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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 159

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One use of these machines is to plug them into

stimulus (anything with a Perception check DC of –5

brain cylinders (page 300), allowing captured entities

or lower to notice). A successful DC 10 Wisdom check

to view the world outside their cylinder. But the mi-

negates this condition. A natural 1 on the Wisdom

go can also perform a surgical operation on a living

check gives the nauseated condition for 1 round as well.

being, in effect creating a permanent “socket” on that

A sensory machine typically weighs 3 pounds and

person, where they can insert their machine’s cords.

must be held in hand, placed on a stable surface, or

This operation requires materials worth 125 gp and 1

built into a brain cylinder's apparatus to be useful.

hour of effort for the mi-go.

Added senses fall into three broad categories:

The sockets are typically metal-rimmed holes in the
recipient's body. The fungi recommend that these holes



Price 3,000 gp

be filled with wooden or ceramic plugs when not in use

This machine grants one sense of human quality:

to avoid gathering dust or lint.

vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste, temperature sense

Any sensory machine can be plugged into any

and pain, or possibly more obscure senses. For example,

socket. Plugging a sensory machine into a character’s

a blind person could plug in a vision machine and then

socket is a standard action that requires either a willing

be able to see through the machine (which they may

or helpless target or a successful attack roll. Unplugging

have to carry around). A sighted person could plug in

a sensory machine is a move action. Characters

a vision machine to effectively see through two sets of

receiving input from more sensory organs than they

eyes. The second machine could even be placed some

are accustomed to risk being sickened by the sensation

distance from the subject (with a long cord) to grant a

for 1d10 rounds whenever they perceive a new strong

sort of closed-circuit camera system.
