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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 160

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Mythos Items and Artifacts


Price 100,000 gp (blindsight 40 ft.), 60,000 gp (blindsense
40 ft.), 40,000 gp (tremorsense 40 ft.), 12,000 gp (scent),
8,000 gp (darkvision)

Some senses are extensions beyond the normal, such as
the ability to hear subsonic or ultrasonic sound or the
power to see ultraviolet light or heat. One useful option
is the ability to sense pressure waves in the air with keen
awareness, much like a fish’s lateral line sense. While it
may take a period of adjustment, any human mind can
generally adapt to understanding an expanded sense in
1 day with a successful DC 20 Wisdom check.

Price 125,000 gp

Some aliens have senses that no earthly being is able
to process. When input from these senses is sent to
a humanoid brain, the result is severe shock to the
system. In a game using dread and sanity (page 89),
this generally functions as a disturbing discovery that


shakes a person’s sense of self to the core (–10 penalty on

One-handed Large ranged weapon
Price 10,000 gp; Proficiency exotic (firearm); Damage 1d8
per point of wielder's Intelligence bonus; Critical 19-20/
x2; Range 150 ft.; Weight 15 lbs.; Capacity 20 charges;
Usage 1 charge per point of wielder's Intelligence bonus

the Will save against dread). The more alien the sense,
the more horrifying and brutal the psychotic break
the victim suffers (and the higher the Will save DC).
The only way a human or similarly limited being can

Although designed as a one-handed weapon for the

eventually manage to handle a completely alien sense is

Large yithians, a yithian lightning gun can be wielded

to gain an insanity. At that point, the character is able

in two hands by a Medium creature. A Medium creature

to manage the alien sense (though madness may limit

suffers a –2 penalty on attack rolls with the lightning

its utility). Madness is no obstacle to the mi-go's use for

gun due to the weapon's oversized design. Firing the

such humans, and the fungi may well set them up as

gun is a full-round action. The effect of the weapon is

special sentries or guardians for their human contact

related to the wielder's Intelligence. A small lightning

“cult.” Extradimensional senses effectively grant the

bolt shoots from the gun when fired, hitting one target

benefits of true seeing and also allow seemingly random

up to 150 feet away. The wielder must make a ranged

glimpses into coterminous planes of existence such as

attack roll to hit the target; this is instead a ranged

the Astral Plane or the Shadow Plane.

touch attack if the target is wearing metal armor. The


Price 1,000 gp

This machine lets the user speak directly from it as if

yithian lightning gun deals 1d8 points of electricity
damage per point of the wielder's Intelligence bonus.
This weapon recharges 1d20 charges per day.

from a mouth.

