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Processing contract
1. Commodity
2. Quantity
3. Price

Unit price, delivery term, payment currency
USD 5/pc FOB Cat Lai port, Incoterms 2020

Total amount (in figures & in words)

Processor 's obligations

4. Quality

Sample (master sample, counter sample)

Technical stipulation

Inspection from Processee 's representatives

5. Payment

Currency (<>price)



Docs (kinds, issuer, originals, copies)

6. Shipment




Notice of shipment:
liner charter

7. Packing & marking
8. Material & accessories

Supply method

Kinds: material for goods và material for packing




consumption rate

wastage allowance

Shipment (time, place, partial/transshipment, notice of shipment, shipping docs)

handling methods
● (Supply method) Party A accepted to supply free of charge on basis of CIF Sai Gon
port (Incoterms 2010) all fabrics and accessories to Party B on which Party B
organizes production to Party A’s requirement in quantity, quality and shipment time
as follows:

Say: US Dollars one hundred and eighty four thousand
● (Consumption rate và wastage allowance) 3% of material and 3% of accessories
shall be added to consumption rate for production wastage allowances.
● (Time) Party A will supply fabric, material and accessories to Party B after 15 days
signing date this contract.
● Partial shipment: Not allowed
● Transshipment: Not allowed
● (Notice of shipment) Party A will advise to Party B via fax/email the details of
material and accessories shipment within a day of shipping date.
● (Shipping docs) Shipping documents of fabric and accessories include:

- Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate.
- Full set original clean on board Bill of lading marked “Freight prepaid”.
- Certificate of origin.
- Packing list in triplicate.
Shipping documents shall be sent to Party B within 3 days after shipping date.
● (Handling methods)
Any expense happened due to late documents from Party A shall be on Party A account.
Upon unloading of material and accessories in Party B warehouse, representatives of
both parties will check the quantity and quality of all items delivered to Party B and will
jointly establish a control report which will be sent to Party A within 7 days following
the arrival of materials, accessories delivered by Party A.
If the control report does not mention any differences between the quantity and quality
of the materials received by Party B and the one that has been delivered by Party A,
Party B shall be deemed to have accepted the goods delivered and no reclamation shall
be accepted.
Should there be any delay in the delivery by Party A of the materials and accessories and
if this delay either has prevented the production to begin or has terminated the
production, the delivery time will be increased of the same delay.

As for the extra material and accessories after liquidation of the contract, both parties
agree to transfer to the next contract upon request of Party A that be returned to the place
of origin, to bear all responsibilities for any tax, or, to carry out of cancel of them in right
of stipulation.
9. Machinery & equipment

Transfer method (lease, lend)

kinds, quantity, quality, value, consumption rate, wastage allowances rate => appendix

shipment (time, place of material delivery, inspection, notice of shipment, partial
shipment or total shipment, shipping documents)

obligation to instal M&E

Processee 's obligation to guide/train Processor workers to operate M&E

Obligation to fix problems when M&E are bronken down/supply replacing spare parts

Handling methods
In the implement of this contract, Party A agrees to lend to Party B some of machines
and equipment for processing products. Appendixes of machine and equipment have to
be agreed by both parties and which also keeps on the policies of Vietnam Government.
At the expiry day of the contract, all the machines & equipment will be taking over to
the next contract or other factories or Party B agrees to return all machines and
equipment to Party A result in failing to continue production.

Party A supplies all replacing spare parts of machine in order to keep the production line
operation. The expenses of installing machine are in Party A account.

10. Technical stipulation, sample, inspection
- All technical details and designs as for sample submitted by the Party B, signed and sealed
by both parties No 08/19 date April 1st 2019, each party keeps one. The sample is a part not
separate from this contract.
- Party A shall provide Party B with all technical conditions and appropriated documents
such as master samples, paper patterns, consumption rates, size specifications and
assortments, color cards…
- Party B undertakes to respect the quality required by Party A and to base the production on
the samples approved by both parties and according to the technical know-how of Party A.
- Quality inspection will be controlled by Vinacontrol and Inspection certificate made by
Vinacontrol shall be final. In the event quality production is below the quality level which
was agreed by both parties at the time of the agreement, and, if Party B remains in default to
remedy the default within 15 days of their noting, Party A shall have the right to terminate
the agreement, all damages incurred in respection of the default.

11. Training

Quantity of employees

Training quality

Type, time, place of training

Training cost

12. Label/Trademark

Processee is the owner

Processee authorizes Processor to use

Processee 's obligation to solve claims from 3rd party (if any)
Ex: Party A undertakes that Party A is the owner of the labels under this contract. Party
A authorizes Party B to use these labels for production of the order under this contract.
Party A guarantees that will take all responsibilities for all disputes, if there are, arising
for the labels under international and local law.

13. Insurance
14. Penalty
15. Force majeure
16. Arbitration
17. (Claims)
18. General condition
Expiry of the contract to Dec 31, 2019

By signing this contract previous correspondence and negotiation connected
herewith shall be null and void.
This contract is made in Ho Chi Minh City- Viet Nam, in 06 English originals, 03
for each party of equal value. This contract comes into effect from signing date, any
amendment and additional clause to these conditions shall be valid only if made in written
form by telex or fax and confirmed by both parties.

Complete equipment import contract
1. Definition (A, B, C… alphabet)
2. Object of the contract

Product line:
Quality: function, capacity, origin, status: new/old, age… details => Appendix

Services supplied by the Seller


Self-contained plant for the mixing, homogenizing, pasteurizing and cooling of 300
liter/hour of ice cream mix and equipped with all other equipment which form a full
complete production line.


The machines and equipment of this production line must be brand new, most advanced,
produced in 2015 in Italy and equipped with full accessories and shall be used for producing
small cups, crimped cones ice cream, stick novelties and bulk ice cream.


The specification and quantity of the individual machines and equipment are as per the
attached Appendix No 01 of this contract.


The service of the Seller‘s supervisor and the training of the Buyer ‘s personnel are stated in
Article 13
3. Price

Contract value (in figures, in words)

Breakdown price:
Production line value
Installation fee
Training fee

Value of single machines, equipment is showed in Appendix…

Ex: The price of the equipment specified in App. No1 including supervisor fees in Vietnam and
training fees of 03 Buyer‘s people for 04 weeks in Italy is:
USD 800,000 CIF Cat Lai port (Incoterms 2010)
Saying: United States Dollars eight hundred thousand only, including spare parts for two running
years after guarantee period.
4. Payment




Docs (kinds, issuer, originals, copies)

5. Shipment

Time of delivery: within 140 days or 20 weeks after the Seller‘s receipt of down
payment in Denmark

Loading port: port of Denmark

Unloading port: Cat Lai port, SR Vietnam

Partial shipment: not allowed

6. Parking and making
● Marking
Receiver: ABC company
- Contract No.:
- Loading port:
- Unloading port: Cat Lai port
- Net/gross weight: - Dimension: long x wide x height
- Container No/No.
- Sender:

Packing: in containers with packing lists enclosed:

a) According to the international sea transport
b) All the goods shall be packed in adequate packing which are suitable for the sea transport.
The packing has to guarantee the safety of long term transport protected against the rust
occurred by sea water, humidity, rain and others. Before the goods to be put in the packing,
all protection measures against rust such as oil and crease applying, polyethylene wrapping
shall be done in order to protect them of damage or rust during the transport period.

c) All packing material shall be made of new material.
d) The Seller shall be responsible for any damage or breaking of the good due to inadequate
packing and due to rust arising from untouchable protection through crease applying.
e) Spare parts shall be packed separately with marking “spare parts”, individual kind of
spare part shall be packed separately in each package and be marked with goods name,
quantity and specification No. of them. The marking has to be written clearly in paint in
English on two wall sides and top side of package and size of which may not smaller than
5cm for wood package and 10cm for container.
● Within 72 hours after loading, the Seller has to send the Buyer the documents consisting 1/3
original B/L, copy of commercial invoice, packing list and certificate of origin by DHL to
the consignee address:
- ABC Company
- Address :---------------------------------------------

- Tel------------- Fax---------------● Within 48 hours after the departure date of the goods carrying vessel, the Seller has to
inform the Buyer by fax/email the following information: the name of vessel, B/L number,
12 B/L date, the departure date of vessel and ETA at Cat Lai, contract number, commodity,
value, quantity, gross/net weight, size of package, total cubature.
7. Inspection




10. Erection Installation
Main obligations are conducted by Acceptance

Nomination: The Seller shall send 1 expert who is skilled, has may experiences, speaks
English and is in good health condition to Vietnam


Duties: In order to train the Buyer‘s personals as well as to supervise the assembling,
operating commissioning and handling over the ice cream production line, moreover the
Seller has responsible for insurance of his expert during the service period of him at the site
and in Vietnam. Besides the foreign expert, the Seller should send a Vietnamese technician
to the site in order to take part jointly to the installation, commissioning and handling over
of the ice cream production line.


Erection & Test run: The Buyer shall supply skilled workers, normal workers, technical
personnel, basic tools equipment, electricity, water, air, and another medium according to
Appendix No. 3 to serve the installation.


Time: The staying period of the expert shall last from beginning of installation to signing the
commissioning certificate. The Buyer shall bear all fees for the local transport, boarding and

lodging of the foreign expert at the medium condition during his staying period in Vietnam.
Working hours of experts in Vietnam: 8 hours per day and 6 days per week.

Commissioning & Performance test: date
Commissioning: Buyer’s preparation for material, workers => Acceptance => case /Acceptance cert
Performance test: Is successful => cert of completion => Acceptance
Is not successful => The Seller is responsible for any defect due to material or bad workmanship
revealed within the period of guarantee.

Technology Transfer Agreement
1. Definitions (định nghĩa)
2. Scope of the contract

Transferor’s obligation

Transferee’s obligation

3. Territory & Exclusivity

Place to use products: The Transferee has the right to use technology and
manufacture products in Vietnam
Place to sell/produce products: The Transferee has the right to sell products in
Vietnam and in the world.

Transferee’s right to transfer to 3rd parties or not: The Transferee has :notthe right to
transfer the technology to the third parties.

4. Technology transfer

Kind of transfer right: product/software/service/….

Technical doc: The technical indices and data, specifications, drawings, processes,
technical and quality standards,

Know-how, Erection, Test Run, Commissioning,

Performance Test operation and maintenance for the production line, as well as
manufacture of the Products, to be provided by the Transferor as listed in Appendix .

Training: training rendered by the Transferor

Tech support: Transferor provide to Transferee necessary technical instructions with
respect to Know-How to assist Transferee in using the product/ productline/
software/ service/…..

Certificate of readiness of commercial production (acceptance)

5. Price

1st method, 2nd method-> the same as CEIC

6. Payment

By L/C or by other

Time for payment

Payment method

Bank which do payment when both parties sign.

7. Shipment

Shipment method

Which incoterms contract use

The party’s obligation to hire transportation

The date of shipping


8. Packing and making
9. Effectiveness of the agreement

Tech: The Transferee has the right to use technology and manufacture products in

Encouraged: The Transferee shall forthwith notify the Bank of any action, injunction,
claim for damages or other claim which is or may be made by a third party asserting that
the Software infringes such third party’s Intellectual Property Rights. The Transferor
shall exert its best efforts to resolve such dispute. The Transferee shall comply with the

instructions of the Bank and cooperate with the Transferor in such dispute with a third

Limited: Just the Transferor and the Transferee can access/use/sell this product without
any appearance of any 3rd party.

Prohibited: Transferee shall not grant the right to use, assign, sell, buy, or lease the
Software to any third party, or create security interest over the Software for the benefit of
any third party.

10. Improvement & Innovations

Transferor’s obligation to inform I&I to Transferee:
+ If Technical Data provided byTransferor to Transferee does not fit with the plant
condition of Transferee, Transferor is obliged to make modification and
improvement on Technical Data.
+ Transferor shall provide, on a gratuitous basis, to Transferee any modified and
improved Technical Data in respect of the Know-How. The Transferor shall in such
case keep the Transferee informed of these modifications within sufficient time in

Transferee’s right to improve & innovate & obligation to inform I&I to Transferor:
Transferee has the property rights on any technology, which is derived from

modification and improvement by Transferee on the Know-How.

11. Erection – Installation – Test run
12. Guarantee & warranty
13. Environmental protection & Harmful effects
The Transferorcommitsto inform fully andclearlyto the Transfereeallinformationabout the
consequences ofthe use oftechnologyon the environment, Moreover, as soon as having
new information, the Transferorwillsend this informationfully and clearly to the Transferee.
14. Patent right

Transferor is the owner

In case of violation transferor should get a license/ modify/ substitute/ take back

Transferee’s obligation to inform claims from 3rd party to Transferor

Transferor’s obligation to solve claims & pay relating fees

15. Confidential relationship
Both parties shall treat as confidential all specifications, drawings, blue prints,
nomenclatures, software, models and any other information supplied by each other,

unless prior written consent to divulge the same has been obtained. This shall not apply
24to information that has rightfully become public knowledge and to the record of supply of
the Transferor which serves the Transferor to promote its sales activities worldwide.The
Transferee shall ensure that its employees shall undertake in writing upon terms to be
approved by the Transferor not to disclose to any person firm or company any of the
information which such employees may receive in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement or relating to the Know-how.
16. Force majeure
17. Taxes, levies and fees
18. Performance security
The Transferor shall within 10 calendar days of the Agreement signing, lodge performance
security covering 10% total Agreement price.
Performance security will be returned to the Transferor within 30 days from the date of
expiration of Warranty period.
The Security shall be issued by a well know state own bank in Vietnam or a foreign
bank‘s branch in Vietnam approved by the Transferee by way of an unconditional
bank guarantee in a form acceptance to the Transferee, which security notwithstanding
anything herein contained shall be available to the Transferee on demand.All cost in
respect of such guarantees shall be to the account of the Transferor and the Transferor shall
indemnify and keep indemnified the Transferee from against such cost.
19. Termination of the agreement
20. Deduction from Transferor’s money
21. Arbitration
22. No assignment


- Wrong procedure, policy changing



- There is no need to apply for an export license for common


- For goods subject to special management, restricted goods, or


conditional export, it is necessary to apply for a permit from a
- T/T in advance, careless L/C checking

competent agency in accordance with the law.
- Get to know your business partner carefully

- Unbelievable Issuing bank

- Consult the bank about the partner's business history
- Clearly stipulate the penalty clause in the foreign trade contract
if the contract is not performed




- Both parties deposit at the bank

steps of payment

- Request the bank's tools such as: Standby Letter of Credit,
Performance bond, Bank guarantee... Request to open L/C at
reputable, well-known banks
-The named confirming bank or the geographical bank of the
- Quantity, quality, lack of product sources.

bank issuing the L/C in the exporting country
- Sourcing with a stable and reputable source of goods.

(3) Sourcing goods for - Changing price of material

- Should clearly stipulate in the commercial contract about the


Penalty clause about how if one party violates the contract, how

(4) Packing & marking

to handle it.
- Wrong, unsuitable => affect quantity, quality, being - Both parties must have clear regulations on packaging and


- Specify the type of packaging, the quality of the packaging,
etc... The label on the package must match the type of goods
- Make clearly specify who is responsible in the implementation
- Quantity, quality (Careless)

process as well as reasonable compensation when errors occur.
- Read carefully, buy and prepare goods according to the

- Fail to meet buyer ‘s standard

requirements of the contract.
- Hire an independent third party to inspect the goods before




they are shipped.

shipment inspection

- Send samples to the importer to inspect the goods for
themselves and determine if the quality is acceptable before

shipping any orders.

(6) Reserving shipping

- Unbelievable carriers

- Amendment of L/C if necessary.
- Gain the right to actively charter ships.

- Changing freight

- Designate a well-known shipping company, especially should
charter ships from companies with representative offices in the


importing country.
- Wrong doc vs L/C

- Buy cargo insurance
- Clearly stipulate the contents of the L/C and the necessary

(7) Getting goods insured - Late (after vessel departure date)

documents, revise until the two parties agree.

(8) Making documents

- Consider a reasonable time to open L/C
- Request the parties to specifically mention both the content and

- Mistakes/difficult docs/late presentation

form of the document in the contract.
- Provide information, only accept documents from reputable
supply or certified agencies.

- The bill of lading is not made by the importer but in the name
of the shipping company, so the importer needs to check and
promptly compare the information on the bill of lading and the
ship's schedule to verify the authenticity.
- The importer requires the exporter to send 1/3 of the original
- FOB price

bill of lading directly.
- Quality control and careful follow-up procedures throughout

- Lack of cont./bad quality cont Late/Traffic jam => the delivery process.

(9) Dispatching goods

closing time Broken down (=> port of loading)

- Use the services of professional, highly specialized transport

- Wrong port of container drop off

and logistics companies.

- Vessel delay

- Buy cargo insurance. Some insurance companies also provide

- Risk during transit, loading, discharging => cover for losses due to delays and malfunctions in exporting
quantity, quality


- Importer refuses to receive goods due to quality, - Communicate with the importer to discuss every detail of the

(10) Obtaining Customs

(11) Receiving payment


order delays and give them an estimate of when to expect their

- Web stuck

- The customs declarant must be careful, carefully check the

- Wrong HS, data declared => red flow => waste time information in the documents about the errors mentioned above,
& cost

and notify the relevant parties for timely adjustment before

- Forget to liquid the customs declaration, fill in log making the customs declaration.
- Has not yet paid, delay, lack of payment value

L/C, penalty, bank guaranty, check partner financial situation

- Exchange rate
(12) Claiming or solving - Can not reach mutual solving solution => sue

- Carefully drafted in the content of the contract terms


- Clearly define the selection of arbitrators and regulations or

related issues right from the negotiation stage
- Attention to the issue of Dispute Settlement Terms from the
round of negotiations
=> Enterprises need to understand the possibility of uncertainties, risks and the origin of uncertainties and risks in each work of organizing the
implementation of import-export contracts. From there, it is necessary to take measures to prevent and limit these uncertainties and risks by:
- Draft and sign contracts closely, avoiding loopholes.
- Organizing the implementation of scientific contracts.
- Firmly grasp the laws, guidelines, policies and regulations of the state on export.
- Train a team of dynamic, creative, good professionals, foreign trade professionals, good at foreign languages.
- Wrong procedure, policy changing


- It is important to know the goods with or without an import
permit. Where a permit is required, the importer should




arrange it as soon as possible. Stay active.


- Read instructional texts, refer to recent texts, and the
experiences of others. Then preparation of documents can be

(2) Taking initial steps of - T/T in advance, careless L/C checking

carried out before officially dealing with foreign partners.
- Get to know your business partner carefully


- Consult the bank about the partner's business history

- Unbelievable Issuing bank

- Clearly stipulate the penalty clause in the foreign trade

contract if the contract is not performed
- Both parties deposit at the bank
- Request the bank's tools such as: Standby Letter of Credit,
Performance bond, Bank guarantee... Request to open L/C at
reputable, well-known banks

-The named confirming bank or the geographical bank of the

(3) Reserving shipping

- Unbelievable carriers

bank issuing the L/C in the exporting country
- Gain the right to actively charter ships.

- Changing freight

- Designate a well-known shipping company, especially should
charter ships from companies with representative offices in the


importing country.
- Wrong doc vs L/C

(4) Getting goods insured - Late (after vessel departure date)
- Mistakes/difficult docs/late presentation

- Buy cargo insurance

- Clearly stipulate the contents of the L/C and the necessary
documents, revise until the two parties agree.
- Consider a reasonable time to open L/C
- Request the parties to specifically mention both the content
and form of the document in the contract.
- Provide information, only accept documents from reputable
supply or certified agencies.
- The bill of lading is not made by the importer but in the name

(5) Checking documents

of the shipping company, so the importer needs to check and
promptly compare the information on the bill of lading and the
ship's schedule to verify the authenticity.
- The importer requires the exporter to send 1/3 of the original
- Web stuck

(6) Obtaining Customs

bill of lading directly.
- The customs declarant must be careful, carefully check the

- Wrong HS, data declared => red flow => waste time information in the documents about the errors mentioned
& cost

above, and notify the relevant parties for timely adjustment

- Forget to liquid the customs declaration, fill in log before making the customs declaration.

- Late shipment, no shipment b/c of increased price

- Use the services of professional, highly specialized transport

- Wrong HS

and logistics companies.
- Carefully check the information of the documents before the

(7) Taking delivery of

goods are delivered.


- Buy cargo insurance. Some insurance companies also provide
cover for losses due to delays and malfunctions in exporting



- lack of quantity, quality

-The contract clearly stipulates the quantity, quality, marking,

- wrong packing & marking

packing of goods.


- Stipulate penalty conditions when receiving unsatisfactory


- Choose a guarantor bank to solve the problem.
- Can not reach mutual solving solution => sue

- Clearly define the selection of arbitrators and regulations or

(9) Claiming or solving

related issues right from the negotiation stage


(10) Making payment

- Carefully drafted in the content of the contract terms

- Attention to the issue of Dispute Settlement Terms from the
- T/T in advance, careless L/C checking

round of negotiations
- Get to know your business partner carefully

- Unbelievable Issuing bank

- Consult the bank about the partner's business history
- Clearly stipulate the penalty clause in the foreign trade
contract if the contract is not performed
- Both parties deposit at the bank
- Request the bank's tools such as: Standby Letter of Credit,
Performance bond, Bank guarantee... Request to open L/C at

reputable, well-known banks
-The named confirming bank or the geographical bank of the
bank issuing the L/C in the exporting country
=> Making a clear contract, penalty, payment %...after receiving products, bank guaranty.


How to get


Commercial Invoice
Exporter/ his agent
It is the basis for the seller to demand money from the buyer.
As the basis for customs tax calculation, insurance (if any)
It is the basis for the buyer to compare and track whether the seller's delivery is in accordance
with the contract.
If there is a bill of exchange in the set of documents, the invoice is the basis for checking the
amount on the bill of exchange.
When an invoice is accepted for payment by a buyer or a bank, it becomes an instrument to
finance import and export activities.
Name of the exporter, importer and consignee; description of goods.
It is a requisite for the invoice to be signed by an exporter or his agent.
Normally invoice is prepared first, and several documents are then prepared by deriving
information from the invoice.
Commercial invoices are usually made by the seller according to the seller's own form.
Packing list
- Name and address of the seller.
- Buyer's name and address.
- Invoice number.
- Order number of parcels.
- Packaging method.
- Type of goods, quantity of goods packed in each package, net weight, gross weight of each
bag/carton/box/box/type of goods....and net weight, tare weight of the whole shipment , the
volume of the whole shipment.
A consolidated statement
Its informative and itemize the material in each individual package, such as a drum, box or
It is very useful document for customs time of examination and for the warehouse keeper of

How to

the buyer to maintain a record of inventory and to effext delivery.
The packing slip is usually placed in the outer package so that the buyer can easily find it for
easy counting. The packing slip is also sent with the payment documents according to the
provisions of the contract or L/C.
Lệnh giao hàng (Delivery Order – D/O)


How to

Carrier/ agent
A document in exchange for:
- One or all duly endorsed original bill(s) of Lading or duly authorized issued Bank
- A telex release confirmation from the loading port or principal confirming surrender of
one or all Original bills of lading issued for the shipment
- A copy of a Sea waybill issued releasing the cargo to the legal consignee mentioned in
the bill of lading
Only with this delivery order the consignee can clear the cargo with customs and take delivery
of the cargo from the port or terminal or depot or wherever it is stored.
Request the port/cargo management department to transfer the lien to the consignee.
D/O is delivered after the consignee presents a valid bill of lading and pays the costs related to

transportation such as freight, overdue container storage fees (if any)...
Equipment Intercharge Receipt – EIR

How to

Issued by the port's sales office or Depot in for container forwarding services at the port.
To transfer a cargo from one vessel to another or to a shipping terminal.
Includes the container number, vessel/ voyage code, stacking position and stowage position.
A doc required signed by the port ( the port’s warehouse ) with leader ship.
Show that the forwarder has paid all the service fees used at
port, to take the container out of the port or bring the container into the port.




How to

Phytosanitary certificate
A plant protection organization of the exporting contry
Phytosanitary certificates are used to attest that consignments meet the requirements of

phytosanitary importation and are applicable to most plants, plant products, and objects
subject to phytosanitary control. other in international trade. Plant censorship certification
contributes to plant protection,
includes wild plants and trees/unmanaged plants and wild plants (including aquatic plants),
habitats and ecosystems in importing countries. Phytosanitary certificates also facilitate
international trade in plants, plant products,
and other plant censored objects by providing an agreed international document and related
• Shipper’s (Exporter’s) company name, address and contact details
• Consignee’s company name, address and contact details
• Place of origin
• Country of final destination
• Means of conveyance (road, rail, air, sea)
• Declared point of entry
• Import permit number
• Details of products included in the shipment – including shipping marks and container
numbers, number and description of packages, product name, quantity, botanical name,
commodity code and total mass.
• Company statement, example
• Treatment details including – date, treatment type, chemical, concentration, duration &
temperature plus any additional information or declarations
• An authorized officer from the governing authority will sign and stamp the certificate
Phytosanitary certificates are issued to indicate that consignments of plants, plant products or
other regulated articles meet specific import phytosanitary requirements and are consistent
with the declaration. confirmation of the certificate of conformity. Phytosanitary certificates
should only be issued for this purpose.
The importer of goods requires a phytosanitary certificate to get the products cleared through


customs before the shipments arrives into port. The shipper of the goods must contact their
country’s relevant department and apply for the certificate. Usually applicants must first be
registered with the department before applying for the relevant certificate. The exporter’s
facility may have to be inspected by an authorized officer to ensure that it complies with strict
hygiene standards to be eligible for export
Bill of Lading


- A receipt from the carrier confirming that they receive the goods for carriage
- It’s an evidence of the contract of carriage of goods between the shipper and the carrier
- A document is confirmed by ownership of goods. The holder of the original and named as
the consignee in the bill of lading has the right to receive the goods at the port of destination
and has the right to sell the goods by transfer of the B/L


The front side of the B/L includes the following contents:
+ The title of bill : Bill of lading/Ocean bill of lading/Marine bill of lading/Port to port bill of
lading/Through bill of lading...
+ Bill of lading number
+ Name, logo, address, phone, fax of the shipping company.
+ Name, address, phone, fax of the consignee
+ Name, logo, address, phone, fax of the consignee.
+ Name, logo, address, telephone, fax of the notified party
+ Place to receive goods for transportation, place to return goods
+ Name of port of loading, port of discharge

+ Train name, train number
+ Number of copies of the original bill of lading
+ Commodity information: code, name, quantity, weight, volume...
+ Charge status (prepaid/postpaid)
+ Signature of bill of lading issuer
Bill of Lading is a transport document and an evidence of the contract of carriage by sea. It
also acknowledges that the carrier has received cargo for shipment or cargo has been shipped


How to

on board.
Each carrier (shipping line) has its own form of bill of lading

Airway Bill



The air waybill serves many functions, including:
- Evidence of receipt of goods by an airline
- Contact information among all parties
- Contract of carriage between shipper and carrier

- Freight bill
- Customs declaration
- Description of the goods
- Guide for handling and delivering goods
- Tracking of shipment
• Name of the ship/carrier,
• Name and address of the shipper.
• Name and address of the consignee,
• Port of departure and destination,
• Particular marks necessary for identification of goods,
• Description of goods (General description),
• Packing and Container description,
• Indication of Full Container Load (FCL) or Less C
• Transit places (where applicable),
• Pre- paid freight or freight collect clauses,
Date and signature of the issuing carrier or his agent and Declaration that the Warsaw Rules
(the provisions in the 1929 Warsaw Convention), as amended, apply to limit the carrier's
liability for loss of goods or damage to the goods.
IATA defines an air waybill as a document made out by or on behalf of the shipper which
evidences the contract between the shipper and the carriers for carriage of goods over routes

How to

of the carrier(s).
The AWB is not a document of title and is therefore not negotiable like a bill of lading (order
type). After the consignor delivers the goods to the carrier and completes the export customs
procedures, the carrier will issue an air waybill.

Certificate of Origin (C/O)

Exporter, Authorized chamber representative
For importers: C/O helps importers enjoy preferential import tax, helping the amount of tax
reduced when there is c / O is very large. In fact, many importers use a lot of tricks in business
to get the origin of goods from a country that enjoys preferential import tax incentives,
especially in the case of trilateral trade.
For the XK: C/O does not help exporters benefit from taxes. Only a handful of governments
require C/O for exports. At this time, C/O carries the meaning of statistics on the quantity of
exported goods. However, in the case of DDP sales...
For the State: C/O supports the government in implementing the anti-dumping, subsidies,
trade statistics, maintaining the quota system, avoiding tariff fraud ... or serve the
government's procurement activities in accordance with the provisions of that country's law
and international law.


How to

Name & address of the buyer, the seller ; name of goods, quantity, weight, marking , the
goods owner’s statement & the Chamber of Commerce’s authentication on the origin of the
A Certificate of Origin (CO) is an important international trade document that certifies that
goods in a particular export shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured or
processed in a particular country. They declare the ‘nationality’ of the product and also serve
as a declaration by the exporter to satisfy customs or trade requirements.
Depending upon which country one is exporting to and whether preferential tariff rates are


available when exporting to certain countries, one has to approach different agencies to
procure a Certificate of Origin. The list of qualified agencies is given in the Hand Book
Procedures Vol.1. For procuring a non-preferential Certificate of Origin, one must approach
any agency that has been listed under Appendix 4C of the Hand Book Procedures Vol.1. For
preferential Certificate of Origin, one must approach agencies listed under appendix 4A of the
Hand Book Procedures Vol.1.
They must submit the following documents when applying for a Certificate of Origin:
• A cover letter for the issue of Certificate of Origin.
• Details of the product that is being exported (amount, origin etc.).
• Packing list in duplicate for the concerned invoice.
• One copy of the invoice with the following declaration: “We hereby declare that the
goods mentioned in this invoice are of Indian Origin and manufacture.”
• Nine copies of the Certificate of Origin.
• Fee that is applicable per certificate.
