Implication for buried polar contacts and ion pairs in
hyperthermostable enzymes
Ikuo Matsui and Kazuaki Harata
Biological Information Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Ibaraki, Japan
Hyperthermophiles grow optimally at temperatures of
80–110 °C [1]. Only represented by bacterial and
archaeal species, these organisms have been isolated
from all types of terristerial and marine hot environ-
ments. Some of the enzymes from hyperthermophiles
are active at temperatures as high as 110 °C and above
[2]. Recently, much effort has been directed towards
the isolation and characterization of enzymes from
hyperthermophilic archaea. Interest in these enzymes
has increased because of their potential biotechnolo-
gical applications [3,4] and because of the need for a
better understanding of their intrinstic heating
and denaturing resistance. Elucidating the stabilizing
mechanisms has been one of the greatest challenges in
biochemistry and biotechnology [3–5].
This minireview encompasses the molecular determi-
nants of protein stability, and compares the various
molecular structures of amino acid aminotransferase
(AT), b-glycosidases (BG), and a-amylases (AM), from
different origins, including hyperthermophiles, thermo-
philes living at around 65–75 °C, and mesophiles living
at room temperature. The three representative
enzymes, AT, BG, and AM were selected due to the
numerous structural information and stability data
accessible surface area; buried polar
contact; hyperthermophilic archaea;
hyperthermostable enzyme; ion pair;
molecular structure; Pyrococcus; subunit
interaction; thermostability
I. Matsui, Biological Information Research
Center, National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
Fax: +81 29 8616151
Tel: +81 29 8616142
(Received 28 February 2007, accepted
17 May 2007)
Understanding the structural basis of thermostability and thermoactivity,
and their interdependence, is central to the successful future exploitation of
extremophilic enzymes in biotechnology. However, the structural basis of
thermostability is still not fully characterized. Ionizable residues play essen-
tial roles in proteins, modulating protein stability, folding and function.
The dominant roles of the buried polar contacts and ion pairs have been
reviewed by distinguishing between the inside polar contacts and the total
intramolecular polar contacts, and by evaluating their contribution as
molecular determinants for protein stability using various protein structures
from hyperthermophiles, thermophiles and mesophilic organisms. The anal-
ysis revealed that the remarkably increased number of internal polar con-
tacts in a monomeric structure probably play a central role in enhancing
the melting temperature value up to 120 °C for hyperthermophilic enzymes
from the genus Pyrococcus. These results provide a promising contribution
for improving the thermostability of enzymes by modulating buried polar
contacts and ion pairs.
AM, a-amylase; AT, aminotransferase; BG, b-glycosidase; DERA, 2-deoxy-
D-ribose-5-phosphate aldolase; DSC, differential scanning
calorimetry; GluDH, glutamate dehydrogenase; T
, melting temperature.
4012 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4012–4022 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
available from widely distributing origins, including
hyperthermophiles, thermophiles and mesophiles.
Background: there is no single
dominating factor for the
thermostability of proteins
Many crystal structures of hyperthermophilic enzymes
have been reported, and several factors responsible for
their extreme thermostability have been suggested. It
was proposed that the stability of a protein could be
increased by selected amino acid substitutions that
decrease the configurational entropy of unfolding [6].
Proline reduces the flexibility of the polypeptide chain.
The mutations, Gly fi Xaa or Xaa fi Pro should
decrease the entropy of a protein’s unfolded state and
stabilize the protein. A number of the thermophilic
and hyperthermophilic proteins also use this stabiliza-
tion mechanism [1]. The stabilizing role of a large and
more hydrophobic core was proposed based on experi-
mental evidence obtained using chimeric methanocco-
cal adenylate kinases [7]. The stability properties of the
chimera constructed from the Methanococcus voltae
and Methanococcus jannaschii adenylate kinases indi-
cated that cooperative interaction within the hydro-
phobic protein core plays an integral role in increasing
the thermalstability. Another potential stabilizing fac-
tor is the high packing density of the molecule. A com-
parison of the hyperthermophilic aldehyde ferredoxin
oxidoreductase with the mesophilic aldehyde ferre-
doxin oxidoreductase revealed that the former has a
small solvent-exposed surface area [8]. A comparison
of citrate synthases from a hyperthermophile
(Pyrococcus furiosus), thermophile (Thermoplasma
acidophilum) and mesophilic organism (pig) indicated
that increased compactness of the enzyme might be one
of the major factors required for its thermostability [9].
An increase in the number of ion pairs and hydro-
gen bonds is also important for thermostability. The
crystal structure of glyceroaldehyde-3-phosphate dehy-
drogenase from a thermophile, Thermus aquaticus, has
been compared with that of three glyceroaldehyde-
3-phosphate dehydrogenases of different origins [10].
From the results, a strong correlation between thermo-
stability and the number of hydrogen bonds between
charged side chains and neutral partners was found.
There are two reasons why proteins may use charged-
neutral hydrogen bonds rather than salt links or neu-
tral-neutral hydrogen bonds to stabilize protein [10].
First, the desolvation penalty associated with burying
charged-neutral hydrogen bonds would be less than
that of burying ion pairs because of only one charged
residue being involved. Second, the enthalpic reward
of charged-neutral hydrogen bonds is greater than that
of neutral-neutral hydrogen bonds because of the
charge–dipole interaction. By a structure comparison
of [Fe
]-feredoxin from the hyperthermophilic archa-
eon P. furiosus with those from the thermophile and
mesophile, further significant roles of the hydrogen
bonds on the hyperthermostablity have been reported
[11–13]. The P. furiosus feredoxin structure shows a
higher degree of hydrogen-bond network than other
homologus ferredoxins, and this is believed to be the
main reason for the observed increased thermostability
with a denaturation temperature of over 100 °C.
An increase in the number of ion pairs, especially
in networks, is observed nearly in every hyperthermo-
stable protein [1,14]. The structral comparison of an
-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase from a
hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakara-
ensis, with the mesophilic counterpart from Escherichi-
a coli suggested that four additional buried ion pairs
between a-helices might play a key role in its stabiliz-
ing mechanism [15]. The amino acid residues forming
interhelix ion pairs are buried relatively more often
than those of intrahelix ion pairs because the aver-
aged solvent-accesible surface areas of amino acid res-
idues forming inter- and intrahelix ion pairs are
39.5 A
and 98.9 A
per residue, respectively. This
suggests the internal location of interhelix ion pairs in
the molecule. The interhelix ion pairs in the interior
of the protein presumably enhance the stability of the
internal packing (tertiary structure). Furthermore, a
stabilizing function has also been proposed for buried
ion pairs in Thermosphaera aggregans BG (BGTa)
[16]. In four different sequences of hyperthermophilic
BGs (BGTa from T. aggregans,BGSs from Sulfolobus
solfataricus,BGPf and b-mannosidase from P. furio-
sus), 28% of the residues are strictly conserved. In the
aligned sequences, a strict conservation is observed
among the residues participating in forming internal
ion pairs; however, only 26% of the surface ion pairs
are conserved, consistent with the average sequence
conservation among these sequences. The homohexa-
meric structure of hyperthermophilic glutamate dehy-
drogenase (GluDHPf)(t
1 ⁄ 2
, 12 h; 100 °C) from
P. furiosus was compared with the mesophilic
GluDHCs (t
1 ⁄ 2
, 30 min; 52 °C) from Clostridium sym-
biosum. The comparison revealed that the hyperther-
mostable enzyme contains a striking series of ion pair
networks on the surface of the protein subunits, and
partially buried at intersubunit and inter-domain
interfaces, not found in the mesophilic counterparts
[1,17–19]. The importance of intersubunit ion pairs to
the structural stability of GluDHTk from a hyperther-
mophile, Thermococcus kodakaraensis, was examined
I. Matsui and K. Harata Strucural elememts providing hyperthermostability
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4012–4022 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 4013
by site-directed mutagenesis, involving systematic
addition or removal of ion pairs [20]. These results
proved the important role for the intersubunit ion
pairs in stabilizing the GluDHTk molecule. However,
completely different results were reported from a
structural analysis of GluDHPi from a hyperthermo-
phile, Pyrobaculum islandicum [21]. The number of in-
tersubunit ion pairs in the homohexameric GluDHPi
molecule was much smaller than that in GluDHPf or
the mesophilic GluDHCs. These findings suggest that
the major molecular strategy for thermostability may
differ for each hyperthermophilic enzyme [21]. The
significant role of the entropic effect, due to shorter
surface loops, on the thermostability of tryptophan
synthase a-subunit from P. furiosus (a-subunit-Pf) was
reported [22]. The thermostability of the a-subunit-Pf
molecule was examined by differential scanning calo-
rimetry (DSC) and by comparing the molecular struc-
ture with that of a mesophilic a-subunit-St molecule
from Salmonella typhimurium. The DSC data indicated
that the greater stability of the a-subunit-Pf molecule
was not caused by an enthalpic factor. From these
results, it was concluded that hydrophobic interactions
in the protein interior do not contribute to the higher
stability of the a-subunit-Pf molecule. The increased
number of ion pairs, smaller cavity volume, and entro-
pic effects due to a shorter polypeptide chains, are
important in the hyperthermostability of the a-subunit-
Pf molecule.
A comparative analysis of the proteins Thermococ-
cus kodakaraensis KOD ribulose-bisphosphate carboxy-
lase ⁄ oxygenase [23], Thermotoga maritima dihydrofolate
reductase [24] and phosphoribosylanthranilate isomer-
ase [25], and Aeropyrum pernix 2-deoxy-d-ribose-
5-phosphate aldolase (DERA) [26] suggested that
oligomerization of subunits appears to be the factor
responsible for the hyperthermostability. The area of
the subunit–subunit interface in the dimer of the
A. pernix DERA is much larger compared with that of
the E. coli enzyme. Furthermore, the A. pernix DERA
has an additional N-terminal helix that induces the
formation of a characteristic dimer–dimer interface.
These results suggest that the hyperthermostability of
the A. pernix DERA could be enhanced by the forma-
tion of a unique tetrameric structure unlike the dimeric
structure of the mesophilic counterparts (i.e. the E. coli
enzyme) [26].
Hence, protein stability appears to be attributable
to a combination of factors, which are related to
each other and their contribution to vary depending
on the proteins. It is proposed that there is no single
dominating factor for the thermostability of proteins
Evaluating buried polar contacts and
ion pairs as structural elements related
to the thermal stability
Because intermolecular and intramolecular polar inter-
actions such as hydrogen bonds [11–13] and salt link-
ages [1,14–22], appeared to be major factors that are
responsible for hyperthermostablility, interatomic con-
tacts involving main chain peptide groups and polar
side chain groups of Asp, Glu, Arg, Lys, Asn, Gln,
His, Thr and Ser were counted and classified on their
location inside or outside of the molecule. The number
of these contacts was divided by the total number of
polar contacts and the results was used to evaluate the
rigidity of the core region and the hydrophilic property
of the molecular surface. For oligomeric proteins, in-
termolecular polar contacts between subunits were also
calculated. The solvent-accessible surface area was cal-
culated by the Lee and Richards algorithm (probe
radius 1.6 A
) [27]. Next, the accessible surface area of
a protein molecule was divided by the number of
amino acid residues and used as an indicator to com-
pare the compactness of the protein structure.
Structural elements responsible for
thermostability: increase in molecular
compactness, hydrophilicity of the
molecular surface, and buried polar
ATs have been widely applied to the large-scale bio-
synthesis of unnatural amino acids, which are in
increasing demand by the pharmaceutical industry for
peptidomimic and other single-enantiomer drugs [28].
An aspartate aminotransferase gene homolog (ORF:
PH1371) was identified by sequencing the genome of
a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii
[29,30]. The gene (ArATPh) was expressed in E. coli,
and the product was purified to homogeneity. The
enzyme ArATPh was proven to be an aromatic amino-
transferase [31]. ArATPh is one of the most thermosta-
ble aminotransferases reported to date far, with a
melting temperature (T
) of 120 °C. The crystal struc-
ture of ArATPh was determined at a resolution of
2.1 A
[31] and shown in Fig. 1 as protein databank
accession code (PDB ID): 1dju. ArATPh has a homo-
dimeric structure in which each subunit has two
domains similar to other aminotransferases. As shown
in Fig. 1, the ArATPh structure is more compact due to
shortened loops (colored in green) compared to those
observed in thermophilic (Thermus thermophilus,
PDB ID: 1bjw) and mesophilic (E. coli, PDB ID: 1ars).
According to the thermodynamic database of proteins
Strucural elememts providing hyperthermostability I. Matsui and K. Harata
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and mutants (ProTherm; tech. [32], the highest
of an enzyme measured directly by DSC was
121.6 °C for cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris
[33], although the T
value of PhCutA1 from P. hori-
koshii was reported recently to be 150 °C [34].
From the ArATPh structure, the accumulated acces-
sible surface area and intermolecular polar contacts at
distances shorter than 3.3 A
were calculated (Table 1).
Inside–inside contacts refer to amino acid residues that
are buried inside the molecule and they are not sol-
vent accessible, whereas surface–surface contacts refer
to residues that are exposed to the solvent, even par-
tially. Such parameters that measure structure features
related to thermal stability were calculated for eight
aminotransferase molecules derived from hyperthermo-
philes, thermophiles and mesophiles, including mam-
mals such as pig and human [31,35–41], and are
summarized in Table 2. The optimal growing tempera-
ture of each living organism, the enzyme name, the
PDB ID, and the T
measured by DSC are also
shown in Table 2. The accessible surface area divided
by the total residue number of the dimer was used as a
reference to evaluate molecular compactness. The
occupancy of charged residues in the solvent-accessible
area was useful to evaluate the hydrophilicity of the
molecular surface.
All aminotransferases listed in Table 2 are
homodimers. Their Z score and rmsd values range
between 14.8 and 7.0 A
and between 1.07 and 2.38 A
Fig. 1. The crystal structures of ATs and
BGs. The figures were produced using the
-tracing of
the hyperthermophilic ArATPh dimer
(PDB ID: 1dju), thermophilic AT dimer (from
Thermus thermophilus, PDB ID: 1bjw), and
mesophilic AT dimer (from Escherichia coli,
PDB ID: 1ars). a-Helices, b-sheets and loops
are colored in pink, blue and green, respec-
tively. The cofactors, pyridoxal 5¢-phosphate
(PLP) molecules covalently binding to the
essential Lys residue, are shown with a
space filling model. (Right) C
-tracing of
the hyperthermophilic BGPh molecule
(PDB ID: 1vff) and mesophilic BG (from
Paenibacillus polymyxa, PDB ID: 1bga). The
model is viewed along the axis of the barrel.
a-Helices, b-sheets and loops are colored in
pink, blue and green, respectively.
Table 1. The solvent-accessible surface area and intramolecular
polar contacts less than 3.3 A
of an aromatic amino acid amino-
transferase (ArATPh) as a dimer from an hyperthermophilic archa-
eon, Pyrococcus horikoshii.
Total residues
Total accessible
surface area (A
Total buried
748 (100%) 20924.37 304 (40.6%)
The number and ratio of intramolecular polar
contacts less than 3.3 A
1030 (100%) 188 (18.3%) 471 (45.7%) 371 (36.0%) 46 (4.5%)
Total residue number consisting of dimer excluding the disordered
regions of the molecule.
The 86.4% of the total surface area is
made up of side chains, which corresponds to 18088.29 A
I. Matsui and K. Harata Strucural elememts providing hyperthermostability
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Table 2. Comparison of structural similarity, melting temperature, molecular compactness, hydrophilicity of the molecular surface and intermolecular polar contact as the rigidity of the
core region for various ATs of different origins, including hyperthermophiles, thermophile and mesophilic organisms. ND, not determined.
Biological diversity
(°C) Enzyme name
Structure similarity
by DSC (°C)
area ⁄ residue
number (A
of charged
residues in
the accesible
area (%)
Intermolecular polar contact less
than 3.3 A
Pyrococcus horikoshii 98 Aromatic
amino acid
1dju 100 20.5 0 120 28.0 73.3 18.3 36.0 4.5 4.3 [1,31]
Pyrococcus horikoshii Human kynurenine
aminitransferase II
1x0m 27 10.3 1.93 ND 33.0 65.4 13.8 49.0 3.6 2.5 [35]
Thermophile 70–75
Thermus thermophilus Aspartate
1bjw 43 14.8 1.07 ND 32.5 56.0 10.2 57.7 5.2 0.7 [1,36]
Mesophilic organisms Room
Escherichia coli temperature Aspartate
1ars 19 7.8 2.11 63 33.7 45.8 11.1 52.7 4.0 1.8 [37,42]
Paracoccus denitrificans Aromatic
amino acid
1ay4 17 7.0 2.38 ND 33.6 48.1 10.3 51.3 3.2 1.9 [38]
Trypanosoma cruzi Tyrosine
1bw0 25 12.1 1.63 ND 31.6 52.4 9.0 48.0 3.3 2.1 [39]
Pig Cytosolic aspartate
1ajs 18 7.1 2.29 ND 32.8 43.9 11.8 56.8 3.8 0.0 [40]
Human Kynurenine
1w7n 30 11.4 1.77 ND 32.8 45.6 11.7 46.3 4.3 0.6 [41]
The homology (%), Z score and rmsd values against the ArATPh molecule were retrieved by protein structure matching in a macromolecular structure database (EMBL-EBI) (http://
Strucural elememts providing hyperthermostability I. Matsui and K. Harata
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respectively, reflecting a high structural similarity to
ArATPh, although the sequence similarity varied
between 43% and 17%. The T
of the mesophilic
ATEc from E. coli measured directly by DSC is
approximately 63 °C [42], whereas that of the hyper-
thermophilic ArATPh is 120 °C [31]. A comparison of
the accessible surface area per amino acid residue for
the enzymes (Table 2) shows that the value of ArATPh
is the lowest (28.0 A
), suggesting tightest molecular
packing. Another prominent feature of ArATPh is the
largest occupancy of charged residues (Asp, Glu, Lys,
and Arg) at its surface (up to 73.3%), indicating a
hydrophilic molecular surface. Moreover, the fre-
quency of buried polar contacts among all polar con-
tacts in distances less than 3.3 A
in the ArATPh
molecule is highest (18.3%) as shown in Tables 1 and
2. By contrast, the frequency of polar contact on the
surface of ArATPh is the lowest (36.0%) relative to
that of the other enzymes listed in Tables 1 and 2.
Interestingly, the presence of polar contact at the inter-
face between the monomers is essentially the same for
all enzymes tested. With an increase in the optimum
growing temperature of each organism, the molecular
compactness, surface hydrophilicity and ratio of buried
polar contacts of each aminotransferase appears to be
BGs are a group of enzymes that hydrolyze the
b-glycosidic linkage between carbohydrates or between
a carbohydrate and a noncarbohydrate moiety. The
BGs from the hyperthermophilic archaeon P. horiko-
shii (BGPh) were crystallized in the presence of a neu-
tral surfactant, and the crystal structure was solved at
2.5 A
resolution [43] (Fig. 1). Notably, the major dif-
ference of the amino acid sequence among BGPh,
BGTa from T. aggregans [16], and BGSs from
S. solfataricus [44], is the deletion of more than 50
residues from the BGPh sequence that are assigned to
loops. As shown in Fig. 1, the overall structure of the
hyperthermophilic BGPh (PDB ID: 1vff) looks very
similar to that of mesophilic BGs from Paenibacillus
polymyxa (BGPp) (PDB ID: 1bga). BGPh is a mem-
brane-bound enzyme that is extremely thermostable
and it has been shown to have high affinity for
alkyl-b-glycosides. Hence, this enzyme may be used in
industrial applications for the degradation of sugar
derivatives and in the synthesis of various alkyl-glyco-
sides via transglycosidation or ‘reverse hydrolysis’ [45].
Parameters relevant to thermal stability were calcu-
lated for six BG molecules derived from hyperthermo-
philes, mesophiles and plants, and are summarized in
Table 3 [43–49]. The oligomeric state of the BG mole-
cules listed in Table 3 varies from monomer (BGPh)to
homooctamer (BGPp); however, their Z score and
rmsd values range between 15.3 and 12.4 A
between 1.47 and 1.66 A
, respectively. The sequence
similarity varied between 35% and 30%. These data
show that there is a high structural similarity between
BG molecules; the main difference among them being
their oligomeric state. BGPh is more thermostable
than the mesophilic BGPp molecule; t
1 ⁄ 2
of BGPh at
90 °C is 15 h [45], whereas t
1 ⁄ 2
of BGPp at 35 °C has
been reported to be 15 min [46]. The prevalence of
charged residues at the surface of hyperthermophilic
BG is higher than that of the homologus proteins from
mesophilic organisms (BGPh; 56.2%, BGTa; 52.1%);
this suggests that the hyperthermophilic enzyme has a
more hydrophilic surface. The frequency of buried
polar contacts in the BGPh molecule is the highest
(14.4%) as shown in Table 3, whereas the accessible
surface area per amino acid residue showed no promi-
nent difference between hyperthermophilic and meso-
philic BGs. The molecular compactness of BGs was
calculated for the monomeric form regardless of the
oligomeric state, which varied from monomer to
homooctamer: with increasing thermostability, the sur-
face hydrophilicity and the percentage of buried polar
contacts of the BG enzymes was also increased.
AMs catalyze the hydrolysis of a-(1,4)glycosidic
linkages of starch components, glycogen and various
oligosaccharides, and is an important industrial
enzyme. The a-amylase (AMPw) from the hyper-
thermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus woesei, which grows
optimally at 100–103 °C, was crystallized, and the
molecular structure was solved at 2.0 A
[50]. Many a-amylases have been isolated and charac-
terized from hyperthermophiles to mesophilic organ-
isms [50–58]. The AMs listed in Table 4 are
monomers with known crystal structures. Except for a
distant relative of a-amylase, the aminomaltase from
T. aquaticus, the Z score and rmsd values of the other
AMs range between 13.3 and 10.0 A
and between
1.41 and 2.52 A
, respectively, representing fairly good
structural similarity to AMPw. The sequence similar-
ity of these AMs varied between 33% and 18%
(aminomaltase was excluded from the comparison).
The T
value of AMPw measured by DSC is 112 °C
[32], whereas the T
values of mesophilic a-amylases
from a fungi, Aspergillus oryzae, and from human
were reported to be 62 °C and 67.4 °C, respectively
[32]. A significant difference was observed in the fre-
quency of internal polar contacts of the AM mole-
cules; the value of the AMPw molecule is the
highest (17.1%) among the AMs listed in Table 4.
Furthermore, with an increase in thermostability, the
ratio of buried polar contacts also increased. How-
ever, the molecular compactness, surface hydrophilicity
I. Matsui and K. Harata Strucural elememts providing hyperthermostability
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Table 3. Comparison of structural similarity, melting temperature, molecular compactness, hydrophilicity of the molecular surface, and intermolecular polar contact as the rigidity of the
core region for various BGs of different origins including hyperthermophiles and mesophilic organisms. ND, not determined.
Biological diversity
Enzyme name
Structure similarity
1 ⁄ 2
area ⁄ residue
number (A
of charged
residues in
the accesible
area (%)
Intermolecular polar contact
less than 3.3 A
Pyrococcus horikoshii 98 b-Glycosidase
1vff 100 23.5 0 15 h (90 °C) 36.0 56.2 14.4 52.9 1.0 [1,43,45]
Sulfolbus solfataricus 87 b-Galactosidase
1gow 34 12.7 1.66 ND 34.6 48.3 12.1 55.4 1.3 [1,44]
85 b-Glycosidase
1gvb 35 12.4 1.55 ND 35.6 52.1 12.7 47.2 1.5 [1,16]
Mesophilic organisms Room
Paenibacillus polymixa temperature b-Glucosidase
1bga 34 15.3 1.49 15 min (35 °C) 33.4 43.2 11.8 49.4 1.8 [46,47]
(Sinapis alba)
1dwa 31 13.2 1.54 ND 33.0 48.8 11.9 51.7 1.7 [48]
(Trifolium repens)
1cbg 30 13.6 1.65 ND 31.6 48.3 12.9 52.7 0.9 [49]
The homology (%), Z score and rmsd values against the BGPh molecule were retrieved by protein structure matching in a macromolecular structure database (EMBL-EBI) (http://www.
Strucural elememts providing hyperthermostability I. Matsui and K. Harata
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Table 4. Comparison of structural similarity, melting temperature, molecular compactness, hydrophilicity of the molecular surface, and intermolecular polar contact as the rigidity of the
core region for various AMs of different origins including hyperthermophile, thermophiles, and mesophilic organisms. ND, not determined.
Biological diversity
(°C) Enzyme name
Structure similarity
by DSC (°C)
area ⁄ residue
number (A
of charged
residues in
the accesible
area (%)
Intermolecular polar contact less
than 3.3 A
Pyrococcus woesei 100–103 a-Amylase 1mxd 100 24.2 0 112 34.2 30.3 17.1 46.4 0.0 [1,32,50,51]
Thermus aquaticus 70–75 Amylomaltase 1esw 16 6.6 2.60 ND 38.0 51.8 13.7 50.8 0.0 [1,52]
65–69 a-Amylase 1hvx 33 12.7 1.92 t
1 ⁄ 2
,50 min
(90 °C)
33.0 25.8 9.9 53.1 0.0 [53,54]
Mesophilic organisms Room
Bacullus sp.707
temperature G
1wp6 30 12.3 1.97 ND 32.6 28.9 12.6 41.7 0.0 [55]
Aspergillus oryzae a-Amylase 6taa 21 10.2 2.14 62 32.3 32.5 9.1 48.6 0.4 [32,56]
Plant (Barley) a-Amylase 1amy 32 13.3 1.41 ND 34.5 42.4 10.5 47.7 0.0 [57]
Human a-Amylase 1b2y 18 10.0 2.52 67.4 33.3 30.6 10.5 47.4 0.0 [32,58]
The homology (%), Z score and rmsd values against the AMPw molecule were retrieved by protein structure matching in a macromolecular structure database (EMBL-EBI) (http://
I. Matsui and K. Harata Strucural elememts providing hyperthermostability
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 4012–4022 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 4019
and percentage of polar contact on the surface did
not show a significant trend from the mesophilic to
the hyperthermophilic AM (Table 4).
As shown in Tables 2–4, the most thermostable
enzymes from Pyrococcus species (e.g. ArATPh,
BGPh, and AMPw) belonging to three different pro-
tein families, have the highest rate of buried polar con-
tacts compared to that of their mosophilic and
thermophilic counterparts. In addition, ArATPh has a
much higher rate of buried ion pairs than ATs from
other species. Recent surveys on the exposure of ioniz-
able groups to solvent [59], ion pairs [60], and the des-
olvation energy of these residues [61] using the protein
structure database, show that more than 30% of the
ionizable residues are fully or partially buried and ion-
ized in the internal of the molecule [62]. Buried ionized
residues appear to be more conserved than those on
the surface [62]. Here, the dominant roles of the buried
polar contacts and ion pairs were reviewed by distin-
guishing between the inside polar contacts and the
total intramolecular polar contacts, and by evaluating
their contribution as molecular determinants for pro-
tein stability using various protein structures from
hyperthermophiles, thermophiles and mesophilic
organisms. Although more abundant data for the
structure ⁄ stability relationships of various proteins
other than the representatives, AT, BG and AM, if
available, should be considered, the results reported
suggest strategies for improving the thermostability of
enzymes by modulating the internal polar contacts and
ion pairs.
We thank Hideshi Yokoyama at University of Shi-
zuoka, School of Pharmaceutical Science, and Eriko
Matsui for their valuable advice and discussion.
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