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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 152

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Mythos Items and Artifacts

to any potion or alchemical concoction stored in its


bladders, which are protected by a thick layer of inert

Weight 2 lbs. Price 7,500 gp; Craft (alchemy) DC 35


This dark, evil liquor must be kept in strong, heavily

The creature can be trained to listen to subvocalized

armored iron bottles to retain its potency. When

commands, recognize keywords, or respond to slight

drunk, it changes the drinker's alignment one step

taps on the outside of the teapot. It is not intelligent

closer to evil. Class abilities based on alignment change

or sentient, but it is able to follow these simple orders.

to match (unless the new alignment results in losing

Thus, the user can pour regular tea into the cups of

the ability altogether due to incompatible alignment).

everyone at the table except the chosen target, who gets

If the drinker is evil before drinking it, the drinker's

tea plus a dose of poison. The user doesn’t even need to

soul will be destroyed upon death and the drinker's

hold the teapot, so long as he can drum his fingers on

corpse will arise as a Mythos undead. The drinker can

the table, tap his knife against a glass, hum something,

negate all these effects with a successful DC 15 Will

or otherwise signal the teapot’s inhabitant. The deadly

save upon drinking.

applications of this device make it highly useful for
those who wish to dispose of or incapacitate another
person in a formal setting.


Weight —; Price varies; Craft (alchemy) DC equals save
DC + 5

Another of the creature's bladders contains its food

Metamorphic venom is an alchemical weapon

supply, which typically lasts for decades. When the

developed by serpentfolk that changes its effect

food runs out, even then the creature does not die, but

cyclically. Many variations exist and serpentfolk

simply goes inert until it is fed again. The teapot can be

alchemists readily invent more as needed. Venom

opened through secret levers and latches to insert food.

might be smeared on a weapon or placed on the tip

Tcho-Tcho usually give the creature several scoops of

of the user’s gloved finger. Most metamorphic venoms

human brain matter, but any high-energy fatty protein

have a 3- to 7-stage cycle. The venom changes color

will do.

and odor between stages, so the user can know which

The teapot does not produce its own poison. Any

effect is active. The venom changes stages rather than

ingredients the user wishes to dispense must be added

being used up when a creature is exposed to it or it has

to it.

its non-poison effect. Each exposure to a different stage

Weight —; Price 1,650 gp; Craft (alchemy) DC 21

This venom is milked straight from the god. It is
generally smeared on weapons. It has no effect if
Poison—injury; save Fort DC 21; frequency 1/
round for 6 rounds; effect paralyzed for 7 days; cure 2

of the same metamorphic venom functions as exposure
to a different poison, with separate effects and saving
throws. Non-poison stages do not allow Fortitude saves

and simply take effect once rather than continuously.
Non-poison stages can affect creatures that are immune
to poison and potentially even objects. The venom is
exhausted once the final stage has been used.
M E TA M O R P H I C V E N O M : I G N I T I O N

Price 360 gp; Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC 13
Poison Frequency 1/round for 2 rounds

‘‘ First Stage (transparent): 1d2 Dex damage

