or religious quandaries. Learning more about these
story culminates in an awful conclusion, where the
entities should never become humdrum.
heroes meet not the elder things preserved in the ice,
An adventure centered on the Mythos should be put
but the dread things (shoggoths) that wiped out their
together in a style I call “layers of the onion.” The idea
species. This is the end of the story, but clearly it would
is that as the players uncover one layer of dark secrets,
be possible to extend it further.
they expose another. This goes on and on: just as when
an onion is peeled, successive strata appear.
investigate the shoggoth “civilization”, and find out
At first, the players may think that a scenario
that these amoeboid horrors are up to something (the
involves an evil cult-worshiping nobleman or a haunted
fourth layer of the onion). Since shoggoths are not
castle. But as they probe more deeply, you, the game
really movers and shakers, no doubt something even
master, can gradually show them the significance of
worse than shoggoths is directing their efforts. And for
this particular nobleman or haunted castle. As the
what purpose? The destruction of all surface life? The
players decide to find out more information, this leads
return of the star spawn? The formation of a gigantic
to other adventures.
device designed to break the continent free from the
In Lovecraft’s epic “At the Mountains of Madness,”
world’s surface and form a new moon? Who knows?
the characters uncover some odd fossils, excellently
The wheels within wheels keep turning, and the players
preserved and reminiscent of the ancient tales of the
can continue following the tale forever.
Old Ones. The hero and his companion go scouting
Alternatively, they could progress a certain way down
and find what seems to be a huge and complex rock
the stories, and then you, the game master, can switch
formation inside a glacier. When they return to the
to another storyline: a new civilization of nightmare
camp, everyone has been killed, and the “fossils” are
creatures; an ancient tome with unspeakable secrets;
missing. The heroes are horrified and decide to follow
something else altogether. String together Mythos
the trail which leaves camp, headed toward the ice-
concepts and bury the heroes deep in the darkness.
bound rocks. This all occurs in the first layer of the
The reason for this system of episodic revelation is
because horror, by its nature, is difficult to maintain
They probe deep into the rocks and find tunnels
for a prolonged period of time. This is why horror
under the ice which lead lower and lower. As they chase
movies typically have only short moments of terror,
after the tracks of whoever (or whatever) killed their
interspersed with sections (possibly ominous) in which
companions, they gradually come to realize that it is a
non-horror-based scenes take place. It is also why
true city, not just an unusual formation. Furthermore,
horror novels are never as consistently terrifying as
nonhumanoid entities, whose history is found in
short stories.
carvings on the walls, built the city millions of years
ago. This is the second layer of the onion.
Thus, each time a new layer of the onion is revealed
to your players, there is an opportunity for a new
As the heroes penetrate deeper, and come upon
shock, a new understanding. The players may wish
more and more horrors, they realize that the “fossils”
time to discuss the ramifications (you may or may not
are actual, living (albeit cryogenically-preserved) elder
allow this time, depending on the adventure’s needs),
things. The heroes follow the path anyway, and the
For instance, a gamemaster could have the heroes