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Thì hiện tại đơn simple past

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Present Simple
(Thì hiện tại đơn)
A) Choose the correct option.
1. I eat / eats vegetables everyday.
2. You rarely drink / drinks coke.
3. Pamela like / likes strawberries.
4. Richard and Paul like / likes watermelon
5. Peter adore / adores chicken
6. Susan never have / has breakfast.
B) Fill in with the Present Simple of the verbs given.
1. Harry___________(eat) an ice-cream a day.
2. Violet___________(hate) garlic.
3. They ___________(eat) soup regularly.
4. Children usually _______(like) bread.
5. Daniel_________(enjoy) eating pizza.
6. I always__________(eat) lunch at home.
7. We usually_________(drink) milk for breakfast.

A) Fill in with don’t or doesn’t.
1. Mark___________like salad
2. Bella___________eat watermelon.

3. Mark and I ______________drink tea.
4. My mother_____________drink wine.
5. David and Pjilip____________like peas.
6. I ______________eat noodle.
B) Reweite the sentences in th negative.
1. I eat oranges
2. Kate likes butter

3. Julia and Susan drink much water

A) Fill in with Do or Does.
1. _______you like salad?
2. _______Paul like peas?
3. _______they eat cereal?
4. _______Charles drink juice?
5. _______your cat drink milk?
6. _______Sally like cheese?
B) Reweite the sentences in th interrogative.
1. They play soccer
2. Sally and Alan have dinner
3. My sister gets up at 6 oc’lock

4. I go to school at 6:30 everyday
C) Rewrite the answer
1. Does Holly like banana?
2. Do you like eating yogurt?
3. Does your young brother play football?
4. Do your Mom like beef?

5. Do Mike and Susan go to school at 6:00?
