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Part Speaking Tiếng Anh

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- Điều đầu tiên, CLB tiếng Anh – HEC rất vui và cảm ơn các bạn đã
làm theo chỉ dẫn của CLB và ủng hộ cho bộ đề ôn tập của CLB, CLB
mong các bạn sẽ ôn tập thật tốt, đạt được kết quả tốt đúng với ý muốn
của mình khơng chỉ riêng với bộ môn tiếng Anh này mà là tất cả
những môn thi sắp tới !
- CLB mong các bạn xem bộ đề ôn tập này như là những ví dụ để các
bạn có thêm ý tưởng, giúp cho bài speaking của mình chở nên phong
phú hơn, CLB KHƠNG KHUYẾN KHÍCH các bạn học thuộc bộ đề
này !!
- Lưu ý thêm với các bạn là khi vào phòng thi nói hãy cố gắng tận
dụng hết 5p của mình chuẩn bị bài thật tốt, và tập nói, TRONG
haven’t touch this topic yet so I won’t promise I’ll give you my best
answer (em xin phép là em chưa ôn đề này nên em khơng dám chắc là
em sẽ có thể trả lời cơ 1 cách tốt nhất) và bắt đầu nói 1 cách chung
chung nhất về topic đấy !!
Topic 1: Talk about the most interesting place you have been to. You
should say: where this place is why you went there what you did there
explain why you thought this place was interesting.
Well, this topic instantly makes me think about Hoi An which is for sure on top
of my list as one of the most beautiful cities in Vietnam. Hoi An Old Town is
located in Quang Nam Province - in central Vietnam, which is an exceptionally
well-preserved example of a South East Asian trading port dating from the 1st

to the 19th century. Since then, it has been successful in preserving and
restoring its charming roots and has been declared as UNESCO Heritage
Site. I had a whale of a time visiting Hoi An with my best friends on a beautiful
summer day a couple of years ago. It was actually a part of our trip to Da
Nang. I would describe Hoi An in 2 words “graceful and charming”. You know
unlike the huge sprawling metropolis of Hanoi or HCM City, the whole town is
filled with single-storey buildings with beautiful timber framed, painted mango
yellow roofs looking like pagodas. Some notable heritage buildings that attract
us are a Japanese-designed bridge, merchant houses and assembly halls several
centuries ago. I believe those distinctive features clearly show Chinese,
Japanese and French colonial which really make Hoi An become such a tranquil
place.You can literally get a sense of history because tradition is still very much
alive in this tiny town.I would highly recommend anyone should put Hoi An in
your must-visit list because simply, it is a beautifully preserved historical
town and deserves to be one of Asia’s most memorable destinations.

Topic 2: Describe your dream home You should say: where it is what kind
of accommodation it is what it will look like inside explain why you think it
is your dream home.
My dream house is a cottage not far from the sea. On the ground-floor, there are
four rooms. The first room is my livingroom, which has a white sofa, a black
armchair and a cofee table. There are lots of paintings and trinkets as well.
There is also a lamp, French windows with a view of the garden, a television set
and a phone in the livingroom. My dream house has a fully-equiped kitchen,
including a fridge and a door to the garden. There is a bathroom with a shower
and toilet. There is also a study room where I keep my desk and computer. On
the first floor, there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. In my bedroom, there
is a wardrobe; a bed, of course; a bedside table; many pictures of me; and a
television set. There is a balcony with a view of the sea. My house is really

beautiful and spacious. It's big and expensive, but in my dream, I am rich. In the
garden, there are a lot of fruit trees. There is a patio in front of the house from
which I can see the driveway and front gate. The walls of the house are white,
which I chose because it is pure and fresh, and I love it. And all of the windows
have blinds.

Topic 3: Describe people in your family members using comparisons. You
should compare: their appearance their personality their lifestyle what you
like best about them in general and why
My mom is my best friend and I have many similarities with her. She is a
perfect housewife here in Viet Nam. She is the example of how a woman can be
perseverant in the present days. She is highly tolerant and cares for everyone in
the family. Though I did not have the similar physique; I have similarity with
her in terms of characteristics. I love to entertain guests and never get rude with
the other family members like my mom. We also have similarities in nature –
both of us love to help people.

Topic 4: Talk about a problem in your student life.
Do you ever have any problem with your student life?
Of course, I do. At university, I have experienced some problems that are quite
common and specific to life as a student.
And homesick is one of them, Starting university for the first time is a big step.
For some students, this is an exciting and stimulating time, but for me and the
others it is not so easy.
I meet my parents, my sis, my bro so much. Feelings of being alone, like I do not
exist, I do not belong to this place. I was thinking about leaving the University.
My parents said: “My darling, keeping busy and making friends are very
important. Go along that interests you”. And then, I found others there who share
my interests, so I can get chatting easily.

Thence, I realize that Living and studying at a new town isn’t a problem, it can
be a great opportunity to learn about experience culture and make more new

Topic 5: What are your plans and intensions for the next 10 years?
Well, thank for your question,
Actually, I’m not sure what I’ll be doing for the next 10 years – it’s a really long
time. But I hope to have advanced as much as possible and I want to be working
for a big company like FPT, Vin Group,…. It’s my dream. I think it is not my
own dream, like all others, to work in a big company means that I will be working
in a professional environment with the best remuneration.
To achieve this goal, I always try to study well as well as try to practice, work as
much as possible. First of all, I will complete the following objectives
- complete English certificate, computer literacy, ..
- Learn more soft skills courses
- Register to be a trainee.
- get the Univerity graduation certificate
- and then find a position that suits my specialty in those companies to try.

Topic 6: Your friend wants to visit Vietnam, recommend him/her some
places he/she should go.

My country - Vietnam is a small country situated on the Indochina Peninsula.
Located in the southwest region of Asia. It is also a very tourist-friendly nation.
If you like a peacefull adventureous countryside, you should go for Sapa, it a
beautiful place with lovely people. In other hand, I highly recommend you
should visit Ho Chi Minh city, It’s a city at the South off Vietnam. HCM city is
a busy lively city, the citizen are friendly and kind. You might like Notre-Dame

Basilica, it’s a religious structure built by the French, the view it’s breathtaking.

What I love most is Ho Chi Minh City Zoo. You’ll have a delightful experience
when visit it with your family, the zoo houses with many Asian animals like
elephants, monkeys, hippos, tigers… Furthermore, if you have a very big
appetite, then HCM city is absolute appropriate. This city has a high reputation
of street food with a lots of food stall and plenties type of food. Also when
you’re tired of getting around, enjoying the air of the city at the pavement cafe
is not a bad idea. HCM might not a city with a slow life style, however you’ll
have a whale of a time with your family or even alone here in HCM city.

You are going to spend holiday in a foreign country. What are you going to
do before and during your holiday?
I am planning to spend some quality time in Hong Kong where I intend to spend
the summer holidays with my friend. This is my first trip to this country. I will
leave at the end of June and stay in Hong Kong for around 2 week. I must bring
my clothes for sure, my sun glasses. Can’t forget my mini camera for capturing
amazing memories. My passport, ticket also I must be more be careful since I
almost lost my passport the last time I travel alone. I’ll stay at my friend house,
she will be my Hong Kong tour guide. I will come to the city's markets, try
snacks that highlight its eclectic dining options. I will take a walk through Wan
Chai, an area famous for its fascinating mix of ancient tradition and
contemporary architecture. I heard that Hong Kong is a pretty country with
great architectures. And it’s prettier at night, since the dark rises, the lights set
and it’ll like sparks everywhere. I’d love to try a tasting of puffy egg waffles
with milk tea, both are Hong Kong’s favorites. Last but not least, the place
where I love to visit since I was a kid- Disneyland. I will enjoy learning the
county’s cultures and experiencing Hong Kong’s life style.

Topic 8: Describe the house/ flat that you live in.

My home is located in Thanh Cong street. I live in a lovely large house with 5
floors. As you enter you will see an elegant cream living room with a large dark
red sofa. At the right is the dinning room. Adjacent to our munching area is a
healthy kitchen that is conveniently open one. There is a elevator next to the
kitchen. My mother’s bed room is on the 2nd floor with a bathroom. On the 3rd
floor is my fancy warm bedroom, the bathroom at the rightoff my door, my
brother’s bedroom is at the opposite from mine. The 4th floor is where a extra
room and a room where we place our extra clothes, a running machine, and my
large bookshelf. The highest floor is where the laundry happens, where we dry
our clothes. The entire house is painted in a light cream tint bringing in the
required brightness and airiness. I mostly spend my time in my bedroom at the
balcony where I watch the sky and take in all the positive thoughts, or on the 4th
floor with my books. Joseph. C. Neal used to say ‘Heart is where home is’, I
love the quote, home not just a place where you sleep but also a place where
you relax and for most of all feel safe.

Topic 9: You are going to do an English course in Britain for one year.
Talk about your plan for the course.
I am going to do an English course in Britain for one year. At present, I have
some plans for the course.
Firstly, I am going to learn to English hardly, I will concentrate on listening and
speaking skill. Because I think when I live in Britain I need have to be good at

Secondly, I need prepare money for the course. I can ask for money from my

parents or I try to earn money more. I will get my mind ready to save money.
And I will learn the way to stand on my own feet.
Thirdly, I will find out about the culture of Britain, I will learn from the British
and the film, I think do that I will fall in line with the life in Britain quickly.
Finally, I will go to a lot of place in Britain to visit and eat the special food
because the course is the short time, I will take full advantage of that time, I will
try to learn and discover many things in Britain.

Topic 10: If a foreigner wants to visit VietNam, give him/her some tips
about how to behave: when meeting, greeting people and going to a
If a foreigner wants to visit Viet Nam I can give her some tips for meeting,
greeting people and going to a wedding.
- When you meet someone, you should greet them, such as: “ with a asking
them is “where are you going” or “ what are you doing”…. Or greeting
them with a smile or greeting them with a shaking hands.
- When you go to a wedding:
+ For gift: You should give them a gift with a good wish. Normally in Viet
Nam, people go to a wedding, they often give a some money, if only being
close, they can give some money and a meaning gift with a best wish
+ For clothes: you should dress politely and that clothes with the bright
colors such as: “ red, yellow, blue, green, pink,…” you should not wear the
black clothes or you should not show a lot of cleanage, it is not polite in Viet
+ For communication: You go to a wedding, you should greet people with
the shaking hands or with a smile. You can sing a song to give the bride and
groom, it is very happy.

+ For eating: you will be guided and ordered by a member of the family, you

should eat moderately and before you start my meal, you have to offer
people in dinner table. You can drink a cup of wine with the bride and
groom to wish them.

Topic 11: Describe a family member you a closest to
About a family member whom I closest to, it’s gonna be my little sister. She’s
13 years old and she’s teenager now I would say. We do a lot of things together
like playing video games together. We both like the game called PUBG so we
spend most of the time playing that game and see who is the best. She’s
somehow very suits me, it’s hard to explain. She’s understand me as much as I
understand her. I think she’s easy to talk with, she’s an easy person and she’s a
nice kid. Overall she is the person whom I closest too.

Topic 12: Describe a character from a story/film/TV program

I going to describe Iron Man also known as Tony Stark from a movie called
Iron Man produced by Marvel Studios, he is also appeared on a lot of movies
which is also produced by Marvel Studios, he is one of my favorite character, I
first saw him on a movie that I mentioned earlier, the Iron Man. In the movie
Mr Tony Stark is a manager of the Stark Industries, an Industries which mainly
focus (chủ yếu) on producing weapons. So in a movie, he’s a genius; he’s
created an armored suit that can make him fly, make him stronger and that suit
has a ton of guns and missiles in it and that suit is the reason why he called
himself an Iron Man, I remember at the end of the movie when he’s having a
press conference (buổi họp báo), someone asked him “who is Iron Man” and he
said “I am Iron Man” that is one of my favorite part of the movie, he is looks so

cool in that part. I love him not only because he’s a genius and a rich person but
also because of his personality(tính cách), he’s always being himself, he’s

always appear in confidence and he’s a funny person too.

Topic 13: Talk about a foreign culture that you are interested in.

Korean culture is a foreign culture that I am interested in. It may not sound very
familiar to the other people. Korean culture attracts me with its entertainment
world, people’s friendly attitudes, natural beauties, food and many other
reasons. I would like to tell you about how my interest to Korean started. One
day when I arrived at university my best friend started to mention drama she
watched the day before. She suggested me to watch it too. So did I. After that, I
couldn’t stop watching that drama. Actually, there are difference between my
country and the Korean culture. For example, Korean’s traditional attire is
Hanbok and tradition attire of Vietnam is Ao Dai. There are many reasons why
I like Korean culture. I hope I will have a chance to visit there.

Topic 14: Describe an interesting tradition in Vietnam.

Tet is the time for tradition. Making traditional Vietnamese cake- Banh Chung,
Banh Chung is a Vietnamese tradition which started from 18th Hung Vuong
King. On the 28th- 29th of Tet holiday , Vietnamese family often gather and
make Banh Chung. They are made of sticky rice, pork and mung beans and
wrapped leaves. It’s quite challenge to make these traditional cakes so the
makers must be very skillful to be able to wrap these cakes beautifully and
tightly. Nowadays, there are not many families making Banh Chung anymore,
but everyone still eats it. Eating Banh Chung will bring you unforgettable taste.

Topic 15: Compare your life now to when you were five years ago.

As a person gets older, I become more serious and busier. If I compare my life

now to when I was five years ago, I would find some differences in my life
style. When I was five years old, I lived in Thai Binh city and studied at
Kindergarten. I didn’t have to work because my parents supported me. I went to
school everyday and spent time with my friends. On the other hand, now I live
in Hanoi and I’m not at Kindergarten. I am studying at Hanoi University of
Home Affair.I have to work now in order to support myself. I have to take
responsibility for myself now and everything that I do. I have a lot of major
goals now. For instance, I want to graduate and get a bachelor’s degree. I
understand that in some ways I remained the same, but I feel that in many other
ways I changed to good.

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