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The 2021-22 Episcopal Colleges William Randolph Hearst
Service Learning Scholarship Application
Association of Episcopal Colleges
The Rev’d Canon James G. Callaway, D.D., General Secretary of the Colleges and Universities
of the Anglican Communion (CUAC) and the Association of Episcopal Colleges (AEC),
announces the 2021-22 Episcopal Colleges William Randolph Hearst Service Learning
Scholarships, sponsored by AEC in collaboration with the National Association of Episcopal
Schools (NAES). Up to two $10,000 scholarships will be awarded to Episcopal high school
seniors graduating in 2021 and matriculating at an Episcopal college.
To qualify, applicants must be outstanding Episcopal students at an NAES-member high
school, with a demonstrated experience in Service Learning and community service, and must
be planning to apply to one of these eight institutions:

Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges (Geneva, NY)
Kenyon College (Gambier, OH)
St. Augustine College (Chicago, IL)
St. Augustine’s University (Raleigh, NC)
The University of the South (Sewanee, TN)
Voorhees College (Denmark, SC)
Université d’Haiti (Port-au-Prince, Haiti, WI)

Background and Criteria

The Episcopal Church has a rich, vigorous tradition of supporting educational institutions, with
its Episcopal colleges complemented by over 1,200 Episcopal elementary and high schools
nationwide. Established in 1997 by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, these awards
emphasize learning through service supported by Episcopal schools and colleges and seek to
recognize students who have been active Episcopalians in their high school and/or home
Applicants must be able to demonstrate a strong record of Service Learning and community
service, along with academic achievement in their junior and senior years, outstanding
leadership, and a commitment to worship and community life in their school and home parish.

Scholarship Applications
Applications are to be submitted to the CUAC office and must include:
• an application cover letter
• a completed application form
• three letters of recommendation: from the head of the Episcopal high school the
applicant attends; from a faculty member who has taught the applicant or from
the school chaplain; and from the Rector or Priest-in-Charge of the applicant’s
home parish. Each letter must be given to the applicant in a sealed envelope,
signed by the submitter over the flap.
• a current transcript
The completed applications should be sent to:
Episcopal Colleges Scholarship Committee
Colleges & Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC)
815 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017-4594
Application Deadline
Applications must be postmarked by February 13th, 2021, for students entering college in fall
2021. Award decisions will be announced in late March 2021.
Scholarship Award Process

Applications will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the AEC. The General Secretary of
CUAC/AEC will inform each recipient of the scholarship and the school. Each scholarship
recipient must be accepted by and matriculate at the Episcopal college listed in her or his
application. Upon matriculation, a scholarship award will be prepared by the CUAC/AEC
office and made payable to the college for tuition or residence fees. In order to receive payment
in subsequent years, the college will be asked to send a letter each year to CUAC/AEC
confirming that the student remains enrolled, has made satisfactory academic progress, and is
in good standing.

2020-21 Episcopal Colleges-William Randolph Hearst
Service Learning Scholarship
The Association of Episcopal Colleges

Name: (first, middle, last)
Birth Date:

Preferred Pronouns:      

Social Security #      

Student I.D. #


Home Address: (City, State, Zip)

Telephone (Home):      


Name of Parents or Guardian:
Address: (City, State, Zip)
Name of Episcopal High School:
Address: (City State Zip)
Dates of attendance and expected date of graduation:
Other schools attended? (Names and addresses)
Describe various ways that you have been involved in SERVICE LEARNING and community service
(attach additional sheet[s] if necessary for this or any answer).

How have you participated in the worship and community life of your SCHOOL?
Describe various ways that you have been involved in the worship and community life of your PARISH
Other extracurricular activities, offices, awards, and recognitions:

Memberships in community organizations (e.g., Scouts, 4-H, etc.):
Employment and volunteer history (summers and part-time):
The Episcopal College (s) to which you are applying for admission:
Home Episcopal Parish:     


Name and Address of the Rector/Parish Priest who provided a Reference:

Name and Address of Episcopal School Principal or Head who provided a Reference:

Name and Address of Episcopal School Faculty Member who has taught you, OR Episcopal School
Chaplain, who provided a Reference:

What are your educational and professional goals at present?


1. A cover letter from the applicant to the Scholarship Committee.
2. A recent photo (3” x 5” or larger) that may be used by the Association of Episcopal
Colleges for publication.
3. Official high school transcript sent directly to:
Episcopal Colleges Scholarship Committee
Association of Episcopal Colleges/CUAC
815 Second Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel 212-716-6149
4. Sealed recommendation letters with the submitter’s signature over the flap: from the
head of the applicant’s school; from the student’s home parish rector; and from either the
school chaplain or one of the faculty who has taught the applicant. One additional letter
may be added.
Note: The Scholarship Committee may contact your Rector/Parish Priest, the Episcopal
School Principal/Head, and the Faculty Member or Chaplain whom you have
identified as References.
I, as the scholarship applicant, certify that the enclosed information is correct to the best
of my knowledge.
I hereby grant permission to release this information, including the required attachments, to
the Scholarship Selection Committee.
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Date: ___________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________
(Parent/guardian co-sign if applicant is under 21)

Date: ___________________
