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Period 20

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read

Preparing date: 12/10/2019
Teaching date 8a1
I. Aims:
1. Skills: Develop the listening and reading skills.
2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to tell the activities people
used to do in the past.
Vocabulary: look after, lit the lamp, equipment, folktale, traditional, great grandma.
Grammar: used to + V-infinitive +…
Ex: I used to cry when I was a child.
3. Attitude towards: To remind students about the activities they did in the past.
II. Resources/devices (thiết bị sử dụng):
- Projector:
- Poster: Activity 1
III. Procedures:
1.Check the attendance : 1’
8A1 ………. absent : ………………………………………………………
8 A2……
absent : …………………………………………………………
8 A3……
absent : …………………………………………………………
2.New lesson: 44’

Activity 1
Warm up
* Purpose: This activity help students to be comfortable before starting
the new lesson.
* Instruction: Getting started
- Guide ss to talk about some modern things
- Introduce new lesson
-Ask students to look at the picture on page 38 and write the names of the
thing that do not belong to the past.
* Task:
- Form of learning: Groups work
- Two students go to the board and write the answers.
- Resource: Handouts, picture about some activities connect to the topic.
* Suggestion:
-Modern things: washing machine, telephone, mobile phone, laptop…

Activity 2:

-TV, radio, the mobile phone, the lighting fixture, modern clothing/school
* Purpose: This activity focuses students on developing their vocabulary.
* Instruction: - You will listen a conversation between Nga and her
grandma about some activities they did in the past
- Give some picture and introduce new words
* Task:
- Form of learning: individual work, chorus work
- Students read the text and look up new words.

- Ask students to read new words.
II. Listen and read
1/ Vocabulary:

- to look after = to take care of: chơng nom, chăm sóc
- (an) Equipment (n) : trang thiết bị
- a folktale : Tam Cam is a folk tale : chuyện cổ tích, truyện dân gian
- (a) tale: (explain...)
- Traditional (adj): (trans.. ): truyền thống
-( a) great grandpa / great grandma(n) : cụ, bà cố
- Lost : (v) / Lit(v) ( .explain):
- once (adv) : khi
* Check vocabs: Matching
New words

Activity 3


a. thiết bị

1- d

2. equipment

b. chăm sóc

2 -a

3. look after

c. truyện dân gian

3- b

4. folk tale

d. bà cô


* Purpose: This activity focuses students on developing their listening
skills and free reading the dialogue between Nga and her Grandma.
* Instruction: Listen and read
You will listen a conversation between Nga and her grandma about some
activities they did in the past
* Task:
- Form of learning: Groups work + pairs work.
- Students work in pair to read the dialogue.
- Students work in group to ask and answer the questions:

Activity 4

a. Where did Nga’s grandmother used to live?

b. Why didn’t she go to school?
c. What did Nga’s great grandma use to do?
d. What did Nga’s great grandma and grandpa do after dinner?
e. What did Ng ask her grandmother to do at the end of conversation?
- feedback
- copy
2. Read
*Ex Answer the questions:
a. She used to live on a farm.
b. Because she had to stay at home and help her mom to look after her
younger brother and sisters.
c. She used to cook the meals, clean the house and wash the clothes.
d. She used to light the lamp and her great grandmother used to tell
e. She asked her grandma to tell her the tale “the lost shoe”.
ex: I used to read Tam and Cam story.
- Get them to show the form of “used to”
3. Structures:
a)Form: S + used to + V-inf … + ….
(-) S + didn’t + use to + V-inf…+…
(?) Did + S + use to + V-inf… + … ?
* Meaning: việc gì đó đã từng, thường xun xảy ra trong quá khứ
* Usage: use used to to say activities happened in the past as a routine.
But now, it doesn’t happen.
- Students use Getting started to practice must and have to
Ex: I used to live here.
I used to cry when I was a child.
b) Form: What + be + S + like ? ( meaning: như thế nào)
ex: What was life like then ? Cuộc sống ngày xưa như thế nào

* Purpose: This activity focuses students on developing their reading
skill. Ss can find the information to make Fact and Opinion exercise.
* Instruction:
You will read a conversation between Nga and her grandma about some
activities they did in the past again. Then make sentences F or O.
* Task:
- Form of learning: Groups work + pairs work.
* Suggestion:
Answer: Fact or opinion?
- Fact: sự thật
- Opinion: ý kiến
a. F
b. F
c. F

d. F
e. O
f. O
Vocabulary: look after, lit the lamp, equipment, folktale, traditional, great
Consolidation grandma.
Grammar: S + used to + Vinf +…..
- Students learn by heart new words, structures
- Do the exercises in workbook.
- Prepare lesson: speak and listen.
T’s reflection …………………………………………………………………….

