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DAY 17

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Questions 147-148 refer to the following advertisement.
It's time for the annual sale at Shoe Gold!
Buy one pair, get the next pair for 40 PERCENT OFF
Buy a third pair for 50 PERCENT OFF
Buy a fourth pair for 60 PERCENT OFF
We sell the latest designer footwear at discount prices. You won’t find a better selection of styles
and colors j anywhere. Additionally, Shoe Gold carries a variety of adult sizes for men and women.
The sale ends August 14, so shop with us today!
Open daily from 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
We accept cash, checks, and credit or debit cards.
Open a Shoe Gold credit card account for an extra 10 percent discount.
Shoe Gold Locations:
1223 Riverside Drive
MN 55401

147. What is being advertised?
A. New locations of a store
B. A promotional offer on footwear
C. Extended hours for a business
D. Refunds on canceled products
148. What is NOT indicated about Shoe Gold?
A. It will accept payment by check.
B. It carries its own brand of credit card.
C. It will match competitors’ prices.
D. It operates stores in two different locations.

807 Interstate 12
St. Paul,
MN 55519

Questions 149-150 refer to the following text message chain.
Susan Learned
Good afternoon, Mr. Wachtel. This is Susan Learned from Sigridson Office Interiors. I received the
order form you e-mailed us this morning, but I have some questions for you.
Justin Wachtel
Hello, Susan. l hope there isn’t a problem with the order.


Susan Learned
Nothing major, it’s just that you wrote down your preferred brand for the office chairs but didn’t

indicate how many you need.
Justin Wachtel
Sorry about that! Hold on, and let me check how many of the old ones we have now.


Justin Wachtel
lt looks like we need 18 chairs.


Susan Learned
Perfect. Also, in regard to the Bainbridge conference table you asked for, it comes in a variety of
materials. If you check our Web site, there are pictures of the table in pine, oak, and cedar. Prices
vary slightly. Could you let me know your preference?
Justin Wachtel
Actually, I am interested in the cedar version. It should coordinate well with the other desks and
furnishings in the office.
Susan Learned
I’ll take note of that information. We should be able to deliver everything by Tuesday morning.
However, the projection screen is being custom-built, so it won’t get there until Thursday. I’ll email you a final invoice later today.

149. At 4:43, what does Ms. Learned mean when she writes, "Nothing major"?
A. An order item was slightly damaged.
B. Her company does not sell items in bulk.
C. No now items have come into the store.
D. There is no serious issue with a purchase request.

150. What is Mr. Wachtel NOT interested in purchasing?
A. A conference table
B. Some office chairs
C. A projection screen
D. Some work desks

Questions 151-152 refer to the following notice.
Boardwalk Industries Employee Bulletin Board Posting
Wanted: Used car in good condition
Contact: Roy Long, extension #8113
Post Valid From: June 1 - 30
I am looking for a used car in good condition for my son, who will be going to college in the fall. I
would like to buy a four-door vehicle with good gas mileage. The brand of the car is not important
as long as it is not in need of major repair. Minor dents and scratches are fine as I have the ability to
fix them. I prefer anti-lock brakes and air bags as features for my son’s safety. If you have a car that
is 4-8 years old and meets the other listed criteria, please call the number above.

151. Why was the notice written?
A. To sell a used vehicle
B. To advertise repair services
C. To find a car for sale
D. To announce rental policies
152. What is NOT true about Mr. Long?
A. He is concerned about safety.
B. He prefers a particular model of car.
C. He can perform minor fixes.
D. He has a son who will attend university.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following article.
CCT News, the most watched cable news station in the country, has just hired Greg O’Connell to
be itsnew 8 p.m. anchor. Mr. O’Connell is taking over for Pauline Fields, an anchor who retired last
month after 20 years on the job.
Mr. O’Connell brings extensive industry experience. A veteran reporter, he began as a community
news writer for Cork County Ledger, then graduated to editing headline news for five years.
Followingthat, Mr. O’Connell took a job as the assistant news anchor at a local TV station. His
broadcasts became increasingly popular, and two years later, he was offered a job as the head
anchor at WQZ Nightly News. After 10 years on the job, he left WQZ because of the new position
at CCT News.
George McDonough, the head of CCT News, says he couldn’t be happier with their new anchor. “l
first met Greg while working as a producer at WQZ and have been a fan of his ever since,” he says.
“He is an exemplary newscaster who brings both charisma and a true investigative spirit to the job.”
Mr. O’Connell’s first night on the air will be May 7. Until then, Richard Marshall will be filling in
as the temporary anchor.
153. What is the main topic of the article?
A. A recently created nows show
B. A retiring cable producer
C. A newly hired employee
D. A change in broadcast time
154. What is indicated about George McDonough?
A. He is the head of the Cork County Ledger.
B. He is serving as a temporary anchor.
C. He will take over Ms. Fields’ job.
D. He worked with Mr. O’Connell before.
155. What was Mr. O’Connell’s most recent job?


Staff writer
News editor

Question 156-157 refer to the following online form.
Register now for the Seaside Half Marathon and receive a free T-shirt and other items in the mail!
Once you submit your payment, your name and information will be entered into our system, and
you will be e-mailed an identification number. Please keep this number as you will need to provide
it to one of our volunteer attendants before the race.
General information:
Name: Robert Joyce
Address: 3322 Hanover Drive, Rockford, Illinois 61101
Would you like to receive a free T-shirt, water bottle, and headband?
NO □
Would you like to receive e-mail updates about other races and events?
NO □
If so, please enter your e-mail here:

Payment information:
Credit Card ■ Debit Card □

Card number: 4916190151241431
Security code: 662 Expiration date: 06/20
Billing address: Same as home address
Join hundreds of amateur and professional runners from across the nation for the half marathon on
June 28, in Erie Shore, Ohio. Please remember to drink plenty of water and eat healthy food before
the day of the race. Attendants will be on hand in case of heat exhaustion and other medical

156. What is indicated about the Seaside Half Marathon?
A. It starts at 12:30 in the afternoon.
B. It is an annual event in Erie Shore.
C. It accepts entrants from around the country.
D. It will be broadcast live on television.
157. What will be sent to Robert Joyce’s house?
A. An identification number
B. A pair of running shoes
C. An article of clothing

D. A payment receipt

Questions 162-164 refer to the following memo.
To: All Staff
From: Angela Romanov, Office Manager Subject: Building improvements
Dear all,
Please remember that the renovation of the entire headquarters building will begin two weeks from
now. The work will take place one floor at a time, starting on the fifth and moving downward. Each

floor is scheduled to take one week to finish. I’ve discussed this with the team leaders, and a solution
has been reached for dealing with workspace concerns during this time.
While your floor is being renovated, space will be made available for you in the conference rooms on
the third floor. When it comes time to renovate the third floor, employees who normally work there
will be redistributed throughout the rest of the building. We are hoping this will not present any
problems since there are only a dozen employees who permanently work on that floor. Those staff
members are asked to wait for further instructions from their team leader.
I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this situation may create over the coming weeks. I am
confident that we can all work together to make the process go as smoothly as possible. If you have
any further queries, please contact your team leaders.
Thank you,
Angela Romanov

162. Why was the memo written?
A. To arrange a meeting about future renovations
B. To discuss recent employee complaints
C. To remind employees about some renewal work
D. To ask for suggestions about a redevelopment project
163. What is indicated about the building?
A. It is a five-story structure.
B. It will be demolished next year.
C. It is three decades old.
D. It has one conference room on each floor.
164. What are the employees on the third floor asked to do?
A. Report their concerns to the renovation crew leader
B. Assist with presentations in the conference room

C. Expect forthcoming details from their supervisor

D. Distribute copies of the office manager’s instructions

Question 165-167 refer to the following Web page.
Welcome to Lunch on Demand, where the food is both on demand and in demand!
From August 8, you won’t need to wait in long lines anymore to get your food. Simply browse Lunch
on Demand’s current menu, place an order, and pay on our Web site.
We’ll give you a confirmation number and the time that your food will be ready. Turn up at our
location at the time we provide, tell us your number, and we’ll give you back a box of the tastiest,
healthiest food you’ll find anywhere downtown.
Our menu changes on a weekly basis but always includes the dishes listed below:
SOUPS - We combine the freshest vegetables, beans or lentils for protein, and nutritious rice noodles
to fill you up until dinner. Perfect for vegetarians.
PANINIS - Only the finest wholemeal bread is used to make our great variety of toasted sandwiches.
Served with sweet potato fries.
steWS AND CURRIES - If you’re looking for something more substantial, our stews and curries are
perfect! They come with rice or bread on the side.
SALADS - For those who are health-conscious, we combine crisp and crunchy greens and other
vegetables with our special low-fat salad dressings.
Throughout August, we are giving our registered customers a $10 coupon for every new customer they
encourage to sign up. Click here for details.

165. What is given to customers when they place an order?
A. A payment receipt
B. A time to pick up a purchase
C. An estimated delivery fee
D. An updated menu
166. How can customers qualify to receive a coupon?
A. By placing a minimum order
B. By getting others to join a Web site

C. By registering before a deadline
D. By ordering food from a specific location

167. What is NOT indicated about Lunch on Demand?
A. It is suitable for those who don’t eat meat.
B. It alters its menu every week.
C. It can customize all its menu items.
D. It serves accompaniments with some dishes.

Questions 168-171 refer to the following text-message chain.
Helen Coulter
[July 15, 9:54 A.M.]
I hope you are all having a good break. l just heard back from the producer of Timelight this
morning, and they would like to extend Kitchen Belle’s catering contract for another two years. The
studio has renewed the TV series. Shall we keep the same schedule as last year, or would you like to
switch times?
Elaine Painter
[July 15, 10:00 A.M.]
That’s great news! It will guarantee the business a steady income. | know Henry Lincoln usually does
breakfast, but as long as he doesn’t have a problem with it, can I take the morning shift instead of
lunch this time?
Graham Fulton
[July 15, 10:04 A.M.]
It’s fine by him. He’s with me now and just told me so, Elaine. He’d actually prefer midday. As for
me, I want to stick with the breakfast shift. Will there be any extra evening shoots this year?
Helen Coulter
[July 15, 10:05 A.M.]
So Elaine and Graham can do the 7:30-11:00 shift, and Henry and I will do 11:30-3:30. There will be

some evening shifts for extra pay, but none that will end past midnight. In addition, the show will
also be filmed outside the studio this season, so we’ll have to make adjustments. Anyway, we can
discuss that issue when we return from vacation next week.
Elaine Painter
Will the number of cast and crew be the same?

[July 15, 10:07 A.M.]

Graham Fulton
It sounds like more work than last year.

[July 15, 10:07 A.M.]

Helen Coulter
[July 15, 10:08 A.M.]
Yes, Elaine. There will be a total of 88 to feed rather than 67. And Graham, I think it will be more
work. But they are paying us more, so I think we can afford to hire a couple of food preparation

168. At 10:04 a.m., what does Mr. Fulton most likely mean when he writes, “It’s fine by him”?
A. He suggests Ms. Painter trade shifts with a coworker.
B. His schedule change must be approved by Ms. Coulter.

C. He is also interested in working during breakfast hours.
D. His coworker finds Ms. Painter’s request acceptable.
169. When will Mr. Lincoln start his regular shifts next season?
A. At 7:30 A.M.
B. At 11:00 A.M.

C. At 11:30 A.M.
D. At 3:30 P.M.
170. What is implied about Timelight?
A. It will occasionally have production work at night.
B. It reduced the size of its staff.
C. It will film all scenes in a television studio.
D. It will premiere on television next year.
171. What will happen next week at Kitchen Belle?
A. A list of crew members will be finalized.
B. A couple of new assistants will be hired.
C. Some team members will return from a holiday.
D. Some executives will be stopping by for a meeting.

Questions 172-175 refer to the following memo.

To: All advertising department staff
From: Eleanor Danes, director of advertising
As you may know, our department will be divided into two. Starting from the beginning of next
month, all staff involved in online advertising will have their own office space located on the
second floor, and the division will be called the “online promotions department." Remaining staff
will stay in the current space on the third floor, and the division will continue to be called the
“advertising department.”
On February 27 and 28. movers will be relocating office furniture and equipment. All staff
members working in online promotions are asked to clear their desks of all items and put them in
the plastic crates that will be provided on Friday, February 26. When you arrive at the office on
March 1, signs listing assigned workspaces will be placed by the department’s main doors.
The split will also affect the workspace locations of some staff remaining on the third floor.

Employees who are members of the teams headed by Timothy Wendell, Sinead Barry, and Gina
Jong will be moved to different desks. Plastic containers for storing belongings will also be
provided to these employees Please have your belongings packed by February 26 as well.
Thanks for your cooperation.

172. What is the main purpose of the memo?
A. To announce a series of promotions
B. To remind staff about policy changes
C. To provide relocation instructions to staff
D. To introduce new employees
173. What will happen by March 1?
A. New equipment will be delivered.
B. Workspace assignments will be posted.
C. An office will close temporarily,
D. Workers will complete renovations.
174. What is true about the advertising department?
A. One of its teams will be transferred to the marketing department.
B. Its employees on the third floor will take a day off on February 26.
C. It will be split up into two groups that will work on different floors.
D. One of its staff members will become the manager of online promotions.


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