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Mythos Items and Artifacts

the following round. The milk is a curse and a poison,
so either neutralize poison or remove curse can end its
effects before the transformation is complete; selenine
(page 151) does so automatically. After complete
transformation, only a miracle or wish can undo the

Weight 1/2 lb.; Price 2,500 gp; Craft (alchemy) DC 30

Created using secret reagents, the black liquid composing
a formless spawn's body can dissolve anything—even
glass. It can only be housed in a specially prepared
magical container. Upon contact with any object or
creature, it deals 7d6 points of acid damage each round

an alchemical bonus on Perception checks for 1d4

for 3 rounds, bypassing all hardness. A successful DC

hours. Eating the eye is a standard action that provokes

20 Reflex save reduces the damage by half and allows

attacks of opportunity. A humanoid eye grants a +6

the victim to drop the acid in the same space, where it

bonus. The eye of a keen-eyed animal such as a bird

deals damage to any creatures or objects it touches and

grants a +4 bonus. The eye of a weak-eyed animal such

the surface below for the rest of its duration. One dose

as a fish grants a +2 bonus.

can dissolve about 125 cubic feet of matter (a 5-foot
cube) before losing its properties.

Weight 1/2 lb.; Price 1,200 gp (hire a brewer for 1 year to
produce 1 serving) or 2,400 gp (preserved canister of 1
serving); Craft (alchemy) DC 30

Weight 1/2 lb.; Price 31,000 gp (proto-shoggoth) or 157,000
gp (shoggoth); Handle Animal DC 38 (proto-shoggoth)
or DC 48 (shoggoth)

This is a small blob of protoplasm which can be
manipulated by a user to control the actions of one

When drunk, this golden liquid renders you safe from

specific shoggoth from which the blob was taken.

all harm caused by being in outer space for 12 days.

Extracting a shoggoth twsha from a shoggoth requires

The subject need not eat, breathe, or drink for that

a successful Handle Animal check. The user must

time. Normally, space mead evanesces uselessly if not

maintain constant mental focus while clutching and

consumed within a few hours, but some alien brewers

controlling the blob with both hands. If the user falls

have learned to preserve sealed canisters of the stuff.

asleep or ceases concentrating, the shoggoth escapes

Weight —; Price 20 gp (fish eye), 80 gp (bird eye), 180 gp
(humanoid eye); Craft (alchemy) DC 15

the user's control and can act normally until its twsha
is used again. To use the shoggoth twsha, a successful
DC 33 Handle Animal is required every 10 minutes or

A small bottle of brine preserves this eye, chanted

the shoggoth is released (DC 23 for a proto-shoggoth).

over and pickled in special drugs and spices. Human

After 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration, a user

eyes are traditional and most effective, but other eyes

can attempt to bring a shoggoth back under control

are also useful. Whoever consumes the oculus gains

with a successful DC 38 Handle Animal check (DC 28

