.
Using the View Command and Zoom Options
In this part of the lab, you use the View command from the top menu.
1. Choose View − Zoom By Points from the top menu.
The PCB Editor message area prompts you to pick the first corner of a new view
2. Click to place the first corner of the new window.
As you move your mouse pointer, a rectangle with inscribed diagonals representing the
new window, is formed.


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User Interface

3. Click again to fix the size of the new window.
Your work area zooms to display only the area you just outlined within the rectangle.
You can also click this icon to use the Zoom by Points command.
4. Choose View − Zoom World.
This command fits the entire extents of the drawing to your work area. There is no icon
for this zoom option.
5. Choose View − Zoom Fit. This command fits the layout to the work area.
You can also click this icon to use the Zoom Fit command.
6. Choose View − Zoom In.
The view in the work area zooms in.

You can also click this icon to use the Zoom In command.
7. Choose View – Zoom Out.
The view in the work area zooms out.
You can also click this icon to use the Zoom Out command.
Using the Middle Mouse Button to Zoom In and Out
You can also use the middle mouse button to zoom in and out of your display.
1. Place the mouse pointer in the bottom right portion of the work area. Click but do
NOT hold the middle mouse button in the work area.
2. Move your mouse pointer towards the top left portion of the work area.
Notice as you move your pointer that a rectangle is drawn. This represents what will be
the new display area.
3. Middle-click again.
The area that was contained within the white rectangle now becomes your new display
4. Middle-click again toward the middle of the display area. Remember not to hold the
mouse button down.

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User Interface

5. Move your mouse pointer slowly toward the bottom right.
As you move your mouse pointer, two white rectangles are drawn. The inside rectangle
represents the original display area. The outside rectangle represents a zoom out
magnification. The further the outside rectangle is away from the inside rectangle, the
greater the zoom out. As you move your mouse, you will see your work area temporarily
redisplay. This temporary redisplay represents what will be the new work area.

6. Middle-click again.
Your work area is redrawn to match the current zoom.
Using the WorldView Window
The WorldView window is in the bottom of the Allegro PCB Editor window. The white rectangle
defines your view relative to the board outline.
The WorldView window by default is pinned. If you have left the windows in the default condition,
this window is already displayed.

In this section, you see how the WorldView window works.
1. Right-click in the WorldView window and select Resize Display from the pop-up
The PCB Editor message in the Console window prompts you to click in the WorldView
window to enter the first point of a rectangle (similar to the Zoom By Points command).
2. Left-click in the WorldView window.
As you move your pointer, a white rectangle representing a new window forms.
3. Click again to complete the sizing of the outline for a new window.
The work area zooms to display just the area within the white rectangle you specified.


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User Interface

4. Repeat the Resize Display command and create a small rectangle within the board
The work area zooms to display that portion of the design you have outlined.

There is a quicker way to resize the white rectangle in the WorldView
window. Place your mouse pointer in the WorldView window, and click
and hold the Left Mouse Button. As you move your pointer, a white
rectangle representing the new window is formed. Release the Left Mouse
Button to designate the size of the new window.

5. Right-click in the WorldView window and select Move Display from the pop-up
The PCB Editor message area prompts you to pick in the WorldView window to
reposition the white rectangle, currently attached to your pointer.
6. Click in the WorldView window to reposition the white rectangle somewhere else on
the design.
The work area zooms to display just the area within the white rectangle that you have

There is a quicker way to move the white rectangle in the WorldView
window. Place your mouse pointer in the WorldView window, and click
and hold the middle mouse button. The white rectangle snaps to your
pointer location, and the content of the work area changes accordingly
when you release the middle mouse button.

7. Using the middle mouse button, drag the white rectangle to a new location, and then
release the button.
The work area zooms to display that portion of the design you specified.
Using Strokes
The PCB Editor lets you use strokes, or specific mouse movements to use common commands. You
can try these strokes on your own now.
1. Place your mouse pointer in the work area, then press (and hold) the Control key on
the keyboard while you press (and hold) the right mouse button. This action is

indicated as Control-right (mouse button).
2. Draw the letter W with the mouse pointer.
This W stroke has been aliased to a command that zooms to fit the entire layout drawing
on the screen.

© 2015 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


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