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Reading Test
In this section, you must demonstrate your ability to read and comprehend English. You will be
given a variety of texts and asked to answer questions about these texts. This section is divided
into three parts and will take 75 minutes to complete.
Do not mark the answers in your test book. Use the answer sheet that is separately provided.

Directions: In each question, you will be asked to review a statement that is missing a word or
phrase. Four answer choices will be provided for each statement. Select the best answer and mark
the corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

101. The composer and the musician ------- on a
song for the upcoming movie.
(A) collaborating
(B) collaborated
(C) collaborates
(D) collaborative

102. Mr. Harris was asked ------- much longer it
would take for him to finish the assignment.
(A) who
(B) where
(C) how
(D) when

103. The freeway construction cones ------vehicles in the exit lane, forcing the cars
to take a long detour.
(A) obstructed

(B) captured
(C) conceded
(D) pointed

104. The inspector found only one problem
among the ------ machines he examined at
the factory.
(A) much
(B) no
(C) many
(D) almost

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105. The lead assembler, ------- the technician,
worked out a solution to the production
(A) in light of
(B) seeing that
(C) together with
(D) except for

106. The crowds are rushing to catch the
connecting train because it ------- to leave
in about ten minutes.
(A) scheduling
(B) scheduled
(C) schedule
(D) is scheduled

107. Ms. Garrison found herself ------- whether
moving overseas for work would be good
for her career.
(A) wonderful
(B) wondered
(C) wonder
(D) wondering

108. The business owner considered the terms
of the rental contract ------- and decided to
sign the lease.
(A) agreeable
(B) agreed
(C) agree
(D) agreement

109. According to the technician, the security
software has been -------- on all office
computers and is now operational.
(A) disturbed
(B) deleted
(C) installed
(D) blocked

110. The suppliers listed more than one way of
contacting them on the form ------- their
partners could reach them more easily.
(A) rather than
(B) as soon as

(C) so that
(D) whether

111. Visitors to the aviary are able to walk through
a large netted area where birds will be flying
all around -------.
(A) their
(B) theirs
(C) they
(D) them

112. ------- taking the bus through town, Ms. Lewis
walked to the clothing store to get some
extra exercise.
(A) Instead of
(B) Due to
(C) Unless
(D) Now that

113. Workshop attendees have been warned
that the schedule they’ve been given is
------- to change.
(A) superior
(B) devoted
(C) subject
(D) vulnerable

114. Though the driver had been ------- parked,
he forgot to put his permit in the windshield
and received a ticket.

(A) legally
(B) legal
(C) legality
(D) legalize

115. Ms. Lane doesn’t like to rush for her flights,
so she always ------- home a few hours
earlier than the intended departure time.
(A) will leave
(B) was leaving
(C) have been leaving
(D) leaves

116. Even if Min-ho Kwon is the youngest in the
office, his work ethic shows that he takes
his responsibilities very -------.
(A) tactfully
(B) seriously
(C) tastefully
(D) spontaneously

117. After the Frick Company announced record
annual profits, many employees found it an
------- time to ask for a pay raise.
(A) elaborate
(B) ambiguous
(C) opportune
(D) impatient

118. It was announced that the program would

start shortly, and guests were invited to
check out souvenir items located in the
lobby -------.
(A) instead of that
(B) in the meantime
(C) on the whole
(D) out of reach

119. Ms. Kang was eager to begin her new job
as a computer ------- for a large international
(A) programming
(B) program
(C) programmed
(D) programmer

120. Students at Bollingsworth College will be
showcasing art ------- by their recent
month-long trip to South America.
(A) influences
(B) influencing
(C) influenced
(D) were influenced


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 17

121. The proprietor regretted ------- the current

tenant in the top floor unit to move in, as
there had been complaints of loud noises.
(A) allowance
(B) allow
(C) allowing
(D) allowed

122. Unexpected situations that make employees
arrive at work late may arise, and it is up to
team leaders to determine whether a staff
member has an acceptable ------- for doing
(A) reasonability
(B) reasons
(C) reasoned
(D) reason

123. The hair stylist called a regular client to
ask if she wanted to come in early for her
appointment because there had been a
(A) subscription
(B) cancellation
(C) dedication
(D) participation

124. The people nearest to the concert stage
were able to see the performers, but those
------- them could only hear the music.
(A) aboard

(B) behind
(C) between
(D) further

125. The emergency mechanic repaired the
stranded driver’s car and then followed him
on the highway to make sure that the vehicle
continued ------- properly.
(A) operated
(B) to operate
(C) operationally
(D) operations

18 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

126. The old manufacturing equipment performed
-------, but the plant manager forecasted a
need for more sophisticated technology in
the near future.
(A) adequately
(B) fluently
(C) honorably
(D) questionably

127. When Mr. Patterson looked at the
imaginative modern drawing, he thought
that ------- a child or a young adult must
have created the work.
(A) either
(B) any

(C) no one
(D) some

128. The article had positive news about regional
real estate, reporting that home values had
grown by a ------- 12 percent over the past
twelve months.
(A) manageable
(B) remarkable
(C) negligible
(D) convertible

129. The Betty B. Bakery team moved the
fragile wedding cake to the reception hall
with -------, considering they had walked
through a strong gust of wind with it.
(A) easy
(B) easing
(C) ease
(D) easily

130. Central Subway Station is closed for
renovations, but commuters going to the
downtown area may ------- get off at the
Broadview stop.
(A) alternative
(B) alternatives
(C) alternatively
(D) alternation

Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read four English texts. Each text is missing a word,
phrase, or sentence. Select the answer choice that correctly completes the text and mark the
corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following article.
At an automotive show in Chicago on Tuesday, Bledsoe Motors revealed its ------- for a self-


driving car. The vehicle was unveiled by CEO of Bledsoe, Adriana Nathan, who said in a short
speech that “it is our goal to provide the safest products to our consumers.” She highlighted
the fact that computer-controlled vehicles are much less likely to be ------- in accidents.


Called the Bledsoe Auto-Drive, the model is equipped with an advanced GPS system and
innovative sensors, ------- it to easily navigate through crowded streets or travel long distances


on highways. Head designer of the car, Bart Watkins, was on hand to demonstrate some of its
innovative functions. -------. He predicted that consumers would be seeing self-driven vehicles


on roads before the end of the year.

131. (A) opinion

(B) slogan
(C) prototype
(D) competition
132. (A) involved
(B) parked
(C) transpired
(D) obtained

134. (A) For one, the car’s radar can detect
objects in every direction.
(B) The vehicle may not be placed on the
market for some years.
(C) He said that most people are not ready
to purchase a self-driving car.
(D) The defects in the prototype will soon
be evaluated and resolved.

133. (A) allows
(B) allow
(C) allowing
(D) allowed


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 19

Questions 135-138 refer to the following announcement.
Outdoors Club’s Group Walk Open to the Public
Soon to open to the public, the new hike and bike trail spans the distance between Allenport

and Joyville. -------. The Outdoors Club of Allenport ------- the inauguration with a public group


walk on Saturday, April 5 at 10 a.m.


The hike is expected to take about an hour. Please note that the trail is not suitable for
strollers or wheelchairs, as the ground is uneven. ------- after the walk, the club will serve


beverages and snacks. The path will then be open to all walkers and bicyclists for their
enjoyment every day except on Mondays. This will take place at ------- 11:30 a.m. or once the
walking group has cleared the trail.


Those interested in participating should sign up online at www.AllenportOutdoors.com.
Approved participants should be present at the beginning of the trail on Hickory Road.

135. (A) It is not expected to be accessible until
next year.
(B) Only hikers are allowed to use the
newly built path.
(C) This path runs along the edge of the
Bear Paw River.
(D) This will allow work crews to perform
regular maintenance duties.

136. (A) celebrated
(B) has celebrated
(C) will be celebrating
(D) celebration

20 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

137. (A) Shortly
(B) Shorter
(C) Shorten
(D) Shortest
138. (A) evidently
(B) tangibly
(C) approximately
(D) frequently

Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail.
To: Aidan Finnegan <>
From: Claire McDonald <>
Subject: Employment
Date: August 17
Dear Mr. Finnegan,
I am writing to offer you the position of Assistant Gallery Director at the Malloy Museum of Art.
The human resources department will ------- your salary and benefits separately.


The start date for the job is September 15. Your work hours will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Mondays through Fridays, with a one-hour lunch period. However, when we have to set up

-------, conditions will be different. Much time is needed to get ready for these art displays.




You and I will work closely together so that you can develop the needed skills. We ------- one


of the finest permanent collections in the city over the past few decades, and we continue to
add to it. After you hear from human resources, please contact me within a week to
communicate your decision.
Claire McDonald
Gallery director

139. (A) confirmed
(B) confirmation
(C) confirming
(D) confirm
140. (A) exhibitions
(B) accounts
(C) policies
(D) connections

141. (A) Most visitors come to the museum on
weekends, however.

(B) Therefore, you should expect to work
extra hours during these events.
(C) This is one of the skills needed for the
position you are applying for.
(D) We can arrange to have your group
tour the museum on Monday.
142. (A) establishment
(B) have established
(C) are establishing
(D) establish


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 21

Questions 143-146 refer to the following letter.
Robbie Marin
888 Randall Road
Chicago, IL 60610
November 22
Dear Mr. Marin,
We are writing to inform you that ------- was an error in processing the charges for your recent
order of a dining room set.


Our computer’s pricing system had not been properly configured to include a ------- for our


current promotion. The dining room sales event offered a 20 percent price reduction, but
customers received 15 percent off due to the mistake. -------. Our clerks have reprocessed all


------- from the weekend the discount should have been applied and are sending a refund to


customers affected by the error.
You will find a check enclosed for the amount as well as a revised receipt. We apologize for
the error and hope you will continue to shop at our store.
Amy Whitehall
General manager
Peal’s Furnishings

143. (A) this
(B) it
(C) there
(D) which
144. (A) discount
(B) stock
(C) revenue
(D) shipment

22 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

145. (A) You need to be more careful next time.

(B) The amount will be deducted from your
(C) Please ship back the dining set for a
(D) We are very sorry for the overcharge.
146. (A) achievements
(B) transactions
(C) compliments
(D) distractions

Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read several texts, such as advertisements, articles,
instant messages, or examples of business correspondence. Each text is followed by several
questions. Select the best answer and mark the corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your
answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following invitation.

The Handel Art Society cordially invites you to the inauguration of

The Handel Fine Arts Academy
On April 24, 7:30 p.m., 504 Connell Avenue, Halifax

Join us for an evening of celebration as we officially open The Handel
Fine Arts Academy. Browse exhibits of numerous works of art by local
students, and have a look around our spacious facilities. The president
of the Handel Art Society will be present to make a short speech, and
light snacks and cocktails will be served. Please confirm your
attendance at

147. What type of event is the invitation for?
(A) The launch of an art exhibit
(B) The opening of an educational facility
(C) The graduation of local art students
(D) The anniversary of a school

148. What is NOT indicated about the event?
(A) It will take place in the evening.
(B) It will include a short talk by an
(C) It will feature food and drinks.
(D) It will have guided tours of a facility.


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 23

Questions 149-150 refer to the following advertisement.

Great Savings at Foot Finds Starting March 2!
Make your feet and your wallet happy at Foot Finds’ Annual Clearance
Sale. We’re clearing shelves and stockrooms to make space for new
spring and summer items, and that means a chance for great savings.
All fall and winter shoes are at least 30 percent off, and older products
already reduced for clearance are 50 percent off!
Hurry in to Foot Finds, as these shoes will sell fast. While you’re in the
store, check out our new spring and summer collections. The latest
styles are arriving daily, and if you buy one of these new pairs of

shoes, you’ll be eligible for our special Steal of a Deal promotion,
which will give you an additional 15 percent off any clearance item.
Visit Foot Finds in Barrington at the Packard Mall off Highway 93.

149. What is being advertised?
(A) A clearance sale for cosmetic items
(B) A new retail outlet at a local mall
(C) A call for donations of shoes
(D) A yearly price reduction on footwear

24 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

150. How can customers be eligible for the
Steal of a Deal promotion?
(A) By buying two clearance products
(B) By using a discount coupon
(C) By purchasing spring and summer
(D) By bringing in the advertisement

Questions 151-152 refer to the following text message chain.

Tomas Salvatore[9:24 a.m.]
Has my client arrived for our 9:30 appointment?
Gavin Ingersoll[9:25 a.m.]
No, I haven’t seen Ms. Lindt yet.
Tomas Salvatore[9:27 a.m.]
When she gets there, could you apologize and
tell her I’m running a few minutes late? I got

stuck in a traffic jam for 15 minutes. I shouldn’t
be more than ten minutes longer.
Gavin Ingersoll[9:27 a.m.]
No problem. I’ll fill her in. Actually, there is an
insurance form I can ask her to complete in the
Tomas Salvatore[9:30 a.m.]
Oh, good. That will keep her occupied.

151. What is true about Mr. Ingersoll?
(A) He has rescheduled a morning
(B) He is driving to the office from a prior
(C) He works in the same office as
Mr. Salvatore.
(D) He is busy filing some insurance

152. At 9:27 a.m., what does Mr. Ingersoll mean
when he writes, “I’ll fill her in”?
(A) He will send a notification to an
insurance agent.
(B) He will reschedule an appointment with
a client.
(C) He will fill in an insurance form for
Ms. Lindt.
(D) He will inform a client about a short


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 25

Questions 153-154 refer to the following letter.

October 9
Dona DeLuca
975 Piedmont Lane
Georgetown, TX 78628
Dear Ms. DeLuca,
Our records show that you have an automobile loan with us under account number 4537924.
The vehicle on record is an Arrow Motors Shine. We have had the pleasure of serving you.
However, as our institution was recently merged with City Commons Bank, your loan has been
transferred. Snowdon Bank will no longer be listed as your lender on any statements or
documentation, but City Commons Bank will.
With City Commons Bank, nothing will change in regard to your payment terms and amount.
However, City Commons may choose to issue you a new account number. If you are
connected to our automatic payment feature through your checking account, City Commons
will continue to withdraw the designated amount this way. Your account information will show
the new bank’s name beginning with your November payment. We suggest that you notify
your insurance company of this change.
Should you have any concerns, you may contact City Commons Bank at its customer service
number (1-800-555-3982).
Marjorie Andresen, Snowdon Bank Chief Loans Officer

153. What is the main purpose of the letter?
(A) To notify a customer of a loan transfer

(B) To confirm the setup of an automatic
payment feature
(C) To provide a client with a new bank
account number
(D) To request payment for an outstanding

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154. What will most likely take place in
(A) A loan for an Arrow Motors vehicle will
be paid in full.
(B) Snowdon Bank will officially become
Ms. Deluca’s lender.
(C) A financial institution will begin a new
billing option.
(D) Ms. Deluca’s payments will start going
to City Commons Bank.

Questions 155-157 refer to the following flyer.

Riverton Flea Market
Every Saturday, June – July, 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Old Riverton Outdoor Drive-In Theatre

Come to sell, shop, or eat!
The Riverton Flea Market is the best in the area with around 100 vendors selling goods to crowds
of shoppers every week. You’ll find used sports equipment, housewares, clothing, children’s

items, furniture, and more. You may find a valuable treasure or simply a good buy. Some vendors
even sell new overstocked products at cheaper prices than those found in discount stores. And
be sure to check out fantastic handmade goods from local craftspeople! As a new feature this
year, try refreshments from our food trucks at the east end of the lot.
   Do you want to be a seller?
    – 120 spaces available for rent at a cost of $30 each
    – Register and pay online at www.RivertonFleaMarket.com
   Do you want to become a food truck vendor?
    – The first six trucks that register and prepay $75 will be accepted
    – Register and pay online at www.RivertonFleaMarket.com
   Do you want to shop?
    – Come to the flea market with cash to get great bargains!

155. What is being promoted in the flyer?
(A) A crafts exhibition
(B) An entertainment facility
(C) A community sale
(D) A discount store

157. What can be done on the Web site?
(A) Admission can be purchased.
(B) Vendors can sign up for a spot.
(C) A list of sellers can be viewed.
(D) Food trucks can be leased.

156. According to the flyer, what is new this
(A) Vehicles will be on hand to sell
(B) Sporting goods will be available for sale.

(C) Handicrafts by local artisans will be sold.
(D) More spaces will be open to vendors.


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 27

Questions 158-161 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Randall Sparks, 4:30 p.m.Would either of you be interested in an extra morning shift this
Saturday? I know you’re both scheduled for a day off, but it pays
overtime. Pauline injured her leg and has to stay off her feet for a
few days. I need someone to cover for her.

Irma Bing, 4:32 p.m.

Floyd Wang, 4:34 p.m.Unfortunately, I’ll be out of town as well. I hope Pauline is okay.

Randall Sparks, 4:36 p.m.Thank you both, anyway. I’ll see if I can get someone from another

I am away for my brother’s graduation. So, that counts me out.

department in the store to do it. Yes, Pauline’s injury was only
minor. But standing for long periods behind a sales counter could
worsen her condition.

Floyd Wang, 4:38 p.m.Actually, have you contacted Helena? She had some weekend
plans fall through. She might be able to do it.

Randall Sparks, 4:40 p.m.Oh, really? She’s working a shift now, so I’ll drop by and find out.
Thanks for letting me know.

Irma Bing, 4:42 p.m.

If you speak to Pauline, wish her a speedy recovery for us!

158. What type of business does Mr. Sparks
most likely work for?
(A) A retail establishment
(B) A shopping Web site
(C) A manufacturing plant
(D) A repair center

159. At 4:32 p.m., what does Ms. Bing mean
when she writes, “So, that counts me out”?
(A) She may not be qualified to take

responsibility for a particular task.
(B) She is usually not included when extra
shifts are being offered.
(C) She is unable to work an extra shift
due to a prior commitment.
(D) She cannot attend a graduation
because of a work engagement.

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160. What does Mr. Sparks mention about
(A) She was not seriously hurt.
(B) She will be in the hospital for a few
(C) She has resumed some of her duties.
(D) She works at a job which allows her to

161. What will Mr. Sparks most likely do next?
(A) Schedule Mr. Wang for overtime
(B) Speak to Helena at her place of work
(C) Approve Ms. Bing’s request for leave
(D) Send a message to Pauline

Questions 162-164 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Steve Englert <>
From: Karen Ramsey <>

Date: March 23
Subject: Class reunion
Dear Steve,
This is your old high school classmate Karen Ramsey from Reginald High School. It’s hard to
believe that it has been almost 20 years since we graduated. I found your e-mail address on the
alumni Web site. I am writing to you about the upcoming 20-year class reunion that a few of us
are planning.
So far, Dave Barnes, Kelly Farmer, and I are the members of the planning committee for the
reunion. We have reserved Fortune Hall in Bedford on Saturday, June 15 for a party at 7:00
p.m. We have contact information for about 250 of the 300 students that graduated with us and
will send invitations in early May. However, we are e-mailing as many people as possible now
so that they can make any necessary travel and scheduling arrangements.
I hope you can come to the reunion. Also, if you have any good photos from high school, would
you please scan and forward them to me at this e-mail address? I am creating an audiovisual
presentation to show during the reunion and would like as many pictures as I can find.
Karen Ramsey
RHS Reunion Chairperson

162. What is the e-mail mainly about?
(A) A school photography exhibition
(B) An upcoming social event
(C) A recently launched alumni Web site
(D) A party for students graduating soon

164. What is Ms. Ramsey working on?
(A) Committee member recruiting
(B) Finding a meeting hall
(C) A search for e-mail addresses
(D) A visual presentation

163. What is indicated about Ms. Ramsey?
(A) She is the chair of an alumni committee.
(B) She currently lives in the city of Bedford.
(C) She plans to return to school for a
(D) She is going to be traveling in the near


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 29

Questions 165-167 refer to the following article.

A More Orderly Home in a Few Easy Steps!
By Marianne Livingston

Keeping your home organized is becoming more important in
the modern age. — [1] —. People no longer have the space to
keep everything they’ve acquired in a lifetime, forcing many to
rent costly storage units.
As a professional home organizer for a decade, I’ve found that
there is a very simple process to help you immediately reduce
clutter in your home. — [2] —.
— [3] —. First, find yourself two large bins or boxes. Mark one
bin “throw away” and the second bin “donate.” — [4] —. One
room at a time, go through everything in your home. Find items
that you no longer have a need for or use. If they are of no

value to anyone else, put them in the “throw away” bin. But if
the items could be given to local charities, place them in the
“donate” bin.
So many clients are amazed at how such a simple process can
immediately improve domestic organization!

165. Why was the article written?
(A) To inform residents of a trash disposal
(B) To promote the recycling of used
(C) To describe a process that reduces
(D) To offer a suggestion for improving
household orderliness

166. What does Ms. Livingston mention about
some of her clients?
(A) They are interested in purchasing
smaller homes.
(B) They frequently make financial
contributions to charities.
(C) They were surprised at the results of a
(D) They have started creating less trash.

30 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

167. In which of the positions marked [1], [2],
[3], and [4] does the following sentence

best belong?
“As the sizes of residences become
smaller, it’s important to avoid unnecessary
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Questions 168-171 refer to the following notice.

Notice of Franklin Bus Service Changes Due to Road Construction
The Franklin Transportation Department has started a major road work project that will eventually
include many of the main city streets. The project will consist of adjusting the width of some streets
and sidewalks, improving intersections and crossings, and repairing roadside drainage areas as
needed. The construction will be completed in phases, beginning with the city center. These
improvements and repairs will affect bus stops and, in some cases, prohibit bus travel on certain
roads. The entire duration of the project is scheduled to last approximately 18 months.
Each week, updated notices will be posted with current bus routes and stop adjustments.
There may be changes to arrival and departure times. Please check the notices carefully for
accurate and timely information.
Changes for the week of April 14

Stops Affected
Kiner Road and
Linn Street

Kiner Road and
Everett Street
Kiner Road and
First Street

Bus 12 will not
make the listed
stops. Riders
should board or
depart the bus at
the recommended
stop locations and

Kiner Road and
Stone Street
Kiner Road and
Second Street

Stop Times










We appreciate your patience during the construction. If you have any questions, please
contact Franklin Bus Services at 555-1200.

168. What is the notice mainly about?
(A) Public transportation changes
(B) Expansion of bus services
(C) Construction of a city center terminal
(D) A new transit system

169. What is stated about the planned
construction work?
(A) It will include the addition of bus stops.
(B) It will be paid for by city tax funds.
(C) It will last for a duration of 18 months.
(D) It will affect routes until April 14.

170. Which of the following streets is
recommended as a stop?
(A) First Street
(B) Everett Street
(C) Second Street
(D) Linn Street

171. What will the Transportation Department
do every seven days?
(A) Close a downtown area to the public
(B) Post notices with current information
(C) Do maintenance work on buses
(D) Shut a transport system down early


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 31

Questions 172-175 refer to the following memo.

To: All employees
From: Cathy Bannister, human resources manager
Date: March 5
Subject: Tuition reimbursement program
During the past few months, several employees have come to the human resources
department with questions about the company’s tuition reimbursement program. I
thought it might be useful to highlight the most important points in a memo. — [1] —.
• Employees with permanent status for a minimum of six months are eligible for the
tuition reimbursement program. This includes full-time and part-time employees
but does not include contract or temporary workers.
• This program applies to courses completed at an accredited college or university.
— [2] —. Students must satisfactorily complete all requirements of the course
with passing grades. A passing grade is necessary to qualify for a reimbursement.
• Individual courses or the program of study must relate to the employee’s current
job or potential position within the company. Programs include those taken to
earn a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or certification. On campus and online
courses both apply. Courses are to be attended outside of work hours.
• Employees must complete the appropriate tuition reimbursement request form on
paper and submit the requested documentation, or they may complete the form
online and attach it to an e-mail. — [3] —.
• Reimbursed expenses include tuition and course fees only. — [4] —. Employees
who are students are expected to pay for their own textbooks and course

Please contact human resources with your questions about the policy.

32 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

172. What is the purpose of the memo?
(A) To clarify a current policy
(B) To announce a new process
(C) To describe new employee benefits
(D) To encourage college attendance

173. The phrase “relate to” in paragraph 4, line
1 is closest in meaning to
(A) be considered for
(B) be applicable to
(C) familiarize with
(D) be understood by

174. According to the memo, why might some
staff be declined reimbursements?
(A) They submit documents after a
(B) They fail to attain a passing grade.
(C) They have not yet been employed a full
(D) They did not get authorization from

175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2],
[3], and [4] does the following sentence

best belong?
“If you want complete information,
however, you can find the entire policy on
the company’s Web site.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 33

Questions 176-180 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

At Sawyer’s Discount Superstore, we want our customers to be satisfied with their purchases. If
you have bought items from our store that are defective or with which you are unhappy, you may
return them for a full refund or exchange them in accordance with store policy. The rules state that
you may return any item with a receipt up to 30 days following the date of transaction. If you have
purchased the item with a Sawyer’s credit card, you do not need a receipt, but the 30-day rule still
applies. You may exchange your unwanted purchase for an item of equal or similar value. For
example, you may replace an item of clothing with one in a different size or color. Or, you have the
option of making a return and being reimbursed for the item in cash. For customers wishing to
return items using a gift receipt, the policy is extended to 60 days.

Some items that malfunction beyond our return date may be covered by a manufacturer’s
warranty. Check inside the packaging for information. Should a product have a manufacturer’s
warranty, it must be returned directly to the address indicated by the maker, who is responsible
for repairing or replacing it.

If you have any questions concerning the return and exchange policy, please e-mail


ReturnService <>
Natalie Marshall <>
April 4
Return policy

Dear Sawyer’s Representative,
I have a difficult situation with an appliance that I purchased from you. I bought a Best Cook’s Slow
Cooker in February. I have a receipt that shows I paid with cash. The appliance worked well for about
40 days, and then it broke. The lights in the control panel turn on, but the heating element will not.
I contacted the manufacturer, Best Cook Company. Their representative told me to return the slow
cooker to your store. I checked your policy and found that I wouldn’t be able to return the item. I am
stuck with a slow cooker that doesn’t work and have no way of returning it. I would like to know if you
could help me by making an exception to your store’s rule regarding the time limit on returns. Thank
Natalie Marshall

34 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

176. What is the purpose of the notice?
(A) To communicate some guidelines

(B) To identify policy exceptions
(C) To respond to customer complaints
(D) To offer details on product recalls

177. What is stated about Sawyer’s products?
(A) They are the least expensive in town.
(B) They can be returned for cash refunds.
(C) They all come with 30-day warranties.
(D) They have all passed safety inspections.

178. In the notice, the word “extended” in
paragraph 1, line 9 is closest in meaning to
(A) enlarged
(B) supplemented
(C) expedited
(D) lengthened

179. What problem does Ms. Marshall describe
in her e-mail?
(A) Her Sawyer’s credit card is malfunctioning.
(B) A cooking device has ceased to work
(C) She does not believe the return policy
is satisfactory.
(D) The packaging did not contain a
manufacturer’s warranty.

180. Why might Ms. Marshall be unable to return
an item to Sawyer’s?
(A) The slow cooker was bought elsewhere.

(B) The period for refunds and exchanges
has expired.
(C) The product has been damaged
beyond repair.
(D) The store representative told her to
contact the manufacturer.


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 35

Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and form.

June 15
Sophie Larson
1276 Old School Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40204
Dear Ms. Larson,
Congratulations! You have been accepted as a presenter at the Innovators in Performance
Conference that will be held from October 3-5 in New Orleans. We have approved your proposed
presentation titled, “Achievement through Organization.” We have scheduled it for Wednesday,
October 4 at 10:15 a.m. in the Regal Room.
We have enclosed information on the event venue, nearby hotels, transportation, special tours, and
conference registration. If you sign up for the full event, you will be eligible for a special speakers’
discount of 25 percent instead of paying the regular rate. However, if you register on a daily basis,
you will have to pay the full daily rate. Your payment is nonrefundable. The registration form asks for
your information on your hotel stay and transportation details in case we need to get in touch to
notify you of any changes to the schedule. If you don’t have that information yet, then you can
provide it later.

Each year, we also put together a conference program that includes a section featuring our speakers.
For this, could you send us a few photographs of yourself along with a short personal history and a
description of your talk? Please limit it to 200 words.
We look forward to meeting you at the Innovators in Performance Conference.
Brett Moss
Conference Manager

Innovators in Performance Conference Registration Form
Thank you for registering for this year’s conference. Please fill in as much of the form as possible.
Name      Sophie Marie Larson    
Date      July 2    
Company Name      Balogh Industries    
Address      P.O. Box 712, Louisville, KY    
Cell phone number      (502) 555-8445    
E-mail address          
Date Arriving      October 2    
Airline      HiFly                 
Flight Number(s)      414    
Date Departing      October 7    
Airline      HiFly                 
Flight Number(s)      762    
Hotel Information      World Traveler Hotel    
Conference Fees
Single Day Fee (for 1-3 days): $150.00 per day       
Full Conference Fee: $350.00   X  
City Tour Package: $99.00        (additional fee)
Parking Pass: $80.00       (additional fee)
Payment Method Credit Card        Check   X  
Card or Check Number   Check 1639   Expiration Date            

Signature      Sophie Marie Larson     

36 해커스인강 www.HackersIngang.com

181. Why does Mr. Moss congratulate
Ms. Larson?
(A) She has been accepted to a school.
(B) Her presentation will be published.
(C) She has been selected to give a talk.
(D) Her presentation was rated well.

182. What has Ms. Larson been asked to do?
(A) Provide a postal address
(B) Send some biographical information
(C) Review a conference program
(D) Contact some other speakers

183. Why would a participant at the conference
fill out a form?
(A) To reserve a hotel room
(B) To be notified of changes
(C) To confirm a seat in an audience
(D) To book transportation

184. What is most likely going to happen on
October 2?
(A) Speakers will be picked up from hotels.
(B) Ms. Larson will have to pay some extra

(C) Guests will participate in a group
(D) Ms. Larson will travel to New Orleans.

185. What is true about Ms. Larson?
(A) She will attend the full length of the
(B) Her transportation will be arranged by
Mr. Moss.
(C) She will need to have her air tickets
(D) Her credit card will expire soon.


해커스 프리미엄 신토익 모의고사 Vol.4 37
